Many of you are expressing interest in using an RSS feed application. We talked about RSS feeds on an open thread yesterday, where I put up screenshots of what my RSS Newsfire feed looks like. offers a guide to the best how-to sites. Top of the list: Christian Science Monitor.
After the initial diary appeared, I downloaded Abilon. Once my husband explained that I should just copy the link to the RSS feed and paste into Abilon’s “new feed” option, everything was really easy. I’ve now pulled feeds for everything from this site to Velonews to Defamer.
It’s very convenient. Abilon has built-in browser, so it’s easy to read something of interest w/o waiting for Firefox to load (sloooow on my laptop).
Yes, that does look good. I just started using bloglines a few days ago.
But I’m left wanting more. In a way, dKos and Booman could be considered RSS aggregators in the sense that they pull together streams of stories into a single screen.
I’d like to take complete control of that and select entire stories (not just the rss blurbs) from blog authors (front-pagers or diarists). As far as I can tell, this isn’t currently possible without some custom scripting. Does anyone have thoughts about how these technologies are going to develop in the next year or two?
That leaves two issues:
Especially on a site as busy as dKos, I don’t think the mechanisms for bringing interesting content to my attention are working. Can’t wait to see the new version of his site.
Any thoughts about where “podcasts” are going? That area still seems to be in disarray. I’m anxious for some music-based communities to evolve… radio has been so terrible for so long that it hurts!
Looks pretty quiet on this thread, but I’d like to follow up with a question about the role of the “trackback” links. I think I basically get it, but I’m wondering more about how people think it’s going to evolve.
I know some of the developers who are in the thick of things. But it seems that this area is more influenced by the big blogs at this point.
That is, until Google gets into the game.
I need a more basic how to guide. I D/L the Sauce reader but have no idea what I’m supposedto copy or where I’m supposedto copy it to and the help instructions, as usual are no help. Suggestions for the dummy and RSS welcome
I’m not familar with that reader. 99% of the configuration of one of those things is basically finding the “atom” or “rss 1.0” or “rss 2.0” feeds on the page you want to include in your aggregator. See the Christian Science Monitor above.
In the worst case, you have to click on one to make the url appear in the url box and then copy it (or do a “copy link location”). There should be an easy-to-find place in your rss reader in which to paste the url.
Go to my note at the top, and click on the link to the June 13 Open Thread. In the comments section, I put up a screenshot that shows you how I add feeds in my RSS feed application.
Do you see a place on the Sauce reader that says ADD ?
If so, cool. Now go to the bottom of THIS page, look in the far right, and see the RSS image button. Right-click that RSS button, and choose “Copy Link” (or Copy).
Now go to your Sauce reader, and click ADD.
A window should open where you’ll put the info for your new feed.
Click in the place where you’ll add the URL link, and type Control V. (That pastes the BooMan RSS link you just copied.)
Name the feed.