Hey folks. We had a big technical glitch which affected our database. Andy had to run a restore to get the sites working functionally. In the process, we lost several hours of data. More data was lost on BooTrib than on Euro Trib.

We will be tightening up our database backups so they are much more frequent, and we will be moving to a supported server soon. I’m not sure whether heavier than average traffic caused this problem or not.

The worst problem is for new users that signed up at either site during the period when we lost data.

At EuroTrib this will effect users 460-501, who need to re-create their accounts. At BooTrib this will effect users 1546 and 1547.

We also lost front-page stories, diaries and comments from both sites. We will look into what we can retrieve, but a lot of it is toast. Once again, the problem was worse at BooTrib than at EuroTrib.

If you posted a front-page story, or diary, please re-post them if you have copies. If you don’t I am truly sorry that we lost your valuable contribution.

I am writing this on the fly, even as we are still investigating. I will update as more information becomes available.