Wanted: Snarkshuckers, cranks, and all manner of bloviation specialists needed to guide public opinion away from dangerous thoughts.  From today’s Guardian:

With the number of users forecast to rise above 100 million this year, access to the web is spreading beyond China’s well-rewarded middle class and into the more disgruntled factory and farming communities, where young migrant workers are teaching their families about internet cafes.

In response, the propaganda departments of provincial and municipal governments have recently been instructed to build teams of internet commentators, whose job is to guide discussion on public bulletin boards away from politically sensitive topics by posting opinions anonymously or under false names.

So, all of you trolls out there – get thee to Red China, where there’s dough to be made, plus plenty of other perks:

Applicants for the job – mostly drawn from the propaganda and police departments – were told they had to understand government policies, know political theory, be politically reliable and understand internet technology. Successful candidates have been offered classes in Marxist theory, propaganda techniques and updates on the development of the internet around the world.

Why pay for that expensive sociology, journalism, or computer science class at the local university when you can get these for free while you troll the hapless netizens!

Good thing this would never happen to us in the good ole US of A!  Oh wait… damn!