This is a rant.  That’s all I seem to be able to do anymore.  If you don’t want to read a rant, you should probably go to the next diary.

I can’t say this to my friends because I am too angry to say this in a diplomatic way.  

So, yet again, I will cry to the choir.

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To my friends:

I appreciate that you are concerned about me.  I understand that you think that I am “obsessing” about politics and that it is making me “too angry”.  I am sorry that I am not my old funny self.  I miss that too.  I can’t tell you how fucking much I miss that.

And, no, I am not trying to “convert” anyone, I merely wish to inform people about what is going on.  There is a reason for that.  A good reason.  As my friend, I am disappointed that you don’t have the faith in me to see that.

Can you understand that I am scared?  That I care about this country, that I care about democracy, that I care about our civil rights, and the fact that you, D__ can’t afford insurance for your 4 kids or even day care, that you, C_, have two boys in the military that could lose their lives over a lie, that you, H__, could be killed or jailed because you are a muslim in our country.  

You say that “politics is a game”, “forget about it”, “someone else will solve this”, “live your life”.

Do you realize that if this is a game we are the pawns?  If everyone “forgot about it” who will be left to “solve it”?  And that my life will be a sham if I allow what I am seeing happen to happen without a fight?

With the 4th of July coming up, I am already prepared for the rage that I know is going to consume me.

While you fly your flags, go on family picnics, slap that “support our troops” bumper sticker on your car, wear red, white and blue and celebrate your “patriotism”, I’m going to be frothing at the mouth crazyangry.  Not because I hate our country but because of all the stupid, pointless, empty symbolism of “patriotism”.  The 4th of July has become a Hallmark holiday.  It’s meaning completely lost in symbols.  Are you DOING anything?  Can’t you see that your “patriotism” is hollow if you aren’t even interested in what is happening in this country?  

Are you really proud of our country right now?  May I ask why?  

Is it because we are a beacon of freedom and hope and righteousness?  

Sorry, that’s old news.  Old propaganda.

Despite the fact that I’ve printed and e-mailed numerous articles to you about the actions of John Conyers, Louise Slaughter, Howard Dean, Harry Reid, and others, and asked for your input, your signatures on their petitions, your fucking INTEREST in preserving all those things you hold dear, much less what you fucking need to survive, I bet their names won’t be in your thoughts or on your lips.  I bet I would get a blank look if I mentioned those names to your face.  These are the people that are trying to preserve your freedoms, everything that you consider “American”.  Against some Goliath-like odds.  Not the least of which is your indifference.

I’m pissed that you deleted my messages without a response because:  “it’s too depressing”, “I can’t do anything about it”, or any other excuse that came up.  I really apologize for the inconvenience of reality.  I won’t bother you with that anymore.

I am angry that I am shouldering this alone.  Without your support or understanding.  I love you, and you are still my friends, but I can’t understand your apathy and I am very, very angry with you.  


a true patriot.