Chuck Pennacchio posted on dKos that is polling to see whether they should support him or Casey in PA
Please help him out
The poll is here
He wrote:
MoveOn’s PA Senate Poll…and what’s at stake
by Chuck Pennacchio for US Senate
Fri Jun 17th, 2005 at 15:01:14 CST
MoveOn.PAC is now conducting a poll among its Pennsylvania members to determine what, if anything, the organization should do about the 2006 U.S. Senate seat now held by Rick Santorum.
Regardless of how you vote on-line, I simply hope you vote. This is an important opportunity to have your voice heard by a progressive organization with political bite.
Most importantly, the descriptions of the candidates have been skewed in favor of Casey (read them, you’ll see what I mean). They’ve left out that he is completely anti-choice (no abortion, no exceptions).
So if you have a minute more, write MoveOn a note while you’re there telling them what you think of this underhanded trick to garner more support for Casey.
I noticed this trick too, complete with misleading wording that he worked to help women.
Not what I expected form MoveOn.
However, I used it to voted for Casey, who I support over Pennacchio for a number of reasons (like the fact he has more the a snow ball’s chance in Hell of winning).
Don’t take this the wrong way, I like Pennacchio and have been impressed with his posts on DKos, but he’s an effective non-entity in PA politics on a state-wide level. I really wish he had put this kind of effort into knocking of a entrenched Republican congressmen somewhere, where he really could have run a competitive race and had an impact.
And aside from his position on choice, Casey is a very good candidate in his own right. Couple that with high-name recognition and popularity, and there’s no reason to take a long-shot over a sure thing.
I hope others will take this opportunity to voice support for Bob Casey as well.
I voted for the person who most closely reflects my views. Call me naieve, I thought that was what you do in a primary.
I agree. I wish that MoveOn had actually included some of Chuck’s positions on the issues, like they did for Casey and Santorum, so it was easier to compare.