[crossposted at dKos]
Based on feedback from here and elsewhere, here’s what’s currently going on at DeanSpeaksforMe.com:
Current Features:
- Tell your Congress member: Dean speaks for you: Automatically emails your congressional delegation based on your zip code.
- Dear Dick: We Love Howard: Photo gallery of everyone who loves Howard.
- Dean Said It: Post your favorite Howard quote. It’ll appear like this.
- Misquotes and Distortions: What they say he said, and what he really said.
- News feeds from Yahoo and Google News (just Howard news, both), Kicking Ass (DNC blog) and Blog for America.
- Gear from cafepress.com. Just one design for the present.
- Bloggy goodness for all registered users. Please keep it on the issue at hand.
I am a huge fan! I am about to eat some ice cream and become a huger one.
I just signed up. Very Cool Lynn!
to your other diary, since its still way up there.