I am hemiplegic and spend a lot of time online searching out the news on stem cell therapy research that may help me recover the use of my body.  Recently I came across stemPAC, a newly formed group committed to advancing the cause of scientific study that holds so much promise for relieving suffering and improving the well-being of our human family.

I wrote to the group leader, John Hlinko, to ask how I could help.  His reply was a request for my story.  The web site has begun to post personal stories from people concerned about the future of stem cell research, and the threat we face from those who would deny us knowledge.

I’m not posting my story here, it is available at the stemPAC website.  If you  (or someone dear to you) suffer from a disease of the central nervous system, or any one of the afflictions that could be helped by stem-cell transplant, please visit their website and submit a story or comment. Research is being done in every health area, so we could be on the threshold of truly miraculous medical progress.

This might be the issue that stops the BushCo juggernaut.  Every American has a loved one who could benefit from this research.  Our country is being held back while the rest of the world takes the lead on these discoveries.  Already some of our people are travelling abroad for the medical care they are being denied here by our  own version of the Taliban

Please join us in this effort.  This is a fight we can and must win if we all stand together.