This is a political blog with an eye toward activism, and it is sorely lacking in providing practical ways and means of taking political action. Lots of excellent posts and diaries, plenty of causes to march for, and a severe lack of marching equipment. Some few posts have links/phone numbers/addresses where we can express our views to elected representatives, media, whoever. This is however the exception. Most of the issues discussed here that I am truly concerned about recommend no specific call to action, or simply suggest that we contact our representative in congress. Please, posters of all stripes, do not take offense–I am not trying to point the finger or fault anyone, nor am I making light of your contributions. Much is being accomplished here as it stands, but I believe that we need to do better–that we can do better–that we must. To even begin to live up to the potential of this growing activist base, we need some focus, the necessary tools to post a call to action. Here is what I envision:
We need an online database of activist information. It could be housed here on the site or simply linked from the site to another data repository. Said database needs to contain complete listings of all contact methods for each member of congress, major media outlets, activist groups, etc. Live, pastable links for easy inclusion in posts/diaries. The database should also include suggestions on how to go about drafting letters, emails, etc. Tips on the best way to get past the person answering the phone when you place a call. Insight on terms and keywords that catch the eye of those we are contacting. Data on putting together a demonstration, with legal requirements and ramifications. I am sure there are many other topics we could/should include.
Perhaps the perfect repository already exists, and we just need to make everyone aware of it (or perhaps just make me aware?). My guess is that such information is available, but not in the constantly updated, compiled, user-friendly sort of repository I have in mind.
I envision one person (perhaps two, if necessary) acting as editor(s) and releasing the data for publication. I envision a small group of people taking on sub-sections to put together the initial data, categorize it, decide on the most usable format, etc. I envision all of us contributing ongoing to updating/verifying/expanding the data. I envision a few people assigned ongoing to pull together the data generated by the bootrib community and do updates. In short, I envision a lot of work–but to what purpose?
I, for one, am invigorated by what I read here. We do not all see eye to eye, but by and large we are on the same page. I am frustrated by reading about the insane things that are going on in the world, things that can be changed, situations that can be improved. I envision making a difference, having a true voice. Crossing party lines/religious lines/gender lines/all lines to support causes that have merit and the people who champion them. Forcing the mainstream media to take a look at some of the issues they are glossing over (or ignoring) by re-defining their demographic for them. Contacting my congressional representative just sounds too much like “See your foreman, he’s your friend” to me. I want to contact them, alright, but I don’t want my representative getting the watered-down fourth hand message an aide gives them about the call I made or the letter I wrote (if they get it at all). I want them to hear what I/we as a community have to say, loud and clear, just the way we said it. Hammering the message home in a concentrated, organized way should carry some weight. I’m not talking about form letters or spam mail here; I’m talking about multiple points of contact from concerned bootribers that address specific situations in similar (yet individually voiced) ways. Flood them, but with unique wording and through various means.
I know that I am just throwing this out there. I realize that the thing to do is to offer to champion the effort, ask for a little help from the community and put this together myself. Unfortunately, there is just no way that I can offer to do that at this time. I can help a little with the initial data gathering, I can probably offer web space to house the data, and I can offer to publish the initial work and updates if my web space is used–but that is all I can take on at this time. If we were to adopt a rotating (monthly?) schedule for receiving/incorporating information updates once the data is in place, I could probably volunteer for a month a year. Actually, that is more than I can take on at this time, but hey, who needs sleep?
Someone (I can’t remember who) did something along the lines of a weekly “ACTION Roundup” where they put together a list of things people could do/contact their representatives, write LTEs about, but I forget who it was.
What about something akin to the FAQ section on the Booman site itself, with links to the contact info list separated into representatives (there are already sites for this in existence), media outlets, etc, and then a “How-to” guide? Maybe different people could compile different parts of it, to be combined into the whole?
I’ve been saying that for a time now, but I am wiki phobic so all I’ve been doing is talking ;). That would help with some of this stuff, but not all.
Downhill Battles provides various software for free and stuff and other places do as well, for contacting this or that person in the media and government.
There are lots of tools out there, but I would think we not only need to gather them (or links to some) in one place, but also when there is concerted action wanted, have someone write up a “Okay, this is what we can do” diary/article… lots of people want to do things, but are not sure how or where or who and all that.
The beauty of grassroots activism is that the individual gets to decide what they want to do. Find a candidate or cause for the 2006 election cycle (and yes, there are 2005 elections out there) who or which you can support with your time, effort, and monetary resources – and just do it.
If you don’t have money for a contribution, don’t worry, volunteer your time. It will be greatly appreciate – much more so than a monetary contribution.
No one can tell you who you need to support. That’s a decision only you can make. As a consequence, you’ll need to look around in your local area, ask some questions, and do some research.
Once you find a candidate or cause – make the commitment. Win or lose it’ll be one of the best things you’ll ever do to help preserve representative democracy.