The Washington Post’s coverage of the Downing Street Leaks has sucked. But they did publish a very interesting interview with the author of the original Sunday Times piece in their Live Discussions section:
Two top-secret British documents that were leaked to the press recently suggest that the Bush administration “fixed” intelligence about Iraq and that actions at the United Nations were designed to give legal cover to British Prime Minister Tony Blair before an invasion to oust Saddam Hussein.
Michael Smith, a reporter for the Sunday Times of London, has led the coverage, starting with his report of the so-called Downing Street Memo on May 1.
Albany, N.Y.: I have a short and sweet question for you.
Yesterday this paper, The Washington Post wrote and editorial about Iraq and mentioned the Downing Street memo and said the memo revealed absolutely nothing new and added nothing to the debate.
What say you?
Michael Smith: The same as I said earlier in other answers. This is the documentary evidence from within the U.K. equivalent of an NSC meeting. It is one thing saying well The Post wrote this back then from our sources, but it is a very different thing to have the documents from the heart of government that prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
The other thing we keep coming back to is the build-up of concern over the whole business of being in Iraq, losing soldiers every day. These memos not only convince the ordinary man or woman in the street they strike a chord.
That editorial said it couldn’t speak for its news desk who keep going with this story. Whoever wrote it was entitled to their opinion. But they were flat wrong!
Michael Smith: I think it is clear from the documents themselves that the whole venture was widely viewed as being highly dubious with no certainty of what would come out of it. The administration ensured that it only got the answers it wanted. But they either ignored the advice they were getting on the likely cost or managed to filter it out with this highly pressurized regime of come up with the right answers, or we will be on your back to do so all the time. That is what resulted in the National Intelligence Estimated of October 2002 which was designed by George Tenet to get a questioning Congress off the President’s back. Everyone has heard about the British “dodgy” dossiers but the actual intelligence analysis, the so-called JIC report, on which the main dossier was based spoke mostly of weapons programmes, i.e. production of the agent that would be put into weapons, rather than actual stockpiled weapons. The closest it came to saying there were actually any weapons was to say there “may be” 1.5 tons of VX gas, a conclusion that went back to the conclusions of the UNSCOM weapons inspectors in 1998. The CIA’s October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate on the other hand, said there were probably up to 500 tons of chemical weapons in Iraq. That gives you a feel of the kind of distortion that was going on. But as for the idea that he had very active programmes going on, well everyone, including the French and the Russians, thought that. There was a kind of group think that no-one was challenging. Long answer but I hope it’s helpful.
And some other choice quotes:
On why the MSM media initially ignored the story:
Michael Smith: Firstly, I think the leaks were regarded as politically motivated. Secondly there was a feeling of well we said that way back when. Then of course as the pressure mounted from the outside, there was a defensive attitude. “We have said this before, if you the reader didn’t listen well what can we do”, seemed to be the attitude. I don’t know if you have this expression over there, but we say someone “wants to have their cake and eat it”. That’s what that response reeks of. Either it was politically motivated and therefore not true or it was published before by the U.S. newspapers and was true, it can’t be both can it?
The attitude they have taken is just flat wrong, to borrow an expression from the White House spokesman on the Downing St Memo.
It is one thing for the New York Times or The Washington Post to say that we were being told that the intelligence was being fixed by sources inside the CIA or Pentagon or the NSC and quite another to have documentary confirmation in the form of the minutes of a key meeting with the Prime Minister’s office. Think of it this way, all the key players were there. This was the equivalent of an NSC meeting, with the President, Donald Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Condi Rice, George Tenet, and Tommy Franks all there. They say the evidence against Saddam Hussein is thin, the Brits think regime change is illegal under international law so we are going to have to go to the U.N. to get an ultimatum, not as a way of averting war but as an excuse to make the war legal, and oh by the way we aren’t preparing for what happens after and no-one has the faintest idea what Iraq will be like after a war. Not reportable, are you kidding me?
On where the story is going:
Michael Smith: I think Blair will go although I personally think Bush is much more at risk because there is an unstoppable public feeling against the continued presence of U.S. soldiers as targets for insurgents. The polls and the public pressure are not going Bush’s way. There is no doubt in my mind that the administration lied and distorted the truth, one Congress begins to realise the scale of it, Bush could be in serious trouble.
On the historical significance of the memos and on the American media’s performance:
Michael Smith: I think in journalistic terms we need to go back to the Pentagon papers, in terms of a U.S. context you have to look at the answer I gave earlier comparing that meeting to an NSC meeting. That is its significance, that is its equivalent. It is highly damning and some of the self-serving nonsense from people who should know better in some, and it is now only some, of the U.S. media is frankly depressing.
Lastly, on the meaning of ‘fixing’:
Michael Smith: There are number of people asking about fixed and its meaning. This is a real joke. I do not know anyone in the UK who took it to mean anything other than fixed as in fixed a race, fixed an election, fixed the intelligence. If you fix something, you make it the way you want it. The intelligence was fixed and as for the reports that said this was one British official. Pleeeaaassee! This was the head of MI6. How much authority do you want the man to have? He has just been to Washington, he has just talked to George Tenet. He said the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy. That translates in clearer terms as the intelligence was being cooked to match what the administration wanted it to say to justify invading Iraq. Fixed means the same here as it does there. More leaks? I do hope so and the more Blair and Bush lie to try to get themselves off the hook the more likely it is that we will get more leaks.
As my grandma would have said, the man has “good ol’ CS.”
Indeed. It was hard deciding which quotes NOT to use, since most of them were spot-on.
Followed by this:
Oh, he’s good. Plain speak too.
I’ve caught a couple interviews with Thomas Mesereau, Michael Jackson’s attorney. Meseraeau has that same remarkable ability to speak plainly. And he speaks with quiet confidence and without emphasis. I can see why he won the case. Jurors could listen to him easily, could understand him easily, and knew intuitively that he wasn’t dishin’ c-r-a-p.
Smith is much the same.
You have that ability too, Boo.
but I don’t know about the ‘without emphasis’ part? Heh.
Or ‘without expletives’.
You mean all those FUCKS you typed yesterday?
I showed Booman to my nephew yesterday…. he didn’t notice, but I sure did! :):) Good thing his uptight parents weren’t home.
I got a little worked up. I try to remember that my mother reads what I write, but I can’t censor myself.
It’s 110% fine with me. I sent one of my diaries to my Bush-lovin’ but also wonderful aunt and uncle (a retired Army colonel) in Florida, and warned them about my “potty mouth.”
Hey Booman, I do not know about your mother, I want youto know that this mother is very proud of you and the flack you have got to take from many. As a mom, I give you a big hug and say CHARGE!!!!! Lov ya man for your efforts…they are making a very big difference here with this mom.
It just makes me so sick of this administration and the way they are trying to spin this whole mess, while out ppl and the Iraqis are dying and being mamed.
I think it going to go against the grain for the WP and the NYT if they do not get on this and do what is right. If they don’t then their CS is not what I always thougth CS should be. But then, again, I never accused them of having much CS in the first damn place. This will all be interesting to see and live through. I Just hope my own constitution can handle it. I still think, that this is what is causing my heart changes, litterally. I find I have been angered so much for over 5 years now that I do not knowhow much more I can personally stand.
I think many are in the same boat too. I look at the posts on may blog spots and they are all suffereing from much of what is wrong with phycio/social mishaps. let alone the increase of mind and its diseases. Not only this war, but look at all that has come about due to this administrations behavior/action. It is truly mind boggling, to say the least…all things have taken a turn backward for the most part..all things that is thought of as just and true, is all gong backward….My question is can we as a nation and as a society allow this to continue for our own survival sakes. Just way toooooo much IMO! and to boot the media is way to complicit in all fo this.
Will there be any hearing on this? I doubt it.
On a lighter note for the coming weekend we should at least have a laugh. I found this post – its funny. It even has has Larry’s MUGSHOT – honest to goodness (Click on the word arrest)
A must read. Filled with facts
Didn’t the Post comment that this DSM scandal had it’s own “deep throat” now? I’m really going to have to keep track of where i read things, I can tell.
Anyway, now I’m a bit confused. First it seems that the Post is going after them and now it seems like they are just sitting on their hands – again.
Isn’t the deep throat British though?
We need an American deep throat.
I’m hopefull that we might get one. Some Republicans are beginning to break ranks on SS and whether we should pull out of Iraq early.
Here’s a hair brained theory;
-> as more Republicans peel off support we will eventually get our deep throat. There’s gonna be a critical point we have to reach first and it hinges on the president’s general aura of invincibility.
He’s been the Republican “fair haired child” for so long now that the Republicans have been afraid to step out of line. Add to that Delay’s recently slipping iron grip on the House (Because of scandals) and we can all hope for that deep thoat sometime soon.
As bad as this sounds…. we’re waiting for the mess to become obvious enough so that people have no choice but to notice it.
Everyone will be wading knee high in it :/
I happen to agree with you on that one. I think the equivelent to the DSM has got to be hidden somewhere within our own government. Once they are shown, then Katy bar the door…all will hit the fan. I just hope it is soon, for I can not stand much more hypocritical movement on their part.
Beside in all lines of work, especially mine, if your nurses notes or dr’s progress notes do not show the tru thing for what is goin on with the patient, then it never happened..IT IS CALLED DOCUMENTATION…. this is rather obvious..and this is what this is all has been said by reporters and newspapers, thatis like an accuatiion, not the real documentation of the facts being discussed…This isi the Biggeeee here…IMO
I have written to some newspapers and told them tha tI think yes they ahve written about some of which was inthe DSM; however it is by whom and when and why and what and how they have done it that made the big difference to me as a reader. They did not follow the standares of journalism in their reporting and distrubition of those facts. So therefore I calls it likes I sees it ..faulty and shaddy reporting…
What the British accounts confirm is that President Bush had decided to invade Iraq at the latest by the Spring of 2002 and nothing was going to stand in the way of regime change. The need for more troops, post war planning, recognition of the lack of danger posed by the Saddam Hussein, acknowledging that UN Inspection was working; all would have derailed the invasion.
What is worse the Bush Administration believed their own propaganda. Ideology trumped reality. Turkey would support the northern route of invasion. US troops would be welcomed with flowers. A multinational coalition of Muslim nations would support a Christian occupation of Iraq with peace keeping troops.
problems would you willingly ignore for $300 billion dollars?
Just listening to Amy Goodman and excerpts from the Conyers hearings from yesterday (I hear her at 5 p.m., eastern). Bonifaz (I think), citing something called (along the lines of) the Don’t Lie to Congress Act of 1996, which makes it a felony to lie to Congress.
Bling! Bells ringing. Isn’t that a special little goody passed by the Republican-controlled Congress that was used against Clinton? Anyone remember?
Aaaaah. Karma. Such a wonderful thing. Going around, coming around.
I’m sure he can reduce Smith’s comments down to:
“Reporter comments on DSM. Says nothing significant. Anti-semitic pamphlets were handout out afterwards.”