Ugh. I spent the last few hours in a dentist’s chair, mostly waiting, but also, being irradiated, picked at, numbed, told I have three cavities, and…I have to go back next week to have all this unpleasant work done.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Oh you poor thing! I can’t stand the dentist myself, so IMO you are a very brave soul. To not only sit in that chair and be poked and prodded at, but having to go back! Ack! I am so sorry Grandmaster Boo!
Well, one good thing…I walked home just in time to avoid a storm. Now it’s pouring and my satellite TV just went out.
Well at least you made it home before it started raining! Sorry about that sat tv though. 🙁
Grandmaster Boo? I like that. 🙂
I feel for you BooMan — dental work sucks, I have had more than anyone should ever have….
why the hell were they IRRADIATING you? X-rays?
Ask for the nitrous, it helps! 😉 Only not with the actual bills…I wished I could have asked for some extra for when the bills came.
hang in there!!
new office. I shouldn’t complain because Boogal has an appointment to have a wisdom tooth out. I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth taken out when I was fifteen, so I know how much that sucks.
EVERYbody gets to comlpain about dental work — that’s just a given!!
I will always be all ears!
Sounds like you get to have all the fun. At least you can feel virtuous and superior for a while. Could your screams be heard in the waiting room?
Did you see “Marathon Man?”
Yikes! 3 Cavities! My sympathies, good luck with that, Booman. I just had only one taken care (near the front teeth) and that sucked big time.
Who is the enormous asshole that is now hosting CNN’s inside politics?
I didn’t see it today, but could it have been Suzanne Malveaux (yesterday’s host)? Or is Candy Crowley back?
Candy C. would be a person with an enormous a….
Unless they’ve hired someone new.
just happened in LA…San Bernadino…I am in LA and felt my house shaking….yikes…is the big on commin?
I had to have a crown recently but 3 needles runied my
gums so that I could not have a needle when I returned in
10 days for the actual crown. ooooh, that hurt.
Get a nice video and relax, something like “Marathon Man”
with Dustin Hoffman. 😉
Bill Press was great on Fox news. They had to cut himo off!
Dear readers, please visit.
Oh, my Man, if nothing else other than the womanly once a year thing, going to the dentist is my most hated thing to do. My heart goes out to you. “hugging and patting back”
I have been looking and looking but I cannot find anything on what is going on in DC right now….after watching the forum and seeing everyone walk out because Conyers kept saying “there are people waiting for us”, I can find NOTHING about what is happening and I’m going crazy — 560,000 signatures and no one will cover it? i know that they’re having a rally and that Conyers is delivering the petition, but why can’t I SEE it, why??
Anybody outside of the US getting anything on this?
Did they say when the hearing would be rebroadcast?
they said that the hearing would be rebroadcast on cspan 2, friday night at 8.
As a dental hygienist, I’m finding the comments regarding dental work interesting. Betcha my patients have only NICE things to say about me! 🙂
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