Tom Wilner, whose firm represents 11 of the Guantanamo detainees, is on with Chris Matthews today (MSNBC), along with a representative of Amnesty International and two blowhards from the “we give them orange-glazed chicken and rice pilaf!” constituency. I’ll miss it and would love a report!
I will watch here in my house…Thanks for the notification. It has really hit the public now, thanks for you and your hard work. the word has gotten out….If the page is read by others just lurching and by someone of the press, etc, they will know you are on top of it…Big applause your way, Kiddo….
These delicacies are lovingly crushed under a seasoned combat boot and kicked under the under the cage door to create a unique and unexpected culinary presentation.
I hate to boost Rush Limbaugh’s traffic, but you just have to read this shit.
“You can post the Ten Commandments on the wall, look at the food they’re serving down there, and you can pray forgive times a day, can have church service, all that, I mean you can do all kinds of things at G’itmo that you can’t do in this country. Religiously, I mean. I mean G’itmo may be a great vacation spot for oppressed Christians in the United States. Head down there and be free to practice your religion. We need to look at this through a different prism.”
This is the first time I have actually read Rush…and it WILL be the last, even if you recommend it to me, BooMan! 😉
and who is his transcriptionist anyway?!?!
well, I can’t blame you, but he spews this crap 3 hours a day to a huge audience. And they all almost all agree with him.
Well, then, let’s start packing those poor persecuted evangelicals off to Gitmo then! Off with them, I say!
I agree that Rush is a good barometer with with to guage the insanity though, so I take that back: if YOU recomend it to me, I will go read! 😉
I’ve got no idea whether or not Rush believes this stuff.
I think what makes him so popular is that he’s not giving them information. What’s he’s doing is confirming their prejudices, giving them comfort that the world works the way they think it works. For instance, the other day he claimed that many hotels in Europe didn’t have flush toilets, and that, in fact, the flush toilet was invented in America. The latter bit is of course wrong, and the first bit, too, certainly for anyplace I’ve travelled in Europe, which isn’t far off the beaten path. A man like Rush, though, one of the richer people in America, certainly knows about the toilets in Europe. So why’s he saying that?
Not because he believes it. Because it makes his listeners happy. I suppose that makes him worse than stupid.
Umm, hello? Bidet, anybody?
So if we promise him good food in prison and allow him to pray 5 times a day will he plead guilty to the drug charges? It would be like a vacation.
Can we just send him to Gitmo fer cryin’ out loud? If he thinks it’s so great, let him go. No remote broadcasts though.
Wow brinniane, thank you for reaching into the toilet so that the rest of us didn’t have too. I was just going to pass.
he knows we’re all imagining him in there.
is a delicious meal. My family was from the Southern Europe and it’s very popular. However, what a pack of lies. These two idiots then should live in Guantanamo to experience this delicacy. Cheny, Bush, Rumsfield, and other sycophants should receive the same “humane” treatment as the Guitmo detainees. I’m totally outraged by this whole thing, and trying very hard not to use very bad language.
can sometimes be quite effective, especially coming from someone who is not known for using such a vocabulary.