Update [2005-6-17 18:5:23 by CabinGirl]: We’ve all moved over to a fresh thread here. Hop on over, and please unrecommend this diary on your way out!
It’s finally Friday, I got my urgent project finished, and now it’s time to celebrate! So come hang out on the patio for a cocktail, music, and good times with friends…
Welcome to the outdoor patio at the Frog Pond Cafe:
And look, GracieDog is already here:
*Can I get you a drink? I’m having my favorite “happy buzz drink”…
4 parts Absolut Citron
2 parts Cointreau
1 part fresh squeezed lime juice
2 parts cranberry juice
Shake and strain into a chilled martini glass (or reasonable facsimile) and garnish with a lime wedge
And how about some music? I know Zander likes Groove Salad, and here’s a link to a live stream from my local radio station.
And my happy story for this week:
Well, he and I both got a big surprise! He won awards for language arts, math, and social studies! I am so proud of him, because he has had a really challenging year (my ex-husband has some serious alcohol-related legal troubles), and he went ahead and had a good year anyway! Not bad for a guy who was “evaluated” in first grade for not knowing how to write lowercase letters on the first day of school! </proud mama babble>
So, come on, tell us all what’s happening in your life? What good stuff happened this week, or why are thankful it’s over? Any fun plans for the weekend?
And as Sven Triloqvist likes to say, “May the 4s be with you…”
What are your new favorite book or cd finds?
My latest Cds are the new Victor Wooten (Soul Circus), the recent Thievery Corporation, and I have a soft spot for Ben Lee’s “Awake is the New Sleep”.
I’m loving Ben Folds’ new single, “Landed;” “27 Jennifers” by Mike Doughty; and the new Sleater-Kinney album, The Woods, totally rocks.
As to books. I just finished reading “Gilead” by Marilynne Robinson, which was breath-taking.
Now, I’m alternately reading Umberto Eco’s new novel and Get Out of My Life, but First Can You Drive Cheryl and Me to the Mall by Wolf, which is showing me that life with an adolescent, no matter how smart and funny and together they are, is designed to make you question your own sanity.
I think I like Ben Folds, have to chekc out the new stuff.
As of August 27th I’ll have a teenager too (but mine’s a guy!) Guess I better add Get Out of My Life… to my summer reading list!
on booktv.org aka CSPAN2 this weekend:
On Saturday, June 18 at 8:00 pm
2005 BEA: Sunday Author Breakfast with Umberto Eco, Barbara Ehrenreich, John Irving, and Bob Herbert
My Connection string works!
I’m glad it works, but what is a connection string?
Hi Cabin, did you get my email, if not, could you pleaseeee resize the pics, they are making the page way too wide and it will get even worse with more comments strectching it.
Otherwise great diary and I loveeeeee your dog and is that your patio. Beautiful. Would love to actually sit there with you.
Congrats to you and to your son…
I fixed it.
So, the next time you’re in PA…drop on by!
Thanks so much, I love it, you know I am a small margins kind of gal.
Next time I am in Pa, which I cannot think I ever will be, last time was about 1983. I vowed never to fly again after during last trip back from there and have never broken that vow yet.
Would dealy love to see my old home grounds in Salisbury, Pa. again,but will have to wait for transporters to be invented.
Not to say it is not incredibly lovely and beautiful here in Socal, but I grew up next to the woods in Pa, and there is nothing like that here unless I go to the mountains….Still not quite the same as woods next door to run and play in all day…as when I was a child.
I was always dreaming of my green grass and shady trees. Seattle was a little better in terms of being green, but I finally had to come back here. No place like hom, and all that.
I don’t blame you for not wanting to fly though.
I’ve been listening to ‘Closing Time’ and ‘Rain Dogs’ by Tom Waits. Man, that guy can growl at me anyday. If you’ve never heard the original version of ‘Downtown Train’ (yes, the one Rod Steward covered) you must do so now.
We’ve got a lot going on here and it would be nice to get it on the recommended list.
My new CD find is Tori Amos’s new one called Beekeeper. I have only listened to it once, so I can’t quite tell you what I think of it yet. Although, the first listen through threatened to put me to sleep!
No new books recently, just been rehashing the favorites…currently I am reading Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail ’72 by the late and great Hunter S.
Currently listening to some They Might Be Giants- Whistling in the Dark.
I adore They Might Be Giants! We used to listen to them in my Friday afternoon chromatography lab (the prof was into them too).
I liked Fear and Loathing when I read it my twenties, but gosh, that was a looooong book!
Yeah They Might Be Giants kinda grows on ya after a few listens. š I am still trying to look for the children’s cd/dvd they did not too long ago. Can’t recall the title right off the bat, but it goes something like TMBG do they ABC’s. I saw a few of their music videos on the disney channel about 2 or 3 weeks ago and I almost fell out of my chair!
F&L isn’t that long lol. I read Stephen King’s IT when I was 10….now that’s a long book! š
New Foo Fighters double cd, came out tuesday of this week. What I’ve heard of it so far it pretty good.
Any body here like Jos Stone…17 year old phenominal singer. Very Jopliesque but clearer. And how about el Divo the new four tenor group? Not only do they have beautiful voices they are great eye candy too. See, not THAT old yet!!
she was on Opera, and I agree she’s good. I am another even oldster who loes a lot of the younger singers and groups, not rap tho….
I am fortunate that my son and grandaughter and I all like the same music. We all went to see Dave Mathews together. And in April My son, daughter in law and I went to Phoenix to see U2…the very best, most moving concert I have ever been to and I have been to quite a few.
I’d like a grilled cheese sandwich and french fries please. And a large Iced Tea.
<under breath> special orders, what kinda place this look like?
< Where is Zander? >
I’m going to have to upgrade to the pay version of Photobucket at this rate…
No thanks, I’ve got some water and (really) it’s just as good.
(I know zander is really busy)
It’s a Pavlovian thing that I have absolutely no control over…. someone says photoshop, and I push the button. I’d kind of forgotten about it for a while, but I seem to be on a PS binge at the moment. <shrug>
Excuse me while I go tweak.
Oh, and save a cinnamon bun for alohaleezy…
We raised Aussies growing up. I had one for 15 years… perhaps the greatest mammal I have known.
She is number 4 I’ll have to put up a pic of number 3 next week)!
But the first one has a special place in my heart-I got her at a Jerry Garcia show on the Eel iver in CA, she traveled the country with me, could follow me through the crowd at Alpine Valley Music Center while I was on my bike just with an occasional whistle, and adored my boys when they were born. I just hope she’s waiting for me on the other side with her Frisbee…
That should be Eel River…and the punctuation in the first sentence is so bad, I am ashamed to admit that I make my living as a wrter! Sorry!
Most writers don’t make a living.
on just that same thing! Gracie’s a gorgeous girl.
We’re loving life with our very first Aussie, Eli, and eagerly anticipating adding more specimens of this amazing breed to our home. He’s our pride and joy. (And he just earned his Canine Good Citizen certificate from AKC last night! <turning down boasting dial>)
I’m liking this Frog Pond place indeed. =)
Canine Good Citizen: Conngratulations to you both!
Coffee and cinnamon buns for everyone…
Zander – you must be a fan of swedish ads – they product is always cut out against a white background, with lots of space around it.
It’s called the ‘we make paper. so we can waste it’ syndrome…
I’m new to the whole blogging thing but the digital coffee and cinnabuns aren’t doing it for me. Did I miss something?
Hey there, you’re a little late to the party… the crown has moved on into a less crowded space over here.
If you haven’t already, please feel free to go over there and introduce yourself.
Love the cafe. I can’t wait till I have a puppy so I can bring him along!
As for the good news, I found my missing calculator, which was causing me much consternation.
I’m already 2 cups of joe into this one, so I’ll pass on the drinks for now, but save me a seat at the bar this evening!
And a fine one it is here on the Right Coast. I was standing outside the Café doors all morning waiting for them to open. Now that I’m ensconced I’d like a nice iced coffee drink of some sort.
Y’know what book I picked up over the weekend? A People’s History of the United States by Howard Zinn. Can’t believe I haven’t read that one before! It was a recommend I picked up on some progressive blog somewhere, can’t remember where. TPMCafe had a “favorite books” thread last week that alone doubled my reading list.
IIRC, SusanHu is a fan of Howard Zinn…I’ll have to check that out after I finish Fast Food Nation, Fools Rush In, and Sellevision.
Now how about a nice Chimay Ale? A cold root beer?
I’ll order a Chimay just to see Zander jump through some photo-posting hoops!
How does a diary series discussing a book or two — like a book club online — sound? The Good Lord only knows how we’d decide on what book to read & discuss, but I think it’d be an interesting thing to try.
Book club series, book of the week, month, whatever, all sounds good. Do you want to do a team thing on that, different diariest each time with their book of the month, week, etc.
I know a lot of people would like a book club type series, esp. on this site, all avid readers…
I am such a sucker for a challenge….but that was too easy..
Magic Hat Number Nine, please.

No pint glass? awww…
OK, OK – I admit that was a good one… just a little bit obscure… Vermont? Sheesh…
Cerveza Aquila, de Barrancabermeja, ¿por favor?
Aquí usted va.
Muchas Gracias…
Well that kick-started the taste buds! I’ll try to come up with an obscure one for next round … of course if you’re using my old standby, images.google.com, nothing’s going to be much of a challenge.
Okay, its Friday, not that Friday looks very different from any other day around here. . .retirement does that to you. But I am suddenly bussier than the proverbial one armed blind keyboarder and wishing I could spend more time hanging out. . .this will pass, but geeze, I am such a great slacker and goof off and I hardly have a chance to display my dazzling talents at such. Just wanted to pop in and say Hi to everyone, grab some coffee and a cinimon roll. . .mmmmmm. . .Hope I can stop back this evening for the wild party that is sure to ensue.
Anyone have skills in photoshop or some other creative means to make us a Froggy Bottom Cafe sign to hang out? Just curious. . .Gee, you have a good throwing arm Zander. . .
Have fun Froglettes, and I will see you all later.
(as usual, trips on the way out the door)
Just wanted to let you know I am planning a logo contest, the next day I host the diary, meanwhile submissions are welcome, please email me any designs..
Then I will put them in one diary and we can vote.
Requirement, they have to be relatively small so they won’t take over the diary, and not be vulgar, rude, crude, or obscene. Just a cute little, friendly logo that will help folks feel at home in this little old cafe.
At a store called Frog Nirvana:
oh what a fin…i mean find…bs..that is just way tooooo far out…love it ….
who would have thought I’d ever have such a collection of frogs….
I’m having entirely too much fun with this – even if it doesn’t come together, and still looks like crap – at least it’s hilarious. If nothing else, this pic is guaranteed to get laughs for a day.
Or, you know, maybe I just crack myself up… I guess that’s an option too….
We’re on a new thread…come on over, and please unrecommend this one on your way out!
thought I would share a reservation joke with you.
A white woman sets her chair behind the REZ DOG an another NDN brother at a powwow. She can’t help but notice that they are in the middle of an animated conversation. The lady ignores them at first, but her attention zero’s in when she hears the REZ DOG say the following, “Emm come first. Den I come. Den two asses come together. I come once more. Two asses, they come together again. I come again and pee twice. Den I come one last time….”
“YOU DIRTY MEN!!” retorted the white lady indignantly as she stands up and folds her chair. In this country we don’t talk about our sex lives in public!”
“Who’s talking about sex? I’m just tellin’ my brother how to spell ‘Mississippi’.”
I love that joke!
Having a mellow morning in the Scribe household.
Spouse is listening to Al Franken and reading the “Revenge of the Sith” novelization.
I’m on the computer and watching “Clean Sweep” on TLC (I love seeing people with more crap than me). Will probably get moving after the show is over.
On the agenda for today:
Tomorrow night, we get to see Margaret Cho! š
Hi Cali!
Re: Clean Sweep, there’s nothing like seeing how much stuff other people have stuffed away to make one feel better. Though, it does make me anxious at the start. Once order has been achieved I feel the calm returning.
(As I’m currently in the process of moving, I’ve been throwing away/donating a TON of stuff. The trick is to maintain the simplistic lifestyle, and not fill up the new place.)
in September, but actually didn’t finish getting all our crap out of storage till March. Sent about 4 big bags of old stuff to Goodwill. (We’ve still got a couple of boxes of books in storage, but the chances of any of those disappearing are slim to none.)
Then this spring, I started a new habit: I decided to store away my fall/winter stuff (sweaters, etc.) for the spring/summer, but while packing things away, I got rid of stuff that I’d either outgrown (boo), outshrunk (yay!), or that I otherwise had fallen out of love with. (I was too tired to do that with the sweats so I just shoved them in a box…I’ll sort through them when the chilly weather gets here.)
If I can keep up the habit, it actually might work out pretty well…
Ahh, happy hour-the best time of day. Even though mine doesn’t start for another 5 hours.
So, I did the whole intro thing yesterday about 5 minutes before the day 3 diary was retired, so here’s my reintroduction
I live in Maple Valley, a little suburb about 20 miles southeast of Seattle, and I work as a buyer for a local utility. I’m also going to school part time to get the degree I should have gotten 20 some years ago.
Here’s my happy story for today:
Today is my 14 year old daughters last day of school, and she missed the bus. If she can’t find a ride she’ll miss the all-important yearbook signing ritual. I’m stuck at work since I carpool, and I’m feeling helpless listening her trying not to cry on the phone.
My ex husband, who lives just a few miles away, will not answer his phone so she can ask him for a ride. But then, just when my daughter had lost all hope and was resigned to having to stay home and clean the house, her dad finally calls back.
So, right now the sun is shining, and my daughter and the rest of the students at Maple Valley Junior High are busy writing the usual “have a good summer” sentiments in their yearbooks. Is there ever a better day than the last day of school?
No more teachers! No more books! </singsongvoice>
No more administrators! No more students! No more exams to grade!
is always the best…the sigh of relief, the pleasant relaxation of having nothing that’s really all that urgent for a few months, staying up late, going to the pool…I love summer!
Great diary starter CabinGirl!!! Nice lawn furnny! We need a thatched tiki bar methinks š
Last day of school here! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!
I’m still buzzed about Conyers “basement meeting” (the blender will be doing some overtime tonight!)
Speaking of Happy Buzz… I was trying to explain to Jdoggie what a “Hummer” was without setting off the XXX alarm š
Hey, anyone got a great Mojito recipe? I have mint growing and I love rum and last time I tried to make a “Cuban Mojito” it was a bust. Maybe the glass was too big(?) or something.
(But this was supposed to be next week’s goodie….)
The mango mojito
2 lime wedges
5 fresh mint leaves
1/4 c club soda
3 Tbsp (1.5 oz) rum
2 Tbsp simple syrup
1 Tbsp mango nectar
Squeeze limes in glass; add mint and squish with back of a spoon. Add simple syrup, let sit for a minute or two before adding the rum, club soda and mango nectar and ice. Yum!
Simple syrup = 1 c sugar + 1/2 c water; heat in saucepan until sugar dissolves. can store extra for next week!
Wicked Cool! Thanks! CabinGirl! I’ll give it a go!
It is excellent…now all we need is some good ceviche!
Your wish is my command….
Cabin girl, you are a girl after my own heart! Ceviche and mojitos. Ummmmmm! I’ll be right over!
2 lbs of firm, fresh red snapper fillets, cut into 1/2 inch pieces, completely deboned
1/2 cup of fresh squeezed lime juice
1/2 cup of fresh squeezed lemon juice
1/2 purple onion, finely diced
1 cup of fresh peeled, seeded, and chopped tomatoes
1 serrano chili, seeded and finely diced
2 teaspoons of salt
dash of ground oregano
dash of Tabasco or a few grains of cayenne pepper
Tortillas or tortilla chips
In a non-reactive casserole dish, either Pyrex or ceramic, place the fish, onion, tomatoes, chili, salt, Tabasco, and oregano. Cover with lime and lemon juice. Let sit covered in the refrigerator for an hour, then stir, making sure more of the fish gets exposed to the acidic lime and lemon juices. Let sit for at least 6 hours, giving time for the flavors to blend.
Serve with chopped cilantro and slices of avocado with heated tortillas for ceviche tacos or with tortilla chips.
I think this will be on the menu at Chez CabinGirl this week! Thanks!
Damn! Between the mojito and the ceviche – I’m salivating. š
Perhaps you did not see my last comment. None of that stuff gets past me š
BTW are cat & kid pictures allowed here?
“La guerra non è la risposta, Per Soltanto l’amore può sconfiggere l’odio” Marvin Gaye “What’s goin on”
….welcome to the other neighborhood!
Put ’em on up! (Just don’t make them too wide, it freaks Diane101 out, and we like her too much to do that!)
I didn’t know what it was either the first time my hockeychick friends were talking about Hummers. LOL
I don’t know all the “labels” none of it’s “new” just new names. At least that’s what this old lady tries to think. š
Yeah, pictures are okie dokie here.
No happy stories from me at the moment, I’m afraid. I’m locked in a battle of wills with the black & white printer at work. It keeps %@$#&$#ing jamming up on me when I go to print stuff, causing no end of frustration and wasted time. Until recently I could get it to behave by feeding in the sheets one at a time. Now, however, it chokes on every %#&$(# sheet of paper. I finally got someone to come out and look at it and what do you know…
the (#&$(#&$) @$*#& thing worked like a champ! It was doing things I’ve never been able to do before. It practically rolled over and shook hands with this guy, who was looking at me like I was nuts (of course, the fact that I was giving the printer the evil eye and muttering death threats under my breath might have had something to do with that). So he cleaned it out, told me to chill out and left.
I ask you – how much can one woman take???
Hate those GD inanimate objects that are plotting against me! </end paranoid schizophrenia>
One time, we had a new guy (VP of something or other) and he asked mee for help when he couldn’t get the printer to work. So I walked over, looked at the printer, turned it off, turned it back on again, and out came his document. The look on his face was priceless!
Restart the darned thing. Power cycling (turning it off then on again) is the dumbest trick in the book, and the truest elite guru will almost always be able to solve anything without resorting to power-cycling. But when you don’t care why it’s not working, you just want it to work again, cycling the power is often the best first step. And I agree with you: the looks on people’s faces are often priceless. “Well, gee, I could’ve done that!” “Well, why didn’tcha?”
For me, it tends to be “Never mind why, it’s all about the results.”
The best part about the above incident was that he was the second-in-command at the company I worked for!
Better be careful with impressing the suits: next thing you know they’ll promote you to Assistant Director of Laser Printers!
More like “Babysitter of the Paper Supply”
Duct tape
super glue
I also give objects a few thwaps and slaps.
I have been known to unplug things, shake the cord a bit and replug it all in to get it “working” š
I thought I was the only one till I read Carnacki’s happy thread one Friday and saw that others do it too.
when in doubt: restart š
The thing might need what they call a “maintenance kit” which mainly means replacing all the little rubber rollers inside which move the paper sheets along their intended path. It might help your jamming problems. I’m a little surprised the guy who made the service call didn’t do something like that. Of course, I’ve been in his position: first thing, try to replicate the problem. Problem not replicated? Then problem solved! Is it quittin’ time yet?
I know it’s no consolation, but HP Lasers just ain’t what they used to be. The old LaserJet III’s, 4’s and 5’s would go for years. They were built like the proverbial brick house. Nowadays … /shakes head
Thanks for all the advice, guys, but I’ll tell you – I am no newbie when it comes to office equipment. I’ve worked with everything from giant, high-tech, multifunction printer/copiers to a gestetner older than the hills and I know all the tricks. Restart, clean the gears, etc – I’ve tried it all and nothing helps. It’s really a fantastic printer – except when I try to print on this one specific type of paper, which I have to use all the time.
Fortunately, my days at work here are numbered (14.5, to be exact)!
First time at the FB Cafe. You’ve done a great job in getting the place set up. Love all the pics too – GracieDog is beautiful. (And where does zander get those food/drink pics? Love the grill cheese and fries above!)
It’s nice to be able to pop in here to get a break from all the highs and lows going on out there in politicalville.
BTW, I just finished reading THE THINGS THEY CARRIED by Tim O’Brien, which tiggers thotful spot rec’d the other day. Very moving. And I’ve just started with teacherken’s rec of THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE by Karen Armstrong.
As for the w/e, more packing, packing, packing for the move.
Friday = sunny day naps tomorrow…nah – why wait…
I’m ready for a nap…GracieDog, move over….
What cute pics, Sally! Are those yours?
BTW, I found a place nearby that sells the Lysine supplements – I’m going to pick some up today. Thanks!
and a bunch come from PhillyGal’s postings.
Terrific on the Lysine find.
Lysine Thank goodness for that at one time.
I now just really stay away from walnuts
and stress (not really) Who the hell can stay away from that?
But eating handfuls of walnuts will get me into an “outbreak”. Since I discovered that tidbit – it’s been 10 damn years without š Whooot!
Lysine and Vitamin E, that’s the best. You stop a cold sore cold when it’s just a tingle if you hit it with that combo
Ok, I picked up some Lysine supplements and a homeopathic cold sore remedy – the guy (he’s actually a veterinarian, but oh well) said the combination should do the trick. My canker sores are pretty well developed already, though, so it might not do much. I’ll sure have it on hand for next time, though!
Hi everyone! Wow…I had no one to chat with this morning over coffee but glad you are all here now. What a fab place…kinda reminds me of Cheers where everybody knows your name.
Tomorrow night I get to go to my 8 year old grandaughter’s dance recital. She has not even given me a preview. Siad she wants me to be surprised. Can’t wait.
Well, I called the NYT this morning to check out full page ad prices…oh my God..$159,000.00 during the week and $179,000.00 on Sundays. That means at $5.00 per person it would take 31,800 for a midweek ad. Maybe if you could get something going here and dKos and Americablog and ET and DemocracyNow maybe we could do an ad demanding an investigation into the DSM and Bush impeachment. Any thoughts or is this just a pipedream on my part. We could also do 1/2 page ads for 1/2 the price.
After Downing Street — I think they might be trying to get something going in that vein.
They’ve got some great “print it yourself” flyers, as well…
Thanks Cali…will go check it out now.
Haven’t read the thread yet, but I am gonna post anyway!
My happy story? I now have my very own, spanking brand new computer!!
Now for the not-so-happy part…it’s not working. š Have to pick up a new power supply for it, since the one that came in the box is bad. Hopefully it will be working tonight and then I can post more here! YAY!
Another hope of mine is to be able to help you guys out in the cafe, filling in whenever you guys need me. Will let everyone know when the damn thing is finally up and running. </grumble>
Congratulations to your son Cabingirl!
Thank You Jester Yes, this is what father’s day is all about. My little pup at 15 months, she is now 6. Enjoy them while you have them.
“La guerra non è la risposta, Per Soltanto l’amore può sconfiggere l’odio” Marvin Gaye “What’s goin on”
She is so super cute there…
I like her later princess pictuers too…but that is at least a 20 on the awww scale of 10!
If you still visit the other Cafe pictures, I have some new ones from the dance recital.
“La guerra non è la risposta, Per Soltanto l’amore può sconfiggere l’odio” Marvin Gaye “What’s goin on”
Now we know where Princess gets her good looks from.
The Pootie š
Ahem….I’ve got your “A” right her sister.
“La guerra non è la risposta, Per Soltanto l’amore può sconfiggere l’odio” Marvin Gaye “What’s goin on”
Damn me and typos..HERE not HER, HERE….
“La guerra non è la risposta, Per Soltanto l’amore può sconfiggere l’odio” Marvin Gaye “What’s goin on”
Are you all flustered or just wearing a lovely Freudian Slip? š
herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr š
Well at least I post in the right spot..PFFFFFFTTTT
“La guerra non è la risposta, Per Soltanto l’amore può sconfiggere l’odio” Marvin Gaye “What’s goin on”
Visualize me giving you the finger, mon ami š
Of course an affectionate flip off š
Why Thank You
I always new I was number 1 š
“La guerra non è la risposta, Per Soltanto l’amore può sconfiggere l’odio” Marvin Gaye “What’s goin on”
with a bang š
Silly! Gonna make chat later on?
Oui je ferai la petite dame.
I just wish I had some sort of kitty treat to get one SallyCat back there. She is missed more than I can explain; but I will never give up trying.
“War is not the answer, For Only love can conquer hate” Marvin Gaye “What’s goin on”
What a sweetie!
I gots one I gots one!
Yesterday while at the library (getting the kids signed up for the summer reading award thingy – and paying a damn fine for a book Danni took forevahhh to read LOL) the librarian handed me a stack of homemade cards from the kids from the class I read to these past few months. They made them for the librarian and the “funny lady”.
One even had a piece of candy taped to it š
My itty bitty black heart did cartwheels.
Are they doing the Dragons, Dreams and Daring Deeds programs at your library?
but crappers… I didn’t know it was being sponsored by Wal-Vart. Double damnit. Thanks for the link.
Goes and bangs head into concrete driveway.
This is just one library.
The theme is shared, but implemented by each individually. Rewards, programs, sponsers — it varies.
Whooot! Found out ours isn’t sponsored by WalMart at all š
Hmmm the rewards our different at our library – doesn’t have the money gc. Ours has if you read 1,000 the Friends of the Library will purchase a book in the readers name.
I just thought you might be interested in some of the activities or booklists. That’s all. I wasn’t trying to promote Walmart! Really.
Oh I didn’t think you were promting Walmart, KatieBird š No worries at all. Thanks for the link, seriously.
I’m just thwapping myself about not seeing the WalMart sponsorship when I signed the kids up.
It was a “doh” moment for me LOL
I don’t get Bravo anymore so I can’t get my West Wing fix. I really shouldn’t have, and can’t afford to spend money on dvds…however I couldn’t help myself. I looked and looked and I really wanted to get the first four seasons. But I reeled in my avarice and bought season 2. It was a tough choice.
Here is season 2: What findally sold me was the Stackhouse filibuster.
> In the Shadow of Two Gunmen (1) (*emmy)
> In the Shadow of Two Gunmen (2) (*emmy)
> The Midterms
> In This White House
> And It’s Surely to Their Credit
> The Lame Duck Congress
> The Portland Trip
> Shibboleth
> Galileo
> Noël (*emmy)
> The Leadership Breakfast
> The Drop In
> Bartlet’s Third State of the Union (1)
> The War at Home (2)
> Ellie
> Somebody’s Going to Emergency, Somebody’s Going to Jail
> The Stackhouse Filibuster
> 17 People
> Bad Moon Rising
> The Fall’s Gonna Kill You
> 18th and Potomac
> Two Cathedrals
I will probably buy the first season next and then the 3rd and 4th. After that we shall see.
I have never ever bought or even rented the DVD of any TV show. But this show is sometimes as good as anything in the movies.
So I had a good day. I don’t indulge myself much, but I will have a lot of fun watching these DVDs when they arrive.
good morning!!!! ::::stretch::: oh.. er..ah. well you know its morning somewhere in the world, anywho. and how is everyone today? well lets see. coffee.. hmmmm. breakfast tacos! indeed.. and of course, some music..
friday? lets rock…
Insomnia Radio Podcast, Kill your FM
oh. heh.its also cocktail hour somewhere in the world too. can i getta mimosa? ah. very nice… i gotta run into work early today and save the world. if you see zander, tell her i’ll be back lata to sweep up. and if you could, please dont drink all the mirdori? i know i know, those froggies really got the green thing going. but there hasn’t been any left all week!
I don’t see any salds on the menu so I will go home for lunch today….all seven stairs up…lol. I am really proud of my almost 53 year old self. I started working out with a trainer two weeks ago and have lost seven pounds. I am really stoked. I have been taking dawn patrol walks on the beach everyday too and boy is that ever a nice way to start the day. I will be back for the Happy Hour party. Would someone have a virgin frozen margarita with salt ready for me?
Great job on the weight loss, and I’m envying your morning walks on the beach!
See you in a bit…maybe Zander can round up your ‘rita while you’re gone?
Congratulations on the weight loss!
Thanks for the kudos. My ultimate goal is to quit smoking. I have tried almost every product on the market, including accupunture, hypnosis, Welbutron, gum, patch and cold turkey. My most successfull time period was a little over four months smoke free. That was over eight years ago. I watched my mom die of emphysema and do not want to put my son through that. I will be starting a walking program in the next weeks that is geared to help one quit smoking. Wish me luck.
I definitely wish you all the luck I possibly can on the quitting smoking! Me and the husband are in the process right now and it’s not fun. š You will have to let me know how that walking program goes!
Will let you know Cake. Are you doing any particulat program? I am open to all suggestions. Thanks for the support!
Sorry for the late response, the new wireless network that the hubby installed had been giving us trouble. After 2 hours on the phone with tech support (a wonderful experience with out-sourcing let me tell you) we finally got it up and running, and then I was kicked off the computer. š
Nah no program atm…me and the husband both caved in.
<hanging head in shame>
Hell, we all need any support we can get right now. š Quitting smoking is said to be just as bad as quitting heroin. Good luck!
Lately this has been my favorite drink
1 part Orange Vodka
1 part sweet Orange Liqeur (currently using Citronge)
2-3 Parts Orange Juice
A dash of Orange flower water
Shake with ice, pour into a martini glass and enjoy. For a special touch, you can rub a bit of lime round the rim of the glass and coat with sugar before pouring the drink in.
Right now I’ve been reading the Myst Trilogy, which is an outcrop of the Myst games. Having become addicted to the games, and waiting impatiently for the next one due this fall, I’ve had no choice but to console myself with resorting to reading the book for fantasy escape.
Never thought this would happen to me, but there you have it, a computer game addict.
I’ll be going off to Barefoot Coffee Roasters tonight to see Sheltering Sky. Now if that isn’t a blatant plug, I don’t know what is š
That sounds yummy!
I am a computer game addict myself, currently playing Empire Earth….
I have not heard of this one, I’ll have to check it out. The thing about Myst is that it’s so compelling, so totally immersive, the environments are tremendous.
My boyfriend and I justify our many hours devoted to this game by saying well it’s okay since we play it together … a shared activity
Empire earth is an old game by several years, but still fun to play. I am master of all in that universe and I have depending on the game anything from early greek and English style implements, up to future with cyber robots and planes capable of dropping nuclear bombs.
Well its war you know…lol
I have a hard time playing newer games because of the ram and video card requirement.
In the past I enjoyed Age of empires with all its add ons, Lionheart, Diablo….
I think I played a demo of Myst, and never did get the game, but I want to …
<raises hand>
I too, am an addict. I got introduced to gaming by my husband. Currently playing World of Warcraft, a horrible addicting game. So addicting in fact that’s the second reason for the new computer. So that the husband and I can play together instead of taking turns! š
Oh yes, World of Warcraft, I have a whole group of friends playing that one, and I’ve lost a friend completely to Final Fantasy. Can’t even remember what she looks like these days.
LOL! Yeah I can attest to the Final Fantasy addiction as well. Once a new one comes out, no one sees me until I am done with it.
I was hooked in college, but thankfully I’ve been 98% video game free for 5 years or so. All I remember from Warcraft is the dopey ogre voice saying things like “Awwllright” “Ohhhkay” “Yesmelord” when you told them to do things… good times.
Sorry, but Absolut Citron is against my religion – It’S Swedish. Only True Finnish Koskenkorva fits the bill š
We just finished a barbecue, now enjoying some obscure French wine and now about to watch a Robin Williams stand-up DVD – but meanwhile we are discussing the meaning of politeness…
I’d post the pic, but it’s creepy so check it out at your own risk…
poor thing
Aww poor thing indeed!
Saw that poor pootie on the news and both me and my husband did some matrix-like moves to keep my son from seeing it. Cause… he has a hankering for poor pooties..
Poor thing indeed.
Abbott! I can’t believe you posted that on a happy cafe diary! I’m about to cry – the poor little thing. ;(
well, I saw it and really needed to share. the worst part is, I mostly want him (her?) to live, but there is that nagging notion that, well, it’s creepy.
Well, yes, if you want to put it like that – it is creepy. My take, though, is if the poor little thing is in pain it should be put to sleep.
But then, I was raised to believe in reincarnation, so I think it would just get another shot. Which would probably turn out better cuz – jesus, what wouldn’t be better?
Ok, I can’t stop thinking about that poor cat. I’ll have you know this is going to haunt my nightmares.
Can I come and play? Graciedog is wonderful. I’m a sucker for any puppy or kitten. No matter what their age.
I would like a frou frou drink please. Anything with alcohol and sugar, perhaps a LemonDrop Martini with cool jazz in the background. Ella, Frankie or Billie, I love the “classics” .
Thanks for the break. Enjoy your day & weekend.
From what part of Cal. A lot of us here on this site, are from Cal, I live in Santa Ana, OC, Cal..
Be sure to stop back by the cafe any time you wish, I think things will be busy in here later tonight.
I’m from the San Francisco East Bay. I used to work in the Xerox building in Santa Ana. Hope you’re ok from our little “rocking & rolling”.
I’m a dork and don’t link well so here is the website info. Enjoy
For beverage recipes try the website http://www.webtender.com.
What part of East Bay (Alameda, Contra Costa, whatever)?
I’m over here in the Silly Con Valley, watching the weather clear up in time to go out and do errands, and shouting, “Will you please get in the damn shower?” to my vacationing spouse…
I use to live in Emeryville, Beaudry Street I think it was. Around the corner from a biker bar and an ashram…
Alameda County
I forgot to congratulate your son Jesse on all of his good work. :O)
I just realized that your son’s name Jesse, is that correct, is the same as my daughter’s nickname, which in her case is short for Jessica, but she has always been called Jessie.
Is this another thing we have in common, plus you are living my alter life in Pa….
We do seem to have a lot in common!
they ought to name it W!
Hey! That poor little kitten has enough to worry about without being burdened with a name like that.
It started 58F and rainy, but then shot up to 61F and sunny.
We have white puffy clouds, about 10 knots of breeze, and colors of the trees, clouds and sky are as vivid as tartan.
Here’s a shot from a few days ago, fairly similar to now:

We left 98F Columbus OH 5 years ago this week for Puget Sound.
Well, back to the machine shop for 3 more hours before I can knock off.
I’ve lived here all my life and I’m still amazed by the beautiful views.
The best part is I only have 1 hour and 15 minutes before the 3rd Friday party at the Goose tavern begins.
lived alot of my life on Whidbey Island, Coupeville and Oak Harbor.
I was just on Whidbey last weekend. My grandma grew up in the ferry house out by Ebeys landing, so we spread her ashes there and a few other spots on the island.
The success of Froggy Bottom raises some important questions…
Is politcal activism and the sharing of political knowledge an End or a Means?
Booman Tribune exists because Martin Longman was traumatised by his life experiences, motivated as a contributor to Dkos, and further motivated to found and continually support this offshoot – which now exists in its own right.
But here at the magnetic Froggy Bottom, there is no politics.
What does it mean. I have my theories – but let me know what YOU think….
Curious to know what you think it means. But I think it means for one thing we are all on the same side and the second would be that we need an occasional break from the gruesome news abounding. We also feel a need to know and share with each other in a more personal way.
Diane: you just gave out my theory!
Basically I believe it’s back to my SOS theories…
In this case, it is about ‘proving’ yourself as a member of the flock during a hiatus in the battle.
I am picturing GIs in WWII sharing a ciggie moment in between actions. It is about bonding. To make sure your back is covered later…
I will add another statement to yours above, bonding makes the effort, whatever it is, stronger, so we will be better fighters (not with each other BTW) overall for this bonding that is occurring. Plus we on the crew are creating team work groups that will help us in the future to mobalize and organize very easy because we are laying the ground work now.
Who thinks that Froggy Bottom needs it’s very own click tab on this site????
By the way Sven do you want to be a day or floater host for this site. Sure could use someone on the night shift for US, on the other side of the world. Email me if you want to….join the crew, anyone else????
Also Neutral corner, this is….
Di, I am a very poor host. My workload is highly unpredictable, day by day. I try to be active when I have the time. Sometimes that means a whole day free, on and off. Sometimes I may be gone for a week or so.
But I will do my best to be an active amphibian whenever I can…
I think that a Froggy Bottom Cafe click tab would be an excellent idea
a) It would not detract from the basic purpose here – of diaries and comments and discussion
b) instant accessibility
c) Predictable location for ‘any other business’
d) Branding of bonding
to Booman, although I am not sure he has even seen these diaries and what is happening…Have you Booman??????
I agree.
Though it is a tricky decision for Booman.
I understand that he does not have the Markos career move motivation, but rather a personal motivation -IMHO
The question is: What is the value to the political debate of having a ‘social bonding’ forum.?
In ‘slack’ times, just like the lull between battles, it is important to get to know your ‘buddies’.
But the danger is, of course, that cute pix of cats, dogs, and cocktails may attract a dilutory audience. It’s a tough call.
All administrators play a numbers game in some form or other, in order to pay the bills and keep advertising. The Welshman had an honest and open description of the problems recently at NIT.
I love having contact with you people – but ultimately no-one is going to give that for free – it’s only a spin-off.
Like Nokia, this is only a partial Self-Organizing System. At the top and bottom it is hierarchical. In between (where the big numbers are) it is SOS.
Why don’t we take this discussion to the new diary, and just for a tid bit for you to chew on, then what about all the other happy/spiritual/joke,/ arguing based/single pic.book music/single line/ etc. diaries already common to this site. Seems like this is just another spoke in the wheel……
THAT’S where i am off to….
That’s exacty why. I keep up with what’s going on, disseminate the information to others who aren’t blogging or on the internet, and just need a little fluffy bit o’ fun sometimes.
Plus, I’ve noticed that it’s always helpful to get to know who’s hanging out with you in the trenches; it make it easier to hang together when you disagree.
Plus we all want to write and talk and you can only say, “that’s awful, I hate Bush,” so many times.
Do you remember my diary on the purpose of political blogs, oh sven you should read it, it is one of my first and I took a lot of flack for my postion, which now I think others might agree more since this is the purpose I think I had in mind then as the utopian place it is now.
Here is link to diary:
I read it and I think it was an excellent summary of the challenges we face.
Hi, Guys,
Yesterday LynnS asked us to cross fingers for her husband’s job interview that is probably going on right now.
Mine are crossed too. What do you say to rolling over to a new thread?
And cabin could you ask the question do you want a click tab for this cafe, in a poll question…
And call it Froggy Bottom, please, lol…..We voted you know!!!!<smiles>>
Besides I just got a really great logo design for the logo contest from Shirl, and it has the right name on it….<smiles>>>>
Please unrecommend this one and we’ll all meet up over there!
Have a Happy Father’s Day this Sunday!