There were some commenters on my Iraq diary, especially some of the last posters, who seemed to be presenting a level of hostility that went beyond “I strongly disagree with you on this issue” to “you’re a war criminal” or just “you disgust me”.  I’m just wondering, does that mean you couldn’t stand to be in my presence or accept my help or solidarity when it comes to issues like national health care, the environment, or tax cuts for the rich? Would I not be welcome at your anti-GMO rally?  Or you wouldn’t come to my anti-police brutality march?  

Does the issue of Iraq (or for that matter, abortion) so trump all others for you that it means all other common ground is insignificant?  I’m not just asking rhetorically: please, I’d like to hear what some of you (and you know who you are) have to say about this.  

I just feel that when we disagree, sometimes we have to go with the cliche and “agree to disagree” and move on and find common ground.