I must have missed this, if so I’ll delete. Otherwise… I wear no tin foil hat but this is interesting stuff.
A former Bush team member during his first administration is now voicing serious doubts about the collapse of the World Trade Center on 9-11. Former chief economist for the Department of Labor during President George W. Bush’s first term Morgan Reynolds comments that the official story about the collapse of the WTC is “bogus” and that it is more likely that a controlled demolition destroyed the Twin Towers and adjacent Building No. 7.
credit Raw Story
Reynolds, who also served as director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis in Dallas and is now professor emeritus at Texas A&M University said, “If demolition destroyed three steel skyscrapers at the World Trade Center on 9/11, then the case for an ‘inside job’ and a government attack on America would be compelling.” Reynolds commented from his Texas A&M office, “It is hard to exaggerate the importance of a scientific debate over the cause of the collapse of the twin towers and building 7. If the official wisdom on the collapses is wrong, as I believe it is, then policy based on such erroneous engineering analysis is not likely to be correct either. The government’s collapse theory is highly vulnerable on its own terms. Only professional demolition appears to account for the full range of facts associated with the collapse of the three buildings.”
Someone has a score to settle? Roveian countermeasure? Is their any truth to this? I sure hope not…
I call BS!
The Government fairy tale full of holes, the incompetent fools that watched as 9-11 happened, NOT held accountable, and at times the incompetents were promoted(hard to believe), the cover-ups, the bogus commission, the lies, the top-secrets, the family friends of bush involved. Duh, do you think…. The $64 Gazzilion dollar smoking gun, WHO benefited. The bush family and friends. Research the timelines, look into the better sites. Much is out there, for those who seek.
Controlled demolition? I have major doubts- I’m not a structural engineer, but I know quite a few.
There was some buzz in the construction and structural engineering communities about the tower collapses, but IIRC- that it had to do with asbestos abatement being responsible for the “form” of the tower’s collapse as a result of fire from the jet fuel. Not a valid theory either, BTW
Awfully morbid subject. Here’s an essay on the Towers’ collapse by a fire marshal: Link.
And another essay on the collapse with vicious marginalia (and lots of links to geek stuff): here
Not an innovative design like WTC Towers 1 & 2. An ordinary high-rise office building. It was not struck by either of the aircraft: It was seemingly struck by falling debris, which might have caused some structural damage, and apparently set two fires. By the way, high-rises are fireproof: The furnishings may burn–sometimes fiercely–but the structure does not. The building should not have collapsed. But that is not the key point. The key point is this:
It collapsed into its own footprint. It did not collapse asymmetrically. It did not scatter. What’s wrong with that? A building cannot collapse into its own footprint without careful, that is to say expert, demolition. It cannot be done by accident.
And that is why we already know that 9/11 was not done by “terrorists”–it was an inside job.
Surely Bush is a nice man, he would never do anything like that, right? Wrong. Bush spent his childhood blowing up frogs and shooting his brother with a b.b. gun. As president he has overseen the worst, most diabolical (though not the most extensive) torture of the 21st century. He oversaw the raping of minors in Abu Ghraib as part of “information collection.” We’re in Hannibal Lector and Jeffrey Dahlmer territory here. In a word, he is a psychopath and his administration is criminal.
Could he have done 9/11? Certainly. Did he? That’s what we need a serious investigation to find out. Somebody killed 3000 people on 11 Sep 2001, and we now know it was not “Arab terrorists.” We need to find out who it was.
I’m not a structural engineer either, but I have a friend who is and he says there is no way those buildings would have collapsed the way they did from planes crashing into the upper levels.
We may never know fully what happened that day. The site was cleaned up at a remarkable speed considering the damage. Any evidence would have been removed before people had the chance to recover from the shock and start looking critically at the 911 event.
There remain many holes in the official story, so much just does not add up, but we don’t want too look too closely because it is “impossible” that they could have done such a thing.
One of the most common arguments is that it could not have been a conspiracy because too many people would have had to have been involved. I just don’t see how this is a requirement. How many people would have been needed to rig the WTC buildings? It doesn’t seem like that many. And how easy would it be to then make sure that these people had some unfortunate “accident” so they would not be around to tell tales.
And of course most people can easily be silenced by threatening violence to their loved ones.
And others can be promised cushy appointments etc.
Most people who were “players” that day would have been puppets anyway. The jet pilots who did not scramble were just following orders, for example.
I’m visiting my folks right now and as I type this my dad is in the other room watching Larry King drone on and on about Michael Jackson. It is so easy to distract people.
One of the easiest ways is to just point to how “absurd” or “impossible” something might be.
Our Govt involved in running drugs to support their nefarious projects? Absurd. But wait .. anyone remember Iran Contra? These guys will stop at nothing to get what they are after. Killing, or allowing the deaths of, a few thousand in the WTC or a hundred thousand in Iraq means nothing to them
Deserves sooooo much more attention…. Yet, bring on the pretty white girl or Michael Jackson; the distractions. No one being held accountable for 9-11 appalling, few caring an ambarrassment to our country… Just look at most blogs, 9-11 is sooooo ho-hum, or too much a conspiracy. In regards to: “I’m visiting my folks right now and as I type this my dad is in the other room watching Larry King drone on and on about Michael Jackson.” Many of the people here at Booman should be ashamed of themselves. Involved moreso with the distractions, and overlooking possibly the key issue of this decade, and possibly century. One simple question for the brain-dead of America, Bin Laden is free, are you ??? Keep giving up the rights, only a matter of time, before they come to take you away. Wake the FUCK-UP !!
Yes, this is a good diary and definitely a good conversation to have. I’ve always been suspicious of 9/11, and who was behind it (besides the people they knew about the next day… some of whom turned out to be alive and well in their own countries). And also the way the buildings collapsed, although I don’t know anything about structural engineering (friends who do are doubly skeptical).
Anyway tho, a nice way to call attention to a diary that some may have missed (it does happen, sometimes for no nefarious reasons at all), is to go to the open thread and say something like… “hey, this diary has a good topic we should talk about, please rate it up” … or something like that.
Thanks for bringing attention to it 🙂