Update [2005-6-12 15:56:13 by BooMan]:User 1500 hasn’t signed in yet. But we have crossed the divide.
UID Nickname
1501 bluebear
It seems to be a long standing tradition here at Booman Tribune to have `getting to know you’ diaries.
I believe this began quite by accident when Booman himself posted a diary back in April asking the question Where Do You Live? Well, I wasn’t around back then, but browsing that thread now, I can tell you that it looked like a lot of fun (and some of the pictures are stunning).
This evolved over the following weeks and months into quasi-regular Tell Us diaries that were an opportunity for some of the original members (at diane101’s coaxing, it appears) to welcome newbies into the `family’ here.
One week ago today, there were 7 of these diaries documenting the growth of this community. Today, this diary will make #19 of them. (hey, I’m new here, don’t blame me for the discrepancy).
Needless to say, it has been an interesting week for everyone. Diane101, shirlstars, Oui, Man Eegee and others have worked some seriously long hours to ensure that everyone who chose to introduce themselves was greeted warmly and made to feel at home here in the pond. They did such of amazing job of making people feel comfortable that a number of newbies joined them in this series of diaries to help out with the rapidly escalating pace, and by Friday, Cake or Death, a new member here herself was posting and hosting #14. OK, some comedy ensued as we tried to work out um… technical glitches, but a lot of fun was had by all.
So, if you haven’t yet, please tell us a bit about yourself – I can’t necessarily explain why or how, but I have learned that this tradition has an awful lot to do with why this site works so well, and why this community is so solid.
*Oh, and please recommend this diary, and unrecommend #16 – it will save a lot of reminders later.
[editor’s note, by zander] – I’ve just learned that Mindmouth deserves credit for the original Tell Me about you diary – apologies.
And good job to you for doing this diary, I am so happy to see you have done this.
For a correction above, this whole thing started with ‘Mindmouth’s’, first diary on Tell Us. She didn’t show up for a long time, still hasn’t so I just picked it up when a lot of new members came in which were never in the numbers we have now..
Has anyone man or oui gone back and collected her diary on this.. I am sure man or oui will be on the job at once….lol I know how you guys are, I no sooner ask for something and then boom it’s there.
Can I say one more time how great everyone is and also send a big giant warm welcome to everyone, new and old.
Mindmouth – oops, I missed that. I’ll edit when one of them finds the goods – I wouldn’t even know where to begin looking…
It was really quiet last night, I had a great time revisiting some of this week and processing – and processing some more – very relaxing.
Diaries by – Mindmouth
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
You mean the search tools here actually work????
<apologies for my first and last rude and totally unnecessary comment of that nature>
Thanks for stepping up to the plate and playing a role in welcoming people, zander – that was awfully sweet of you.
I’d also like to jump into this thread to extend a very WARM WELCOME to all!
Oh yeah. . .and. . .(psssst) last but not least. . .
Before I forget, BT engages in new guy hazing, but the hazing is aimed at spiderleaf. We ask that each new member track down spiderleaf’s posts – kind of like an Easter egg hunt – and the new guy who gives spiderleaf the most 4s – and hands out the most Recommends to spiderleaf’s diaries – well that person will win a prize. You see, spiderleaf might be leaving soon, if we fail to shower on the attention – so fragile and sensitive is the psyche we’re dealing with. spiderleaf has mentioned plans of pulling a GBCW. And if that happens, I’d like to make sure those final days at BMT are filled with 4s and Recommended diaries.
What’s the prize for handing out the most 4s and Recommends? Well maybe then spiderleaf will stay. And our lives will be filled with joy. Yup, a whole big bundle of friggin’ spiderleaf joy. And life doesn’t get any better than that.
(This post does not necessarily represent the views of management. Carry on!)
Thanks Diane and Mindmouth and everyone else for their wonderful sight. I have been over on the Souths’ LillyPad getting aquainted with others. Thought I would jump in the middle of the pond to get a glimps of what is happening around the pond in general..Good to see mroe welcome wangoners here today. Got to get up tho and do some laundry or will have to do work in the buff tomorrow…which btw is against policy and all that stuff….bs
Will read a little and then go off to actually do some work for a change..bs Anyhow thanks for all of this you all will never know how refreshing this is to have and to be with you all…. ribbit….:o)
Man Eegee found out newbie Madhaus answered to this UID. Shouldn’t we kinda keep track of the newbies signing up – unless most are lining up in the bushes near the pond to wait for #1499 before leap-frogging into the pond all at once!
What a Big Splash that will be.
1488 – 89 – 90 … hold on now, not yet!
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
We want to get the party ready for the celebration, and now we have even more to celebrate, Bush is going down, we got the goods on him now!!!!!!
Bring food and drinks to the party and maybe some music, impossible you say, today anything seems possible.
And the honor of the mighty Chris Bowers checking in at 1492.
when it hits 1500 and you will come to this party won’t you, you and Susanhu are hereby invited to attend as honored guests.
No need to bring refreshments, just have a good time.
1500 – I’d forgotten. And this will be the party diary, with Booman and SusanHu as honored guests – and my diary is so lame. Can someone help me fix it? It’s not funny- the tone is off – help? please?
It’s fine! Don’t stress!!! π
I’m thinking that if I delete it quickly before anything happens in here – then someone could put up a better one – <hint> <nudge> <pleading>
Calm down dear one…..All is well and all is fine, Booman can go in and put something at the top or Susanhu can, so will just ask him when the time comes.
Booman is that correct, I am sure you would want to do that…
balloons and fireworks π
feel free to add, modify, edit, etc.
I’d be most grateful if you did.
Zander. . .You are making me laugh. . .not at you, but I can so relate to your feelings. Reminds me of the first diary I wrote at the other place. Never been so nervous in my life. And I have had occaison to speak off the cuff, or that other word: extemperaniously, to some fair sized groups of people, people who I hardly felt qualifed to call myself a peer. That was a piece of cake compared to posting that stupid diary.
Your position as a greeter is no different than our position as members. We all be equal here. No big thing about the celebration. We have plenty of folks here that will jump in with their amazing skills and throw confetti, pop open the champagne, lite the fireworks and all that. Not to worry, we got your back.
Take a dip in the Frog Pond, go for a walk, relax. All is well.
Yep – I’m freakin’ :~(
And fighting the urge to just keep reading it over and over again while engaging in copious amounts of self-criticism. You know, I warned Oui about handing this one to me… π
Could you greet maisie for me, by the way? I’m just choking on it. She thinks she’s shy.. sheesh…
how sweet you are!
You are doing just fine…
I thought you would be calm by now, just sit back, relax and we will help you.
Why don’t you just enjoy the party. What are you worried about any way, the party is already started and you are one great hostess. I love what you wrote in your diary, btw, you are just the sweetest thing, and I have read about 99% of your comments in the last few days and you are a greeter par excellance.
Just rememver this is all digital as I am fond of saying. Just a bunch of codes on the internet, the important part is the camaraderie we have here and that will go on just fine, me thinks.
Getting shakesperean here, stop me, before I drop off the deep end.
We have had these parties before, and they always turned out fine…..Hugs….
Once the crowd comes moving in and sipping the champagne, all the goodies being served at the festivities, no one will check dots or commas. Late in the evening, they will be lucky to still pronounce the words and recognize all visitors.
The contributions themselves will get some focus, the balloons, congrats and firework displays. Sit back and enjoy the crowd coming in and entertain.
Champagne on ice – Yes we’re ready!
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
User Antitheton!
and then…what happened???
a)there are 50 people strategically waiting for the next person before there is an avalanche of attempts at 1500.
b)there are 50 shy lurkers out there who really don’t want to be covered in confetti and doused in champagne.
Big Chief Boo make the announcement. But as a hint, I choose option ‘a’ π
zander, your diary’s great! And btw, I love the expressiveness of your posting style, the way you use those…well, what are they? Not emoticons exactly–but, well, you know what I mean: those things you put <in here>. π
Maverick Leftist
Slacker? You’re being thoughtful and supportive? Now there’s a sign of the Apocolypse! π
and I have …, … kind of bonded lately <sheepish>
It’s always nice to be the guy people have to be embarrassed to admit they like. ;-P
Maverick Leftist
Oh great – not another crush. . .and in the same thread as Shirlstar and Sven getting all googly over each other. Oh, the horror! π
Seriously, though–few who met me IRL would guess that I was anything but thoughtful and supportive (unless, I guess, they were a right winger who met me as part of a political action, in which case they’d report that I am very uncomfortable to be around). When people get to know me better, they learn that I’m opinionated and enjoy a good debate; but IRL it’s balanced by (I believe) a good-natured disposition that takes the edge off in a way that isn’t as easy to do online.
Online, I do think I go straight for the jugular without tempering things as much as perhaps I ought to. I’m going to try to work on that–which doesn’t mean, just to be clear, that I’m going to stop being contentious altogether! <g>
Maverick Leftist
Je suis content de te voir de retour dans de bonnes dispositions !
Merci…mais je serai toujour un ergoteur! J’essayerai a etre un ergoteur avec plus des sourires. π
Maverick Leftist
If I viewed you in a anything but a positive light I certainly wouldn’t waste my time “giving you the business” (TM – Wally Cleaver) The first thing you engaged in when we came on board was a conversation surrounding cooking. And in spite of the fact that I may strongly disagree with you on some issues of great importance to me – who cares? As I recall, you’ve only made a couple unnecessary comments, and otherwise you’ve been a gentleman. (Some of my best friends are hard core Republicans – but we listen to each other, and I respect their opinions and their passion.)
Yup, you’re probably the kind of person who would drop everything to help out a friend. All those friends who’d be embarrassed to admit as much. (So ya haven’t been foolin’ me, bucko π
And hey – I don’t recall a time when I haven’t had your back. (Gave you a 3 once, but it was actually in jest)
Slacker, I saw your post down thread which I see you all have gone wide in margins. lol..
So the old slacker is softening a bit, so nice to see that. I told them you had a heart.
Seriously slacker, it’s better this way is it not, to be a little kindler and gentler.
Hey are you celebrating with us today…
Welcome Wagon, Party and tell us #17
What do you think about just changing the title to this!
Hi, all. It’s nice to be here and read what you have to say.
I am a champion lurker, partly because I don’t have a lot of free time, partly because I’m rather shy. I found this place through dKos. I lurked over there off and on for about a year and a half and only registered a couple of weeks ago, just in time for, well, you know. I haven’t posted over there, nor am I likely to: among other things, it’s just too big (see previous statement about shyness).
I’m the managing editor of a smallish academic/professional journal, a Chicago suburbanite, and a Prius owner. My husband of 8.5 years is a good guy, and we’re raising our 2-year-old son to be a good guy. In the limited free time I have, I like to read, listen to music, and keep up on the latest doings of my favorite authors and bands, as well as the Chimp-in-Chief and his minions.
I slept a lot better before I started paying attention, but there’s so much at stake now that I can’t understand the apathy.
welcome dear one…I am sure you will find this place extra ordinarily good…Hope your shyness is gone soon so we have the benefit of your knowledge and love to share with us. Again welcome to the frog pond and Boomans hotspot….”shaking frog hand”
Maisie, welcome! I’m in the same boat re: lack of time and (especially) shyness. Not only did I never post at dKos, I never even rated! I’ve been here just about a week now and when I hit the post button on this it’ll be my ninth comment — just goes to show what a friendly environment can do. Please leap in when you have the time and feel at ease doing so.
I know, little one…it is a big leap…of faith that is..:o) I just want to say welcome and please be sure to comment as you see fit. I am sure as I can possible be, that you will contribute to this site… Again welcome….
I’m sorry that it’s taken me several hours to get over my own anxiety about this diary, and get over here to welcome you. I’ve very shy, but somehow got roped into posting this most recent welcome wagon… I showed up here a week ago hoping to be a ‘champion lurker’ myself – I have absolutely no idea what has happened in the meantime.
Thanks for mentioning that you’re from Chicago. Someone showed up yesterday asking about others in Chicago to absolutely no response. All of these Texans in here always seem to find each other – it just didn’t seem fair.
HEY! I resemble that remark! π
Welcome maise! I’ve only been here, um, a week? (less than I think…too lazy to go and look), but I have found it doesn’t matter — feel like I’ve been here all the time!
Don’t be shy about being shy (not that you were), but just know that whenever (a lot or a little) you post, some one will say something amazing (this has been my experience, at least)!!
Remember folks, keep the diary narrow, so it doesn;t get too hard to read. If you want to talk to someone else, just say Hey (whatever their name is) and post new comment rather than a reply when the thread gets too wide.
Keep pictures small too, folks, check preview before posting.
Have fun at the party.
Wecome wagon and community center here..
I’m trying to
be as narrow
minded as is
but I prefer
ok there you little tadpole..know what you can become if you try just a little, don’t you…:o)
I’m just
going to creep
a little bit over
towards the
other side. I
hope diane doesn’t
BTW Do we all have world wide webfeet in here?
I am laughing so
I can
barely type,
I am having
Thanks for
being such
a great
Still laughing my er….. head,
well, hon, as soon as you grow a little your WWW will show up….just let it go and grow….you will soon be wading off into the bigger pond from the shallow waters very soon….bs
Okay Sven, this is Shirl, the one you claim you don’t know. Love your humor, so now I have a blog crush on you, which is kinda weird, but . . . that’s how it goes on the internet(s)
Try not to me too “narrow minded.”
Oh darling – I am underwhelmed xxx
BTW should we tell diane that e.e.cummings made it ok to skip CAPS?
We don’t want Carpal Stress Syndrome rearing it’s ugly head in Santana.
We could tell her about e e cummings, but she’s from the same era I am, and somehow it just comes automatic to do the caps thing. It is harder for me not to do them than to do them so, I guess we will just struggle through.
Underwhelmed, indeed!
(I am worse than she, I have a problem with those of you who do no paragraph breaks. . .my eyes scream at me that something is wrong. . )
uid#14, so in the first 1% of the members. Who’d have thought that it would grow so quickly? I am still amazed! Booman and Susan must be doing something right!
Well, as I will have an even lower uid (#3) at our new place (European Tribune, opening tomorrow) and will be playing a big role over there, I thought it might make sense to introduce myself again:
Also, I’m 34, married with 3 kids, one of which is seriously ill. I’ve been writing a lot here, as well as over at dKos and at Moon of Alabama, my first port of call in the blogosphere, in the past several months, if you want to have an idea of my opinions. Go read this post for an example of what I actually do as a banker.
And the picture in the ad:
That’s actually the view from my window.
Jerome, is that the Leaning Tower of Eyeful over there?
tomorrow, to the new site. I want a low uid there, too, can you save me #10.
Give your son all the love of the froggies here
See you on the other side of the Atlantic as from tomorrow
….and will have to find the leaning tower of PIZZA…uuuuuuummmmmmmm hungry!!!!!!!
Here in Finland we have the Vodka Taxi π
<shivers> it’s this damn waiting and waiting for #1500.
It’s quiet out there, too quiet.
The natives are restless. Can’t you hear the drums, Carruthers?
It’s alright as long as they are drummng, Colonel.
But what happens when they stop, Carruthers?
<sob> There will be a bass solo <breaks down and weeps unocontrollably>
suppose you ahve a point on that one….I suppoe it is better than having to fiddle around to get someplace…:o) I like that Jazz too solo or not…bs vadka, huh? Amazing….
I remember the pic when you posted it on the Where do you Live diary, very very cool. I’m a fan of your diaries even though I don’t comment on them. Thanks for the economic perspectives on things.
OT-did you get my message in the nitpick section about the menu bar for user pages?
Not sure. The diary’s been deleted. Do you remember what it was? I think i took into account the comments I read, so it may all be moot, but let’s make sure. If it’s formatting sdtuff, you need to send that to andy.
to andy, it’s a formatting thing. Click on your user page and you’ll see what I’m talking about–the menu bar is pushing beyond the margin on the right side. Paz.
Just got 12 boats and 22 people away from the docks and out fishing.Do not ever think that you would like to own a small fishing lodge so that you could relax and fish.I am 44 male divorced. 55 miles by float plane is the nearest town and I am thankful every day for my satelite internet.
I spend a lot of time reading different blogs and this has got to be about the most welcoming.Thanks
Do you mind if I ask what hunk of the world you’re in? ’55 miles by float plane’ made me think of the far north (though it could be many places).
I’m planning a trip to the Yukon for next month, and have absolutely no idea what to expect or how to prepare. If you happen to be in Alaska… well, there might be a thing or two you could tell me about the mosquitoes….
I am in Northwest Ontario. Never been to the yukon but any camp owner will tell you what to bring. Two things to remember, get grayling on ice fast and mosquitos bite. Ok three, keep your boat clean of fish slime and the flies will not bother you. Enjoy the day
Oh…my father would do anything to be on one of your 12 boats right now..
I grew up in Ontario, but have never been further north than Marathon or Thunder Bay. I’m on the west coast now – couldn’t handle the winters at all.
Fish slime? Oh, I am so in for it….
I bid thee a good night – it’s past midnight.
Pax – enjoy your watch!
WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooTrib aka lost treasure of dKos
Oui! I suspect you will awaken to a fiesta tomorrow.
..for everything, Oui. You’ve been very good to me today.
See ya’ later.
That’s where my mom’s life partner lives (she lives in Duluth, and they go back and forth). Well, actually he’s 30km outside of TB, in South Gillies if you’ve ever heard of that (probably not, LOL). He recently retired from his position as professor of civil engineering at Lakehead University.
Maverick Leftist
I noticed somewhere around here lately that you have a sister in Vancouver – my current home. Alan, after my first encounter with you – well… I’ve already told you my feelings about that. Thanks for making it really easy to get over that and learn to like you these past few days. Some weird shit happening in here lately, you know?
Oh, cool…I don’t think I caught that you lived in Vancouver! Are you going to be around in August? π
Maverick Leftist
Hey, wait a minute. Am I to understand that you went ahead and misbehaved with zander the other night after you promised to be good?
we may have decided not to hate each other – and look what happened…. <lordy>
Alan – it depends on how the trip to the Yukon plays out, I don’t have solid dates for it yet.
welcome kind sir…might I be brave enough if you like fishing in frog ponds? Just wondering….:o) Anyhow, welcome…no do not like fishing…
Someone recently posted instructions for posting photos properly. Would anyone mind linbking to that comment or reposting? I have a dog show photo I would like to share. My original intro lives on #16.
Hopefully I can make this intelligble. HTML can be a bear to explain.
1. First you have to host your pic online, I use Image Shack (http://www.imageshack.us). Once you upload your pic, Image Shack will give you a URL (weblink) to paste here.
2. Here at BooTrib, you will need to type the following in your comment:
<img src="http://www.yourImageShacklink.com">
Replace the URL I put there with the one you got from Image Shack, click on Preview and see if that worked. Make sure you have the commas in place. Hope that helps, can’t wait to see that pic of yours!
Hi there – I’ll just quote diane101 from the last diary – I always mess up instructions so badly.
It will put the whole complete code in for the pic and no need to add any code by hand, you just copy and paste to comments.
Second I did this diary on computers and I am sure someone gave more detailed instructions if you want to go there and check that out.
and Jerome a Paris
The file will then appear on your file list as an hyperlink.
you can then post it simply by using:
< img src=” (the url of the uploaded file – a boomantribune.com address) ” > (witouh the spaces)
That’s it. avoid files bigger than 20 kb, and add width=”400″ before closing the html tag if it’s too wide for the site.
(and then I’ll hope that someone pops in here to make this a little clearer)
while I was away. I missed you guys and I am happy to be back home and at the pond. Welcome to all the new Tribe members. I can already see the welcoming committe has made you all feel right at home. I will leave it at that but boy I have alot of reading and catching up to do. Have a good night y’all and save some confetti for me!
Glad to have you back! It’s been an amazing weekend. The diaries are flowing, the discussion is great, and we are gearing up for a party with the 1500 mark. Hope the wedding was good. Paz
Thanks Egee…posted about it on western thread. All went well but sure is good to be home. This place is really rocking and its gonna take a couple days to catch up. I love the energy here. Must unpack. See you all later!
1 5 0 1
UID Nickname
1501 bluebear
We surely have enough celebrating going on to celebrat 1501, bluebear too!!!!!
to MsAmericanPie in the open thread, you should all check her info out. π
USER # 1500
Cheers! Salute!
(which open thread? link?)
Maybe he mean illusion :)….I couldn’t find it, either.
vague and cryptic (at the time)
I think you and MannyG are sitting too close to the champagne buckets. . .
I see nothing
not quite tipsy – yet…
Duh. . . .somedays I really am that dense.
Please tell me that’s it’s just a funky coincidence about the name. <weirded-out>
I didn’t even catch that. I’m sure it’s a coincidence (and what a one, eh? something to laugh over).
You guys are doing such a great (and necessary) job, major kudos to you.
My first thought was – if MsAmericanPie shows up at this party with the video – heads are gonna’ roll.
Oh man, I’m dying here… this is just too funny. Very ironic. And just imagine if poor Booman had done a big front page announcement at the number… it’s probably for the best that the party was kept ‘in-house”.
Of course, I’m sure she’s a very nice person, and is probably a baker. She’ll have lots of recipes! And no videos! (But it’s still hilarious, lol. Timing is everything, as they say.)
Nanette – would it be creepy if I just followed you around here for a while to soak up your optimism and good nature? You won me over with that sow/silver lining line – but now I know I’m a fan…
I forgot about the sow thing, lol. I should make that my sig line ;).
And sure, although I mostly just wander around trying to drop hopefully coherent comments in commentless diaries. But now I must run off to make the logo for my new fan club… ;). Thanks though, and I’m a fan of yours as well, very impressed with how you just jumped right in there and started greeting people, after you got over being shy… which took a about 5 minutes, but was worth the wait!
And now I’m off to do some stuff and head for bed. Early wakeup, sigh. ‘Night π
are two of my specialties. π
when it took 2 minutes for the page to load – first time that had happened. Love this!
just waiting for the proper moment to introduce myself. My hard disk died (though a recovery CD to format my new hard disk is in the mail), which will set me back about a week.
I’ve got to say, though, that I absolutely love the warm and welcoming spirit at this site. Thanks, all of you!
welcome Alan…stay and enjoy the celebration…..post when and where you can and enjoy the company of others…
You’ve certainly found a good time to introduce yourself. There are a bunch of people hanging out in here celebrating – not a bad party to have wandered into. As you may have noticed – champagne!!!
Sorry about the drive failure – I have a fried drive sitting on my bookshelf as a gentle reminder to backup – I didn’t even try to recover, it sounded like it had gravel grinding around inside. Not that I backup as much as I should – it’s only when something gets seriously glitchy that I get that ‘lost data’ sinking feeling.
Anyway, welcome to our little celebration – please feel free to mingle…
Nice party!
Thanks for the commiseration. A month and a half ago, when my drive started (literally) whining, I did back up. I haven’t done it since then, but I don’t think I’ve lost too much, and I’m hoping I’ll be able to recover that. But you can believe I’ll back up more often in the future.
Please feel free to come over to the next Welcome Wagon if you feel like hanging out and mingling.
Congrats!!! Great party…bells and whistles and a big hurrah!
First about the 1500 milestone posting was 48 minutes ago and I missed it as I was outside in my garden, damn, but I am here now so lets celebrate.
Gee do you think there are any users that have not written in the welcome wagon yet. If there are get on over here and do so.
Diane…it does seem to be mostly just us blabbing to each other. If there are more new users to introduce I’m ready to post #18 when needed.
Hi Second, well I don’t know. What do others think, I think we could just use these diaries to chat with each other and I think we may consider doing a community center, series, just to go and chat with each other instead.
Or should we just have welcome wagon and just let happen what may. They usually always end up like this though, with us just gabbing.
Anyone want to meet me over at the meeting diary….man, shirl, oui, zander, second,cake, others and lets talk about it.What a bunch of screen names we have, never thought I would have a bunch of friends with these names. Funny when I talk to my kids about it, yeah, you know I was talking to cake and zander today, lol. I sure have a lot of new names to remember.
If you want to participate in the team, remember to hot list the diary so you will know when new entries are posted.
In any case lets wait till it hits 100 comments and then go with the new diary Second.
Can I really be the last lurker who hasn’t signed in yet? True, I’m a procrastinator, but still. I’m also 42, live in CO, work as a software developer, am a mom to an almost 5 year old boy and stepmom to an almost 12 year old girl, (birthdays are 2 days apart in August)and wife to a good and decent guy whose only major flaw is that he’s not quite as liberal as I am. Of course I came here as a result of You Know What. Glad to be here, although I can’t promise to be a great contributor. I’ve been really impressed with both the content and the atmosphere here – I hope the influx of newbies like me doesn’t change things for the worse. (I came to CO during the tech boom, too, so I have a habit of moving in on the natives.)
Welcome, and I hope that you will feel inspired to contribute. I came here because of You Know What also.
So are you ready to go on the next diary Second, if so do so, and thanks for your work.
Welcome to the family….I think the newbies are settling in just fine and thinks seem to be working out for the best overall.
Ah so you have some Leo kids, as do I. I have two of them, +3 others.
You shall have some good times ahead of you, but I love the Leos even if they think they are kings and queens of the jungle.
I am a taurus, and I always say the bull is mightier than the lion any day of the week.
Hope to see lots of you around….
Hi there, welcome to our party.
No ‘contributor extraordinaire’ experience required – honest. There’s champagne up ^ there, please make yourself at home, and feel free to mingle (or lurk at laugh).
lurk and laugh – no, I’m not drunk – really
Please feel free to come over to the next Welcome Wagon if you feel like hanging out and mingling.
I’m so glad to find this place (can you claim to find a place when a friend says, “I found a wonderful place, you should drop in — they have a Welcome Wagon & everything!”. So, I’m here, and WoW! I’m very impressed.
I live in Kansas. I’m a web developer for a job and a Liberal Democrat (you could say Deaniac) for fun. And I’m not over it.
Hi, everyone!
She’s not 66 yet, folks, not by a long shot! But she’s got a hell of a point about social security.
Katiebird, if you go to the “Mojo Fest and Tribute to Carnacki” diary you’ll find yourself mentioned, though not by name.
Welcome to the Frog Pond where only the very nicest amphibians hang out. I’m so glad you’re here, too.
hmmmm, should I change it to “after he’s laid off”?…(I’m sooo glad to be here!)
I think I’ve got it now — it doesn’t come easily to me! Off to that “Mojo Fest and Tribute to Carnacki” diary….
Please feel free to come over to the next Welcome Wagon if you feel like hanging out and mingling.
And be nice to me, I’m just not as exciting as you all.
You are going to look awful funny if your nose starts to grow longer. . . .4 kids. . .Geeze! Hardest job in the world. . .and not exciting? Oh, Please!