I have been having aheck of a time getting a connection that works, had to do some setting changes and now it seems to be working find. B all means everyone join in whereever the live blog is. Could some one tell me as I am very behind.
Wow what an exciting day……..I love this hearing
I think I am just too excited today to do live blogging, my hands are shaking trying to type. These are the words I have wanted to hear for so long now and now at long last I do.
If the 10/02 resolution was proper, then what we have to look at is what was known by the White House at that time, and what steps were taken to convince congress to sign on this and if there was subversion of the consitution…
Arguing for a “resolution of inquiry” and doing a good job of it.
McGovern: [Cheney’s visits to the CIA were unprecedented in McGovern’s 27 year history at the CIA]…everybody knew that Tenet was [cooking the intel]…[Tenet did not protect his employees from outside pressures]…Tenet hitched a ride every day with the morning briefer [to see Bush]…[that affected the candor that the daily briefer could have had]…the management of the CIA had been so corrupted [because of Tenet’s behaviour]…Cheney was head of the energy task force..after 1991, he was asked why they didn’t just go in and take Saddam out….[Cheney said it wasn’t worth the number of US soldiers at the time}…[then Cheney, following his tenure at Halliburton> oil> Iraq…(basically – you figure out why he changed his mind)…
I don’t know how our oil ended up underneath Iraq…
truly a tragedy to meet in such cramped quaters to hear the views of the American public. Casting 1 votes in a two hour period in simultaneaous with this meeting. Not a coincidence. Timing?
Very troubled by DSM and the little attn given to it…
That they removed anyone who disagreed with Bush about the war.
Integrity of military service. Never seen the number of resignations and of top generals leaving. Jag Officers retiring. Guard and Reserve offcrs at the state level at thte stress they are under.
Trouble by regular forces and deeply troubled by the 3s of the contractors in Iraq 25,000 – contractors and yet they don’t know who they are or no answers.
No facts. On anything.
in assembling the facts in this case it’s very important to look at deployments prior to the vote of our guard and reserve units and put it on a time table… theyre were units deployed beforee (lost the feed)
soemting about airfields being made – that they didn’t happen over night – how were they “just there”.
members of congress do not know… need facts.
Tried to get this and unsuccessfull in the 1980s the involvement of Reagan — no records of what was sold and when it was sold – materials to Iraq – right up to the end of the 1980s – have attempted to obtain these records and nothing.
Oh my heavens it is so great!!!!!!!!!! I lack for words to express my overwhelming response. This is actually the very begining of the down fall of this administration. It is finally here….
Is there any greater need than to have the prez respond [to this memo]?
To Sheehan: even though we have resolved that this was a war based on [lies] that does not in any way diminish [his service]…
To the families left behind, is that a benefit to the families themselves…on a personal basis?
Sheehan: I know it’s a benefit for me and the families I represent…I feel sorry for the parents who thought their kids died for a reason..there are still parents who want to believe that their parents died for freedom or democracy…[we can’t hurt any more than we already are]…the truth has to come out for the troops still over there…
Wilson to congresscritter: the most urgent threat is nuclear…[talking about centrifuges and Powell’s presentation before the UN – that had the annodized coating – y’all remember all of that stuff]…yellowcake…
McGovern: the gov’t doesn’t control the disposition of its uranium…[blaming Bolton for faulty intel]
I have to quit putting D in — as if there would be a R….
Their service is appreciated and respected — tells a story about soldiers who have died and their lack of equipment, etc.
Second question:
Did congress abrigoate (soory) it’s responsiblities…
I want to hear the answer to that:
Bonifaz says:
The president did not have the consitutional authority to wage this war in the first place. I belive the congress did unlawfully transfer its power to the president….
the non-armor… where men have died due to not providing armor.
Also… Conyers spoke of subpeopna power would be nice and that there will be many more hearings.
my words…
I’m scared because I’m feeling so hopeful. Like, when will the blanket drop and ka-boom.
I think impeachment is too good for these “puckers” I think we should INDICT them all. Otherwise, some could say that Bush was ousted because the war was “too long or lost” or some damn thing.
I want to spend all Friday writing and calling these brave heros who spoke up today. List? Purdy please?
[referring to father of soldier and his son, Brian, who was killed in an unarmoured vehicle]
Do any of you have any knowledge of any other documents that would {refute the DSM}?
Realizing that congress gave Bush power, did congress absrigate its responsibility?
Bonifraz: NO, we know of no documents that would refute [the DSM].
We sued the prez [over whether he had the authority to start this war]….[regarding congress: many said they trusted the prez..leaving aside the congress doesn’t allow the prez to have that final authority…those members of congress must now face the potential reality that they were misled…]
Conyers: we have a lot of work to do as a result of this first panel…[thanking everyone]..let us recognize all the persons here who like Mrs Sheehan have suffered the personal loss of someone in this war…
2 American dads stood up and told of their sons who died in Iraq.
1 British dad stood and thanked the committee.
1 American man stood up with a picture of his brother who died in Iraq.
Casey Sheehan’s aunt introduced herself.
Conyers: Petition: signed by 560,000 Americans
Resolve to continue sorting out all of the dozens of recommendations that it is now incumbent on us to diacharge
Psst from one kidney stone recoveree to another ((Hugs)))) I had mine for 6 months (I kept making em) while pregnant.. did the stone crusher after I deliverd and was able to recover. Almost lost my baby girl a few times from the pain and the surgeries to remove stones … So I am sooooooooooo sorry for what you are going through.
Take care! Was a good day to smile and be an American wanting the truth
6 months?? It’s been one month for me now with this pain. I can’t imagine 6 months of it! When I had kidney stones in the early 90s, they were a one or two day affair – nothing like this. Hugs to your baby girl for surviving that and hugs for you too!
The last 3 months of my pregnancy I developed stones. I was in and out of Marin General ever since. Took 3 months after the delivery (full term, too) that I was “well” enough to undergo the stone crusher. Once my kidneys were affected my bladder and other soft tissue was in bad condition. The pain would start contractions. Had a stent (sp) calcify in me at one point. Was a nightmare but Danni is healthy and okay 🙂
I wish I had answers to alleviate the pain.. but nonething but removal helped me. I learned that morphine doesn’t stop pain – it only takes you out of your mind.
Ihad an incredible urologist and MGH maternity team. I had insurance back then… every time I get a twinge in my lower back.. I pray it’s not kindeys/stones again. Because it would kill us financially.
All I can say is stay strong and take care of yourself.
Afterwards… your pain threshold will be unbelievable LOL which is actually a bad thing for some reasons – my hands are so scarred from burns and such as I just don’t feel pain as bad anymore.
I’m still here but I want to see what’s happening OUTside — please direct me to somehwere that is following where all of these people just went….please??
but if these earthquakes (remember the WHOLE COAST of CA tsunami warning??) are not ample evidence that someone has control over these things, dunno….ok, enough tinfoil, but that is ALL that is on the news — anyone know where I can go to see what is happening in DC???
I thought that when on my news they had a high speed chase then the quakes… then heard the Congressmen say about the 11 votes and such with this hearing.
So I guess I’ll be wearing a tinfoil …. bra 🙂 for now 🙂 Till the truth is totally free.
Catnip thanks for the great work,
I had the earth quake right in the middle after all my other problems, good thing there were two of us and many others to contribute. Everyone did an excellent job….
Can’t wait for step 2 of this whole issue…..
This is just the beginning….but the tide has turned.
Oh I am ok but I just have a feeling we have not had the last earthquake in this current series see this site for the recent ones here: http://quake.wr.usgs.gov/recenteqs/
Just a lot of calls back and forth with my daughters, this is the second this week locally that we felt and that will the tsunami warning the other day is rattling our nevers a bit. I have been through a lot in my 40+ years in Cal. but this current series is worrying me.
Earth is trying to shake us and all we have built off, I think. Unless we mend our ways.
It was quite the afternoon! Thanks to all of you. It was so good to watch a hearing without antagonists (ie. Republicans) participating who just can’t handle the truth. I’m more confident than ever that this has serious legs and that it may, indeed, bring down this administration. Go Conyers!
I was just thinking. Tomorrow’s the last day of school here and OH MY!! what if by the time my kids return in September… if this bloody war and the Bush Lie Inc could be ousted.
McGovern is great!!
He just brought up the joke about the “where oh where are those WMD??”
I’m here in my private capacity…
Talking about After Downing Street.org
Calling for a formal congressional investigation into impeachable offences…
He also, is calling them minutes
the constitutional case…
Boy oh boy, I’ll bet there are a few people out there who wish they hadn’t gone after Clinton now….
Are ALL calling congress on the carpet for falling alseep on the job, that and Bonifaz is saying “impeach’ every other sentence!
This is so awesome…I wonder how many people are watching this…is there any way to find out?
I have been having aheck of a time getting a connection that works, had to do some setting changes and now it seems to be working find. B all means everyone join in whereever the live blog is. Could some one tell me as I am very behind.
Wow what an exciting day……..I love this hearing
….please?? 😉
from Bush to Congress….
If DSM is true, then Pres’s 3/18/03 letter was a felony….
John Conyers:
Some in the media have suggested that these revelations are nothing new — can you tell us, what is new is here??
Joe Wilson answers
many in Congress have told me that if they knew then what they knew now they wouldn’t have voted for it…
HA!! McG will NOT let congress off the hook though —
documents show a “panic amoung British lawyers”
I can’t keep up — there is so much good stuff here… catnip is so much better at this than I ma..
I think I am just too excited today to do live blogging, my hands are shaking trying to type. These are the words I have wanted to hear for so long now and now at long last I do.
If the 10/02 resolution was proper, then what we have to look at is what was known by the White House at that time, and what steps were taken to convince congress to sign on this and if there was subversion of the consitution…
Arguing for a “resolution of inquiry” and doing a good job of it.
until it reaches 200 comments.
Are we here now? I just finished my post in thread #1 before Waters started speaking for anyone who wants to catch up.
with the 200 comment limit. (back to thread 1)
I dunno, I just saw that Susan had posted another one and started posting here….not trying to be a jerk!
I’m gonna sit back and listen for a bit — catnip, my notes are not as good as yours!
thanking Conyers for courage
the participants for being there
Asks: McGovern:
you have asserted that Cheney made trips to the CIA, this VP has a hand in no-bid contracts, defends G’itmo, holds secret energy policy meetings…..
“This VP ppears to be more than arrogant”
Would you elaborate further on these [cheneys} visits [to the CIA]??
McGovern: [Cheney’s visits to the CIA were unprecedented in McGovern’s 27 year history at the CIA]…everybody knew that Tenet was [cooking the intel]…[Tenet did not protect his employees from outside pressures]…Tenet hitched a ride every day with the morning briefer [to see Bush]…[that affected the candor that the daily briefer could have had]…the management of the CIA had been so corrupted [because of Tenet’s behaviour]…Cheney was head of the energy task force..after 1991, he was asked why they didn’t just go in and take Saddam out….[Cheney said it wasn’t worth the number of US soldiers at the time}…[then Cheney, following his tenure at Halliburton> oil> Iraq…(basically – you figure out why he changed his mind)…
I don’t know how our oil ended up underneath Iraq…
I’ll leave it to ya’ll. I was just trying to help.
I can use your help in thread #1. You don’t get off that easy. 🙂
What’s life without a bit of confusion?
you’re doing a great job.
we gave them our children something we should never have been asked to do and they won’t even meet with us or tell us the truth..
we should have the keys to the Pentagon and they won’t even tell us the truth. What do they have to hide?
(didn’t get the name of hte woman)
Marcy Carter (??) Toleda Ohio
Thanked Conyers
truly a tragedy to meet in such cramped quaters to hear the views of the American public. Casting 1 votes in a two hour period in simultaneaous with this meeting. Not a coincidence. Timing?
Very troubled by DSM and the little attn given to it…
That they removed anyone who disagreed with Bush about the war.
Integrity of military service. Never seen the number of resignations and of top generals leaving. Jag Officers retiring. Guard and Reserve offcrs at the state level at thte stress they are under.
Trouble by regular forces and deeply troubled by the 3s of the contractors in Iraq 25,000 – contractors and yet they don’t know who they are or no answers.
No facts. On anything.
in assembling the facts in this case it’s very important to look at deployments prior to the vote of our guard and reserve units and put it on a time table… theyre were units deployed beforee (lost the feed)
soemting about airfields being made – that they didn’t happen over night – how were they “just there”.
members of congress do not know… need facts.
Tried to get this and unsuccessfull in the 1980s the involvement of Reagan — no records of what was sold and when it was sold – materials to Iraq – right up to the end of the 1980s – have attempted to obtain these records and nothing.
Oh my heavens it is so great!!!!!!!!!! I lack for words to express my overwhelming response. This is actually the very begining of the down fall of this administration. It is finally here….
DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE — he keeps saying it over and over again….
Again, he is giving great testimony, but next time, he MUST have visuals…
aboslutely – next time, hopefully, he’ll have a far bigger audience!
CNN Breaking News:
EARTHQUAKE in S Cal – 79 miles east of LA – no reports of injuries
I love Conyers!!! For the first time in years I have hope in our government. Almost feel like having a party. Damn!!! The Truth shall set you free!!!!
McGovern: Feb 4 2001 quoting Powell – Saddam Hussein has produced no WMDs
We threw off the tyranny of King George
and today, some brave Brit. has shown us the tyranny of our own King George….
WE are not going away!!
To Cindy Sheehan:
We hold your son’s service in the highest regard, no matter, what this administration did to get there.
we’ve known that our child for nothing… all the other families who have believed their child died for something will be so distraught…
I think it’s Sheehan – Gold star family mom
Is there any greater need than to have the prez respond [to this memo]?
To Sheehan: even though we have resolved that this was a war based on [lies] that does not in any way diminish [his service]…
To the families left behind, is that a benefit to the families themselves…on a personal basis?
Sheehan: I know it’s a benefit for me and the families I represent…I feel sorry for the parents who thought their kids died for a reason..there are still parents who want to believe that their parents died for freedom or democracy…[we can’t hurt any more than we already are]…the truth has to come out for the troops still over there…
He is Inslee —
Wilson to congresscritter: the most urgent threat is nuclear…[talking about centrifuges and Powell’s presentation before the UN – that had the annodized coating – y’all remember all of that stuff]…yellowcake…
McGovern: the gov’t doesn’t control the disposition of its uranium…[blaming Bolton for faulty intel]
This DSM is one of the most important things I’ve seen regarding Iraq…
[came back from Africa after 8 years specifically for this hearing]…
calling for impeachment and heads at DoD to roll…as well as those responsible at the CIA, FBI etc.
powerful, short statement
I have to quit putting D in — as if there would be a R….
Their service is appreciated and respected — tells a story about soldiers who have died and their lack of equipment, etc.
Second question:
Did congress abrigoate (soory) it’s responsiblities…
I want to hear the answer to that:
Bonifaz says:
The president did not have the consitutional authority to wage this war in the first place. I belive the congress did unlawfully transfer its power to the president….
the non-armor… where men have died due to not providing armor.
Also… Conyers spoke of subpeopna power would be nice and that there will be many more hearings.
my words…
I’m scared because I’m feeling so hopeful. Like, when will the blanket drop and ka-boom.
I think impeachment is too good for these “puckers” I think we should INDICT them all. Otherwise, some could say that Bush was ousted because the war was “too long or lost” or some damn thing.
I want to spend all Friday writing and calling these brave heros who spoke up today. List? Purdy please?
I have a non-consitututional obligation to bring this to a close because there are people waiting for us
Oh this just ROCKS!
on the people outside????
There is going to be a delivery to the White hOuse, yes??
Let’s meet at the horseshoe — and meet in lafeyette park
560,000 americans
122 members of congress
there are people waiting for us
Let us resolve to work to resolve…
Unlike some chairmen ask that this meeting be adjorned by unanimous consent!!
Get those digs in!!
…for hanging in there! hugs
Right back at ya! That was quite amazing… I just wish I could SEE what is going on now!!
[referring to father of soldier and his son, Brian, who was killed in an unarmoured vehicle]
Do any of you have any knowledge of any other documents that would {refute the DSM}?
Realizing that congress gave Bush power, did congress absrigate its responsibility?
Bonifraz: NO, we know of no documents that would refute [the DSM].
We sued the prez [over whether he had the authority to start this war]….[regarding congress: many said they trusted the prez..leaving aside the congress doesn’t allow the prez to have that final authority…those members of congress must now face the potential reality that they were misled…]
Bill Mitchell from calif whose son was killed.
other parents speaking up before closure.
A father saying his son was killed (sounds british) that his son was killed looking for a WMD (Rich Keyes)
Omg… all the parents.
Parents now talking about their loved ones who have died.
560K American signatures!!!
I signed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So they are leaving to deliver these – and will this be televised?? Damn this should have been televised for all.
Bless those parents that were there.
Investigating the truth! work to be done.
Need to ask Conyers what he needs from us to help.
Requests that they begin hearings.
Conyers: we have a lot of work to do as a result of this first panel…[thanking everyone]..let us recognize all the persons here who like Mrs Sheehan have suffered the personal loss of someone in this war…
2 American dads stood up and told of their sons who died in Iraq.
1 British dad stood and thanked the committee.
1 American man stood up with a picture of his brother who died in Iraq.
Casey Sheehan’s aunt introduced herself.
Conyers: Petition: signed by 560,000 Americans
Resolve to continue sorting out all of the dozens of recommendations that it is now incumbent on us to diacharge
You and everyone here.. ROCK 🙂
Psst from one kidney stone recoveree to another ((Hugs)))) I had mine for 6 months (I kept making em) while pregnant.. did the stone crusher after I deliverd and was able to recover. Almost lost my baby girl a few times from the pain and the surgeries to remove stones … So I am sooooooooooo sorry for what you are going through.
Take care! Was a good day to smile and be an American wanting the truth
6 months?? It’s been one month for me now with this pain. I can’t imagine 6 months of it! When I had kidney stones in the early 90s, they were a one or two day affair – nothing like this. Hugs to your baby girl for surviving that and hugs for you too!
The last 3 months of my pregnancy I developed stones. I was in and out of Marin General ever since. Took 3 months after the delivery (full term, too) that I was “well” enough to undergo the stone crusher. Once my kidneys were affected my bladder and other soft tissue was in bad condition. The pain would start contractions. Had a stent (sp) calcify in me at one point. Was a nightmare but Danni is healthy and okay 🙂
I wish I had answers to alleviate the pain.. but nonething but removal helped me. I learned that morphine doesn’t stop pain – it only takes you out of your mind.
Ihad an incredible urologist and MGH maternity team. I had insurance back then… every time I get a twinge in my lower back.. I pray it’s not kindeys/stones again. Because it would kill us financially.
All I can say is stay strong and take care of yourself.
Afterwards… your pain threshold will be unbelievable LOL which is actually a bad thing for some reasons – my hands are so scarred from burns and such as I just don’t feel pain as bad anymore.
Well – that was really something!
echo echo echo
now put out a Tip Jar!
(catnip and brinnaine, etc.)
Pick one and have at!
wasn’t in it for the tips! But thanks for the acknowledgement!
lol…okay…this is MY TIP JAR. 🙂
…and aren’t sure what to do how. We’re all still sitting in front of the screens mesmorized!
Great job catnip and brinnaine and diane and all the others!
I’m still here but I want to see what’s happening OUTside — please direct me to somehwere that is following where all of these people just went….please??
Pacifica Radio has been covering and has just gone to the steps of the White House. I’m listening via kpfa.org
Thanks — trying it now!
rats… it’s ended…
but there’s live blogging of the rally here
but if these earthquakes (remember the WHOLE COAST of CA tsunami warning??) are not ample evidence that someone has control over these things, dunno….ok, enough tinfoil, but that is ALL that is on the news — anyone know where I can go to see what is happening in DC???
I thought that when on my news they had a high speed chase then the quakes… then heard the Congressmen say about the 11 votes and such with this hearing.
So I guess I’ll be wearing a tinfoil …. bra 🙂 for now 🙂 Till the truth is totally free.
Final words of the hearing.
They’re all pushing this hard. I was very impressed by all who participated.
Catnip thanks for the great work,
I had the earth quake right in the middle after all my other problems, good thing there were two of us and many others to contribute. Everyone did an excellent job….
Can’t wait for step 2 of this whole issue…..
This is just the beginning….but the tide has turned.
I’m hoping for a TIDAL WAVE of TRUTH 🙂
Diane are you okay? re Quake? It’s freaking Hailing here north of wine country. Unbelievable! The other day it was 90 -today hail.
You’re near the earthquake?? Are you okay? What a trooper! hugs
Oh I am ok but I just have a feeling we have not had the last earthquake in this current series see this site for the recent ones here:
Just a lot of calls back and forth with my daughters, this is the second this week locally that we felt and that will the tsunami warning the other day is rattling our nevers a bit. I have been through a lot in my 40+ years in Cal. but this current series is worrying me.
Earth is trying to shake us and all we have built off, I think. Unless we mend our ways.
Yup – Mother Nature is pissed off.
Everyone says “strange weather” – I’m thinking… this is a warning.
The quakes scare me too – too many too together.
Cripes I have to turn CSPAN2 off because these Reps are ticking me off – they are justify Guantanamo…
but this current series is worrying me.
Me too.
It was quite the afternoon! Thanks to all of you. It was so good to watch a hearing without antagonists (ie. Republicans) participating who just can’t handle the truth. I’m more confident than ever that this has serious legs and that it may, indeed, bring down this administration. Go Conyers!
Thanks to susanhu for frontpaging this! How great. 🙂
R from Virginia is so asleep..
Big day for hearings.
Where did Conyers and the signatures go?
Gawd – this shows how slow our news is.
Catnip, Brinniane, SusanHu… all
I was just thinking. Tomorrow’s the last day of school here and OH MY!! what if by the time my kids return in September… if this bloody war and the Bush Lie Inc could be ousted.