Actually, it’s Friday in Australia.
Pyreanean Mountain Dogs (aka Great Pyrenees) are known as “mat dogs” in their native France – for their tendancy to lie right in front of the door. That way they can nap, and not worry about missing anyone coming in or going out.
Here’s what she looks like awake.
Good work.
Have you seen this
He is just a sample. The site features dogs & puppies
in a sort of American [Pet] Idol contest.
No I haven’t seen that site. I’ll check it out.
Do they allow fish?
Here are our newest two:

Gilbert, a Coral Blue Dwarf Gourami
Gus, a Neon Blue Dwarf Gourami
Very cool pics – thanks!
Gouramis always seem so intelligent and responsive, I love the way they move their feelers around and come up to the glass when people approach the tank. Quite beautiful too.
Cederic (aka “the houseboy”), our industrious Bristlenose Catfish.
Our local tip/dump recycling shops have yielded up both our fish tanks. The later, bought for $5.50, had only a tiny crack in one corner – easily siliconed. I also bought a small sliding glass door, recycled from a TV cabinet, for $2.50, and cut it down to make a top for the new tank.
From the same piece of glass I cut a divider for the tank, and we put our existing Betta (aka Siamese Fighting Fish) in one half, and bought a new Betta, Fabio (bellow), to go in the other side.
Compa Bud, he’s a full-blooded Basset Hound and likes to wake up at 5am.
They have such sweet natures.
Does he “bay” at 5am, or just poke you with his nose?
Luna likes to get up early as well, but usually this just means letting her in when she’s out (usually cuz 5am is about the time the dew settles and she gets wet – poor baby, doesn’t she realise she’s wearing a great big fur coat), or letting her out when she’s slept inside. Either way, she gets me up at about the same time every morning.
whiner, he does a combination of the nose nudges and whimpering. I love him though because he puts his full weight on my leg when I scratch behind his ears. He is very loving and low-maintenance.
He’s sooooo sweet – I’m melting into those big chocolate eyes! My Buddy (cat) is quite the whiner and whimperer. . .but then we realized she was merely mimicking her mommy. (It was downright embarrassing when I noticed she uses the same inflection found in some of my own pitiful emoting.) Unlike your sweetie, however. . .Buddy is pretty high maintenance (emotionally). We haven’t taken a vacation in 13 years because she throws quite the drama fest when I merely leave the house to run short errands. (Oh my, I hope I didn’t just break the rules of this diary by mentioning. . .gasp. . .a cat. . .)
Thanks for sharing the pic, ME – what a nice way to start the day. And on that note – Good Day to you!
<img src="" alt="image hosting by" />
She died last summer. She’s the mom of our current puppies. I miss you Lacy
My sincerest sympathy for your loss.
A few years ago, I lost two dogs, both Pyrs, mother (brain tumor) and daughter (enlarged heart), within a year of each other and was devastated by it.
And just this last year I had to give away my horse after she had a stroke (I was planing to ship her to Australia, where I now live, but shipping and quarantine would have been too stressful for her after the stroke). She’s only 6 year old, and I’d hopped to have her another 25 years.
Luna is doing her best to make up for my losses.
What is her breed? We had a dog like her when I was a kid,
she followed my dad home. Later she fought off a German
Shepherd who snarled at my mom. We loved her so much.
After her bravery she was allowed to sleep on the sofa.
Lacy was an Airedale Terrier. She lives on in her offspring, of which Wanda and I own one and co-own three. We own or co-own seven in all-Oreo, Joey, Stacy, Missy, Tug, Oscar and JC. They are otherwise known as TFCOTP (the finest creatures on the planet. Life is merrier with an Airedale Terrier!!
Here’s another of Lacy that was published in a 2003 calendar (miss August)

I hasten to add that the copyright to the above photo belongs to Mark Raycroft, animal photographer extraordinaire.
Peterboro eh?
I live in Guelph! 🙂
is Henry. Our newest mini-lop; doing what we call his “playboy bunny” pose.
Albert appeared to be using Henry as a nose warmer this chilly morning (remember, “down-under” it’s almost the Winter Solstice).

Oh I just love all your pixs..they are so neat…Thanks to all for showing them to us..
with a BFA in Fine Art photography.
Those fish are works of art!
diaries are starting to disappear like they do on DKos.
People make comments but they forget to recommend.
At least with the fish, I can get the lighting the way I want it. The other critters are catch as catch can – and it shows.
Where are all the kitties?
= )
‘non-cat’ blogging? harumph
When I lived out on the acreage, the owners had a Great Pyrenees – Winston. My cat Shipley had a great love/hate relationship with him. What a huge baby that dog was! He was SO huggable. I have a pic of him around here somewhere, I think. If I find it, I’ll post it.
were registered Animal Assisted Therapy dogs. They’re great with children in particular.
Pyrs are the most wonderful, and the most infuriating (as they are both pig-headed and extremely smart – which means they can get over, around or under any fence, and into anything they want), breed I’ve ever had.
Oh, and did I mention mischevious – which is where your cat probably came into the equation.
Here’s a photo of Beka, Bart, and their mother Ursula. Bart and Ursula were the Therapy Dogs.
And the same someone who quails at dewey mornings wanted to play outside that evening. Dogs! go figure.
This is Baby (we didn’t name her!). She’s a German Shepherd whom we adoped from a local rescue organization. She’s the sweetest dog I’ve ever known, and I just adore her.
Also, our dog June’s story is here. June is a wonderful dog too. Shepherds rock!
And you them.
Thanks for sharing June’s story and Baby’s photo.
I just joined now (been lurking) b/c I want to post a pic of my doggie… how do you post pictures, I’ve never done anything of the sort, here or on dKos… help help please…
(trust me, it’s worth it, molly is the cutest freakin’ dog ever!) 🙂
Okay, here we go, sorry about the bandwidth, but I’m gonna do 4 b/c she’s so damn cute..
so, preamble… This is molly, she’s mostly Siberian but has some Shepherd in her… She has the best temperament of any animal I’ve ever seen, she LOVES everyone… she’s a little bit disobedient (defiant, but very smart), but she knows how cute she is, so she just decides it’s easier to do it and kinda get in trouble than to not do it…
okay… and…

Kissin’ Mom (me)

Rainy Day, watchin’ dog-TV.

Beauty Shot

yay, worked…
Hmm… should’ve re-sized them…
Would someone mind telling me how to post a picture? You won’t be sorry. My dog is pretty cute.
The photo has to be online.
Upload it to your website or Photobucket.
Then right click on the photo, click on “copy image location.”
Then in your comment,
< img src=”“ >
The above cat picture won’t show up because I left spaces before the angle brackets.
(Location should begin with ‘html’ and end with ‘.jpg’ or gif.)
Oh… online. Rats.
You can also try Photobucket
it’s really easy to use!
Thank you Sybil and Cake. I fooled with Photobucket for awhile, but it doesn’t like the form of my files. I’m embarrassed to admit I’m too computer stupid to know how to send a picture. I need to get me a “Dummies” book.
Just imagine a cute little white dog with black bug eyes–that one’s mine.
for the photos, I never get tired of looking at them!
Is there a cat-blogging day? Or is every day (except Thursday) cat-blogging day?
I don’t have dogs, I’m gone from home too much, but I have two extraordinarily cute cats. 🙂
Go on over and check it out, some lovely photos of our
feline friends.
Eli, my Australian Shepherd, just earned his Canine Good Citizen certificate last night! It’s nothing much compared to all the agility, obedience, herding, flyball, and assorted other things dogs can win awards for, but hey, it’s a start. Check out the AKC website for more info on the CGC, and how even unregistered or mixed-breed dogs can earn this honor.
Eli displaying his best citizenship behavior: