With the recent success of our Welcome Wagon I was wondering what you folks thought of a new series called Booman’s Community Center. It could be a place to go to put news alerts, talk to each other, hang out and have fun, tell about your plans, vacations, goals, interests, sharing info,pics,birthday announcements, etc.
Things that don’t need a diary, don’t fit on other threads, etc.
This idea grew out of the WW diaries because I saw so many of us just talking with each other and I thought that’s what we need.
My idea is to organize it along the lines of the Welcome Wagon, passing around the hosting opportunities with sign ups and so on, keeping one going all the time.
I am interested in your comments, feedback and suggestions. Lets talk about it.
Also if you like the idea and are interested in hosting one of the diary series, please let me know that too.
My further thought is that we can keep the welcome wagons mostly for new members or lurkers who want to come out of the lurking closet.
That I think will make the WW diaries easier to data bank for future reference.
I also want to congratulate the WW Crew for all the great work they did in the past week. Many were tireless in there tending of the WW diary. Give yourselves a great big hand…..!!!!!!!!!!
When you stop by be sure to have one of these homegrown and handpicked strawberries..
I can’t wait to see what you think of my idea, so hurry on over and let me know. Also what do you think of title, should it be changed….
I like this idea!
A place for ongoing community ideas and general interest items. It could also be a place for celebrating good things happening and sharing difficult times or looking for assistance.
Nice idea Diane!
Great idea, diane! There could be lots of uses for a community center, most of which have been already mentioned. I think it will be a big success. More personal than open threads, less restrictive than just regular diaries.
Yum, good strawberries. Perfect for a hot summer day.
I think the community center (you’re not calling it lilly pad or something frog-oriented?) is a great idea too.
My suspicion is that the more we feel like a community, the more we will participate. Also, knowing each other helps keep the debate civil, which is always a worthy goal.
is the community up somewhere? I left a message on your diary Diane101 and it got erased when the site went down. See if this message stays.
Are we back up? If this post works – my congratulations to BooMan et al. for getting through what must have been an incredibly difficult and stressful day. Kudos to everyone who had to deal with servers crashing and databases misbehaving today.
Okay. Who drained the pond??
good thing we have this community center!
Yes boy am I glad for that, I kept looking for one on euro, as I was lost there for awhile, I feel like I’ve been hit by a tsunami and I am fogged out.
So now we have to name this place.
What about Under the Lily Pad!
What about the non-swimmers?
It’ll be fun, just like summer camp when I was a couselor.
The Frog Cafe
Tadpole City (for newbies)
Sven I like that name and I also like your method of eating wild strawberries downthread. Now you are adding that to your ‘wild’ sushi habits.
What is one to do Sven, when they don’t live where you do and they can’t be you.
You are really going to have to invite all of us over for a day to your place and let us experience your fun. Maybe we can’t be you, but…………..can we try???
But you DO realise don’t you that we all go naked to sauna together
Well on second thought, I will not be coming to visit, that is unless I entirely stay out of the sauna, never did like sauna’s anyway. I will stay out for your sake as well. Lordy!!!! Are you really serious, btw….
Frog Pond Cafe? How about this name???
LMAO Diane, you are so cute in you American “modesty”.
Some of these folks have no idea what a scary thing it would be for them to see us all naked. . . ..LOL
As it is all virtual, I will use Angelina Jolie’s body, just to give you all some eye-candy.
Can’t quit laughing. . . .
I will use Demi Moore’s body, you shirl must reach for the stars, I guess with Jolie.
I knew Shirl would jump right in. She’s game for anything….
‘Seasoned women’ indeed!
Hmmmmm, I thought for a minute there you meant I was “gamey”
Yep I’m pretty much for the adventure anytime.
You got my number awfully quickly, Sven. . .
Mixed saunas are Ok for young people and OK for families – otherwise they are segregated. Though most Finns don’t give a hoot about nakedness.
They are very good in companies for ‘levelling’. Most companies have sauna evenings occasionally, when the pompous bot bellied bosses mix with the sixpack young studs. All power plays disappear when you are without your clothes. It does wonders for internal politics.
Frog Pond Cafe sound great to me. Community center sounds like a place where where the Zimmer frames are parked outside….
Diane BTW we’re just 10 days from Midsummer which is a BIG party here. Down south it’s light all night long, but the sun does go down below the horizon.
We usually go down to the shore and build a big bonfire, and eat and drink with pagan abandon. We dispense with gourmetism (!) and roast sausages. Usually someone brings a guitar, maybe an accordion, and there’s lots of singing.
If its warm and you’re really lucky, you wake up with a start at 6am, as a large seagull on a rock near the one you’ve been using as a pillow gives you a screech that tells you that your hangover is going to take 2 hrs of saunatime, scrambled eggs and at least two lites of orange soda to cure
Oh..and I posted the secret meaning of life here earlier but, alas, the server disruption has caused it to disappear into the ether…and I can’t remember what it is now.
I’ll shut up now.
Some one is really out there!!!!!!!!. When I was able to log in earlier, there was more content, then it dropped down to this. these comments may disappear as well. I have 4 comment drop off Euro T. after it started working again..
Yeah we will have to do this diary all over again and alas, the michael J. is gone…
Well, that MJ diary disappearing may be for the best.
We had fun though.
I was having some fun getting into a discussion I usually avoid like the plague. Then all my words were gone, piff….
Wasn’t it weird not to be able to talk after the last week.
Yes, I actually had to use other, more primitive forms of communication! ack
I’m here too. It’s all my fault, by the way – I was about to post a stupid and embarrassing comment, when god intervened to save my ass.
I don’t believe in God. Maybe I should start now if he or she will actually save me that way.
oh – it’s kind of fluky that way, it has to be something astronomically stupid before divine intervention kicks in.
heh…astronomically stupid is not beyond me…believe me
I thought it was my fault from over using the site. I was talking to shirl and then clicked on the site, and got the message, thought it was my computer and did a bunch of restarts, and then emailed boo and susan and oui and cabin girl, everyone I could think of I was in a total panic, not really, but I wasn’t real happy.
what, not being able to talk like this whenever I wanted, was just to cruel.
I didn’t handle it too well either….
I once woke up convinced that I had dicovered the secret of life in my sleep. I had vague inklings that I had got up in the middle of the night and written it down.
Then I saw a piece of paper and pencil by the bed. My God! I HAD written down.
With trembling hands I picked it up and read…
“The Key is the Key”
And I’ve lived by it ever since
So now I have made a resolution to copy and save all my diaries to word and I am making copies of ones I want to save. But what about all my strikingly beautiful and intelligent comments. lol
Hey lets name the com. center.
I write most of my longer diaries in a word type format anyway, but you’re SO right about our incredibly beautiful and intelligent comments. sigh

ouch – irretrievable data – that’s just painful, whatever it is. Thanks for the heads up on the front page – just read it.
How are you doing Zander you are in my time zone right. so its midnight…
yep – midnight. I was just checking around recent comments. lucid and ask are around somewhere, but otherwise it looks like you, me and catnip. Did anyone else hear that echo?
weird…that’s what I was just thinking…ribbit echo, echo echo…
off to bed for me! nite guys!
Hey, wait a minute. You can’t just leave us all alone in here!!! What if the lights go off??? What if we hear something creaking?
Yes I think all of our words are worthy of a book, just to show how well we can write and think. This is even worse that a deleted diary everyone was worrying about the other day.
Now we need an off site , site to meet when both sites are down. If anyone needs to you can go to my blog and meet up there, I know this sounds funny…lol, but we have to prepare for all eventualities. right!!!!
where is everyone else, site meter show 50 online right now….
What would I do with out….I seem to be over using them lately……
I wonder if any of our settings have changed. Does anyone want to talk cyber attack..
Okay. We can use your site as the bomb shelter. Do you have cheesecake though?
Cheese cake, I will stock up with k rations we are going to need them I fear,..
I was reading voice of the white house over at trust seeker tonight, and in one of the last three talks about Bush has plans to shut down parts of the interent as a way to take more control, and show he is a big giant head,
whatever if that is true or not I would not be surprised at any lengths this man will go to to be big grand dictator of the world.
I was very happy to run into on kos today. Phew. I was feeling… kind of… lost, I guess. Did you get my message by the way? I tried to email you last night, but it bounced.
Didn’t get an email, send again…k
Any one want to put a rec on this diary, guess we might have lost those too.
Did anyone bring candles and a portable radio for our emergency supplies…
Email contact sure does help alleviate the pain of separation when site goes down.
Hey you know what I have a yahoo group account, and I should get that going, didn’t want to figure it out, but we could go there if we have probs. again and plus we can contact each other when we need to, what do you guys think…
Yep, In my earlier comment I claimed it was probably my bad… now I know it was – got that addy a little wrong.. I’ll resend.
No kidding about the quiet. It’s kind of freaky – and Catnip left us all alone in here….
Boo has a front page post up now.
I found my group site, and I sent an invite to Catnip, there is also the ability to online chat with each other, who ever wants an invite email me…
I think this will be great actually as we can talk about scheduling for this coterie of diaries, etc. and then for emergencies we can use that to reach a bunch of people at once….
I like it. Now I’ll just have to stumble my way around yahoo groups until I get the hang of it… never done those before..
I sent you invite for Bloggies book. I think I will be going to bed now and any who send me emails tonight I will send invites in morning. Zander if you can do invites when you get to that site, go ahead and send them out. Otherwise I will see you all in the morning. Rec. this diary. There will prob. be dozens of new diaries in the morning and this one will be lost again.
Night all, I think!!!
well, I’m there, but for the life of me, I can’t remember user and pass for yahoo. And once I sign up again, I really have no idea what I’m doing in there. I’ve never done groups. But I’ll try to figure it out.
Yahoo is good to have, so sign up for a new one. You can have as many as you want. If you figure it out, click on messages and you will see the ones I have left. Leave reply so I know you did it.
It is really kind of like this site, so you should have no problem.
yep – managed – but only the moderator can send invites …
I thought I was up later than you tonight but I wasn’t! goodnight!!!
too funny!!! I was just over in your diary.
and posted a comment there 15 seconds after you posted here. That’s too cool…
I love community center!
It’s a great place to stop in late-night for some B&J’s cherry garcia, after posting one’s first diary!!!!!!
Hey, I bet :::looking around:::
I bet I’m up later than zander is!!!! woowoo!!! goodnight all!!!!
They named a brand of ice cream after him, that was enough
I once saw twenty tough Hell’s Angels licking up that stuff.
“Jerry’s Gone” Tom Pacheco: Woodstock Winter (1997)
In the winter of ’96 Pacheco went to Woodstock and recorded this cd with The Band
that’s all I’m saying.
I’ll be there at the Center if:
1. They sell Camel smokes
2. The beer is on ice
4. I can bring my recliner ; )
(only snark)
Great Idea Diane, and one I’m sure will do absolutely fantastic, KUDOS lady
You guys are just too funny. Been up since four reading up on the DSM over at Kos. Looking good as MSNBC/Andrea Mitchell is writing about it. Maybe, just maybe we are getting somewhere with these liars. Keep everything crossed.
As I stated yesterday, I think this is a great idea Diane. I would love to see a monthly birthday party here. Can we start now seeing my birthday is June 25th? LOL
JUST what it needed!
I don’t want to look at those berries, I want to eat them!
I thought it was all a dream and then when I looked at the site today I knew it wasn’t. The glitch last night I mean..lol, day after a hurricane here, we have some emergency light here last night so we could gather here.
I hope everyone who posted suggestions yesterday that were lost will come over here and write again.
We need some name suggestions so that we can have a poll.
Aloha, I will figure out how to incorporate the birthday, thing. I forgot what I said yesterday. Wish I could recover the data from my brain.
Did you say you would do a welcome wagon,?
What if we just assigned one day to each person, such as Cabin Girl Friday, etc. as she suggested a Friday Diary….I don’t think we will be able to sustain too big a group to do the diaries.
So if you are interested and like the idea, post the day you would like to do the diary.
Names, we need names for the pond and some suggested yesterday were lost, so please re post….
Maybe one day a week diary should be for BD theme.
More discussion please…..love ya all.
Hi Diane, I’m definitely doing the Friday Frog Pond Happy Hour!
Title/name brainstorming (feel free to use bits and pieces at will):
Floating Among the Lilies
Lily Pad Round-up (keeping with a frog-march theme)
The Daily Pond-Hopper
Live from the Lily Pad
Living on a Lily Pad
Hop on Over to My Pad
With the seasoned women we have here, we could do something evil about Tadpoling (remember the movie Tadpole?)
Anyone else?
I’ll vote for a pad name, as long as it’s not prefaced with mini or maxi.
Diane: those strawberries look suspiciously too perfect for homegrown and handpicked. I’d say they were picture bank genetically modified and water injected.
Now if you want a REAL strawberry taste, you look in the hedgerows of Finland, where small wild strawberries can be picked for free. You take a strong thin dry stalk, you thread as many little strawberries on it as you can find and then you walk along in the sunshine pulling the little treasures off with your lips.
‘The best things in life are free’
Hurry get all your name sugggestions into this diary and then I will do a poll to vote on the best names.
We lost some names from yestereday, so please repost.
The Pond-er Inn
What time does the Kitchen open. . .You will be serving meals to the Elegant Elders, won’t you (in Idaho they call ’em Senior Citizens, but really!)?
List all them good names up on a votin Poll and we will Vote on ’em.
I like Frog Pond Cafe, Pond-er Inn is cute too.
What’s Hoppin’?
I am feeling tired, sore and lazy today, could you or someone lift all the name suggestions in the various comments and post them in one comment and then I will post a diary and we can all vote…
Add Froggy Bottom Cafe to the list.
I would like to keep the name to three words if possible, so that one can add something else to the title when hosting a community center diary.
I am going to do just that Ms. Shirl, as soon as I get enough names dearie.
Kitchen and bar will open tomorrow me thinks.
And yes by popular request we will have dances, swinning and of course my all time favorite, pool tables, anyone want to play.
Elegant elders, that’s a cool name but it sure doesn’t fit me especially right at the moment as I sit here all bedraggled, with my kitchen piling up with dirty dishes, cause I just can’t take time to do them, I might miss something, like the Great Blackout of June 13, 2005.
Do we have to start using GMT for all the various parts of the world to be in sync for our dates, I wonder.
I bet you want to know what a swinning pool is, don’t you. lol
I’ll let you tell me.
Mmmmmmmm strawberries!
I have a fantastic blender and have been known to know just what to do with it.
I’ll tend the Frog bar 
I like keeping with the Frog theme than “community center”.
“Lily Pad”… sounds too much like a possible feminine hygiene product perhaps?
The Frog Pond – where they love ya warts and all. Ribbit
And most likely missing some because… it’s my post LOL so all typos, deletions and complete eff ups are all mine.
Booman’s Community Center
Under the LIly Pad
Lily Pad
Frog Cafe
Tadpole City
Frog Pond Cafe
Pond-er Inn
Froggy Botom Cafe
Floating Among the Lilies
Lily Pad Round-up (keeping with a frog-march theme)
The Daily Pond-Hopper
Live from the Lily Pad
Living on a Lily Pad
Hop on Over to My Pad
You are terrific, I will wait until 12:00 PM PDT to close off nomications and then post diary, so post a name before it’s too late.
I love Froggy Bottom, lol. Just imagine what Bood Abides would do for the graphic.
……But you see, I like all the suggestions…so what good will I be…:o) I will most likely hangin’ out at the froggy bottom cafe tho…that is my fav. spot anyhow any place anytime..:o) ribbit..ribbit..burp..whoops>>> cuse me
……Are we talking naked in the sauna now or nominees for community appelations? ;-?
well, Hon, you would throw me back in once you opened your peepers…..:o) Hey and good to see you today..hows it going in the water???it is nice and warm here, on my lilly pad..
I’m with you Brenda. . .Froggy Bottom has just so much potential for snark and inuendo. . .just gotta be.
oh dont you just know….I love it cuz of that too…allowing me to be just a little naughty..maybe..:o)
Q: what do you call a group of frogs?
A: An ARMY of Frogs!
There was a site with “what kind of frog are you?” but it was fubared and didn’t work after I answered the questions. http://allaboutfrogs.org/funstuff/frogtest.php3
Froggy Sutra??? Yep, even a position named after the Froggie.
actually that was from the Kama Sutra… it was from perfumed garden positions. The Perfumed Garden was written by Sheikh Nefzawi in the late 15th century.
that was NOT from Kama.
Sorry. My Blondetitus acting up again.
is Frog Pond Cafe. (waves to everyone)
Me too
hey man…good to see you today…I do not care what you call it, just call me and I will be there….:o)
am out the door for a while..have a dr’s appoiintment for me for a change…see ya later….”waving”
We can’t all be cute little tadpoles, ya know.
Please go there and vote to name the place and enjoy the pre party. Dammit janet is already making drinks and they look luscious, so go on over there and have fun. Everyone needs a break now and then from the seriousness we all face everyday. Toss down a quick one and then go back to work, y’all…..lol a lot.
Over to the votin place and vote for the name of our community gathering place!
All right then!Vote Here
And once we pick the name one of you Photo Shop geniuses will make us a sign to hang out front, won’t you? I thought so!
Good idea shirl, we can have a vote for the best cafe logo….