This’ll be all over the internets soon enough, but DarkSyde broke it came in second place on dKos:
Terri Schiavo did not suffer any trauma prior to her 1990 collapse and her brain was about half of normal size when she died, according to results released Wednesday of an autopsy conducted on the severely brain-damaged woman.
Pinellas-Pasco Medical Examiner Jon Thogmartin concluded that there was no evidence of strangulation or other trauma leading to her collapse. He also said she did not appear to have suffered a heart attack.
Emphasis mine.
I heard it on the 9AM news on NPR.
Besides what you cite, NPR says that the part of her brain that controls sight was dead. She was blind.
So, she wasn’t following all those movements.
The big thing: There was NO sign of violence towards her.
F–kin’ politicians and media, making this non-story a story for WEEEKS!
Eating up millions of taxpayer dollars that could feed hungry children.
And do you think the ‘believers’ will believe that she was blind or dismiss the science of the autopsy as left wing propaganda..who needs science anyway when they ‘know’ what they know.
I’m hoping this post takes. After both sites went down the other day I couldn’t get back in to either site until an hour here goes.
The believers will say that you don’t need the physical body to create function – Terry’s soul was commanding her eyes to see. Or,commanding her “supporters” to feck* off.
*feck – Father Ted-ism. Now there’s a religioso I could love
but that’s just needlessly insulting. This believer, like many, thought that she was all but dead for many years, and needed to be allowed to finally die in peace.
Confused – I understood the situation as these people NOT wanting to let her go in peace.
I thought she was braindead, and needed to have her body follow, as did many Christians.
Most of the folks who disagreed said that she might be alive–only a tiny, tiny portion said it was a certain thing. Those were the leaders, for the most part–people like Randall Terry, who had a vested interest in keeping the story going.
The Randall Terry types were the only Christians that I saw press about. I thought they were horrid. I believed she was brain – dead and that her soul was already at peace.
the press doesn’t listen to statements like this one from the UCC’s President John Thomas:
The press doesn’t listen to a lot of things. For another thread I suppose, but – why? Can they ALL be beholden to Bushco?
but they certainly are lazy, and they don’t always bother to check for other perspectives. On the other hand, many local papers did go around and check out different points of view.
I’m just saying don’t make the mistake of assuming that because you didn’t hear it, nobody was saying it…
…you’ll see that what you say has already come to pass. The autopsy was a sham, they say, among other things.
Chocolate, what someone else told the other me to do to get back on when site goes down, is to clear cookies for this site, you can find it in your tools section of browser, and then just click on booman and then delete. I did that and I was back on as soon as it got going again…Hi chocolate by the way, and be sure to visit Froggy bottom Cafe, our new gathering place.
Being a cynic here, I would expect to see the wing nut crowd spin this anyway.
It is so sad that this young woman’s legacy could have been to teach others about the dangers of eating disorders and is instead the media and government circus that surrounded her final year.
It is my fervent hope that all family members can find peace.
It is also my hope that the media wingnuts just shut up and stay out of this – but I doubt it.
I posted a diary here and at dkos this morning. /tooting own horn
Here’s the diary
To give credit where credit is definitely due, Liberalpalooza broke this and beat Dark Syde — who has linked to Liberalpalooza’s excellent research with links itself to a history of the case, the claims by the crazees, etc. It probably ought to be saved in Wikipedia or ???
Thanks for the correction!
Thanks. I’m still adding to it (currently looking for quotes from the doctors saying she could see). Funny how all the links to the balloon tracking video seem to be down. Hmmmmm.
And thanks to Cream City also for commenting here and there and everywhere. 😀
The wingnut brigade will find something constructive to do with their time. You know, like ending poverty, hunger, or war. Not smearing a man by calling him a liar and an abusive spouse.
Please, the wingnut brigade are Christians, what concern would Christians have with ending poverty, hunger, and war. I thought Jesus Christ’s message was to go forth and spew hate in his name. Am I somehow mistaken?
Fred Phelps seems to love Jesus. He goes by the Commandment “Thou shalt bash those whose skin is not as pale as copy paper.” So he is a very authoritative source on religion…right?
Perhaps Pastor Dan should clear this up…is Jesus one of those goofy “help your fellow man” people, or is he a good “USA! USA!” nuke-the-whales conservative?
(And for the record, I am white. So I can make fun of white people all I want.)
you dirty hippie…
You America-hating traitor…I’m not even old enough to be a hippie. 🙂
In actual truth, I’ve never used drugs. Not even marijuana. So I don’t fit the basic “fight the power” mold to be a hippie. I know…pathetic, right?
We need to work on you.
Anyone got a spare copy of Bukowski’s collected poetry to send to young DH?
I hear ther are some brownies available at Froggy Bottom Cafe, maybe you should stop by and check it out. At least then you’ll know what we oldsters (or middlesters in my case) are talking about. I’m not quite old enough to be a real hippy either, but…
But I wonder if people are overestimating my age. I’m not even old enough to be a middlester.
you may steel feel a bit hungry after eating the brownies, I suggest having some munchies available. The visual effects in the first episode of Star Wars will really blow you away after you eat these brownies. Enjoy.
I don’t want any pretzels nearby.
Anyone, but a complete idiot, can safely eat a pretzel.
So a partial idiot like me is OK? Cool.
You seem to be a young feller or gal who can find his/her way around the internets, so you should be OK.
Cheetos—lots of cheetos (I recommend the “flaming hot” but they’re not for everyone)
That and a Simpsons, or Rocky and Bulwinkle, DVD…the universe will come into place.
But no “flaming hot”. Too hot even for me.
What I really wish they would bring back is the “Texas Grill” Fritos. Now those were good. But I haven’t had any in over four years, and I’ve yet to find anything comparable.
are the old recipe Lay’s BBQ potato chips–back when they had the orange bag. They’re never coming back, which makes me sad…and I can rarely find the flaming hot cheetos here in Boston (could almost always find ’em in MN, which is surprising considering the state’s allergy to spice and flavor)…it’s hard to have the munchies without good munchie food…now I’m left with Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Therapy ice cream.
when a person can’t even get their favorite spicy snacks anymore? It’s not right, I tell ya.
’tis a sad place….at least there’s chocolate.
You can’t beat chocolate! Everything has tried and everything has failed to overthrow it’s place as the ultimate snack food.
No, no – “it’s U (pause), S (pause), A !!!!!!!!” And then you plop your beer belly back in the stands feeling like you really contributed something to the country. I remember watching 9/11 Memorials during the week following. I would get more and more choked up…until some idiot in the crowd would start that jingochant.
It’s a no-brainer.
(cross posted as a comment at d-Kos)
Hmmm, half a brain? So this is conclusive proof that she was a Republican?
I just saw a segment on this on Scarborough. He opened opened by saying the husband was right on everything. Randall Terry responded by saying the idea the the many visitors to Terry Schiavo were wrong or lying about her “responsiveness” was ludicrous. He then claimed the [athologists weren’t “brain doctirs” and therefore didn’t understand how complicated the brain is, or that she could have still had brain activity. The medical “expert” was Dr. ELizabeth Healy. She was actually worst that Randall Terry. She claimed that the fact the Terry Schiavo was blind reinforced the possibility that she had brain activity. She must have spent all day trying to come up with that line of bullshit. I was too disgusted to watch any more. I did see Dr. Michael Biden, perhaps the most famous patholist in the US, on Faux News with Greta (the only Faux News that does not make me spontaneously vomit). Biden said terry Schiavo lost all higher brain function in 1990. All that brain tissue died from lack of oxygen when she stopped breathing, then slowly atrophied away. He then confirmed that there was absolutely “no chance for recovery”.