I think I’ve finally figured out the Star Tribune’s strategy regarding the Downing Street Minutes and Memos. Readers of the newspaper might have noticed a surprising lack of A-section articles regarding the leaked documents and their contents. However, their editorial pages have been a veritable gold mine of DSM&M goodness.
They can provide more conjecture in an Editorial than an article. Editorials, being the opinion pieces that they are, have a little bit more play in what they can accuse people of as opposed to researched articles.
See what I mean below.
Today, the Star Tribune had a very good editorial that includes most of the liberal discussion on the DSM&M. The title itself screams volumes “Fig leaf for war/Paper indicates UN was mislead” Some Quotage:
This was the opening paragraph! The writer later goes on to emphasise a major point that most other media sources seem to gloss-over/ignore completely. Emphasis was original to article.
Here comes the money quote. And the part that makes me love the Strib. They’re basically blogging in a major newspaper!
This is where the plot really thickens. Perhaps readers will recall that Bush’s nominee for U.N. ambassador, John Bolton, recently was accused of orchestrating the 2002 ouster of Jose Bustani, head of the Organization for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons, a U.N. agency. Why did Bolton want Bustani replaced? Because Bustani was aggressively seeking to reinsert chemical weapons inspectors into Iraq. The conclusion of many observers is that the United States did not want inspectors in Iraq because it undercut the U.S. case for an invasion.
Can anyone name a single news source that has made this accusation? This quote is what made me realize their strategy is to keep it in the opinion pages where they have more leeway with what is allowed. In an article, they’d presumably have to back this up with sources.
Their closing paragraph doesn’t back off any more than the rest of it.
A look back at my diaries will track the evolution of their discussion.
Sunday June 12th: Ombudsman Discusses DSM evolution in Star Tribune.
Thursday June 9th: Editorial again discussing DSM
Thursday June 2nd: Star Tribune publishes DSM in full (first newspaper in the nation to do so)
Also, there was a story that I did not diary prior to June 2nd, and am unable to find a link for. It is slightly discussed in the June 12th Ombudsman article, however. But this was an A-section article. The editorial pages is where the magic happens.
don’t know if y’all have that here. but this is my first booman diary. I’d appreciate it if y’all would be gentle poppin my cherry and all.
Nice windmilling!
to you for a most important story. IMHO this should be front paged. The more we keep anything regarding the MSM covering the DSMs the more attention it will get and maybe force other MSM outlets to keep this front and center. Thank you for your outstanding work!