WTF is going on in California…This is getting scarey. I cannot believe how many times the earth has been moving out here lately. This one was centered in San Bernadino….I am just not liking this one bit. Wonder if Diane101 felt it..she lives closer to the Epicenter…Going back to watch CNN…WOlfie is covering it…..Use this as an Earthquake open thread if you want….
Dianel01 did feel it. She just reported it over in Froggy Bottom Cafe 3.5 (Annex).
Hang on!!!
TV..Kcal 9 local is reporting early reports of 5.3
Downgraded to 4.9
Early reports…light to moderate damage…centered in Yuccipa, California…Rock slides, power outage, broken glass.. 5.3 on scale
Aftershocks are happening as I type this…more later…This is the 3rd one in 5 days…The Gods looking over California don’t like ARNOLD..
Oh, man. The walls just shook a little bit here, but I’m quite a ways away. I hope no one was hurt.
Where are you???
South Orange County – Rancho Santa Margarita (yes, it’s really called that), to be exact. You’ve never heard of it because it’s a totally faceless bedroom community made up of mcmansions and strip malls. Fortunately I only work here. I live on the coast. Woo hoo!
and I know where you live. Whoever posted above about getting scared of what might happen next, yes I am also. See this map of activity. Get your earthquake pack ready if you live in costal cal.
Watch cspan2, interesting floor speeches
Hey Diane..I answered you question the other day on a thread as to where I live, but I never heard back from you…I am in Sherman Oaks, CA. South of Ventura Blvd in the foothills in the San Fernando Valley. Nice 15 thousand sq. ft. Lot…got lucky with the price..bought it about 3 years ago before the market went nuts. I have yet to hang out with you guys at the Froggy bottom, but I am looking forward to it. You are full of great ideas…keep em coming. btw/ remind the folks over there to unrecommend the older froggy diaries to make way for new recommend diaries. I just noticed 2 up on the Rec Diaries. Where are you in LA? Sorry I missed you and catnip on the open Conyers thread this morning..normally I love those things, but I had to run out.
I am in Santa ana in the OC, and i saw your comment but didn’t have a chance to answer the other day and then I couldn’t find anything and my head was and still is swimming with all that has been going on lately.
What id you think about quake, it made me get up and stand in doorway, but my son who was outside did not feel it…
started barking and running around and several things on the walls and ceiling started shaking. I always get nervous having been a kid during the ’71 Sylmar biggie and then the Northridge nightmare. So when ever I feel a little shaking I assume it is gonna get a lot bigger and bigger, so I head for a safe doorframe. One of my dogs is a teacup chihuahua so I had to go round her up…sometimes she sits under the piano and it’s scares me to death that it could collaps on heart was racing for a while. How are you doing? You were closer to it than me I guess.
Just remember – you should really start to worry if we don’t have any earthquakes for a while, because that means the pressure is building…
Of course, that won’t help if the earthquakes are a sign of THE END OF THE WORLD!!
Easy for you to say…where are you? When I feel the rumbling start…(having been here during the past 2 huge ones all the way back to ’71 when I was a kid and then the Northridge one) you never know if the rumbling is gonna get Bigger and grow…awful feeling
Ok, you’re right. Plus, someone just told me you can have ‘foreshocks’ as well as aftershocks. But still, little earthquakes are a good thing.
Here’s the USGS site where you can sign up for earthquake notification- they send it out to you the same time as to the world’s scientists!
And here’s the first data:
A magnitude 5.3 earthquake IN GREATER LOS ANGELES AREA, CA. has occurred at:
34.06N 117.01W Depth 13km Thu Jun 16 20:53:25 2005 UTC
Location with respect to nearby cities:
20 km (10 miles) NW of Banning, California (pop 23,000)
25 km (15 miles) SW of Big Bear City, California (pop 5,700)
30 km (15 miles) ESE of San Bernardino, California (pop 185,000)
645 km (400 miles) SE of SACRAMENTO, California
There has been amazing activity worldwide this week. Check it out on the USGS map!
This is great..i will save it..thanks..
CalTec is having a press confer at 3pm Pacific time..going to discuss all of the activity we have been having lately here in SoCal. It’s on every station locally now.
is my favorite earth quake map. Looks like it was a good one.
Felt the quake in West Los Angeles on the second floor of a building on rollers.
My monitor is mounted on an extension arm and it started bouncing slightly – about the same time I felt a little dizzy. I was on the phone to Jefferson City, MO (Dept of Labor) and had to ask that we stop the conversation because we were having a quake – the building groaned and lurched. Immediate sympathy!
When verifying the telephone number I was writing at the time of the tremblor, I only had one number out of five correct. Sheesh. And I was born and raised here.