Help DFA get the word out on the Downing Street Minutes!
Less than $1500 needed to bring the bat to $100,000
15 contributions of $100
30 contributions of $50
60 contributions of $25
150 contributions of $10
The Bush administration “fixed” the facts leading to Iraq and made virtually no plans for an exit strategy. The American public has been lied to, but you’ll hear barely a peep about it on the news. So we asked the DFA community earlier this week to tell us how to make the Downing Street Memo and the Secret UK Eyes Only briefing paper–and their implications–more widely-known.
Thousands of ideas have been submitted so far, and Democracy for America will use the funds raised to spread the word about these two documents. If America’s mainstream media isn’t going to pick up the story, then we’re going to take matters into our own hands. We have the power, right?
Click the link or the graphic above and give that ol’ bat a swing!
Crossposted at Daily Kos and MyDD
I think this bat will be broken by midnight.
I mentioned this in an earlier thread today. I would love to see a full page ad put in the NYT but is $159,000 during the week and $179,000 on Sundays. I mean could we raise that kind of money.? If each person only gave $5.00 then it would take almost 32,000 people to accomplish this. I don’t know but I think if we even start with an half page ad?
it is the grassroots, the people who watch CNN and Fox and think they are well informed, that have to hear about this.
Great! Now for the plans. I wonder what will be done?