A common charge thrown at Democrats by the ‘Thugs and their media henchmen is that Dems are nothing but obstructionists, that they are the party of no, that they are incapable of proposing policy to move the country forward. Yesterday, Maria Cantwell (D-WA), proved that not only are those charges baseless, but that when the ‘Thugs say these things, they are merely projecting their own self image upon the Democrats.

The Senate yesterday defeated a proposal by Sen. Maria Cantwell to put the nation on the path toward reducing its dependence on foreign oil supplies by 40 percent over the next 20 years.

The measure, which Cantwell wanted to attach to the energy bill, was defeated 53-47 on a mostly party-line vote.

Cantwell, D-Wash., expressed disappointment with the outcome, noting that Democrats, Republicans and President Bush have all agreed that the nation should move to lessen its dependence on foreign supplies. The United States currently imports 58 percent of the 21 million barrels of oil it consumes every day.

“Unfortunately, the concern we’ve been hearing from the president and Republican leaders about America’s dependence on foreign oil is just empty rhetoric,” Cantwell said. “They had a chance to throw a strike for the economic and national security of our nation, and they balked.”

Cantwell attracted three Republican votes — Sens. Lincoln Chaffee of Rhode Island, Olympia Snowe of Maine and Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania — while one Democrat, Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, voted against the amendment.

A primarily party line vote that acknowledges the Republican Party’s desire to keep us hooked on foreign oil. Dependence on foreign oil is the greatest threat to American national and economic security we face. Real leaders, like Cantwell and Jay Inslee, both key members of the Apollo Alliance, are working to resolve this problem. Meanwhile, Republicans play party politics and continue to expose us to the danger of doing nothing.