Good Day Everyone!
The votes were taken and the decision was made and this “jumpin joint’ is now open for business.
I must say I had to do a lot of cleaning this morning to get the place ready to open. You guys were here really late last night, or early depending on your global location and left a mess. Words everywhere,I could hardly find my way in. LOL
I just got up, California time it is 7:00 Am and I have to hurry and get ready to go with my daughter today, so I don’t have time to write anything funny or snappy, so I will just go with this bare bones writing today and let you all just come in and have fun and do what you like to do, talk.
Name this center
. Froggy Bottom Cafe 48%
. Frog Pond Cafe 14%
. Pond-er Inn 2%
. Tadpole City 0%
. Lily Pad 14%
. Under the LIly Pad 8%
. Daily Pond-Hopper 0%
. Living on a Lily Pad 0%
. Hop on Over to My Pad 2%
. Write in candidate 8%
Votes: 47
have a great day/night everyone and I will see you later, not too much drinking now, you hear!!!!
babaloo: Mon.
Katie Bird: Tues
Diane101: Wed
Kansas: Thur.
Cabin Girl: Friday
Coffee and doughnuts are now being served!!!
I’m always an early bird and the first to arrive.
So I’ll pull up a toad stool and wait for some company
Hey roseeriter,
I was thinking about you last night while watching an episode of Penn & Teller’s Bulls—. The subject at hand was the USPatriot Act, and all the many systems in place to monitor people. (You could have easily scripted the show)
One of the segments focused on the significant increase in public surveillance cameras with a comparison to the UK – where there’s something like 1 camera for every 5 citizens. Yikes!
“Write in candidate” is a very odd name for a cafe.
morning. ‘Mean Acres’, huh? I kind of liked ‘Death Vixens from Mars’ – but just couldn’t get away from the pie thing… sigh…
“Mean Acres.” lol! You caught me. Well, it’s understandable that you can’t get away from the pie. Everybody knows that Pie R Inescapable.
Pie Fight
Tell me what you think? I’ve posted this everywhere – and I’m being a nuisance at this point, but…
Should I start a series?
And this from the lady that couldn’t commit to a diary once a week. lol….
Hi Zander how ‘ya doin’ today. Were you up late, up early or just don’t sleep anymore.
I am counting on you to keep this place going while I am gone today.
Oh, yeah and there is some sweeping to be done, words are everywhere, left over from yesterday. lol
Rem. don’t widen the thread, which I think I just did. Gotta go, my daughter just got here to pick me up.
bayprairie, I think, has volunteered for cleaning. She was hilarious last night…
Have a great day… I’ll try to behave..
Zander, great image! Perhaps it could be Mud Pies this time, they both sure seem to fling enough of the stuff.
before coffee
words hard
mumble Morning
Hey, roseriter, I see you up there on your toadstool. And my the gods bless you, you resisted any temptation to write, “First!”
I’m sitting here in my kitchen, looking out at a beautiful day, and wishing we had Cuban coffee in Kansas. I love those little places in Miami where you can walk up to a counter right on the street and order Cafe Con Leche and an empanada.
Sitting at work…needing a toadstool instead…the weather is sunny and going to warm. Seems like a pond beach day instead….oh well…
I do have some French Roast / Arabica blend coffee and German pastries to share…
German pastries? Must have details, please.
Bear claws with real almond paste, butter horns that must be 80% butter and the balance is cinnamon with a little dough to hold them together, bread pudding made from left over cinnamon rolls, and my personal favorite…apple struedel.
I love when it’s my day to bring treats to the office…hmmmmm decadence twice a month!
And are they hiring?
Hungry bloggers want to know!
Just stopped by to say hello to you. Hope your doing well and some of us miss you.
Thanks for asking jdog…doing well and healing…hugs to all the ones that understand.
I’ll drop you an email from home tonight…
It’s now afternoon and thinking about taking a break with some herbal tea and a shady toadstool.
missed an e and the word first- Have another cup of joe! LOL!!
Cold and damp where I am today after many muggy days.
I think you mean, have another cup of jo, lol.
Actually, your “first” was far too gracefully hidden to qualify as a true “First!” I’m sorry, but it lacked that unmistakable triumphal air of the true Firster.
B’tt’r luck n’xt tim.
How about Ecuadorian Coffee and empanadas as a subtitute? The coffee’s powerful….
Hey, Katiebird, glad to see ya. A couple of newcomers got lost in the Great Data Disappearance here the other day and I was afraid you might have been among them.
Nope, I made it just in time. The week has been a been kind of busy so far, but now I’m thinking about treats and all productivity has stopped.
(Plus I’m afraid my connection string is going to fail, so I’m putting off actually trying it)
Coffee and one of those Bear Claws would be wonderful. But I don’t know anyone around here who makes them like SallyCat.
And for those waiting for the results: it failed. I hate messing with connection strings.
And when I quit, I think I’ll retire here. The weather is perfect, the coffee strong and the pastries are out of this world. Is there a beach nearby?
I hope while I am gone, you will all bring flowers and furniture and spiff this place up a little.
I just picked some flowers….
And bought a chair for the place. Hope you like blue.
OK, I’ll stop with the images now….
Oops, I left an “e” out of your name. Here, have one of these. . Eeeeeeek!
Also, “my” should be “may.”
Also, maybe I shouldn’t try to type before noon.
So is this place just for chit chat or can we bring up issues?
“Can we bring up issues?”
I don’t know. Whatcha got?
A young woman on the Gender Diary posts mentioned that ‘her age’ group had been Desensitized to explicit sexual ads etc., so it didn’t bother her-in regards to the pie fight.
I’ve been biting my tongue all morning as I want to tell her it’s because she’s been so ‘dumbed-down. Being desensitized to such things is not a good thing in my view. Am I wrong?
I want to respond, but I feel I should read her comment first. Could you link to it?
Sorry, I can’t find it now. I know her name and her age is 23 I think. It’s not under my comments so I don’t think she was replying to me but if I come across it again I’ll post it.
Anyways my issue with it is her saying she was desensitized. That concerns me.
Did she seem happy about it? Because I would probably say that I am desensitized, as well, but I wouldn’t celebrate it. I saw the pie ad and, while I was a little surprised, it didn’t push any of my feminist ‘buttons.’ I don’t know if it should or not – there is a whole host of things that the older generations of feminists are sensitive to that the younger generation just isn’t – usually because we haven’t had the jarring personal experience of discrimination and exploitation to sensitize us. I understand, though, that that doesn’t mean that discrimination and exploitation aren’t present in our daily life, and that things we dismiss as harmless can actually be insidious, creeping sexism.
The fact that we are desensitized, though, isn’t a reason to censure us (and even if it were, a scolding isn’t going to win anyone over). Maybe the best response is to a)celebrate the huge gains that have already been made and b)patiently educate those of us who weren’t there for the ‘bad old days’ and don’t always understand the subtext.
I appreciate your reply. I worry about the overall desensitizing of violence, exploitation etc., because I do equate it with the dumbing down process by the media and advertising etc. I don’t think it is a good thing.
And I do believe that older women’s sensitivity is due to our personal experiences. However, women are still being raped, abused, exploited etc., in so many ways that if the younger generations grow up so desensitized things may get worse. Things only change when people care, not when they don’t care.
Enjoying vacation with the spouse immensely. π
Today’s schedule includes eye check for me, and hopefully finding glasses that don’t make me look too much like a geek (hey, I may be one but that doesn’t mean I have to look like one!). Also finding Dad’s Day card for the dad-in-law.
Will try to check back in this afternoon/evening…
Good luck with the glasses – that’s an eternal struggle for me. I wore contacts for about 10 yrs (and I’m only 26!), but had to stop a few years ago because I developed really dry eyes. Since that also keeps me from ever getting laser eye surgery, I have to make the best of it with glasses. I can’t get rimless, because my rx is too strong, so that leaves me with wire-rimmed (too middle-aged) or plastic (hip-er, but kinda heavy for my little face).
Anyone want to weigh in on girls with glasses? Your choices are: a)too geeky, b)just geeky enough, or c)the glasses come off for the good stuff, anyway, so who cares?
Morning from Northern California where we are shaken but not stirred.
Blender isn’t ready yet as I just got back from doing errands and the dish fairies still haven’t cleaned it out from last nights guava raspberry daiqiri fest that we had while watching “Tailor of Panama” DAMN that’s a good movie no one told me about.
Oopsy, thought it was a non-Bond with Brosnan so son who is the complete James Bond fan had to be told part way in … Um sorry kiddo youse’ gotta go and read a book or something. But what a good, smart movie. (I used to work in the rental arena so normally I’d hear things… don’t get me venting about that “industry” and the finer art of dealing with rental customers) π
Anyways good morning here. Schools almost out for kiddies. Hooray!
One complaint, Mr. had the KTVU news on this morning. ACK! What a load of crap they spew out. Thank goodness for intl news and you guys.
We all need to Recommend this, right?
Should we Unrecommend the previous one?
Morning all! ::::stretch:::: mmmm coffee smells good
Morning, fellow swamp denizens! I’d just like to put out a great big ‘THANK YOU JEEBUS’ that the tsunami warning last night was a false alarm. I had just gotten home and curled up with a soft pretzel and a rerun of ‘House’ when I saw the alert. I was going to ignore it when my mother called and insisted I change out of my pj’s and drive to her place further inland – just to be safe. Unfortunately, I missed ‘House.’ Fortunately, I got to finish the pretzel and am not now underwater.
Anyone else on the coast?
I like House – good show. There was a front page post about the earthquake and warning last nite. Glad to hear everyone’s okay. That must have been very frightening!
Hi guys! I want to change the size of the default font for the front page posts in my display preferences to make it smaller, but don’t know which font and size to use. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Wow – I just went to hand out some piping hot 4’s and noticed that I have TU status already! I’ve only been here since last week and certainly haven’t done anything extrordinary, so I can only chalk it up to the warm-heartedness and generosity of the swamp denizens. You guys are the best!
/misty eyes
I’m somehow related to this frog. (Is it just me or is he doing the one finger salute?) π
Somewhere it’s “happy hour”
Love that! There ought to be a way to make a drinking game out of that. Like, somebody says something, everybody yells, “Bad Frog!” and takes a drink.
Okay, that’s enough, Kansas, I think it’s time for you to disappear into work for awhile. Bad Frog!
And started to give you a 4. But would that mean I really think you’re a bad frog?
Ha! It’s confusing, isn’t it? But hey, Bad Frogs need mojo, too. Rehabilitation, don’tchaknow.
Oh, you got your 4 hours ago. Quit cher bellyaching!
(still laughing)
You found your very own FROG PERSONA!
I’ll keep my eye out for a froggie drink for you π
Something citrus and not to sweet, or something with Bailey’s sounds wonderful. . .I am also unusually fond of Peach Martini’s. . .who knew
I’ve no doubt you will come up with something terrific.
How are you!!!!!?????
I am doing well, came over here to find Sally to let her know I was thinking about her and found another lost friend; so I am doing great now.
Past few days I’ve been painting and not the painting I enjoy π The Walls… Primer and first coat. However, this time it’s not all ending up in my hair since – ta duh – no ceilings to do for now. (I must say, I do my best “work” painting to the tunes of Green Day LOL)
I’ve been hit and run on the net and a strangely hectic week. I miss Sersan, Thestral… okay.. and you. π
I’m not lost π I just haven’t had been there since Bill’s Monday vacation. As I’m not girlcotting C&J or RubDMC.
Just week of new things around here and endings. School is almost out and kids ar walking home… independence struggles ACK!!! π
Did anyone even miss me,<sigh>, it doesn’t look like it. I have so much to catch up on as I couldn’t watch the news or read the site and I don’t even know what the Schiavo report said yet.
Ihope someone saved some food and coffe for me as I really need it now….
How’s everything going, I haven’t read all the comments yet so I will do that check the diaries too.
Anyone for a game of pool later,,,still have found any pool fanatics yet. Are there really none out there.
Thanks Zander, someone noticed, thank heavens. I feel so out of touch when I am away from my computer and the news. Geesch, I missed everything, was the senate judiciary hearing live, I hope there will be a replay later.
Schiavo, I wanted to hear the whole press conference, but now I will only hear sound bites.
So this new place Froggy Bottom seems to be a success, what do you all think. Handy place to stop and say hi, I think, I love it myself.
I am still looking for volunteers to host a day of the week. So Far we have filled four days,. My intention is for each day host to also pass those days around with others so we can have more people participating. So even if you take a day you don’t have to do it every week, maybe just when ever you can’t get someone else or whatever.
babaloo: Mon.
Diane101: Wed
Kansas: Thur.
Cabin Girl: Friday
Thanks for the coffee Zander, so nice of you I hope it is decafe…..
I can do Tuesdays! please, please!
(I’m usually around on weekend mornings also, but way too proud to admit it openly)
Video of Schiavo press conference from WTSP Tampa Bay Channel 10
Unfortunately it doesn’t contain the Q&A portion which is what I missed because every damn news channel thought it was better that I hear their reporters recap what I just heard instead of listen for more information. Do I come off bitter? π
of course we missed you, don’t be sillie. notice how clean the place is? all for you and open for business! i’ll be running off to my other job now.. i’lll be back later to sweep up!
Thanks for the good job of cleaning up, it looks very nice and tidy in here and no wide margins I think, lol.
Good job Bayprarie. Sure wish I could type and spell today,,,>>>>>>>
CNN just did the first real, honest to good piece of reporting they’ve done in a while. Downing Street – John Conyers, clips of Bush and Blair making denials of previous intention to go to war – they’re still talking about it!!! Damn!!!
I saw that too Zander and just commented on it on another thread, the one about the hearings, just up…Did we go to UN to Avoid or Justify War, excellent piece, go over to the diary to discuss.k….
Just like I have said earlier, we now have Bush and Blair Lied to hang up there along with Cllinton lied about a woman, deal>>>>>anyway we should discuss it there on the diary.
Hi everyone…what’s for lunch? What do ya mean the grill is broken and the sald bar froze up? That’s it…I’m going to lunch somewhere else. Call your Senators while you all are sitting around on yer butts chatting and tell them to sign Kerry’s letter will ya. See ya around Happy Hour and put your keys in the basket if you start drinking that early. I got one of those mini buses to take you all home tonight. No DUI’s for the pond people!Later
Just a little ditty that I decided to create in a hurry, have some fun with it and change it in anyway you like. Add, subtract whatever you choose, just repost and lets see where we can go with it. Thank you all for being such wonderful Froggy Bottom Cafe customers.
There once was a man from Crawford
Who got himself elected Gov. of Texas,
He demonstrated he was dumb as a board
So he decided to run for Pres. of the US.
He surrounded himself with sycophants
That made sure he never heard a discouraging word,
His greatest joy was in getting to wear pants
Because in the past he always looked like a turd
He got himself elected by crook and by hook
Brother Jeb down in Florida did his job well,
Katherine Harris made sure that she was a good crook
And the rest of the country can just go to hell.
Oh Georgie, he decides that daddy didn’t do his job
So him and Dickie Cheney set out to rectify that issue,
The set up this plan to make up information to sell on the hob
So the rest of the world will just have to settle for tissue.
They decide that Diebold must hold all the election cards
Their old buddy, says no problem GW, Ohio is in the bag,
The rest of us watched in horror as our votes went to shards
Oh happy days says GW, I have a mandate with no sag.
Yes folks GW believes all that his sycophants tell him
For he has never been outside of his silver spoon bubble,
And all that comes out of the white house is spin
For GW wants us all to believe that we are not in trouble.
I rant and I rave because GW is such a slimy criminal
I will work hard to change the Neo Cons in Congress,
And one day I will see GW turned into a minimal
Then real Americans can start forward for real Progress.
Oh God ppl, I had the most miserable day again for it happens once a year for me…well, one of the most horrible days anyhow. Today was mammogram day for me. I almost canceled for I knew how it hurts..but I had to get this PUTTING it off..I go through this,[putting off thing] and pap smear day as long as possible for I just hate it …:o( It is done now for one more year and boy oh boy am I glad, too!!!! I know for sure, it was a man who developed this ugly, humilating machine which hurts me personally…:o)…I have a question, do the men go through anything like this? If not we need to think up a think for them to experience too…they are missing out on so much in life…
Well a prostate exam is not much fun. No wine, No Romance, just a finger where it does not belong.
Having 2 breast cancer survivors in my house, you should always go. I have seen the pain caused by a mastectomy, trust me your mammo is small potatoes in comparison.
oh, I do take it mother dies from breast cancer. I will always take it serously…Thanks…and I do understand the other problems that come from having breast cancer both medically and emotionally.
well, if i had my whethers, I would squeese your expendage while doing the rectal too…now then you would know how it hurt..:o) just kidding..I suppose if we cant laugh about things in our life we would be definately sad ppl on earth. that is the same thing as getting your pap and mammo done in one setting too…bs I really hope that you know I am just kidding with you here.
Big Hugs to ya.
I am horrid about the pap smears. I’ve had some scary times with it and due to my history… let’s just say it’s not my favorite thing to do and since I always “pop” the first test, I’m usually called right back in for a re-do. I’m supposed to go in every 6 months as well. Yuck
I had put it off and off thinking I could do it whenever -then blammo – one day no insurance.
My old doc prices were astronomical and knowing I pop… I couldn’t afford to get a smear or check up. Then I got scared. Finally after 3 years on the week of the election I used a planned parenthood (no women’s clinic where I live and PP was over an hour away)
So when our insurance does kick in yay I’m gonna see to it I stay ontop of check ups and such. Never know.
But (Hugs) you’re not alone π
Brenda, I have faced this for many years and I refuse to do take part in it. Hey I am 62, how much longer do I have to live anyway in the first place. Don’t everyone jump on me now, this is what I have chosen….. Anyway, I am sick and tired of the medical profession with their tortuous tests, and I have experienced many, plus the pleasure of many hospital stays, where I nearly died several times due to their ineptness and sometimes downright neglect.
So I am willing my body into preventing cancer from existing in my body and healing any diseases I have with meditation.
Plus I just do not trust doctors anymore what so ever, after a misdiagnaosis 35 years ago led to my present back disability. Color me fed up and I’ll take care of myself.
It’s so much nicer to self-check your boobage in a warm soapy shower and you can do it every damn day π
I won’t jump on you because you are a big girl and can make your own decisions. You have daughters, right? Would you tell them to skip the mammograms and yearly pap smears and just have faith that they won’t develop cancer?
I’m just sayin….
Hi Laura, I would tell my daughters to do what their hearts and minds tell them to and that it is up to them. Do not try to sway them one way or the other and they do all of it that they need so far.
I have seen someone die of Breat cancer and I have my own thoughts on this that if any one wants to do a diary on this subject I would write about it, but it’s kind of a downer here in the cafe.
I know that no death is pleasant, that I can think of, and I have always reserved the right to choose the manner of my own death. I am a smoker btw so I have made that choice in some ways in that..
Anyone else can do as they wish according to their beliefs. I have already faced death 7 times and once I was unconscious for 3 day after resp. arrest. and that would actually been a perfect time for me to die I did say then, maybe not for my family, but for me it would have been so easy. When I woke up I didn’t know anything of what went on or what time had passed. I was gone from there/here totally.
Living dangerously again to day with stating my personal views on this subject something I rarely do. Also I am the happiest person on earth at this time so I really have no death wish.
Thanks for your words tho, I know your position quite well and realize mine might sound bizzare but I am perfectly sane and of sound mind. My daughter just called and I told her what I wrote and she laughed, that I would bring that up. I told her about the living dangerous part and she agreed, my children are quite used to me being this way.
Nice to see you today btw…..
Well, I, for one, am glad that you’ve stuck around long enough for me to make your acquaintance. I am much better off for it.
I’m not much for doctors either. I’ve had my share of lazy ones that don’t want to listen to me or investigate what might be going on with me. Nothing “jumps out” at them so they chalk everything up to stress. Like…go have a Calgon moment and you’ll feel much better. Ok, but after my Calgon moment I’ll still have lost 70% of my hair and having daily headaches and depression I can’t shake. But I’ll smell nice.
I seem to be disagreeing with you lately on things. I’ll bet these are the only two things (OJ and mammograms) and now we’ll agree on everything. π
Yes I think we did the other day disagree, was it on abortion or what was it…So we agree on everything else, goody then I won’t have to make my cases on all my weird thoughts or postions…lol. But I do warn you tho, I think there are more crazy views I have they just have not come out through my fingers yet.
Can’t wait till shirl does the diary, then we can really get talking on this subject…..We had a pain diary awhile back and that was quite interesting…Then a proper breathing one from Shirl..shirl the resident spiritual guider,,,guider is that a word?
If you do the diary of which you speak, would you please let me know?
I could have something to say, i suppose.
My dears, I am so glad to be here with you! Here’s my take on the mammogram question:
Some years back I had the pleasure of studying a bit with herbalist Susun Weed in upstate NY. Susan told us, if I am recalling properly, that by the time cancer is found in a mammogram, it has probably been growing for about 9 years. This really changed my thinking about the long term nature of the disease.
I did a bunch of reading about the risk of cancer caused by the mammogram itself, and decided that I would be safer without it. So I have never had one. I will be 49 shortly.
Lest anyone think I am not taking the risk seriously, I lost one of my dearest friends when we were both in our mid thirties to breast cancer, so it’s not that I don’t get that it could be a big deal.
It’s just that I think our “health care” system is very sick. I have only been to an MD a handful of times in the last 20 years, and hope to the Goddess that I am able to continue without their intervention for a good long time. My daughter has only been a couple of times in her 14 years of life, and she too would like to keep it that way. I will foist nothing on her that she does not agree with (not that foisting things on her is particularly doable in any case.)
The pap smear, unpleasant as it is, does not carry the risk of the mammogram, so those I go along with. But the primary ability to make medicines and keep ourselves healthy has to be open sourced and come back to us, the people (particularly women), and our ability to comprehend the pharmacy in our back yards.
Hi, I wish you would copy and paste your comment in shirlstars diary on this subject, and would perhaps make a comment there. We are discussing this whole issue. Thanks….Loved your comment by the wat!!!
Hey, Diane, I’m with you. I had a m’gram years ago and I thought, “Nothing this undignified can possibly be good for me.” lol I know we look nuts to everybody else, but then, what the hey, every tree’s got to shake a few nuts loose.
well, saying what I have just said, I do understand much of what has been said. I was thnking on my way home from all of this, that it is about mens and womens issues. Isn’t it..yes prostrate cancer needs to be checked out most certainly! So can we say in a small way here to everyone…healthcare is about everyone…no gender involved here…no matter what you think or feel. So shall we go back to the drawing board over at the other place and open that avenue up with those closed minds…:o)…Naw…not worth it …I think I will stay right here and know That I will be contributing to the real world….I at first was trying to be funny, but healthcare is not funny….what is worse than that..what if I didnt have healthcare for that fact.
Got another bit of news for you all…my good and bad cholesterol is great!!!!! All the blood tests are diabetes or anything like that…Thyroid is fine ..liver is fine…but last week on a Tuesday I was sitting here of the morning like I always do before getting ready for work reading news and drinking my coffee.and all of a sudden,midsternal chest pain, radiating up my neck and down partially of my left arm and through to my back!!!!!!!! I was so anxious about this…after all I am supposed to be an educated healthcare giver of those kind of ppl and now it is me…believe you me, was I scared…I however, went to work and it stayed with me and I dismissed it as being a pulled muscle..even tho the classic s/s were all there…at the end of my work day, I had the ICU nurse hook a telemetry up to me and run a 12 lead and tried to eval it by what I remembered my last EKG was to the best of my memory….There was some changes but then again was there…My PCP was gone on vacation..and I thought I have an appointment with him in a week, I can wait till then…well, yesterday, there were definate changes found….from the one taken a month ago…now, I am worried.. am being given a stress test…and will go from there…So hang in there with me…this old gray mare and a nurse to boot…Kick my big A** for not going to the ER right then and there…;O( I could just shoot myself. boy the way I think sometimes is not rational….All I could think of that day is to do my patients treatments and go home….what a dumb thing to do….I am so angry with myself…it could have been worse….what was I thinking about???!!!! I could have endangered my pts while done my job! as well as me….
Shirl is writing up a diary on this subject as we speak and then we can all go there and discuss and try to give you some comfort, which I am right now going to send all my good thougts your way and hugs too.
I have been living with “potential” heart probs. for many years, now, 30 years ago I was told I would have to be on heart medication for the rest of my life. It made me so ill I stopped it a couple weeks later and I am still living all these years later.
Oh the stories I could tell, but we really need a diary. I will wait for that to say more…ok, just sending you good wishes.
Thanks, Girlfriend…but I do know I acted so stupidly…no for me but for my patients…I knew better..I should have thought of me first so I then could have dome better for them considering I could have died right there and placed them in harms way….This is not how I think normally and I could just kick myself for that reason if nothing else. To me this is called neglegence…on my part…Coure, one never knows what can strike you at any given moment in time..but to knowingly do such a thing, knowing what could happen is no excuse for me…in my book…Actually I am ashamed of myself….
There you go again Diane, reading my mind. Guess I forgot to shut the door. Yes, I am working on a Diary about Medical, Death, Dying, Alternative modalities, etc. Please don’t expect anything scholarly here. More of an experiencial and “other view points” presentation.
So when it’s done, I will post it.
(that seems a little too obvious, doesn’t it)
looking forward to this discussion…ths is what I so like about being is call discussion..Thanks so very very much……
Well, when y’all have time or inerest, the diary is
Right Here
I don’t mind it too much; the techs at the clinic are as gentle as possible (under the circumstances).
Darn I missed breakfast & lunch here. Darn work. Wish I could tell the bosses that work is cutting into my chatting time. Oh well have I made it in time for happy hour?
Bad Omen. Today my son dissected a frog in class.
No we weren’t asked if this was okay. No no forms were sent home.
His aid says he’s okay… but damn… There is an online version to learn about the froggies innards.
Ick. I remember doing that and it really bothered me. Both the smell and the fact that it was…well…a frog!
My kids did something way better in their school. They dissected owl poop. Sounds gross but it’s all dried out and not smelly….and you find all kinds of cool things inside, like mouse bones, and everything the owl has eaten recently. Cool.
Hello there Getmeouttadixie π
Yah, when I remember throwing up in the girls bathroom right after the test.
Coolio on the owl poop. Been there done that. He did owl poop in the one year of Boys Scout. Both my kids are inquistive and their Dad is big time outdoorsy.
Oh and I’m supposed to supply snacks for 29 science class students…TOMORROW??!!?? Hello, communication is NOT my son’s strongest point… “well your son said you’d bring…”
I love the week of school, can’t cha’ tell? π
Rice Krispie treats. Five minutes.
Hmmmm that’s an idea. I could put gummi frogs on em. π
In high school, we were supposed to dissect fetal pigs. My best friend and I came up with some sort of reason to get out of it, though, and ended up doing some sort of joint term paper. The teacher was great about allowing people to substitute a term paper if a student couldn’t do the dissection.
The chicken development unit was much more interesting…that and I was partnered with the cutest guy in class, but that’s another story… π
Drinks are on me!!!!!
why they call it Happy Hour! π
awwright BODY SHOTS!!
Line starts …. “here”
yeah, it’s happy hour in Boston.
oh I would love a strawberry margarita. I have so many strawberrys at home now. Running out my ears like my mother use to say
Ummmmm.I guess I had better start a tab huh?
I tip well
Did you order a margarita?

OMG that’s beautiful
whoot! Frozen margies soulmate!
No rocks and no salt. I want the glass to start freezing on the outside. π
Lovely Zander
no rocks, no salt

I need to share something….I just posted my first diary. It is really short but I am so excited but sick to my stomach at the same time. Could somebody give me a hug please? LOL
Thanks, Sweetirish. All better!
I am so excited and congrats. alhoa, I will go run and see it right now. New you could do it. The first one is the hardest. Hugs to you, big giant hugs….!!!!!
Big, Big, BIG (((((((((Hugs))))))))
Well you lovely ladies sure are proof of my self-organizing systems theory.
Here at Froggy Bottom you’ve managed to organize yourselves a 24/7 Bare Naked Ladies Sauna, with all the wistful virtual treats there are to be found.
Meanwhile the testosterone impregnated lesser mortals are off with their economics and rage diaries.
Ain’t this how it has always been? Since the caves? Yin and Yang?
This is not rude, this is an observation. Men need 4’s from any other men. Women need 4’s from their close co-conspirators.
comment above. women want 4’s from everyone tho and thanks for noticing us and for your observations, they are somewhat astute.
we actually seek kindler and gentler men, at least I do and consider it my mission to tame them….Don’t be offended either at this statement, this is how it’s always been, n’cest pas. Hope that spelling is right, I know you will fill me in if it isn’t.
Good to see your smiling face today Sven, what do you have up your sleeves to entertain us with today.
BTW does anyone think I need to do a part 2.5 to this diary. Getting awfully long and the day is only half way over…
This I think could be the motto of the Froggy Bottom Cafe π
but you’ll have to get your own beer, mine is off limits. π
and theres a 4 4 u 2. don’t think i didn’t notice you, giving me my first comment on my diary. i did. and now you gotta 4!!!!
you didn’t bring your ice cream in here at all! π How am I going to stalk you if you’re not even going to be where you said you would be? π
in the ‘whatever are we going to do with Slacker?” part – I decided I needed wine for this…
see you there (don’t know why I couldn’t find it before)
same table as last night i see.. you kids got jobs? must be nice to hang out in the bar 24/7.. well i wouldnt know of dont mind me.. i gotta hurry up and clean this place up.. i kinda like it here.. i mean its easy.. i bet i can clean this joint in an hour flat and then do some off-the-clock self help bartending.. and sit around on my keester and take it easy.. yeah you know i deserve some of that… yesindeedie..
oh but of course i have no intention of punching out while i drink…ssssshhhh.. just between you and me, ok?.. hey, think theres any midori left? ha. i bet not.. i bet those ladies drank it all again..hmmmm.. maybe if i take a little jose cuervo . you know the old stuff.. 1800, that teqúila añejo they wont miss it.. some grand marnier and a dozen or so of those tiny, little limes.. i know i know. its not green, sorta golden, but hey. is it my fault all the midori is gone? and besides who cares? nobody here but us chickens..
hang on. while i hurry up and whip this sweepin out… and then we’ll sit down
and get serious…
Whatever are we going to do with Slacker…I think we need to team tag him over here, what do you say, Slacker come on over here for a drink with Zander and I. Sides I think we are the only ones on board right now.
hey there – sorry I took so long – I’ve been exchanging some mail with slacker. I’ll see if I can find him, if you’re still around..
sip – hmmm, carmenere….
are you still around?
been set up? Looks like I’m just hanging all by myself in here. Just me (me, me, me) and my echo. That means it’s time for the strong stuff I guess –
me and too much of the strong stuff by the looks of my messy posts – I hope diane is already in bed – she hates it when I made messes in here.
here. My creaky old computer will thank you profusely for not making her reload 125 comments (and counting) with every exchange, LOL.
where to?
I’m on a ten year old computer with dialup, meaning it takes about an eon and a half just to move around the blog and give out a few comments.
I am here, at your service! Though now I am to understand that you have finally graced me with an email? That will take a couple minutes, to get to my email and back, LOL.
I don’t believe it for a second – your diary was moving along at a rapid clip.
Were we on the same diary? It was moving along, but almost leaving me behind! LOL I took like 45 minutes to respond to people (of course, I tried to give you highest priority).
Okay, I’m not posting on this huge thing any more–see you at the “after bar”!
cleaning lady!!!! i just posted way upthread. guess i’m talkin to myself huh? didn’t notice you kids all the way down here…