Good Afternoon, Froggies!
We had a great crowd for breakfast and lunch over in the other room. It’s closed for cleaning now, so welcome to the annex. You’re in time for afternoon tea, except where it’s already 5 o’clock, in which case, pass the beer. Please Recommend this and then Unrecommend today’s first cafe.
NEWCOMERS, WELCOME! Please introduce yourselves and tell us secrets we can hold against you later. Kidding.
You’ve come to the right place for:
leaving messages
heaving confess-ages
conflict resolution
froggie evolution
eviscerating (Not frogs, of course. “Dr. Frist, put down that scalpel. Now slowly back away from the pond. . .”
groaning (puns encouraged on Thursdays)
Miss You’s
Lies (“Yes, you DO look lovely in chartreuse.”)
& little lambs eat ivy.
On your mark, get coffee, DIVE IN!
I believe bayprairie had just checked in and DamnitJanet had said her sweet hellos <grin>.
What do the rest of you have to say for yourselves?
P.S. Today’s theme, should you choose to play, is: if you could give this country one thing another country has, what would it be?
p.p.s. Today is Learn How to Make Cool Block Quotes Day here at the pond. If you want to know how, just ask.
bus picture in the other thread, if anyone cares…
Thanks, Kansas!
Ahhh, I got my favorite table. There’s plenty of room for everyone and the view is great!
Hey! Spellcheck is back!!! and spellcheck catches spellcheck….
You started something good with your block quote info, Katiebird.
I feel bad that some of the great stuff on the other thread won’t get read now, but I guess, like the Moving Finger, the Cafe writes, and having writ, moves on. . .
Think I’ll get away with using “writ”?
I just feel bad for the people who got locked in. Is there anyway out until we open again in the morning?
Is there anyway out until we open again in the morning?
Lol! Nope, they’re stuck there til morning, unless they crawl out an e window. Or an e Mac. We’ll miss them, but just think what good friends they’ll be by morning.
Whew – I’m all wet from running over here in the rain. And just when I was getting comfy in the cafe. There better be some hot chocolate in the annex…
Gotcher hot choc right here! Marshmallows? Care for a cookie with that?
Yes, please! Let the cookie therapy continue apace…
I feel right at home, now.
On the country giveaway, I’d have Israel give away its arrogance. We have so much we’d never notice a bit more but if Israel had a bit less, maybe there might be a real chance for peace.
And my dogs insist that Thursday is now dog blogging day. Besides they’ve heard that all the best bistros admit dogs.

Giddy the malamutt waits for her buddies back at the house
What a gorgeous dog. I have a weakness for “northern” dogs. Used to have an American Eskimo, myself, though they’re so small they hardly count in the same category as the noble Malamute. Or malamutt.
You have more than one of those guys?
I’ve three dogs but only got one malamutt (thankfully or we’d buried in dog hair this time of year).
I had an eskie when I was growing up, and she was the sweetest dog. We adopted her from the humane society when she was two, and she hadn’t been treated very well. The people who had her before had a whole bunch of little kids and just left her in her cage all the time. Since eskies tend to bark like mad when they are puppies, I’m sure she drove them nuts. She had problems with one of her legs when we got her, as well, so we think she may have been kicked. Very sad.
Anyway, by the time we got her, she had mellowed just a bit and became the most wonderful companion. She was always timid, though. I remember we left the gate open once and the dogs got out. Skye, our westie, headed for the hills as fast as his arthritic little legs would take him. Maya, the eskie, just headed around to the front door and cried until we let her in again. Now, how can you not love a dog like that?
Awww. My eskie, Sasha, thought the world revolved around her, which it did. She lived for l6 years and was Queen of all of them.
I’m typing this at the direction of my two cats.
Dogz r stoopid.
They think I’m stupid, too. I made the mistake once, when I was sitting at my computer, of opening the bedroom window and letting in the one that was sitting on the outside window sill. So now, every time I sit at my computer, I spend half my frickin’ time opening and shutting the bedroom window. Sheesh. I think I am stupid.
To which my dogs reply:
Come on over here and we’ll discuss our differences over dinner.
Even harder lol.
My dogs told me to give you a 4 rating for your excellent sense of humor.
I’m just pandering so they won’t eat me next. Cats are small potatoes, so to speak.
Nice doggies. Funny doggies.
Now their feelings are hurt (and they saw your insult below, too). The coonhound has decided to come over and introduce you to the wonderful hounddog slobber (but he will look at you with these soft, sad brown eyes and you will forgive him even as you realize that it is grosser than anything drooled in Alien).
Ack, the dreaded hounddog drooling! I’ll be good, I promise!
Are coonhounds similar to beagles in that they’re slaves to their noses? My ex and I used to have a beagle, and if she got out, damn, she was gone, oblivious to everything except whatever her nose had picked up. Luckily for her, she didn’t understand profanity, or her droopy ears would have turned blue.
Coundhounds are scent hounds but my particular dog is a slave only to his food dish and the chair he like to sleep in.
We also have a beagle however called Sniff who as you might guess does live up to the breed’s rep.
So how do your cats feel about profanity? I’ve always imagined that they would soak up every one they heard because they know that sooner or later they will have a need for them.
Okay. I have to tell this story. My closest friend has a sweet little Pomeranian. This dog weighs all of 5 pounds, maybe, even with all that fur. My two cats are 11 and 13 pounds. The 11-pounder was following the dog around my house, fascinated by the dog’s trailing leash. So, she did the cat thing. She stepped on the leash as if it was wiggling. Dog stopped. She lifted her paw. He moved. She put her paw down again. Dog continued walking, until he got to the end of his leash which wasn’t moving because the cat was holding the other end. The poor humiliated dog just stood there waiting for one of us to come rescue it because he was too afraid to tell the cat to let go of his leash. Poor boy.
Dogz really r stoopid.
Woosh the hearing today are tiring me out and my right arm is not functioning well. Very good job with this Kansas.
Thank you, Diane, and thank you even more for the good work you’re doing over there. I haven’t had a chance to stop by, but I will soon.
Hey y’all. I’ve never visited the cafe before. Do I have to shave my legs for this?
The reason I ask is that yesterday, I shaved my legs, and well, I took half the skin off my ankle. Do you all know how attractive it is to be wearing a sweet black skirt and little slides and have blood dripping down into your shoes? Do you?
I wish I didn’t.
I haven’t given myself a cut like that in years. It looks like I took a cheese grater to the side of my leg.
Course, it just cracks me up. There I was thinking I was going to be Miss Thang yesterday, and I had a big old bandaid on my ankle.
Vampire bait.
sounds like you could tell a story…
I wish. I still dream of Spike.
Duuuuuuude! Me too.
I dream of Faith… No! Cordy… No! Glory…. Um, could you come back to me?
Is anyone else counting the minutes until the ‘Firefly’ movie comes out?
Then you’ll be THRILLED to read this: SciFi is picking up Firefly and will show all the first-season eps this summer in order, but there’s no word yet on whether or not they’re continue it beyond. Heck, I’m only keeping cable for BSG anyways, here’s another reason.
You can get the DVD and have all the episodes and commentary to boot. And you won’t have to put up with the endless ads of SciFi.
My dad’s got the DVD, so i’ve seen all the eps they made, but I’m glad it will be on TV again. I’ll be really happy when you tell me they are making new episodes…
I’ve got a good feeling they will pick it up for a future run, which is why I’m excited they’re airing the first season again. Heck, even though I’ve watched the DVDs myself, I’ll still be glued on July 22nd.
Let us recall that this is the channel that shafted us on Farscape. I’m still pissed and I don’t trust them.
Give me muppets in space!
Yeah, that was not cool. Can we agree, then, that the glass is at 50% capacity?
Don’t you dare!
Welcome, Lorraine! And no, you don’t have to shave your legs unless you’re gonna dance on the tables.
don’t tempt me. I was listening to music in the car on the way home and wiggling around in my seat.
We just had a fairly big one her in socal,
Is everything all right???
What she said!!
Is all I know so far, centered in La. I think, I have a feeling like the ground is moving, the house just shook pretty good, stood in doorway and then went outside. Calls from children, oh my what a day…
I heard it was out in the desert, nearer to Palm Springs.
Woo hoo! I was just complaining the other day that we hadn’t had a single earthquake in my 2 yrs in SoCal (that I could feel, anyway) and now we’ve had two in the last week! When you add in the one at sea on Tuesday, it’s been an exciting week.
Yes, we’re all fine. It wasn’t all that big. I just rolled my chair away from the wall a bit in case anything fell. see this for maps of earthquakes in California recently, must see…
as some of you may know, I can’t cook. But I’m trying to learn. So I have this recipe for potato-leek soup for the slow cooker. Recipe looks really easy. I bought leeks, but you know what? I have no idea which part of the leek you use. Help!
Cut off the bulbous end. I generally cut off all but an inch or so of the dark green part. Slit the the leek in half. Each layer is likely to have some dirt so you actually need to rinse each layer separately. If the very center of the leek isn’t a light yellow, discard it because it can be bitter.
BTW, we leave the skins on the potatoes (wash them and remove bad spots). They are good for you and add flavor.
I have a really simple recipe for this soup (but not for a slow cooker).
Potato Leek Soup
2 large leeks 3 T. olive oil or butter
1 onion 4 c. chicken broth
3 potatoes pepper
Cooks leeks and onions in olive oil (or butter). Add potatoes and broth and bring to a boil. Simmer until potatoes are cooked.
this recipe looks very similar, except I only have to dump the ingredients in the pot and walk away. Which, given my history of blowing things up in the kitchen, is usually a good idea.
But thanks for the tips on leeks. I love how they taste, but had never bought one before in my life.
I’ll be damned. Lorraine, I had no idea you were a troll!
what does it look like? we can figure this out…
oh my. I’m not sure you’re going to be of much help here, Abbott. I, at least, knew what a leek looked like. 🙂 (Okay, try saying that three times fast)
I woulda figured it out. I’ve got my trusty internets to help.
For the record, I was mostly sure “leek” was an onion of some sort. I’m actually not a terrible cook. I cook a mean turkey dinner. And eggs. I kick ass at eggs. Oh and powdered gatorade too. yep, I am pure culinary genious. 😉
macaroni and cheese is my specialty. and microwave popcorn.
show offs!!!!!
I also cook excellent Indian delivery food.
Is it just me, or do the comments on this diary keep moving around in an unsettling way? The same one isn’t always on top…argh!
Maybe I need to get away from the computer for a few minutes.
It’s just you. Bwahahaha.
change your preferences to “sort by time” or something. you probably have it sorting by “most recent comment to top”…
made sure in Comment Preferences, under Sort that you have the following options selected: Ignore Ratings, and Oldest First. Hope that helps!
I bet it would help…if I could figure out where the comment preferences are. 🙂 Help!
at the top right of your screen. The gold bar will have your user name with a few links listed underneath. Comment Preferences should be one of them.
Found it! I changed the settings to what you suggested, but now it’s telling me to choose a mode and I don’t know what they mean.
Who knew blogging was so complicated? Maybe I’ll go read a book.
a plus (+) sign in the ‘Nested up to’ box in addition to the steps I outlined above. Scoop is figity when it comes to the preferences I noticed.
Yay! Thanks so much – sorry you just spent 5 minutes of your day telling my sorry ass how to do that. 🙂
No problem at all, I have to make sure my Geek card is punched periodically.
You know what’s really funny? I’m currently sitting at the help desk in the computer center of my local public library. As in, I’m the one helping people. Tee hee.
Since mostly they just need to know how to print (or copy and paste, or do a google search) I don’t have to be much of an expert. 🙂
I’ve spent entirely too much time fighting with that little + sign myself…..
Once again trying to catch up on my reading here. Always a day late(for many great newcomers I have health problems that kinda makes me blip in and out and too boring right now to go into).
So welcome everyone to the Froggy Bottom Cafe. I was reading the other FBC thread and want to mention a few things.
I see many people were talking about trains(cool) and here’s a link to reviews of a great movie that no one probably saw but well worth the renting if your a train freak and a movie nut.
It is called ‘The Station Agent’ and has the added bonus of the lead guy in this movie-who happens to be a dwarf-who has a wonderfully sexy voice. Peter Dinklage.
I was also reading on other diary about libraries/ of my favorite subjects and thanks to ‘mscholoss179’ for the great library links particularly the Thanks so much for that link that went into my fav’s. I’ve mentioned before somewhere here that my idea of heaven is a library, any library and want my ashes scattered over a library and was only half jesting on that.
diane-soooooooooo glad to read that Diva is ok I was becoming concerned and I’m sure you were going mad with worry on a very personal level for you.
diane you also mentioned deleting cookies…that’s the first thing I did along with disc clean and defrag and nothing had helped..being locked out of the grand opening for eurotrib was really frustrating and lasted for almost 2 days..then I got locked out here also. Then all of sudden everything was ok.(and thanks to booman for trying to help me get that straighted out)
Again Welcome to all the newcomers and thanks to diane for this great idea…and our host here today, Kansas. This is just the place to hang out and let off steam after to much crappy political news, unwind, be silly or as serious as we want to be here-all which will help make Bootrib a true community and I think eventually a force to be reckoned with in the blog world and will cross over to the ‘news’ media taking us seriously also.
I’m so happy that at least one more person read that good thread. Thanks, Chocolate Ink.
I loved “The Station Agent,” too. The actor you mentioned was a featured actor on a series I loved that lasted only a little while last year. It was called, “Life As We Know It,” and he played a high school guidance counselor. He was very cool in it.
Hi chocolate ink! I’m glad you enjoyed the ibiblio link – isn’t that an amazing place? I applied to the MLS program at UNC-CH in part because I wanted to take classes from the guy who put it together. (That’s not where I ended up deciding to go, but maybe I’ll try to get an internship there or something.)
I thought the train thread was great, too, and I loved the Station Agent!
Glad you’re back, and I’ll see ya around!
The Station Agent was a really great move. Peter Dinklage was amazing.He should have been nominated for an oscar.
Hey so happy that others saw the Station Agent..and yeah he shoulda been nominated. I have that on my list of movies to buy. Movies and Libraries and Chocolate, oh my.
I get a little sleep, and look at what I miss! And bayprairie is around somewhere, you say? Sheese, bayprairie, don’t you ever sleep????
Hi all.
So, I’ll go ahead anyway and wait until the bouncer
comes along and kicks me out.
Chris Hitchens
but there are a lot of dogs running loose, so watch where you step.
You can post your own kitten or puppy photos here and
see how they do under intense voting. It’s a little like
American [Pet] Idol.
Ugh. I have to go. Mom’s standing at the door, yelling for us kids to come in. Something about having chores to do. Ah geez. And I was having so much fun.
Maybe I can ignore her a little while longer.
Has anyone seen my pillow-bed? I really need a siesta.
I have been asked several times what I thought were important Native American issues. I can’t answer that for everyone, as none of you could answer for all of your people. Here is a link that will show you some of the issues that Native People feel are of importance to our race, culture and society. If you agree that these issues should be supported, please sign the petitions and spread the word that they need your support.
you mean getting Chief Wahoo off the Cleveland Indians hats is not a pressing issue? <gasp> =)
smart ass 😛
Great link ghost and another one I’ve saved to refer back to. Went and signed several petitions and plan on doing more of them.
Send me an email, we have made a yahoo group for the team of Froggy bottom hosts. I will send you an invite when I get your email.
Looks like you may have to do a third thread today, wow, never thought it would have this many visitors to our little old cafe.
Just sent the email, Diane, but here’s mine just in case:
Maybe we need a Froggy Bottom Bar & Grill, with another set of hosts, for the evenings. 🙂
will there be beer? Not only am I an expert troll hunter, I also am a fine e-bartender.
Not only beer, but Brotherfeldspar insists on the finest l00%guaranteed pure German variety. And, hey, even if we don’t actually do an evening bar & grill, any time you want to take over the bar on Thursday nights, I’ll be delighted to hand over the wet rag I wiped the tables with.
I wonder if we’re going to have to end up asking Boo if there’s some other spot we could put the cafe. As much as I love this, it wouldn’t be good if they took up 3 spots on the recommended diary lists. In fact, if the #1 and #2 thread are still up there when I post #3, I’m going to ask people to hold off recommending it until at least one of the others is gone.
What do you think?
Gee this is getting big, yeah we need to talk to booman about placement for this Cafe. I was anticipating one diary a day and now look. I don’t know we can talk about it on group site and see what we can figure out. We can do live blogging on group yahoo site. Gee I am sure glad I made this a team thing, otherwise I just couldn’t keep up with everything. Love the team and we still have one day open for hosting which now looks like a pretty big job….for the day at least.
what day is left?
I think it is Sun but you can switch with me for Wed. if week day is easier and you want to do a day…Email me please…
Didn’t BrotherFeldspar nab Sunday? Remember he wants to include a NYT crossword puzzle element to the chat.
We could split up the days, too. I know I won’t always be able to sit in the cafe all day on each of my Thursdays. I felt I should today (because it was fun) because it was my first time. But it is a long day and you don’t get much else done. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! But what I’m saying is. . .if we get enough volunteers to have people do A.M. and then P.M. and then maybe even night time, maybe we’ll need to do it that way.
So I’m in the middle of dinner and all of the sudden my ears start burning. Wonder what that could be all about! I like the idea of AM/PM cafés, if somehow enough hosts can be recruited. I also really like Sven’s idea below of having a separate section for them, so as not to crowd out worthier diaries from the Recommended list. We’ll have to see what the Propietor has to say to that idea.
Also, I “own” this Yahoo! group — not sure what that means — but I’ll be more than happy to abdicate that exalted position to another personage.
A wise suggestion.
I don’t see why a new category could not be created – RecDs, RecWorldDs, RecentDs and Cafe. It’s technically possible.
A beer on the house for you, too, Sven.
I don’t like to pass up the hospitality of the house, but is there any red wine? – I need my tannin fix.
Rolls eyes. Shoves glass of red wine down bar counter. Snaps, “Okay, OKAY!”
Your impersonation of a Finnish barperson was uncanny
I shall now do my impersonation of a Finnish customer…
What if we changed the South open thread to “Cafe”? I don’t know any southerners anyway =P
But then the South will have to rise again. (Sorry!) But your point about putting a Cafe link up top is interesting. I don’t know enough about how things run to have an opinion–except that it’s interesting. Diane probably saw this, and if she didn’t, I’ll pass the idea along to her. Thanks, Abbott. Have a beer on the house.
I suddenly remembered a vital fact about Finland.
The language has no gender.
If I say ‘hän’ it can be either a man or a woman, or anything in between. So there is no ‘he’ or ‘she’.
Since, in a Chomskyesque kind if way, language defines the culture, the lack of gender differentiation in Finnish may explain the early enfranchisement of the smarter sex.
(Now that should get me a few fours round here, eh? he he)
Now that’s more like it – keep ’em comin’ – I have been totally ignored over at ET except by some of my good pals here.
I’ve come back with my tail between my legs…
I always like me a little mojo-whoring – you get a 4 just for the naked appeal. 🙂
And it’s always nice to pull out Chomsky.
I generally try to keep naom under wraps as I don’t agree with him in all things, but always good to give him a twirl now and then.
And since we were talking about dogs, I always think its good to call a spayed a spayed.
I don’t always agree with him, either, but it’s fun to quote him and watch people foam at the mouth. Man, is that guy ever hated by a lot of people. 🙂
I’m not so great with puns, so how about a joke?
What did the Buddhist say to the hot dog vendor?
I don’t know if this is the place for this, but I need to get it off my chest…
I came over here during the pie wars, mostly to see who from Kos had relocated. I saw the ad, I saw Kos’ defense of the ad, but I missed the comment wars and I didn’t really get what the fuss was about. I heard people talk about the way dKos was changing. I heard about the lack of respect for women, but I hadn’t seen it myself, so part of me dismissed it as oversensitivity (I know, I know – I’m sorry). I haven’t spent much time at Kos since then because this place is so much homier.
I just stopped by to see what was going on and a diary caught my eye: Jesus Tried to Stab Me With a Knife, by Bluebird of Happiness. Bluebird describes what has apparently been a lifetime full of sexual abuse. It’s very powerful, and I reccommend everyone go read it.
The reason I’m posting this is I read some of the comments. I only got through the first major thread and I couldn’t take it anymore. The first 50 comments all touch on the same theme: ‘men get abused, too!’ It’s not overtly nasty, but there’s an unpleasant subtext of ‘shut up and stop whining, bitch.’ Exactly what everyone was so pissed about before. As I read it, my heart went out to Bluebird, who obviously poured her heart into writing a very personal diary, only to see it hijacked by…well, you already know what. I wanted to find her, give her a hug, and invite her to repost it here.
I have tears in my eyes. It’s amazing. People joke about ‘blog time’ – a week is like a year in any other place. Well it’s true, and it amazes me how much it’s changed over there just since last November. Something precious has been lost.
Fortunately, over at Booman, something precious has been found. Life goes on. Maybe I’ll go back and invite Bluebird to join us.
I wish she were here. She wouldn’t get that kind of treatment.
I just posted this comment:
I’ll probably get troll-rated.
Yeah, you may, but you also needed to reach out to somebody who needed a warm hand. Good for you. I hope this episode ends well for her. In my opinion, if the end result is to come over here, then that’s a happy ending.
Just wait a few minutes. They’ll start mocking you for saying how things have changed and how you should quit whining.
It’s like high school over there now (maybe it always way but I didn’t notice) with the popular kids, the jocks, the frat boys, the cheerleaders. Yuck. Who needs it? Big f-ing popularity contest. If you’re one of the “chosen” you can write a comment like “um, I think you should change the title of your diary” or something equally lame and get like 35 “4’s”.
There are mean undertones, and they are getting more and more overt. I check in once or twice a day but don’t think I’ve commented more than a couple times in two weeks.
This place is like coming back to your hometown that you didn’t know you were missing.
This place is like coming back to your hometown that you didn’t know you were missing.
Even though this thread is closed I just had to tell you how much I love the way you expressed that. I so agree with the sentiments.
I haven’t been troll-rated yet, but I did get one really nasty, profane comment. I was going to copy it for everyone to marvel at, but on second thought, I think I’ll spare you. The same guy, a little further down, suggested Bluebird move to Minnesota to avoid being whistled at and implied that it was her own fault for choosing to be around sh*tty people.
Geez, things are pretty bad over there.
I shouldn’t have, but I went to look. <pause> – yup, enough said about him, I don’t trust myself to go there. – but I wanted to mention that the first reply was from me, and looking at it now – could have been phrased better. I hope it doesn’t look like ‘don’t let the door hit you’ kind of snark. It was meant only as encouragement.
Oh, about – that guy – ssshhh. We don’t want him to get curious and come over here.
Your comment was perfect. And I wouldn’t sweat it, anyway. When you’re dealing with people like that, we’re not talking about gaffes and misunderstood intent – that’s pure reactionary meanness.
I just don’t understand what happened over there. Is it inevitable that popular sites attract unpleasant people who then crowd out the rest of us? Will it happen here?
..and I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately. <disclaimer – I’m not qualified to spout off about group dynamics, etc>
Someone last night asked me about the nature of the influx here, since I had spent so much time in so many of the welcome diaries last week, and watched a lot of it happen. My answer was along the lines of … ‘well, yes, there were a lot of women – but also a lot of lurkers of both genders looking for a less stressful place to lurk. There were a lot of ‘older’ people, meaning over 40, tons of professors and academics looking for higher quality conversation, some GLBT folks and one very memorable ‘frat boy’ who wrote a great diary about his great experiences with a supportive, wonderful, ‘not that kind of’ fraternity.
So will it happen here? Who knows? But I suspect that any movement in that direction will be fought tooth and nail by everyone who is here now as a ‘pre-pie’ or a ‘pie exodus’ member of the community.
I have my own theories about high-testosterone/high-volume, but I recognize that they’re offensive and ridiculous, and without any background in biology or primatology to make them sound less mean-spirited – I’ll happily keep my mouth shut about them.
Thank you for that, and for the link here to the diary. I haven’t been back there much, but I did go to read that and ended up seconding your invitation. I could barely look at the comments, they turned angry so quickly – ug. I so hope she finds her way here – that diary was beautifully written.
Katie Bird: Tues
Brother Feldspar: Wed
Kansas: Thur.
Cabin Girl: Friday
Diane101: Sat:
Abbott: Sun:
This is what I have so far for days, do I have this right or did I miss someone…Oh my I am getting confused…
In case anyone missed it, the host of the day can recruit others to help or to host or whatever as the day goes on or for the week , I think this is too much a fun place…and we will need to add to the drew.
But the day host is responsible for the day, not me. Ok, any problems with that. You can let me know if you can’t do it but we can use the group site to coordinate and work it out..with each other…
Once we get the kinds worked out on this we can use the same model for other teams or action groups and we will have a virtual network eventually…
Also off site to get info in case of system failure…
Okay, you chatty people,I have opened our 3rd cafe diary of the day! It’s called Sunset at the Froggy Bottom Cafe. Please unrecommend this one before you leave, and then do NOT recommend the new one until at least one of these old ones has dropped off the rec. list.
Got that?