The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from
Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and
Impeach Bush
Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and
Impeach Bush
Take the poll:
I want to see the entire administration, DOD and DOJ and everyone involved in the invasion and occupation of Iraq and the torture and murder of detainees convicted of War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity.
In the World Court. Where there is no option for a pardon.
I thought the US didn’t sign the treaty to join the ICC. Or is this a different court?
And they said it was to prevent the troops from being taken before the court! Ha! That’s the window dressing for the faux news crowd. It was to cover their own asses if they got caught in one of their little “operations”. How ironic if Tony Blair takes the fall before the ICC for the DSM and Bush & friends get off scott free. 🙁
List of signatures:
3. On 28 August 2002, the Secretary-General received from the Government of Israel, the following communication: “… connection with the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court adopted on 17 July 1998, […] Israel does not intend to become a party to the treaty. Accordingly, Israel has no legal obligations arising from its signature on 31 December 2000. Israel requests that its intention not to become a party, as expressed in this letter, be reflected in the depositary’s status lists relating to this treaty.”
6. In a communication received on 6 May 2002, the Government of the United States of America informed the Secretary-General of the following:
“This is to inform you, in connection with the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court adopted on July 17, 1998, that the United States does not intend to become a party to the treaty. Accordingly, the United States has no legal obligations arising from its signature on December 31, 2000. The United States requests that its intention not to become a party, as expressed in this letter, be reflected in the depositary’s status lists relating to this treaty.”
Could it be that the administration was fully aware of what US armed forces and the CIA were doing in Afghanistan?
They knew they could be charged for what they were already doing, and perhaps what they were planning on doing in Iraq? And in all their little Black Holes of Interrogation?
In other words,
Something to think about very carefully,
Were they planning (by 6 May 2002) for massive civilian casualties, torture, illegal capture and rendition, murder and an end to observance of all Geneva Conventions?
When did Bush sign the first “finding” on torture? When did Bush order the focus moved from Afghanistan to Iraq invasion plans…
I do believe, but don’t have the time, energy right now to look up all the references, that the answer to your questions
is a loud, resounding, unqualified Yes.
Yes, there is an “axis of evil” . . .
Booman, I think this poll would be better if it allowed to vote on several items by priority, or at least the option of “all of the above”. It’s hard to pick one single choice – they’re all right on, and I feel so outraged these days I’d like to pick them all with explamation marks added. But I don’t know if this blog has that built-in capability.
Hey, can someone fix the italics on the front page? It looks like something went wrong in the Support Howard Dean post.
Honestly it seems like bribery — listed right there in the Constitution — should be rather easy to prove in some fashion. I mean, we know there’s quid pro quos going on, and we know he’s tangled up in CoinGate and Abramoff and Big Oil. So what exactly is the legal definition of it, and does the definition change across jurisdictions (ie: Federal, District of Columbia, Texas. etc.) enough for that to matter?
Please add in poll – All of the above
All of the above.
You forgot one, Booman.
Section IV of the fourteenth amendment states:
I’m referring, of course, to Commander Monkey-Spank’s asinine photo-op at Treasury where he sates that trillions of dollars in government bonds are not worth the paper on which they were printed.
If a sane and rational president had made similar remarks, they could have led to a major sell-off in the bond market.
Of course, Bush is a blithering idiot whose pronouncements no one on Wall Street really takes seriously. The guy couldn’t run a Popsicle stand without the help of Karl Rove, so it’s not surprising there was no market reaction.
If Greenspan had said this? Hoo boy.
I think Max Sawicky brought this up a few months back.
The dollar, and thus dollar denominated debts, have value only to the extent there’s real assets to back them up. As the bills come due, they’ll be paid by printing more “dollars.’ This is a reality, irrespective of who’s in office.
Get your assets out of dollar denominated paper.
I vote for all of the above too!
Crips, when my eyes first lit over the words, my heart started to do cartwheels that finally SANITY had hit this nation and we were on the road to recovery..
then to see it was a poll. ACK! 🙂
Yeah, my vote would have been for all the above…because it is the freakin truth. I mean god…to see it all laid out, all the outrageous things THEY have done!!!!! How the F do these goons get away with what they have done?
From Findlaw’s Constitution [Annotated]:
Practice over the years, however, insofar as the Senate deems itself bound by the actions of previous Senates, would appear to limit the grounds of conviction to indictable criminal offenses for all officers, with the possible exception of judges.
It comes down to the standard of proof. Do you really believe the House would even consider a hearing on the articles? The best chance for change is ’06.
With one or two exceptions, Congressional Republicans are as corrupt as the administration. I honestly can’t think of anything Bush could do, no further criminal act, that would lead this Congress to impeachment hearings. Well, unless he dissed Jesus, maybe.
So definitely, any action will have to await 2007. Which leave just about the right time to run all-out impeachment campaigns among the real folks.
I think the most solid article of impeachment is the wanton violation of the Geneva Conventions.
Meanwhile: don’t forget to become a member of our new sister site: European Tribune.
I keep hoping that other countries will use that to get this admin for war crimes.
Can’t we Americans call out for other countries to “liberate” us from such evil empires… oh wait…
I’m glad to see your advertiser list grow! What is the ranking now for the site?
(Don’t forget to visit the ads everyone!)
Lying to Congress (about Iraq’s preparation for nuclear weapons etc,) is demonstrable and has precedent as Clinton was impeached for lying.
he was not technically impeached for lying. But he didn’t accuse the Serbians of stockpiling anthrax, VX, Sarin, etc. either.
As I remember, he was impeached for lying about his affair. But I could be remembering wrong.
a choice that sums up the essence more explicitly:
Unconstitutionally seized Congress’ sole war authority through gross fraud and deception.
upon the fact that not only did he lie to congress but he lied to us and the whole world. I suggest he be et al be tried and convicted for murder..on only of our boys and girls, but to the innocient Iraqi’s but for other country’s the collition of the willing. Those lies are so much more convictable in my IMO. But for some of the things he is doing to bankrupt America is as well a notable offence too.
The Watergate comparisons to now are obvious and rampant. There are a few things substantially differnt in today’s political environement.
The rabid right controls both houses of congress.The media is now concentrated in seven giant corporations, all more driven by profit motive that “journalistic integrity”. The rabid right (to steal a phrase from Bill’s rant today) has its own network mouthpiece, and a significant echo chamber that includes the other major cable news networks, Limbaugh, Savage, Coulter, and many print and magazine rags. The rabid right has think tanks and “framing experts” like Luntz. The rabid right can use terror alerts to scare the public. The rabid right can use the Patriot Act to legally spy on any one, any where. The rapid right believes it is the permanent majority. (The nuclear option and the plans to repeal the 22nd amendment are ample proof of that).
Of course, the crimes are much bigger as well. Bill’s rant today did an excellent job listign the major ones. Many were shocked at all of Nixon’s crimes, one they are exposed. I am certain that, if all of Bush’s crime are ever exposed, he will make Nixon look like a innnocent school girl.
I sincerrely hope tomorrow’s hearing is the beginning of something big. I hope tomorrow’s hearing is the beginning of the end of our national nightmare.
Because that denial has made it much more difficult for our system to work the way the framers intended. I would combine a few of those items this way: He intended to start an illegal war of aggression, and to accomplish that end he knowingly gave false information to the American people (and to foreign governments), and he usurped Congressional authority to start a war– and he backed those opposing his policies into a corner by stripping away our civil liberties and access to power.
I’m not sure what the difference is between an Open Thread and a Froggy Bottom Cafe Thread. Anyway I have a diary sort of question.
If I were to make a timeline what format should I use?
I’ll probably make a text version no matter which other version I choose but since plain text is so very boring I thought I should make 2.