[From the diaries by susanhu.] It’s a big deal on liberal blogs, but is the media waking up to the story?  How are they covering the hearing on the Downing Street Memo held by Congressman Conyers yesterday?  Well, take a look (but don’t get your hopes up too high):

More after the fold . . .
At CNN it doesn’t merit a major story listing, but is headlined under the “Politics” section.

It is given the same treatment at ABC’s front page.

At Fox, again the same thing.  It’s the fourth headline under “Political Headlines.”  You have to scroll down near the bottom to find it.  Their big story on the Democrats has to do with Senator Durbin.

MsNBC doesn’t play it prominently anywhere either.  You have to scroll down to “Politics” for the ambiguous headline “War Inquiry.”

I couldn’t even find the story at CBS.  Their big story was about a child sex offender.  Tom Cruise popping the question to Katie Holmes took second place.  They don’t even list under the “Politics” section.

Here’s the online edition of the  New York Times Front Page.  Can you spot the story?  I’ll give you a hint:  the headline (which you have to hunt for) is Antiwar Group Says Leaked British Memo Shows Bush Misled Public on His War Plans.  That really informs the reader that the group in question was a bevy of Congressional Democrats led by John Conyers, doesn’t it.

Not that the Washington Post online edition’s front page is any better.  They can’t be bothered to even mention the story, with or without cryptic headlines, on their front page.

Finally, what about NPR, that bastion of liberalism?  Well, they do slightly better than the others, listing it as the second story under the “Nation” section of their news front page under the headline: “Hearings Center on British Memo; Iraq”  and also under their Iraq section under the headline: “Democrats Investigate Downing Street Memo.”

The upshot?  There’s a long way to go before this story expands beyond our corner of the blogosphere people.  When even so-called liberal bastions of the press such as the Times and the Post can’t be bothered to give the story any significant play (much less the cable shows) that tells me that we and Congressman Conyers have our work cut out for us.