Catnip and Diane101 are your hosts for the live meeting beginning at 2:30pm ET. CSPAN3 (Watch/Listen). (BrendaStewart reports that CSPAN1 will reair the hearing at 8PM ET.) Meeting details. Note: Conyers’ pre-meeting statement via Raw Story; 122 Dems are on board. (Please don’t post images. They can slow the load. Thanks!)
Great minds think alike!! I just posted a diary about this too — I’m going to go delete it now!
dibs on the recliner.
You can have the old one held together with duct tape but I get the vibrating recliner!
dammit. I shoulda specified. Well, at least I don’t have to sit on the floor.
I’ll be watching on CSPAN3….just let me know how I can help!
That sounds great! The more the better! (Unless Diane101 and Catnip kick you out or somethin’)
Okey dokes!! (I’ll try not to make myself kick-out-able! **grin**)
Is there anything particular anyone would like me to focus on??
Let me tell you this: there’s nothing that will make you kick-out-able, unless you suddenly morph into Bush or something…
Hiyya catnip! I hope you’re feeling ok today!
I wrote in the diary that I deleted that I would volunteer to do the live blogging as long as no one held me up to the always high standards of yours! 😉
Morph into Bush?? If you see the slightest indication that that may be happening, please, for the sake of my family, just shoot me!
only one correction to this…8 pm..or 2000 hours EST on c-span 1
Thanks for the link. now I wont have to go and look it up..:o)
Fixed. TY!
well, heard at the end of all of this today, that it will tomrrow, Friday, at 2000 hours for the rerun…I know I heard thsi am that tonight it would be here:o(…NOw as usual, I am totally confused.
Anyhow, I am just totally amazed with this hearing. I do believe that dubya and his cronies are on their way out.
lol…you should have told me earlier…I would have prepared some hors douvres or at least picked up some gummy bears or something. 🙂
I’m sitting here eating dark chocolate Hershey kisses.
Totally off topic – How did the test at the doctor go?
Ta da. . . .
Thanks for asking. The test was painless – results in a few days. I have to go for a more invasive one next Wed, but at least I don’t have to starve myself for that one. Not eating + hurting= bad. Eating + hurting= a bit more tolerable.
mmm…hors douvres…better yet…mmmm…chocolate!
this is great news! I will try to catch some of it live when I go home for lunch. Didn’t they say yesterday it would only be two hours/ Thanks catnip and Diane for keeping the cubicle pond informed!!
Please don’t post pics since they slow down load times. Thank you/merci/gracias/ribbit.
Do we want to set a comment # at which we will start a new thread? Shall we rotate?
We ususally post a new part around 200 comments. Okay – I need to grab a Coke and plug in my heating pad.
I set up a 2nd thread for you to go to when YOU TWO tell the group it’s time to move. I won’t be here so you’re in charge!
Catnip and Diane101, I added a lnik to Conyers’ pre-meeting statement, via Raw Story.
I’ve got my Real Audio up. So far, all I see is Nancy Pelosi’s frozen face.
Whoever recommended that needs to be flogged!
Ok, swearing in the witnesses (4 of them)
Conyers describing them……
that has directTV? I don’t think I get Cspan 3. Thanks to Catnip and Diane101 for Hosting and thanks to Susanbohu for the Front Page upgrade.
how’s your connection? the internet fees is working great for me.
err, “feed”.
I am listening on the net…would rather be watching it on the TV. It keeps coming in and out and then refreshing(but it takes like 3 minutes to refresh, sometimes doesn’t even come back on)
He must have been talking a LOT these past few days…he doesn’t sound as powerful as I have seen him….
First witness will be Joe Wilson.
I heart Joe Wilson.
Hey, BooTribbiani
Here are some resources on coverage and activism (apologies for any redundancies):
Live Coverage
Indy Media has a page dedicated to today’s activities
Check out live streaming from Pacifica and on C-Span. Though not specifically announced, The Randi Rhodes Show on Air America Radio may also have intermittent coverage and commentary.
Related activism: encourages people [to lobby] their Congress Member and two senators … Recommended talking points can be found in a one-page document at (link).
[Rally] at 5:00 p.m. ET in Lafayette Square Park, in front of the White House (
Find out if your city or town has a demonstration or action going on locally.
I posted a LiveThread at KOS here
Will pop into both threads, and post a link to this diary too. Glad the hot weather cooled down cause this ought to be sizzling!
“The team I have always played for is America. Not democrat, not republican. America”
right up front mentions the “fixed around the policy” allegation. We need to hammer that statement over and over and over.
Good for C-Span Camera work, they did a pan to show the room is indeed full, with lots of reporters too. I can only wonder what it looks like outside on the street!
Anyone know anyone who is there (outside or inside) who is liveblogging??
[Thanks the committee…giving his public service career details…and listing his awards…]
The team I have always played for is America – not Republicans, not Democrats…
[relating his history on his dealings with Niger…specifically the forged intel document…calls out Robert Novak for outing her…refuting claims that Plame was the one who wanted him sent to Niger…]
This was not a partisan question, but one impacting national security.
mentioning that Bush brought up the uranium claim in the SOTU. Wasn’t credible. Two requests made from the IAEA for verification of claim, later found to be based on forged documents.
The Real Audio sound is excellent. Whew. (Was worried there’d be so many on that it’d be jerky.)
to make sure that their sacrifices were made for the right reasons” –regarding those who have died so far in the Iraq War.
apparently they sprung for the “outdoor family reunion”-style interior decoration package. With the tableclothes and folding chairs, all that’s missing is a bigass tub of potato salad and a couple of drunk inlaws.
Have some potato salad.
Anybody bring beer?
as the first in thread?
[his qualifications have been questioned since he was not CIA but he is an expert on Niger…it was a mining question – not a nuclear weapons question…more qualified than the new ambassador to Niger…mentions the now infamous 16 words in the SOTU speech…contacted the WH re: that statement because he didn’t know if they were talking about Niger…confirmed that they were…even though it had already been refuted…IAEA’s el Baradei had also discredited the docs…]
For the next 3 months he pressed on the WH (and contacted the press) to correct that claim.
He published a NYT article on July 6, 2003 re: bogus claims stating that, at a minumum, congress should want to know if the assertions were warranted (intel re: war on Iraq)
[more on the history of the Niger claim and how American intel thought the Brit intel was weak on the Niger claim]
Hadley offered to resign…Rice offered an apology…
Whatever damages the Republican committee and the right-wing have done to me, it’s nothing like [the damage done by this war].
It appears that the admin has been less than candid with congress…we’re having the discussion we should have had 3 years ago…
text in […] paraphrased
It’s time to ask the president if our presence there [in Iraq] is part of the solution or part of the problem…(refers to the cabal in Washington)
I need a live link, I cannot load and I’m not sure which diary we are using.
live thread. The link is in the diary on the Watch/Listen link. or It’s on CSPAN3
lies to the american people it is a serious offense.” –i don’t know the name of the mother, but her son was killed in Iraq.
Is it Cindy Sheehan?
It’s Cindy Sheehan, telling it like it is. Now, I’m going to cry…
Her son’s “murder.”
I really admire her for what she’s been doing to bring this BS to an end and bring down the administration.
Sorry but you guys will have to do most of this as you are already doing, my connection keeps going out, when I try to do anything else.
Mine too damn it!!!!!!!!!!
Aloha, check under the screen for the cspan feed and it tells you how to make the connection better. You hae to go to tools and do this:
you may not be able to view streaming video unless you upgrade your Real Player. To find which version you have installed, open the RealPlayer and click on Help » About RealPlayer
RealPlayer 10
PC Users
1. Click on the Start menu button on the Windows’ Taskbar.
2. Go to Programs, then Real, followed by RealPlayer.
3. Once the player launches, click on Tools.
4. Select Preferences.
5. Select the Content category.
6. Under Media Types, click the Advanced button on the right.
7. Scroll down on the list of media types, to the listing: Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP).
8. Click on the check box to enable the RTSP media type for your video player.
sorry not to get back to you…just wound up way too tight right now. I switched to XP media player and that worked great. Thanks for always being so helpful Di!
I wish I could say it was an honour to be here today…(refers to DSM)…I beleive that not any of us should be gathered here for this reason…for an occupation that never should have happened…
Her son, Casey, died on 04/04/04 after Paul Bremer inflamed (?) [the sitaution in which her son died]…
recounting his birth in which his face was flat and seeing the same flatness in his face in his coffin…
I believe…that this agression on Iraq was based on a lie of enormous proportions [and that the DSM confirms this]…
Bush quote: “one of the great keys to be seeing as a great leader is being seen as commander in chief…”
It appears that my boy casey was given a death sentence even before he joined the army…if the DSM is true then the Pres, VP and ? [are responsible…]
Thousands and thousands of Iraqis who are only guilty of living in their country are dead…
[recounting the suicide by hanging of a soldier friend who left a note asking about the legitimacy of the war]…
The decpetions and betrayals that led to the invasion of Iraq cost my family something that is too much to bear…an indespensible part of our family…a brother, son etc…our family has been devestated and torn asunder by his murder…
I also believe that Casey and his buddies have [died to feed the war machine]…
(frequent references to the DSM)
[calling for an investigation into the DSM]
Afaic, it doesn’t matter whether one is a Democrat, a Republican…Casey wasn’t asked what his partisan preferences were before he died in Iraq…Iraqis don’t care about American partisan politics…congress bears responsibility since it signed onto the war act…
brought testimonies of other families who were devestated by the war…(reading off names)…
That bit at the end about profanity (i.e., she got through the whole thing without using any, actions speak louder than words, we should be apalled by the actions in Iraq, not swear words…)
I was crying/laughing.
Ms. Sheehan owns up to having a Marscott-esque disposition towards profanity… nice.
Looks like we’ve got 6 Dems at the table: can someone identify them? Conyers is third from right, and Sheila Jackson Lee is second from left, but I can’t read the rest of the name tags, nor do I recognize them.
“So profane it defies my vocabulary skills.” Wow.
I believe Maxine Waters was mentioned as one attendee
And they just had a shot of Barney Frank and Jim McDermott (I think).
There were [some people] who were worried that I would use some swear words (laughter)…however if anyone deserves to be angry and use profanity, it is I.
I hope this is a first step in bringing justice to the lie…
Started with a clip from that British documentary…can’t remember what is is called.
He also starts with “the intelligence was being fixed…”
The Anatomy of a Lie — NICE!
Where’s the graphics dept.??
McGovern is saying great things, but visuals would help SO much!!
I like how he keeps stressing that they were minutes, and did you hear the cameras flashing during the video intro — he knows how to get people’s attention!
Damning testimony, just laying it all out clearly.
So, that’s how you fix intelligence:
supine press
slumbering watchdog committees in congress
a flexible realtionship to the truth….
I don’t think I got them all, but MAN, that was beauty!!
(showing a 45 sec. news clip of Powell and Rice)
[talking about the admin’s stance before 9/11 and after]
DSM: “the intelligence and facts were fixed around the policy”…how was this accomplished? let’s do an AOL – the Anatomy Of a Lie…
citing Cheney’s speech and his lie that Saddam’s son-in-law gave intel about Saddam having WMDs…in fact, his SIL told them the opposite…
whistleblower gave the text of SIL to Newsweek…Feb 4, 2003..several weeks before the war but was supressed by US media…
all you need is chutzpah, a very fixed ? to the truth, a supine press…[Cheney put wind behind all of those mushroom clouds referred to by Rice and Powell)
I had never known fixing [intel] to involve the VP turning the intel on its head…
there is no word to describe the reaction to [those of us retired and active in the intel biz] to this fixing…
we’re not atlking about Georgetown parlour games or WH fraternity jokes…these are [lies]…[citing Bush making jokes about looking for WMDs]…you all laughed at him folks..I’ll tell you who’s not laughing…Cindy’s not laughing…Sgt Baker’s family isn’t laughing…Cindy’s son died 11 days after that joke…
Thanks to the DSM, we now know the truth…the question for us is whether we will pursue the purveyors of falsehoods…
The Impeach Word!!!
The white haired guy who just got up — I had not heard he would be there.
& founder of…
investigating whether the president of the US has been involved in actively deceiving the congress etc…and should therefore be impeached…
framers of the constitution drafted Art 2, Sec 4 to ensure that the president could be held accountable…[quotes from Hamilton, Madison re: impeachment]…
July 25, 1974, Rep. Barbara Jordan spoke about the constitutional powers re: impeachment…bridle the executive if it engages in excesses etc…
The question must now be asked with the release of the DSM if the prez is now it a high crime…to manipulate intel to [justify a war]…is it a high crime to commit a felony to submit to the US congress false information…[holds up doc that Bush submitted to congress]…letter of March 18, 2003 to congress…”that military action was required…to protect the US…from Iraq…”
if the evidence in the DSM is true then the letter would violate US criminal law…[refers to specific Acts]…
the US House has a constitutional duty to investigate..and determine…[if Bush should be impeached]
[1700+ Americans and thousands of Iraqis dead…many more wounded…costs of war…no exit plan…]
I just made my connection and not sure what’s up (just catching up), are we on this thread, is the second for when this gets full.
What do the DSM tell us about what we didn’t already know?
Joe Wilson: [asked the same question in his NYT article…] I would submit that Jim Baker would have written his piece or ? would have written his piece if they didn’t already believe the cards have been dealt…commander of CENTCOM left the debate in Dec because he thought the [matter had already been settled]..
Conyers: you noted that you didn’t think the prezx would have gotten as many votes…
Wilson: (basically, yes)
McGovern: Even Pat Roberts (no liberal, he) would have voted for the war…the docs show a “panic”…and they were already ivestigating how to make a legal justification for war…[regime change was not a good enough justification…so they decided to make him accept inspectors…even when weapons were found, Saddam destroyed them…] The British, inlike us are part of the ICC [so they didn’t want t put their soldiers in jeopardy and required a legal justification]..
Bonifaz: the question is whether the prez has subverted the constitution…re: pre-emptively attacking Iraq…[many challenged the justification for war and Bonifaz was their counsel]…[if the Oct 2002 was proper, what was the evidence that the WH had that it may have concealed at that time…was there an attempt to conceal evidence…] a resolution of inquiry [would start the process of investigation]…
Conyers: that is precisely why we’ve called this forum – to seek information about [how to proceed]
Thank you – I can’t hear it. AGHHH
This should be on every damn tv show in the world. Those rotten bastards – hiding it from us again.
Reading intently! xoxoxox Keep us in the loop, peeps! 🙂
can call me and I’ll put it by the TV
Awww Thanks Brinnaine!!! 🙂 But my son is home now (reason I commx via the net alot :))
I’ll watch it with the family when it re-airs tonight. Dinner on tv tray – whoot! 🙂
Just reading you guys is making me all goosepimply :)And gott be “near” other awake folks while this happening 🙂
There is hope.
That I have been doing rays of hope diaries for weeks now, and at last there is a big giant ray of hope. There will be a new diary up on that later today if I survive this day, all shuddery I am with excitement today.
What wonderful words are being said today…..
I think this will be picked up by media,,,,we have to make it happen. Times they are a changin……all
When I usually do these threads, we all move on around the 200 comment mark. I thought people had already moved on, so I’ll post here what I posted in thread 2 by mistake.
Waters questioning McGovern (former CIA):
McGovern: [Cheney’s visits to the CIA were unprecedented in McGovern’s 27 year history at the CIA]…everybody knew that Tenet was [cooking the intel]…[Tenet did not protect his employees from outside pressures]…Tenet hitched a ride every day with the morning briefer [to see Bush]…[that affected the candor that the daily briefer could have had]…the management of the CIA had been so corrupted [because of Tenet’s behaviour]…Cheney was head of the energy task force..after 1991, he was asked why they didn’t just go in and take Saddam out….[Cheney said it wasn’t worth the number of US soldiers at the time}…[then Cheney, following his tenure at Halliburton> oil> Iraq…(basically – you figure out why he changed his mind)…
I don’t know how our oil ended up underneath Iraq…
(missed the first part which was basically about the WH’s changing rationales for attacking Iraq)
is just too delicate to be taken seriuosly. Someone get that guy some power stripes. =)
(between Conyers, Barney Franks, Joe Wilson and Bonifaz)
Bonifaz: Bush said in his letter to congress that military action was necessary to protect the US and to [get a hold] on terrorist related to 9/11…[nothing there about this “democracy” crap]…(“crap” is my word)…
Sheehan: didn’t the WH put out a statement saying that he didn’t know what was in it before he signed it?
Conyers and Bonifaz; (??)
I mean, aren’t they the least bit curious what’s being discussed here? If I was a Rep. Congressman, I’d show up. Just to check it out.
[claiming that Saddam knew the US would bomb Iraq…bombing raids between Sept and the actual start of the war the following March]…they were not only cooking the books, they were putting facts on the ground…
McGovern: the step up in bombing was incredible…the war had already started in Sept 2002…UK and US bombers…by whose authority?…
high costs of war…suicides…mental health services…hospitals denying mental health services…I want offically go on record…I want to apologize to Mrs Sheehan on behalf of the US Senate, the US house and even the administration…I believe the nation owes you an apology to all who went to serve…
question to Joe Wilson: [re: your trip to Africa}..I suspect you would have expected to [have your report accepted when you came back]…
Wilson: I undertook the mission as I believe anyone with my expertise would have done…[to check out the allegations that Hussein was purchasing uranium from Niger]…it was a legitimate question…mine was not the only effort to answer the question…[one by our new ambassador on the scene…one from the Marine corps based in Europe…]…[provides a history of his relations with the Niger gov’t]…
I’m struck by how “Grown-Up” they all seem, These people remind me of the adults around me when I was growing up. Reasonable people, not knee-jerk reactionaries, like unfortunatly, so many of the young, right-leaning newer members of Congress seem to be.
Of course, we haven’t heard any spiteful Republicans speak yet though. They know they’re toast.
Hey, I’m here — just listening for now — too long a reload to post!
From Conyers’ statement before the hearing:
Has there been any believable speculation (not just guesses) about who the “former senior U.S. official” is?
Does the name “Richard Clarke” sound familiar?
My guess.
tells it like it is:
There were many of us who knew there was no connection between Saddam and 9/11, who knew that there was no connection between Iraq and Al-Queda…
Your posts are getting me so giddy! 🙂
I’m able to get the House about the “gitmo” lies during a Pentagon Briefing. WOW!
oops it’s over now.
from those of us in offices and cubicles without access to C-Span.
our man ray:
l=logistical considerations of the neo-cons
his answer to the question “Why DID we do it?”
Asked by McDermott
Holy Shit! (sorry for those who don’t like that language, but I’m gobsmacked right now.)
I almost can’t believe my ears as I listen to CSPAN online … hearing the things that are coming out.
Take this for instance:
O = Oil
I = Isreal
L = logistical military base for neocans whereby the US and Isreal can dominate the world.
Like I said, HS!
Ray McGovern ROCKS HARD!!!
“the Out of Iraq Caucus”
thank you for giving us the backbone, the courage (to the witnesses)
Something is about to happen here, we’re hitting the streets, we’re going to work…
Question: I want to find out…[re: pre-emptive doctrine]…who knows what’s next on their agenda? Is it Iran? Syria? …regime change in Venezuela?…Did Rice and Powell know [the intel was being fixed] or was this above their pay grade?
McGovern: Powell earned his persona, his image by saluting the person on top. I think he was constitutionally unable of doing otherwise…I know him well…I grew up a block away from him in the Bronx…[basically that the way he operates}…[re: Rice – you bascially all know her record as far as the truth goes]…[on pre-emption – it’s illegal]
Conyers: What we’re doing sitting here is not courage. It is civic duty….courage is the soldiers who are over there doing their duty…[we have a responsibility to them]…I don’t believe that anywhere in the contract we signed with our [soldiers] [it appears that our mission is to spread God’s gift of freedom around the earth]…
Bonifaz: the pre-emptive war doctrine implies that there is a threat…if the DSM is true…that there was an effort to manipulate…[that there was no threat]…[then this is a high crime the prez has perpetuated]…
Jim Moran (D-VA): what do you think was the real reason? [oil, failed economy, political posturing, Iraq could have been a threat in the Mid East]…
McGovern: all of the above – OIL, O for oil, I for Israel, L for (?)…[bascially to give Israel more power in the middle east]…Scowcroft said Bush was mesmerized by Sharon…ideoligical strategic vision of the neocons…
Waters: we are going to vote on a strategy [on Iraq] shortly…we put everybody on notice on Tuesday [about this meeting]…we’ve gotten some movement going…the Out Of Iraq congress [has had an effect]…[thanks everybody there for their help]…above and beyond what you’re seeing here today, we’re moving out on the streets etc…
[sat through two impeachments which were painful]…The evidence that appears to be bulding up points to [whether Bush placed Americans in harm’s way]…I’m sure all Americans would prefer to believe that at worst the prez was misinformed…has anyone who testified earlier decided that the info we have is enough to call for an inquiry?
Bonifaz: Yes (cites members of his organization) all we’re asking at this point is for answers from these questions..all we’re asking for is the truth..some of his supporters want to say this was just an intel failure…but if, in fact, the DSM are accurate..and Dearlove is accurate, then the US people deserve to know…Cindy Sheehan deserves to know…
My damn back hurts…(just had to throw that in)
This is important, but not important enough to cause you physical pain…
PLEASE get up and strech a bit!
Okay! Can you handle this Nadler guy? Thanks. 🙂
My notes look so inadequate compared to yours!!
You are doing a great job brinnaine. Keep going if you can.
You too catnip.
for keeping this up, with my tech probs. as well as the “gobsmakced” factor has me low functioning. Everyone needs to watch this live tonight, it will take days to digest all of this.
Remember everyone we have him on record as saying no he didn’t cook the books to make a war with Blair at the press conference.
The fact that we are sitting in this tiny little room, talking about one of the most critical questions of our time…
we have a monolithic government in washington
we have no more checks and balances
Congress had abdicated its responsibility to oversee this administration
Oh glory days!!!!!and this will take out the whole bunch of them and it will be the greatest scandal the US has ever seen.
Diane do you think so?
I can’t believe my ears. It’s too good to be true almost.
“Corruption by politization.”
There is a weird energy surrounding this – it’s in the air. Something’s happening here, when all these people are speaking so frankly.
I only wish it would happen…but we don’t have politicians who will put doing the right thing above their own self-interests any more (did we ever?).
The momentum is building, has been building, it cannot be stopped at the point I do not think. The American people will demand it.
As one on this hearing just said, the Congress and the President is owned by the people and we have to fire this bunch.
As much as I dislike the actions of the Bush League, I see no glory here. At best, it is a shameful, painful necessity; it is an uncomfortable first step of a long, hard, ugly, but utterly necessary process. Things should never have gone this far wrong …
Well I hate that you took my words wrong, it is indeed a sad day for our country, but there is glory as in hallaluya….When the oppressed know that freedom is coming to them/us there is indeed glory in that. IMHO but don’t want to quibble on that at all.
We just had another earhtquake in SOcal.
I don’t think I took your words wrong and I don’t think that it’s quibbling. I just don’t see any glory in this. Just some grim satisfaction and some very, very tentative hope.
I don’t mean to rain on your parade, but we don’t know that freedom is coming. At best, this means that freedom is leaving a little more slowly. Better than nothing, to be sure, and I suppose we need every little bit of hope we can get …
I guess I am a cup half full kind of person, as to quibbling I meant I didn’t want to debate whether it was glory or not as that is in the eyes of the beholder.
I am a ray of hope kind of person also and have done diaries of that, trying to spotlight the recent hopes we have seen coming from unlikely places.
The re-air will be TOMORROW at 8ET
I just called and thanked them for showing the protests during the inauguration but that they truly muffed up by not airing the most important event on their main channels.
Re-air this story marathon style, I say
Main Number: (202) 737-3220
Let em know that this story is VALUABLE.
McG is saying that there are no more good people in intelligence — they are all “maleable managers” and have been promoted since the Regan admin. when those who could see Russians under every rock were promoted…
Perhaps you could raise consciousness enough so that the honest people still left in the intelligence community would think that they couls speak out — if only they knew that some of the congressional committees were on their side…
[basically saying that the fact they’re in this tiny little room talking about the most inmportant thing going on in the US today…shows that congress has abrigated its responsibility]
[talking about the WMDs that had been supllied to Iraq by previous adminsitrations and how they had all been accounted for under previous investigations…]
if this administration did what now seems apparent..and sought to exploit what happened on 9/11…and then alleges that what happened was the fault of the intel aganecies, what is the impact of that on the American intel agencies?
[the admin keeps saying that America is more secure…but it isn’t…]
what has been the effect on our intel? how has that affected the intel [officers]? comment on the senate report on the connections between the WH and this intel?
McGovern: intel community in a state of shambles…when Tenet came back to the CIA and said [the intel had to be fixed according to Cheney, we would have laughed before that time…]…good people have left…a thorough housecleaning is required and I daresay that if John Bolton is confiremd, the rest of teh good people will leave too…a lack of professionalism goes hand in hand with who [gets promoted]…the intel committees have shown themselves incapable of doing anything about this…maybe Negroponte will see thte difference between telling the truth and getting a medal of freedom…
Wilson: the sanctity of the intel product needs to be maintained…[many afraid to come out of the woodwork mainly because of what happened to my wife…] I find that, in a democracy, to be absolutely unacceptable…
Okay guys – I don’t know what’s going on with Thread 1 or 2. . .
McGovern: If Bolton gets hired, all the people of integrity will leave.
Don’t know who’s talking
Country at a unique moment of crisis – 5 issues
at least have audio… er… did… Damn, it’s hailing up here in No. Calif.
A pres who deliberately deceives and lies…
Nadler, if you recall, was the one from the Pat. Act hearings who said “We are not bismirching the honor of our country, we are trying to uphold it!” as the repubs. walked out
Two questions:
to Mr. Bonifaz:
If the pres. foolishly led us into war that’s bad enough, but if he deliberately did it, that’s far worse. How much can we relay on ont he British memorandum to be stating facts and not just interpretations….
To Joe Wilson:
What is likely to happen if we don’t pull out of Iraq re; sect. violence, now/ five years from now?
answers next
Janet’s comment above has the phone number. I just called and complained that they are not airing it tonight but on a Damn Friday night when no one will be watching and the MSM will not pick up on it. I was very firm that they need to show it tonight that this is history in the making. Our Prez lied to us and how much more are we going to let them get away with it. I asked her if enough people called in would the change the schedule and she said possibly. Please call…I will pay for the charges.
Main Number: (202) 737-3220
Who has # for Conyers office? We need to dole out (not BOB) the love.
isn’t it something with sob in it?
Hello alohaleezy,
I didn’t want to have the word “dole” being seen as “bob dole” 🙂 when I said we needed to dole out the love to Conyers
Starts by saying that these documents were obviuosly meant to be ketp secret
Some people might say, well, these are not facts, these are just observations/interpreations — he says: well, that’s why we need an investigations.
Is Mr. Dearlove correct or not?
Has intelligence been misused? That is not an investigation that has been conducted by congress. We hear in the media that this has been investigated, it has not. These questions must be asked and they must be answered.
Mc.G. chimes in:
This was the whole purpose of his visit. To find out what was going on in US.
Wison says:
Listen to the people ont he ground who are talking about it.
It is my option that we will have sect. violence for years to come, wether we are there or not. By being there, we get blamed for the violence.
We are breeding the second generation of terrorsists who wish to do us harm.
We are sitting here in the basement of the capitol building because the people who are in charge upstairs are involved in a cover-up, there is no other way to say it.
We are hoping that the press will wake people up so that they can begin to pressure the leadership to hold an inquiry.
Thanks brinnaine! If this is taking too long to reload, we can move on to the new thread.
She closes by reminding everyone that the Congress belongs to the people…
I’m ok catnip!! thanks for asking though, just ‘splains why they are lagging so far behind!~
He needs to write a book. Has he?
Wow, I just think he is so awesome….
He’s calling out the press, the congress, Cheney, synchophantic intelligence managers, John Bolton….
we need to give this man a microphone more often!!
These people are all over the deceit by the Prez and the press.
can we get a list of all present and their office numbers/addresses so we can thank them?
Tears as I hear common sense being discussed. Things we all here have questioned and talked about.
Damn! Hope after all.
All of the people who have spoken have done so with no holds barred. Good for them!!
My heart is racing, adrenaline pumping. They’re using the words we’ve all been using here on these forums. It’s amazing. They’re not afraid.
It will be interesting to see how the WH and certain media respond to this.
Good job guys in getting all this down.
“Partisan attacks, blah, blah, obstructionist posturing, yada, yada, disservice to our brave troops, yack, yack, ignoring the progress of freedom, etc, etc …”
Either that or dead silence.
… how the sheer amount of information and accusations that are coming out of this hearing will be handled.
I think that you’re right about the silence, but I hope not all will be silent. Like a snowball gathering in size?
Those that continue to ignore it, do so at their peril b/c they will identify their complicity…
I mean, they’re calling out the media.
She brought up in her district that some of the dead soldiers are not even citizens, and that their families are still waiting are still waiting to find out how they died…
They need to have a part two of this ‘forum”
Wilson is now talking about how 1/2 the national guard in New york is in Iraq….
I want to say to everyone who has lost someone in this war:
We have not been told the truth. Not about how, where, when or why.
They won’t talk to us — we should have the keys to the Pentagon, because we have been asked to give something that should never been asked os us: our children.
Asking about the yellowcake…
Wilson: there were sevral hundred tons of yellowcake in Iraq under seal before the war..[since the war – unsure of status but the press has shown coverhgae of compromise sites]..Iraq has uranium in the north…[Niger yellowcake story was a complete fabrication]
Sheehan: may I just ask something about the truth? [bascially saying that no one – not Rumsfeld, not anyone at the DoD will even talk to us]…
GO CSPAN!! It is 20 minutes beyond “the schedule” and no one has blinked an eyebrow about it….I wonder how long this will go on.
I’m losing my connection with CSpan. It’s cutting on and off. Is it just me?
Mine’s ok.
was the most ranking dem who opposed this pre-emptive strike..because it was wrong..Hans Blix and the inspectors were given free reign and for our country to ask them to leave is just shameful…
to see what the Judiciary committee has dropped too – almost purgatory 7 level in dante’s Inferno is…[unconscionable]…
If there could have been a discussion about the US request to remove the inspectors, would there have been some UN outrage etc.?
Wilson: what was done to me was done by the political machine of the Republican party – let me be very clear about that (go get ’em Joe!)…
re: Iraq: this was not the rise of the third recich..this was not a threat to our security…I don’t think a [UN protest] would have gone anywhere because that would have put the inspector’s lives at risk..
just thanked John Conyers and all of our brother and sisters int he great state of michigan on behalf of the American people — she speaks for me!
She’s talking about the retirements of high ranking military, JAG officers,
She brought up her concern at the number of contractors in Iraq…..
She said: We do not have the facts.
She says that we need to look at the deployments BEFORE the 10/02 authorization, and she says we should put them on a timeline….
She talking to Bonifaz, asking him to put it on his website…(yeah, nice, but how about your paid staffers do it, dammit!)
are schakowsy and another person, oh, and another one…
The last three — keep on going, let everyone speak!!
Anyone know what is going on in the streeet???
One of my main concerns is for that of our military..I have never seen the retirement of so many [generals, JAG officers]…[pressure on recruitment officers]…deeply troubled by the number of contractors in Iraq..we had trouble receiving numbers…one of the numbers is 25,000 (contractors)…this is completely unlike [any other wars that have been fought]….
To mr Bonifaz: I think it’s important that your organization looks at the deployment numbers before and after the war..there were combat engineering troops building airfields etc…[important to llok at what those troops were doing]…we as members of congress do not know…
during the 1980s the involvement of the Reagan and Bush administrations were involved in arming Iraq..we don’t have records on what was sold, how it was sold etc…even the dept of agriculture was involved in allowing those sales to go through..we cannot get those records…the treasury dept won’t give them to us…
Bonifaz: plugs his site,
someone mentioned a book called The Spider’s Web that contains this type of information
someone calling for a letter to have Rumsfeld or someone at the DoD to meet with Sheehan et al
someone said Rumsfeld should resign…
(I like these people)
see you when you get to thread two!
centered near Yucaipa, Calif – 79 miles East of LA
I took a sick day so I could listen to the Conyers hearing, streaming KPFK through my computer and thought the hearings were AWESOME, AWESOME, AWESOME.!!!
The truth goes marching on!!!!