Cross-posted (and corrected) at Daily Kos.
Every one of us who lives in a House district represented by a Democrat ought to contact our Representative and either thank him/her for signing the Conyers Letter or express disappointment that he/she did not. (Heck, even if your rep is a Republican, sound off to him too.)
It’s your weekend homework assignment!
Below, I’ve included a list of all House Dems, with the signers of the Conyers letter in bold.
Abercrombie, Neil (HI, 1) Ackerman, Gary (NY, 5) Allen, Thomas (ME, 1) Andrews, Robert (NJ, 1) Baca, Joe (CA, 43) Baird, Brian (WA, 3) Baldwin, Tammy (WI, 2) Barrow, John (GA, 12) Bean, Melissa (IL, 8) Becerra, Xavier (CA, 31) Berkley, Shelley (NV, 1) Berman, Howard (CA, 28) Berry, Marion (AR, 1) Bishop, Sanford (GA, 2) Bishop, Timothy (NY, 1) Blumenauer, Earl (OR, 3) Bordallo, Madeleine (Guam, Del.) Boren, Dan (OK, 2) Boswell, Leonard (IA, 3) Boucher, Rick (VA, 9) Boyd, Allen (FL, 2) Brady, Robert (PA, 1) Brown, Corrine (FL, 3) Brown, Sherrod (OH, 13) Butterfield, G. K. (NC, 5) Capps, Lois (CA, 23) Capuano, Michael (MA, 8) Cardin, Benjamin (MD, 3) Cardoza, Dennis (CA, 18) Carnahan, Russ (MO, 3) Carson, Julia (IN, 7) Case, Ed (HI, 2) Chandler, Ben (KY, 6) Christensen, Donna (VI, Del.) Clay, William (MO, 1) Cleaver, Emanuel (MO, 5) Clyburn, James (SC, 6) Conyers, John (MI, 14) Cooper, Jim (TN, 5) Costa, Jim (CA, 20) Costello, Jerry (IL, 12) Cramer, Bud (AL, 5) Crowley, Joseph (NY, 7) Cuellar, Henry (TX, 28) Cummings, Elijah (MD, 7) Davis, Artur (AL, 7) Davis, Danny (IL, 7) Davis, Jim (FL, 11) Davis, Lincoln (TN, 4) Davis, Susan (CA, 53) DeFazio, Peter (OR, 4) DeGette, Diana (CO, 1) DeLauro, Rosa (CT, 3) Delahunt, William (MA, 10) Dicks, Norman (WA, 6) Dingell, John (MI, 15) Doggett, Lloyd (TX, 25) Doyle, Mike (PA, 14) Edwards, Chet (TX, 17) Emanuel, Rahm (IL, 5) Engel, Eliot (NY, 17) Eshoo, Anna (CA, 14) Etheridge, Bob (NC, 2) Evans, Lane (IL, 17) Faleomavaega, Eni (Samoa, Del.) Farr, Sam (CA, 17) Fattah, Chaka (PA, 2) Filner, Bob (CA, 51) Ford, Harold, Jr. (TN, 9) Frank, Barney (MA, 4) Gonzalez, Charles (TX, 20) Gordon, Bart (TN, 6) Green, Al (TX, 9) Green, Gene (TX, 29) Grijalva, Raúl (AZ, 7) Gutierrez, Luis (IL, 4) Harman, Jane (CA, 36) Hastings, Alcee (FL, 23) Herseth, Stephanie (SD, At Large) Higgins, Brian (NY, 27) Hinchey, Maurice (NY, 22) Hinojosa, Rubén (TX, 15) Holden, Tim (PA, 17) Holt, Rush (NJ, 12) Honda, Michael (CA, 15) Hooley, Darlene (OR, 5) Hoyer, Steny (MD, 5) Inslee, Jay (WA, 1) Israel, Steve (NY, 2) Jackson, Jesse, Jr. (IL, 2) Jackson-Lee, Sheila (TX, 18) Jefferson, William (LA, 2) John, Christopher (LA, 7) Johnson, Eddie Bernice (TX, 30) Kanjorski, Paul (PA, 11) Kaptur, Marcy (OH, 9) Kennedy, Patrick (RI, 1) Kildee, Dale (MI, 5) Kilpatrick, Carolyn (MI, 13) Kind, Ron (WI, 3) Kucinich, Dennis (OH, 10) Langevin, Jim (RI, 2) Lantos, Tom (CA, 12) Larsen, Rick (WA, 2) |
Larson, John (CT, 1) Lee, Barbara (CA, 9) Levin, Sander (MI, 12) Lewis, John (GA, 5) Lipinski, Dan (IL, 3) Lofgren, Zoe (CA, 16) Lowey, Nita (NY, 18) Lynch, Stephen (MA, 9) Maloney, Carolyn (NY, 14) Markey, Edward (MA, 7) Marshall, Jim (GA, 3) Matheson, Jim (UT, 2) Matsui, Doris (CA, 5) McCarthy, Carolyn (NY, 4) McCollum, Betty (MN, 4) McDermott, Jim (WA, 7) McGovern, Jim (MA, 3) McIntyre, Mike (NC, 7) McKinney, Cynthia (GA, 4) McNulty, Mike (NY, 21) Meehan, Martin (MA, 5) Meek, Kendrick (FL, 17) Meeks, Gregory (NY, 6) Melancon, Charlie (LA, 3) Menendez, Robert (NJ, 13) Michaud, Michael (ME, 2) Millender-McDonald, Juanita (CA, 37) Miller, Brad (NC, 13) Miller, George (CA, 7) Mollohan, Alan (WV, 1) Moore, Dennis (KN, 3) Moore, Gwen (WI, 4) Moran, James (VA, 8) Murtha, John (PA, 12) Nadler, Jerrold (NY, 8) Napolitano, Grace (CA, 38) Neal, Richard (MA, 2) Norton, Eleanor Holmes (D.C., Del.) Oberstar, James (MN, 8) Obey, David (WI, 7) Olver, John (MA, 1) Ortiz, Solomon (TX, 27) Owens, Major (NY, 11) Pallone, Frank (NJ, 6) Pascrell, Bill (NJ, 8) Pastor, Ed (AZ, 4) Payne, Donald (NJ, 10) Pelosi, Nancy (CA, 8) Peterson, Collin (MN, 7) Pomeroy, Earl (ND, At Large) Price, David (NC, 4) Rahall, Nick (West VA, 3) Rangel, Charles (NY, 15) Reyes, Silvestre (TX, 16) Ross, Mike (AR, 4) Rothman, Steven (NJ, 9) Roybal-Allard, Lucille (CA, 34) Ruppersberger, C. A. (MD, 2) Rush, Bobby (IL, 1) Ryan, Tim (OH, 17) Sabo, Martin (MN, 5) Salazar, John (CO, 3) Sánchez, Linda (CA, 39) Sanchez, Loretta (CA, 47) Sanders, Bernie (VT) (I) Schakowsky, Jan (IL, 9) Schiff, Adam (CA, 29) Schwartz, Allyson (PA, 13) Scott, Bobby (VA, 3) Scott, David (GA, 13) Serrano, José (NY, 16) Sherman, Brad (CA, 27) Skelton, Ike (MO, 4) Slaughter, Louise (NY, 28) Smith, Adam (WA, 9) Snyder, Vic (AR, 2) Solis, Hilda (CA, 32) Spratt, John (SC, 5) Stark, Fortney “Pete” (CA, 13) Strickland, Ted (OH, 6) Stupak, Bart (MI, 1) Tanner, John (TN, 8) Tauscher, Ellen (CA, 10) Taylor, Gene (MS, 4) Thompson, Bennie (MS, 2) Thompson, Mike (CA, 1) Tierney, John (MA, 6) Towns, Edolphus (NY, 10) Tubbs Jones, Stephanie (OH, 11) Udall, Mark (CO, 2) Udall, Tom (NM, 3) Van Hollen, Chris (MD, 8) Velázquez, Nydia (NY, 12) Visclosky, Peter (IN, 1) Wasserman Schultz, Debbie (FL, 20) Waters, Maxine (CA, 35) Watson, Diane (CA, 33) Watt, Melvin (NC, 12) Waxman, Henry (CA, 30) Weiner, Anthony (NY, 9) Wexler, Robert (FL, 19) Woolsey, Lynn (CA, 6) Wu, David (OR, 1) Wynn, Albert (MD, 4) |
Initial list of signers
Additional signers
List at Raw Story
Needs to get his toochus in gear.
Why yes he did! Good family, those Udalls.
Are both of these Udalls related to Mo?
good Lord. I moved within the city and went from having Repub Kolbe to bleeding-heart liberal Grijalva. I love that man.
I interviewed Jane Harman today. Then, like a doofus, forgot to email it home. But the upshot is, she’s more of a DINO than ever, if it’s possible. Cited the WaPo editorial as her defense. She needs more than emails and letters. She needs people sitting in in her offices.