I’m back in the saddle and ready to rumble. Sorry, again, for all the lost data. If you haven’t created an account at European Tribune yet, head on over and check out the blue, parallel world there.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Uh, Boo? This is double-posted. Hey howdy good morning! <grin>
to a shaky start. Heh.
aren’t as fun as they used to be…
The “We’ve got Dean’s back” donations page I created last week is doing rather well. So far, 164 contributions, $4,142.27 in less than one week. YEAH!!!!!
I’m posting the total on the donations page twice a day. See my signature if you want to make a donation or just check out the total there.
Is there a way here to set time zone preferences? I found it at EuroTrib (which also allows choices of spelling variants if you like to say ‘colour’ and ‘labour’, very cool), but the Frog Pond seems to be set permanently at Pacific time.
It is permanently Pacific Time!
It is permanently Pacific Time!
Only in the upper left corner.
Is that Mount Ranier? Just around the corner from you, yes?
Go to your “Display Preferences”. You can set your time-zone there.
Thank you. I’d been looking at Preferences on my user page, and nada.
Got it fixed now.
Good afternoon Martin!
If you have a spare moment (I know, I know) I still need help understanding the relationship between BT & ET. I posed this question on ET yesterday, but didn’t receive a response. Specifically, I thought ET was a branch off from BT, but if that were the case, it didn’t seem to make sense that the advertisements from BT would carry over to ET. Is the other site Jerome’s or yours or a combination of both?
I’ll appreciate any words of wisdom you can share. I tried to figure it out on my own without bothering you, but I couldn’t find what I was looking for.
Thank you and good day!
ET- is a collaborative effort, between Andy, Jerome, and I. We are streaming BT ads there because we have not set up the ET account with blogads yet.
Hope, that explains it for you.
Just a reminder for those interested the tv series 30 Days starts tomorrow, Wednesday, on FX at 10pm eastern time. The show, by the maker of Super Size Me, takes people and puts them into a different situation for 30 days. The first episode takes Spurlock and his financee and has them try to live on minimum wage for 30 days.
Here’s his description form his blog.
I thought I was maybe having visual problems or maybe multi-tasking too much… or enhaling too much semi-gloss interior…
But I finally figured it out – the posts in threads change position with their rating.
Why is this? 🙂 Except to confuzzle your easily confused readers.
It’s probably because your comment preferences got changed when we had to restore the system.
Try resetting them.
okay thanks – I’ll check it out. Never knew I had anything set. 🙂
Pssst – hot weather here. We people with hairy black dogs gotta watch out for dem doggies.
(I have a black labrador and the heats her hard some days)
Just a note that the Schiavo autopsy results will be released tomorrow in case anyone wants to prepare a diary about it.