Hi all.
This is a quick follow-up to adamgreenfield’s prescient diary of several weeks ago. It looks like he may have been right.
From today’s NYT:
The officers, Capt. Phillip T. Esposito, 30, and First Lt. Louis E. Allen, 34, of the 42nd Infantry Division, New York Army National Guard, were first believed to have died after indirect fire hit the window of a building they were in on June 7.
The Times speculates that this may have indeed been an instance of what is known as “fragging”:
Of course, Iraq is nothing like Vietnam.
(Apparently, this was diaried at Kos, yesterday. Please forgive me if this is redundant)
[Correction]: This story was from last week, not several weeks ago.
I hadn’t heard about this, and appreciate the links, though I had to stop in the NYT piece at….
Over on dkos someone posted about this last week and was flamed by one poster. Seems as if with this war so many of the things that we are suspicious about turn out to be true.
All I can say is those folks who deny the similarities between Iraq and VietNam either weren’t around then and just don’t know, are gung ho military and just won’t admit it, are myopic and just can’t see it or are Conservative and just don’t care.
Difference between Vietnam and Iraq….speed at which information travels.
Heard this on CBS radio affiliate this morning in SF…was really surprised that they reported it but they’ve been moving war news from 10th or so up to 4th or 5th…is that progress?