I was so involved today with Conyer’s historic hearing in DC that this almost slipped by me. This is from The Scranton Times which is in Sherwood’s district.
The suit by Cynthia M. Ore, 29, of Rockville, Md., alleges the 64-year-old Republican from Tunkhannock Township repeatedly struck her in the face, neck, chest and back, “violently yanking” her hair and repeatedly tried to choke or strangle her. Afterward he would tell her he would never beat her again, then beg her not to leave him, according to the suit filed in Superior Court in the District of Columbia
Locally, I noticed that very little hit the press when the original story broke of Sherwood’s alleged abusive relationship with Ms. Ore. Here’s the Times’ explanation:
When a former political opponent first circulated word that police had responded to a call to the apartment of U.S. Rep. Don Sherwood in Washington, D.C., from a woman claiming he had tried to strangle her, The Scranton Times and The Tribune declined to publish a story.
Managing Editor Lawrence K. Beaupre later wrote that over the seven months since the incident had occurred, the woman and police had not filed criminal charges, and the woman did not file civil charges. The woman’s story also was discounted by police, who said she did not appear to be of sound mind.
Mr. Beaupre noted that although the circumstances were tawdry, the newspaper believed that, in the absence of criminal or civil charges, this was a private matter that had not yet been connected to Mr. Sherwood’s public responsibilities.
Mr. Beaupre noted that if the incident were to enter the public realm through criminal or civil charges, or became an issue in a political campaign, the newspaper would report the story in full.
Heaven forbid they should be let themselves be political pawns. Now more details are coming out:
Mr. Sherwood is married and has three daughters.
Nice. Roumor has it that Sherwood, after leaving the Congress, will be going through that revolving K Street door to a very lucrative position as a lobbiest for big Pharma. Well, looks like he has the temperment for it. He can’t be gone soon enough for me.
Probably he’ll go on to make millions, and be rewarded for this alleged behaviour. Is he up for re-election next year or had he already decided not to run?
Yes, the K Street/Republican love fest is still in full swing. It’s almost like being a Congressman or Senator is kind of like an internship for lobbying. The ones with the biggest crony networks win the choicest jobs. Yuk.
Let’s hope that Teresa is right about Patrick Casey deciding to run against Sherwood. He’s the brother of Bob Casey Jr., who is going toe to toe with Santorum. He ran for congress at least once that I can remember. Maybe we can start a Democratic Casey Dynasty here in Pa. I hear Teresa Heinz Kerry is putting her money and her mouth behind Casey big time. She wants Santorum’s head. …although what she’d do with it, I don’t know… it’s already empty, so maybe an ash tray? 😉
There are other candidates who have been planning on running. Casey ran against him in 2000 when the district included Scranton and Casey could not beat him then. Without Scranton I am not sure Casey has that much of a chance against Sherwood. His anti-choice position certainly is not going to get the base to turn out.
Teresa, you certainly know more about local politics than do I. My involvement in politics has grown from casual indifference before Bush to blogging activist now. The anti-choice position of the Caseys does bother me, but I keep coming back to how great Harry Reid turned out to be for our party. Who else is there to run against Sherwood? I vote in every election, but am just beginning to really pay attention.
I know Sherwood is strong in the Tunkannock area, his home town. I live in RD Dalton… are you located in the area? It would be the absolute first time I met an actual neighbor online.
All congress is up every two years.
He has not had an apponent since 2000 (except a green candidate who did very poorly in 2002). He will have an apponent this time. Now that he looks weak, my prediction is that Patrick Casey will decide to run and the party will shove the rest of the competition out of the race.
Thanks for fielding Nannette’s question, Teresa. You think Casey will run? Wasn’t it ’98 that he ran for Congress? I read a snippet somewhere that preliminary polls/probes bode well for us in the Congress next year. Let’s hope we can nab Sherwood’s seat.
See my post above. When I think about it I am not sure that he is even in dist 10 anymore. If he lives in Scranton he is not.
If he makes a move to Clarks Summit or any of the other outlying towns he would be in the district.