This is a rant. That’s all I seem to be able to do anymore. If you don’t want to read a rant, you should probably go to the next diary.
I can’t say this to my friends because I am too angry to say this in a diplomatic way.
So, yet again, I will cry to the choir.
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To my friends:
I appreciate that you are concerned about me. I understand that you think that I am “obsessing” about politics and that it is making me “too angry”. I am sorry that I am not my old funny self. I miss that too. I can’t tell you how fucking much I miss that.
And, no, I am not trying to “convert” anyone, I merely wish to inform people about what is going on. There is a reason for that. A good reason. As my friend, I am disappointed that you don’t have the faith in me to see that.
Can you understand that I am scared? That I care about this country, that I care about democracy, that I care about our civil rights, and the fact that you, D__ can’t afford insurance for your 4 kids or even day care, that you, C_, have two boys in the military that could lose their lives over a lie, that you, H__, could be killed or jailed because you are a muslim in our country.
You say that “politics is a game”, “forget about it”, “someone else will solve this”, “live your life”.
Do you realize that if this is a game we are the pawns? If everyone “forgot about it” who will be left to “solve it”? And that my life will be a sham if I allow what I am seeing happen to happen without a fight?
With the 4th of July coming up, I am already prepared for the rage that I know is going to consume me.
While you fly your flags, go on family picnics, slap that “support our troops” bumper sticker on your car, wear red, white and blue and celebrate your “patriotism”, I’m going to be frothing at the mouth crazyangry. Not because I hate our country but because of all the stupid, pointless, empty symbolism of “patriotism”. The 4th of July has become a Hallmark holiday. It’s meaning completely lost in symbols. Are you DOING anything? Can’t you see that your “patriotism” is hollow if you aren’t even interested in what is happening in this country?
Are you really proud of our country right now? May I ask why?
Is it because we are a beacon of freedom and hope and righteousness?
Sorry, that’s old news. Old propaganda.
Despite the fact that I’ve printed and e-mailed numerous articles to you about the actions of John Conyers, Louise Slaughter, Howard Dean, Harry Reid, and others, and asked for your input, your signatures on their petitions, your fucking INTEREST in preserving all those things you hold dear, much less what you fucking need to survive, I bet their names won’t be in your thoughts or on your lips. I bet I would get a blank look if I mentioned those names to your face. These are the people that are trying to preserve your freedoms, everything that you consider “American”. Against some Goliath-like odds. Not the least of which is your indifference.
I’m pissed that you deleted my messages without a response because: “it’s too depressing”, “I can’t do anything about it”, or any other excuse that came up. I really apologize for the inconvenience of reality. I won’t bother you with that anymore.
I am angry that I am shouldering this alone. Without your support or understanding. I love you, and you are still my friends, but I can’t understand your apathy and I am very, very angry with you.
a true patriot.
you are so absolutely right!!!! You have come to the right place to be heard. I agree with you in so much of what you have said. I do not have say thing to add..rage onward and forward…I have your back covered if no one else does. however, this year on the 3rd of July I turn 60, would you like to join me to celebrate this event? You do not have to put a thing on your car or hand any red, white, or blue to celebrate with me…God bless you for your rage and rant.
btw, rage, if you stay here with us, you will be allowed to comment on yoru rage in a different manner that you do not get burned out on things so easily. Might just help things go better for you and place that rage and anger in the right perspective. Just a thought…
Hi Brenda,
What is the different manner? I’m very curious!
Hey Brenda, I’d love to join you in celebrating your birthday! Congrats!
I will definitely be raging onward. I’ve always been a bit angry, but never this much so. 3 years and 6 more months. Unfortunately, I have to add “at least” to that. How horrible is that? I am actually wondering if this will ever end.
Reagan was a long 8 years, but just the last 6 months seems like an eternity to me.
Happy pre-Bday! I will turn 39 on the 4th of July. Growing up with fireworks, parties and barbeques on your birthday was much fun. I’ve come to love my birthday. Great weather, much family and friend fun, almost 6 mos. from x-mas, and I always get the day off from work!
Nevertheless, the 4th of July always reminds me of how far we have to come. 10,000 years of civilization (or so) and this is all we can do? This year will be particularly harsh. Yet, as Americans, we can (and I do every year) usurp the 4th of July to further our resolve to uphold Democracy and get rid of the corporate aristocracy that we now have.
So on the 4th, hold up a beer, hotdog, tofu burger to the restoration of Democracy and wish me a happy B-Day! :>)
How far we have to go, not come! Ack…and I even used preview. I guess I am hopeless.
My wife turns 34 this July 4th. In an ideal world the perfect gift for her would be a Bush impeachment!
Happy Birthday to your wife, James. I’m so hoping we all get that soon.
We are close in age. I will be wishing you and all of us a restoration of Democracy and the future impeachment of bush, cheney, et al.
And, by the way, you aren’t hopeless! You’re here aren’t you? Obviously a caring, decent, thinking person.
I totally understand where you are coming from. I have been angry since the election if not before. It is beyond all comprehension the apathy and/or complete ignorance that half the country doesn’t care. It is beyond all comprehension that Bush is still our prez. What are these people thinking? WHY don’t they care. I pull my hair out every day. I too have had “friends” tell me to get a life…walk away from all this chaos, there is nothing I can do about it. BULLSHIT! I will fight this regime to the day I f’ing die. Thank you for the rant. If we don’t come to a place like this and vent I do believe we will explode!
You’ve summed it up quite succinctly, I think…
Before blogs, before there were multiple internets, before the web, before most of them had email.
You have my deepest sympathy, but at least I can reassure you from experience, that even if you’re forced to impotently watch the bastards dismantle your home for 20 years, and all the while every rational person you know being certain you’re paranoid, you can work steadily on the light side and still be happy in your personal and professional life.
America’s future is not a Disney tale. The nation we almost became two generations ago has already been dismantled for the duration of our lives. We have as much need for nation-building as recapturing.
The good and the bad news is that it’s not the 80’s and 90’s any longer. Everyone now sees that there’s a major struggle over the most fundamental nature of our society, even if our “ostrich” friends think it’s limited to the wingnut right.
As the struggle becomes formally public, you may find yourself losing some friends. We sure did; it just wasn’t healthy to stick with people who had a policy of remaining deceived and misinformed.
As for the others, who seem convinceable but don’t yet get it, it’s probably necessary to take a lower key approach, offering small amounts of information that can help their skepticism without being rejected as paranoia of yours. I do know from experience that presenting people with a full-blown reality opposite to the one they know rarely works.
Even when the subject is a mechanical object such as a boat, a musical instrument, something with an emotional attachment–if theirs is giving them grief, and you show them one that works right, they’ll judge it by the habits they formed with theirs, rejecting the replacement as defective, nonsensical or unattainable.
This I’ve done for a living, and the parallels to modern America are troubling, as they should be, because some very nasty forces have mobilized trillions of dollars over two generations to create a reality that’s almost pure fantasy in every dimension. Even most liberals aren’t able to ask some of the more important basic questions.
At least you have the consolation that you’re not the only American throwing shoes at the TV. There will be more and more like minded people to hang out with, and it will become easier to reach those in your circle who seem reachable.
“As the struggle becomes formally public, you may find yourself losing some friends. We sure did; it just wasn’t healthy to stick with people who had a policy of remaining deceived and misinformed,”
This is what I am struggling with right now. There are people I truly have enjoyed being around and now they look at me like I’m going over the deep end. People that spend zero time learning about politics or even following current events feel “qualified” about making this diagnosis. It has really “brought up my back”. These same people rant and rave about the high costs of insurance, about how they can’t afford daycare, how they can’t afford anything! And yet make no connection…
At the same time this ever-widening gulf has appeared between us as I have to bite my tongue on “my politics”. Longer and longer periods of silence. While my head is spinning with “I [heart] Gitmo” t-shirts they are wanting to talk about all the things we usually talk and laugh about. I end up having this completely silent internal head-exploding meltdown, which they are completely unaware of.
Maybe it’s at these moments that I’m making some kind of face that is the root of their diagnosis! (laugh!)