CLOCKWORK BUSH: The press is burning up with the announced capture of Al-Zarqawi’s “chief aide.” Never mind that six more U.S. soldiers have died. Uh-huh. The timing of the news of the capture …
“The Downing Street Minutes and the conduct of the Bush Adminstration as they prepared for war in Iraq must be discussed at a national level and the American people should know about it!” – Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass), who has set up a petition so you can ask your Senator “to speak out about the Downing Street Minutes.”
Today: Rep. John Conyers’ meeting of Democratic members of the House Judiciary Cmte. on the Downing St. Memo and Iraq War, C-SPAN3, 2:30pm ET
Witnesses include: “Joe Wilson, WMD expert and former ambassador; Ray McGovern, 27-year CIA analyst; Cindy Sheehan, whose son was killed in Iraq; and John Bonifaz, renowned constitutional attorney.” (Apian’s diary has more.)
After the hearing, Conyers says, “We will go to Lafayette Park and I will personally deliver your signatures to the White House.” Below:
Howie Martin adds this from Editor & Publisher:
”Bare Truths about the War, from a Small Paper”
Thursday, June 16
“Cindy Sheehan of Vacaville, Calif., accused President Bush of lying to the nation about a war which has consumed tens of billions of dollars and claimed more than 1,700 American lives — including the life of (her son) Army Specialist Casey Austin Sheehan. …
Let’s see how the big newspapers perform on Thursday when Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) and Democratic colleagues hold a hearing on the so-called Downing Street Memo. Sheehan is scheduled to testify, as are outspoken opponents of the Iraq war such as former ambassador Joe Wilson and former CIA analyst Ray McGovern.
How will the event be covered in Friday’s editions of the New York Times and Washington Post? Or will newspaper editors at those newspapers decide not to wield that most beautiful tool of democracy – the First Amendment – and run no story at all, as they appear to have done so often these last few years?
-from the article in Editor and Publisher.
Today for the first freakin’ time KTVU had Gold Star Members Sheehan and Bill Mitchell on and OMG mentioned that the list to go to war may have been premeditated and prefabricated.
There’s HOPE!
There’s hope some Americans might start… THINKING.
I don’t get CSPAN3 (lovely how it’s not wide open for all – blech)
But I’ll be here to read up on what’s going down.
Conyers and Brave Americans – Go kick the bastards of war asses!!!!!!
Janet: I don’t get c-span3 either – who does? But you can go to and listen on the computer if you have a media player. I tried this on too, but couldn’t get it to work. I’m listening as I type this. I don’t think the secrets are going to stay hidden for very long.
Today for the first freakin’ time KTVU had Gold Star Members Sheehan and Bill Mitchell on and OMG mentioned that the list to go to war may have been premeditated and prefabricated.
There’s HOPE!
There’s hope some Americans might start… THINKING.
Cripes… is it okay to feel some “hope” today? :/
I don’t get CSPAN3 (lovely how it’s not wide open for all – blech)
But I’ll be here to read up on what’s going down.
Conyers and Brave Americans – Go kick the bastards of war asses!!!!!!
What I wrote on Kennedy’s petition. A bit harsh?? Oh well 🙂
Thankfully Sen. Boxer is a true Patriotic American. I’m sure she’ll be all over this.
The “war” was premeditated and prefabricated.
That means. Bush and his bastards of war profiteers LIED and our men and women and the Iraqi people suffered.
Afterwards, lets start looking at whether or not Bush, Inc KNEW and ALLOWED the 9/11 to happen so they could manipulate the country and allies for their own oil-genda.
One very pissed off citizen who is tired of being lied and reamed by our government.
Hooray to Conyers, Boxer and ANYONE who will speak up against this Empire of Warmongering Liars.
you know Janet, whether they had anything to do with 9/11, the fact that many questions have yet to be answered for/to is still out there. The fact that it isi proven that Rice lied under oath is signifant too. I would loved to have been a fly on the wall when bush and cheney gave testimony too. unfortunately we will never know since they demanded no notes or written acknowledment be there for that one! I have a very big feeling deep in my stomach, they were more complicit in things, that led to believe. This in and of itself makes me very sick..they all lie so much how can one tell what is true or what is not true…
Here’s what they said in that meeting:
“Freedom. Freedom. Freedom. Blah. Lie. Lie. Blah. Freedom.”
You don’t think they would have said anything of significance to the 9/11 Commission, do you?
Scott McLellan could have given that deposition.
I’ll listen via Internet.
By the way, susanhu, you’ve been doing a terrific job. Thanks for all the great info you’ve made available in past months. It’s made a difference in my life and eased my feelings of despair over current state of the nation.
Thank you! We’re all doing a lot … the more we know, the more we discuss and disseminate among all of our friends and relatives, the more the word gets out … so there is hope!
also I heard this morning that at 8 pm est that c-span 1 will repeat this and that might make it easier for those to see if not online. I know I will watch both times online and on tv.
That’s very important, Brenda! THANKS! Keep us posted on whatever else you hear about repeats.
Will a live thread be needed or will people just use Apian’s diary?
We’re working on it and will have EXCITING breaking news soon!
Woohoo! 🙂
Good to see you here. I was worried because I know you are in a lot of pain. hadn’t noticed you on any threads the last two days. Are you doing any better? i sure hope so.
Thanks. Yes, I’m still in the same amount of pain. 🙁
Went for a test this morning and couldn’t eat from noon yesterday – water only until last nite – so I came home to a big breakfast. More tests next Wed at the hospital, so I just have to put up with this pain until the doctors find out what’s going on. It’s just too hard to sit and concentrate at times, so I’ve been spending a lot of time napping with my cats (who like that idea). This is all pretty tiring and there’s so much political news happening right now that it’s frustrating trying to keep up. I’m relying on you guys for the details!
You poor thing. I truly am sorry you are in so much misery. My car Smokie alwys curls up with me when I am sick. I have suffered off and on for about five years with major migraines and all I can do is go to bed. Sometimes for two days and my kitty is alwys by my side until I can get out of bed again. Wasn’t there someone else that offered to blog the live coverage besides Diane? maybe you should just sit this one out? Whatever you do just take care of your self. Healing thoughts out to you.
I for one feel this should be THE top story today. Let me rephrase that. This DSM story should be on the freaken front page and lead story of every msm outlet. THIS IS OUR FUTURE. THIS IS OUR SMOKING GUN!!!!!!!!! Sorry to shout but I posted this for my first diary yesterday and watched it scroll off into oblivion. Some even said I should take it down because Apian already had a diary about it. Only Apian’s diary doesn’t indicate anything about Conyers’ Forum today in the title and is probably being passed up by a lot of folks. I don’t care about the diary I wrote or any of that stuff.I just care that this is front and center because it is happening today. So thanks Susan for getting this on the front page so all can see. Has anyone heard from Catnip? I haven’t seen any post for two days and hope she is ok. She usually will thread/host a diary of the hearings live. Anyone else up to that challenge? I would but I am at work. Sorry again to rant but imho this is the most important issue TODAY!
I agree with you. I agree with you. I agree with are so very right..front page is necessary…but here we are. c-span had a very good morning in my opinion. Conyers was on and I believe it is reaching the ppl. I sure hope it is..I detected may republicans angry that they see him doing this. They will all have to rethink their motives now, wont they. :o) I find it so funny how they all want to cover up for the WH, even those who know not one soul there…they are just republican and they want this feces to matter what…just heard Jones and others in the house about withdrawl. It is going somewhere..but not fast enough for me..:o) This should have been done, the debate and findings, before we went to do anything…this is what it is about anyhow..They all failed us in America and the world as far as I am concerned. Many congresscritters have a lot of splined to do, as far as I am concerned.
Oh it is so good to hear you agree. Sometimes I think I just get too worked up but GD it Brenda I am so angry at these war criminals. I hope, hope, hope we are on a roll with people speaking up and having a spine to stand up to these ash holes!