It’s BYOB, though I think zander might have brought enough to share. 😉
[I hope BooMan won’t think I’m pushing the “diary” concept a bit far here…I just wanted to chat with a couple people, but my old Pentium 120mHz on dialup was creaking and groaning at reloading the FroggyBottom thread!]
Nice place you’ve got here. I think I like it.

I wanted to emulate you and post a cool image with the diary, but I did a Google Image search for “after bar party” and it came up with four of the most pathetic, desultory snapshot scenes…and one porn pic, LOL. I give up! If you can help me decorate, I’d be much obliged.
give me some hint, and I’ll see what I can find… I could even rummage through some of my own pics, I suppose…
have you begun guessing?
check your email. <g>
like I’ve been set up – – – again?
All the cool kids are in another room somewhere, while I’m sitting here by myself, right? <whistle> <whistle>
I was emailing you! 😛
(and my computer really is slow, though now that we are in this small “room”, and I don’t have to bounce from diary to diary, it should be MUCH better.)
Groove Salad – available as a streaming radio station in iTunes. I never get sick of it.
Not only do I have an ancient computer on dialup, it no longer has a sound card! LOL It’s amazing that I can still communicate with you guys by banging these coconuts together.
That looks really cool, though–and I can safely say, I think, that I was pretty close on age. Do you listen to a lot of deep house? From the description of that station, it sounds like you might.
yeah, photoshop… itunes.. bet your running a mac like me arentcha.. oh hey. i was cleaing up the joint but heard all that noise you guys are making.. turn that damitunes down
itunes? broadband?
done any podcasting yet?
not a mac chick – I’ve tried, but no go… no podcasting yet…
On the first, you know 7, or so points – you’re not even close.
Okay, off to count…
for my grand entrance? Nevermind, I’m more interested in the keg in the corner. HI!
especially after reading Sen. Durbin’s floor speech on Guantanamo, it make me sick to my stomach to hear an account of the torture.
cause I’m blaming them for this compulsion to drop graphics all over the place – I’ve never done that before, and it’s not my style…. but oui rubbed off on me or something…
a way of brightening up diaries and comments with pix. I like it, but I wonder what our friends on dial-up think when there are too many. I say go for it, until you start getting complaints.
I’m glad that little outage didn’t last long – kind of made me nervous…
my heart raced for a few minutes until I logged back in and saw that life was restored to some type of normalcy here.
Diary Viewing Tip the other day on my Thoughts on the Frog pond diary, hope it helps, it has been my lifesaver:
I’ve been toiling around with the Comment Preferences so the diaries will load faster for me when they get to be rather large (like this one). I’ll share the steps I took in case you are interested in trying them out.
1. Click on Comment Preferences at the top-right menu bar.
2. Put the number 40 in the ‘Nested up to’ box.
3. Put a plus (+) sign in the ‘Dynamic Minimal up to’ box.
4. Click Save and you’re set.
What does this do? It allows any diary under 40 comments to have the default setting of Nested view. Diaries with over 40 comments will have the Dynamic Minimal view and will show only the comment headlines until you open them individually.
oh yeah. lets go there.. i didnt even know that box existed
Awesome, I am going to do that right now. (I’ll be back in, oh, a few hours…LOL j/k)
Those are my form of Instructions rather than Destructions like the ones I gave to someone trying to figure out how to post a picture the other day.
wow i was beginning to wonder if anyone would notice me.. ive been talkin for hourz it seems like.. heh.. anywho. i suppose now we need to bump it up to 41 “whatevers” so i can watch the change occur
bayprarie! I enjoyed your diary immensely and hope to see more from you.
could spell your name correctly rather than insult you by misspelling it. yeesh! sorry bout that.
are we back yet? i was not able to see the webserver for 15 minutes.. as far as miss spell goes, i have the same problem. are you left handed? i am. my hands dont want to do
airie half the time i do it i have to be backspacin!!!!!
oh while i was away? you wouldn’t believe the diary i came across at kos. competely dumb
kind of stressful with this occasional outage – I hope no one is losing it right now, freakin’ about problems…do tell what you found there? I’ve only gone back on occasion, but prevented myself from looking around very much….
i found a :::so-called progressive tm:::: advocating for literacy tests in order to earn the right to vote..
I’d be lying if I said I haven’t thought about it myself, not seriously, just as a whimsical thing. Strategic media manipulation is only going to continue getting more…. um… strategic. That does seem dangerous to me.
my solution:
off and going to bed, have a great night zander, slacker, and bayprairie. I’ll see you tomorrow. Cheers!
night? isn’t it day already?
That was much scrolling, but I missed the mojo diary earlier, and needed to get it out of my system – mojo for everybody!!!
you know this is interesting.. ive really never been anyplace quite like this.. its kewl! here i thought i had it great at kos and all i was getting was disrespected. oh well i guess it taught me how to fight.. but seriously.. ive never seen anyone use a comment thread like a chat room. and here? it happens all the time. do you ladies (and men?) chat in IM too?
i know – I’ve been just loopy since I’ve been over here. And I loved Kos, before that eviction notice….
I’m shy! you know? but there’s just something about this place…. and I’ve managed to somehow befriend Slacker, BT’s resident pain-in-the-*ss and instigator – I don’t know how that happened, to be honest with you. When I showed up, I spotted him right away, and decided that he was a jack*ss that I hated – funny….
I haven’t IM’d with anyone yet – I try to avoid it… of course, I don’t answer my phone very often either…
IM is just like this. but a lot faster.. unlike your phone its anonymous.. the anonymity gives a certain freedom. don’t you feel? i know i do. makes me feel safe.
and yes im shy too!!!!! and look at us!!!!!! dam we must be flowering or something.. blooming.. isnt it lovely?
and those welcome diaries were really just the coolest thing to witness. There was some seriously funny shit happening – talk about blooming. It still just blows me away that we didn’t collapse this place last week. A lesser site couldn’t have handled all the rage and the sheer volume…. sheesh. I’m eternally grateful to BooMan and Co –
since ive gotten trusted user status i have been examining the troll rated comments.. eyeopening… i was also on a thread that was like what you and i talked about the other day.. interesting yet mysterious? remember that?
I remember – I haven’t looked at the hidden comments lately. When I showed up here, there were 2 of them – for real – 2. I’m guessing they’ve racked up since then. Oh, damn, now curiousity has got me and I have to go look.
oh. and please read nothing into the IM question.. i don’t mean anything. just curious… not a suggestion or anything, k?
now I’m just confused – I only see 4.
yes i see four also. so the troll rate has doubled since you signed on.. sorry about my absence too. i saw another male posting at kos about womens issues and my head twisted off like linda blair in the exorcist.. its back on now, my head, not the post… im not sure for how long.. the good news is. .my machine locked up before i posted my comment
and while i have you here you have itunes yes? and do you have the ramdom shuffle?
much braver than I to go hop into a gender diary on Kos – <shudder>
got iTunes (for windows) – which I always leave on Groove salad, but I could probably find shuffle if I looked. ??
on mine its a random song selector. reason i asked (right now i am listening to lucinda williams in itunes) reason im asking is ive got this mad idea for a diary… there are a lot people on the net who are using itunes to randomly select the first ten tunes they play.. and no cheating. no matter what song plays you have to fess up. well. i was thinking about doing , not an IPOD random ten.. but a PIE POD random ten
and call it
random tart
and instead of playing music.. give ten links
to the best and worst most hateful most extreme and funniest. of the pie wars
oh boy – you are brave. That could be incredibly comical…. do you think it would be possible to keep the mood light and encourage everyone to laugh about it? I’d hate to see a unanimous response of “OH HELL – God dammit – I’d forgotten about THAT!!!” – … well, even that could be kind of cathartic in a way, I suppose – we could all scream and yell together.
yes. but i do have some trauma to unload on.. it needs to be light. but it cant not be truthful.. ive just sent you a third of it.. those are three of the ten links…
it needs to be light though.. thats the point. and we do need pie art. something plump and fat like apple or peach pie..
you know. something tart. i think the word tart is ok.. the word tartS isnt .. and nothing but the best posts… maybe a few on fire women’s diaries. i know of one. artemesias sexism in our midst.. i reference that in my diary.. that one would do.. .. serious. need a little of that too
oy – you had to say it, huh? I almost opened photoshop… that close… but if I did that, I’d still be sitting here 12 hours from now, and I’m a little blurry already. I think tonight… sigh.. I never wanted to say this… <deep breath> you’ll be up later than I am. <exhale>
I think it’s a great idea – kind of like a post game highlight show. We can revisit, laugh, scream, cry, etc.
Let me know about pie art… but not tonight – I’m crashing….
turn off the lights, huh?
yeah i will too. if you get this enjoy your nappie. if n ot you’ll read it tomorrow.. we want to post friday, thats the traditional day for random ten, but frankly.. we’ll do it when its a done deal. no schedule. i already know you dont like schedule! heehee.. sleep well. im going to beddie too!
so think im totally insane? or you think enough time has passed to see that we’re all affected by what happened and yes it hurt but at the same time lets laugh a little and perhaps reflect.. oh and ive got one totally new rule that has to be 100% followed
no man lectures me about womens issues ever again unless we dress up in each others clothes first.
and seriously.. what do you think? if you think its a bad idea too let me know. i cant see out of the cloud
that arguements should take place in the nude. It’s very difficult to have a fight with someone while naked – it’s just .. goofy.
I do think it’s a good idea – and probably good timing too. We’ve calmed down, and it wouldn’t be right to just move right along without some fun rehashing of the Pie Wars. I think having a good laugh about it could be a great thing – not for everyone, of course, but for a bunch of us. Makes me wish it was a multimedia experience – you just should be able to watch that on a big screen with pop corn and beer.
Okay, my Post-bar Party 10:
[These are just some from my “Favorites” folder — if I went to full “Library” mode (529 songs, 1.6 days, 2.11MB), who knows what the h-e-double hockey sticks would pop up?]
oh yeah.. IPOD? dont fail me now… haha
and like this. this is a link.. a phunnie one..
1. Pie Fight
and then a thoughful one that tells the history like from a thoughtful mans viewpoint (am i mad? is there such a thing?):
Lance Mannion
and then maybe for random tart number three, some real herstory:
Shakespeare’s Sister
oh and by the way.. please note all those familar names at lances post.
2 originals, one from the first day of refugee stress, and one auto-troll from China. That’s pretty amazing, when you stop and think about it….