Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Ok, BooMan… time to change the decay rate of recommends. With the recent influx of Tribbles and the subsequent increase in the number of diaries being posted, we need a quicker roll-over of recommended diaries.
From American Atheists Action Alert
June 15, 2005
WHO: Atheists, humanists, freethinkers…
WHAT: Rally on the steps, U.S. Supreme Court Building
WHY: Anticipated Ten Commandments display rulings.
WHEN: This Monday, June 20, 2005, 9 a.m.
American Atheists along with representatives of other atheist, freethought, humanist and separationist groups will rally at the U.S. Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC next Monday, June 20, 2005.
This is in anticipation of a possible decision by the high court in two important cases regarding display of the Ten Commandments and other religious documents/symbols on public property.
The event begins at 9 a.m. (weather permitting) and will include a program of speakers from numerous organizations.
Signs and banners will be provided, or you may bring your own.
The Supreme Court Building is located at One First St., NE in Washington, DC. It is convenient to the METRO system. The Capitol South station is nearby for those traveling on the Blue or Orange Lines. Union Station is about a 5-6 minute walk for those coming in on AMTRAK or the Red Line.
The building is proximate to the Capitol and Library of Congress. There is only limited parking in the area, so consider taking a taxi or the Metro system.
The Court usually announces its decision before noon on Mondays. Attorneys in the pertinent cases receive little or no notice. Sometimes, there is a news story about a forthcoming decision; but no one can guarantee precisely when the court will make a ruling public.
Most observers agree that the decision in the two Ten Commandments cases (Van Order v. Perry, McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky) will be announced on either Monday, June 20, or at the end of the current session, Monday, June 27. We are rallying on this coming Monday (6/20) in anticipation of a possible ruling. If the court does not announce its decision on that day, we will likely be back in Washington on the steps of the court the following week. For updates, visit
Ellen Johnson, President of American Atheists will speak at the rally. Representatives from several other organizations, national and regional, have been invited to attend.
Well, first the husband and I are supposed to try and get my new computer and up running. (do you see what the Booman is doing to my marriage? we had to get another comp!) So far not so good…need to get another power supply for mine as the one in the box is deciding not to work, even though the damn thing is brand spanking new. The wireless network he put up yesterday is giving me fits..argh! And on top of all that, we have a very busy weekend with the relatives. Whom we have to visit seprately because they don’t play well with each other. 🙂
A group called PURE — People Undergoing Real Experiences — was recently voted out of tomorrow’s Fremont Solstice Parade, despite a freakout-free precedent last year. Members were OK with the decision. They got it: Having people suspended by hooks on a pirate ship float could scare children, as well as much-needed sponsors.
What they weren’t OK with is the suggestion that they’d be a better fit for the Seattle Pride Parade and that they were violent.
“We listened to NPR and it came out as, ‘PURE is violent, violent to themselves.’ But we told them we’re clowns, we’re circus people,” said Xavier Frost, a member of the body modification-heavy group. “That’s what made us angry. The other point they said that tops the entire cake is that they said this is a family-organized parade for the family, so why don’t you take what you do and take it to the Gay Pride Parade, it would fit better with them. … That says to us, ‘They’re already a subculture, they’re already freaky enough, already weird.’ “
This is SO Seattle, I can’t begin to tell you how SO Seattle it is.
“I’d almost take it personally as more of a compliment that we’re open and accepting to people as individuals, rather than being close-minded and snooty because of how somebody looks,” said Tammy Zoch, vice president of the Pride Committee. “Everyone can be themselves and feel OK about it and feel they’re empowered to be who they are and honest with the world and that they’re not marginalized for that. That’s what the celebration of pride is about. It’s not a big walking orgy down the street.”
Neither is the Solstice Parade, but with a reputation for nude bicyclists and giant inflatable penises, it isn’t exactly a Main Street USA event.
Birthday party for a baby, one candle. Her brothers are going to love opening her gifts for her, while momma is the usual wreck about people coming over to the house.
I’ve got 1580 pounds of sandstone to play with and I couldn’t be happier.
My houseguests from hell have departed, after I drove to the airport in record time! My daughter had a wonderful time with their daughter, which is really what it was all about.
I’m halfway through the bathroom remodeling project- having spent a grand total of $50. I have a free vanity, sink and counter top coming tomorrow and the new, white shelves are drying in the sun.
So, I guess my point is that I have some positive karma to share. Come take your share.
Appearing tonight at Davies Hall in San Francisco, but the spouse and I are seeing her tomorrow night at the Mountain Winery in Saratoga.
It’ll be chilly, but at least the rain should be gone. 🙂
We’re going to have dinner out before, sort of an early birthday celebration for the spouse, though he’ll have to wait on his birthday present (iPod Shuffle) till sometime next month. (I’m already picking out songs to load on it; some of the best of our CD collection that’s already on the computer, plus some songs I’ve picked up at the iTunes Music Store.)
Sunday we’ll probably hang out with the in-laws for Dad’s Day; nothing set in stone yet.
And no one mentioned Father’s Day! (up to now, anyway.)
No rigorous plans this weekend. The apartment needs a sweep + weeks of laundry to do tomorrow.
Sunday brunch and afternoon with my kids, let’s see if they remember (we avoid the commercialism of such days, but a home made card, or such, would be nice).
I am spending sunday morning (Fathers Day) with my children and my wife. Then my wife purchased for me an 18 hole golf package for the afternoon. So I will out enjoying the fresh air and hitting that little white ball and chasing it, so I can hit it again and try to place it in a cup the size of a large fountain drink cup. And you know what, I will be having a ball. lol
I have to work tomorrow (boo!) and then I’m heading up to my parents’ house to help the folks with yard work and hooking up their spa motor so they can enjoy it during the summer nights. I’ll probably be MIA around here starting tomorrow till Monday. Anyone heard from Ducttape yet? I am actually worried now.
Ok, BooMan… time to change the decay rate of recommends. With the recent influx of Tribbles and the subsequent increase in the number of diaries being posted, we need a quicker roll-over of recommended diaries.
But Monday:
Ten Commandments rally at Supreme Court, June 20
From American Atheists Action Alert
June 15, 2005
WHO: Atheists, humanists, freethinkers…
WHAT: Rally on the steps, U.S. Supreme Court Building
WHY: Anticipated Ten Commandments display rulings.
WHEN: This Monday, June 20, 2005, 9 a.m.
American Atheists along with representatives of other atheist, freethought, humanist and separationist groups will rally at the U.S. Supreme Court Building in Washington, DC next Monday, June 20, 2005.
This is in anticipation of a possible decision by the high court in two important cases regarding display of the Ten Commandments and other religious documents/symbols on public property.
The event begins at 9 a.m. (weather permitting) and will include a program of speakers from numerous organizations.
Signs and banners will be provided, or you may bring your own.
The Supreme Court Building is located at One First St., NE in Washington, DC. It is convenient to the METRO system. The Capitol South station is nearby for those traveling on the Blue or Orange Lines. Union Station is about a 5-6 minute walk for those coming in on AMTRAK or the Red Line.
The building is proximate to the Capitol and Library of Congress. There is only limited parking in the area, so consider taking a taxi or the Metro system.
The Court usually announces its decision before noon on Mondays. Attorneys in the pertinent cases receive little or no notice. Sometimes, there is a news story about a forthcoming decision; but no one can guarantee precisely when the court will make a ruling public.
Most observers agree that the decision in the two Ten Commandments cases (Van Order v. Perry, McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky) will be announced on either Monday, June 20, or at the end of the current session, Monday, June 27. We are rallying on this coming Monday (6/20) in anticipation of a possible ruling. If the court does not announce its decision on that day, we will likely be back in Washington on the steps of the court the following week. For updates, visit
Ellen Johnson, President of American Atheists will speak at the rally. Representatives from several other organizations, national and regional, have been invited to attend.
For more information, contact Rick Wingrove, Virginia State Director for American Atheists at, or visit
We’re being invaded by pirates and pirate ships. And my fav pizza place is selling slices down near the pirate ships.
Well, first the husband and I are supposed to try and get my new computer and up running. (do you see what the Booman is doing to my marriage? we had to get another comp!) So far not so good…need to get another power supply for mine as the one in the box is deciding not to work, even though the damn thing is brand spanking new. The wireless network he put up yesterday is giving me fits..argh! And on top of all that, we have a very busy weekend with the relatives. Whom we have to visit seprately because they don’t play well with each other. 🙂
Other than that…how’s yours? 😉
Taking the grandkids Class II+ whitewater rafting tomorrow and camping overnight….
Only wrinkle…we have to take their parents…nah, not really, we like them.
Keeping fingers crossed for sunshine and no rain. Nice weather would be nice. Better to be warm and wet on the river than cold and rainy on the river.
Maybe we should protest the Fremont Solstice Parade in Seattle.
What they weren’t OK with is the suggestion that they’d be a better fit for the Seattle Pride Parade and that they were violent.
“We listened to NPR and it came out as, ‘PURE is violent, violent to themselves.’ But we told them we’re clowns, we’re circus people,” said Xavier Frost, a member of the body modification-heavy group. “That’s what made us angry. The other point they said that tops the entire cake is that they said this is a family-organized parade for the family, so why don’t you take what you do and take it to the Gay Pride Parade, it would fit better with them. … That says to us, ‘They’re already a subculture, they’re already freaky enough, already weird.’ “
This is SO Seattle, I can’t begin to tell you how SO Seattle it is.
more from the same article:
Neither is the Solstice Parade, but with a reputation for nude bicyclists and giant inflatable penises, it isn’t exactly a Main Street USA event.
Birthday party for a baby, one candle. Her brothers are going to love opening her gifts for her, while momma is the usual wreck about people coming over to the house.
Live blogging has begun– Austin is hoppin’ full o’ liberals!
Inside Hollywood’s Hottest Cult
I’ve got 1580 pounds of sandstone to play with and I couldn’t be happier.
My houseguests from hell have departed, after I drove to the airport in record time! My daughter had a wonderful time with their daughter, which is really what it was all about.
I’m halfway through the bathroom remodeling project- having spent a grand total of $50. I have a free vanity, sink and counter top coming tomorrow and the new, white shelves are drying in the sun.
So, I guess my point is that I have some positive karma to share. Come take your share.
I’m watching episodes 5 and 6 of Deadwood, season one this weekend, and we’re having a birthday party for my mom on Sunday afternoon.
Other than that, just enjoying the lack of humidity.
Appearing tonight at Davies Hall in San Francisco, but the spouse and I are seeing her tomorrow night at the Mountain Winery in Saratoga.
It’ll be chilly, but at least the rain should be gone. 🙂
We’re going to have dinner out before, sort of an early birthday celebration for the spouse, though he’ll have to wait on his birthday present (iPod Shuffle) till sometime next month. (I’m already picking out songs to load on it; some of the best of our CD collection that’s already on the computer, plus some songs I’ve picked up at the iTunes Music Store.)
Sunday we’ll probably hang out with the in-laws for Dad’s Day; nothing set in stone yet.
And no one mentioned Father’s Day! (up to now, anyway.)
No rigorous plans this weekend. The apartment needs a sweep + weeks of laundry to do tomorrow.
Sunday brunch and afternoon with my kids, let’s see if they remember (we avoid the commercialism of such days, but a home made card, or such, would be nice).
Good point!
I’m having family over to barbecue some chipotle steaks.
I’ll send you visions of one…
I am spending sunday morning (Fathers Day) with my children and my wife. Then my wife purchased for me an 18 hole golf package for the afternoon. So I will out enjoying the fresh air and hitting that little white ball and chasing it, so I can hit it again and try to place it in a cup the size of a large fountain drink cup. And you know what, I will be having a ball. lol
I have to work tomorrow (boo!) and then I’m heading up to my parents’ house to help the folks with yard work and hooking up their spa motor so they can enjoy it during the summer nights. I’ll probably be MIA around here starting tomorrow till Monday. Anyone heard from Ducttape yet? I am actually worried now.