You’re dying for us to take the password protection off of European Tribune, aren’t you?
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
You post a link we can’t access.
When will you take the lock of the doors?
what will it take to get you to check your gmail account?
Nothing in my gmail. No Americans aloud I guess.
mine is empty too!
Yeah, but that’s different. It’s because of your age.
Blue, my favorit color.
Can we sign up yet or do we have to wait?
you can post balloons.
We’ll be opening for the general public sometime Monday. Given the hour difference in Europe, it may be early on Monday in the states. But I don’t have an exact time yet.
I’ll wait for the official opening and this time I’ll bring cake to.
bright and early out here on the Port Side!
Just sent Sirocco an e-mail explaining how I figured it out on May 27 (incl. 2 of the 3 frontpagers).
In the mean time, maybe we could discuss a couple of points (or wait for the true introductory diary?):
Some thoughts:
Just a couple of issues I thought worthwile discussing.
We’ll be adding a button for EuroTrib right across the top here, so y’all can toggle back and forth, and even see the headlines from each respective site, w/o toggling.
It will be like once big park with two different ponds. I think you’ll find that some diaries you will want to post here, and some there. If you want to talk about Norwegian parliamentary politics, you might post there. If you want to talk about America’s role in the latest news, you might want to post here. Your choice.
Both sites will be about more than JUST American or European politics respectively. And this site will still have the ‘World’ recommended diary feature which involves everyone, not just Europeans.
That sounds great – I’m curious to check out the architecture.
Do you carry TU-status with you?
need mojo.
left out cold in the margins, neither American nor European.
Excellent question! What about Latin America?
This side of the Atlantic here, everyone else there?
Or are those that are neither fish nor fowl encouraged to post in both places?
Canada is a little of both. So, I guess, is Australia. I guess we’ll see where everyone feels at home.
for me to get a g-mail account? <teethy smile>
If you email me at I can send you an invitation to join.
more than one 4 to give. Thanks sgilman!
May you do me the same favour in the name of the French-American friendship (obsequious smile)
Of course.
Sure and if anyone else wants one you can email me at the address above.
Same here. send to my address if you need. yeesh i have tons left
I’ll send you an invite. Send me a note at my address and I will send it out.
I think it is terribly cruel and unfair to have a link that says read more… and then to be presented with a password dialog box. : )
“Blah Blah Blah, Eegee, we know about them already.” (MsAmericanPie, you should check us out at the Welcome Wagon)
nothing in my email yet either…HUM!!!! this will be quite interesting to say the least…bs I will bring the cheese and crakers…bs and a bottle of red, red wine…
me feel real fine. As an aside, I just realized that when you type ‘bs’ it’s not becaue you’re saying bullshit, but rather your initials. No need to change the tactic, I just found great amusement by it, no bs.
Here is the new frog:
NIce frog!! Spose licking is out of the question….
Its full name is Dendrobates azureus a.k.a. “Blue poison dart frog” Guess why?
Because he has a push-button transmission?
Didn’t Ramblers have those too? I remember driving an old one back in the early 70’s. You would push the button and it would tremble briefly and then lurch forward.
laughs! If kissing the frog doesn’t send you to heaven it will, at least, get you started?
Hey, I’m looking to start my own personal blog. What are some good free sites?
Hot damn….go away for four days and all hell is breaking loose…lol. What do I need to do to get signed up for ET?
You’ll be welcome on the other side of the pond, too…
Thanks, Boo, I’ll try to figure out how you did it, but a helping hand is welcome…
I can wait- cats are patient and then they POUNCE!