In keeping with the recent on-slaught of GOP pro-torture propaganda as Armando has been documenting & the DSM lack of controversy by the sheeple in the US press; Robert Fisk weighs in with a piece in the Independent yesterday.
We are all complicit in these viles acts of torture – but what can we do about it?
I still have my notes from a man who knew all about torture, a Druze friend in the 1980s, during the Lebanese war, pleased with himself because he’d just caught two Christian militiamen trying to plant a car bomb on the Beirut seafront. “I saw two Phalangists over there. I knew who they were. They had a bomb in their car. I called the PSP [Walid Jumblatt’s Progressive Socialist Party] and they took them off for questioning.” What happened to them? “Well, they knew what would happen to them; they knew there was no hope. They were questioned here for a couple of days and then they were taken up to Beit Eddin.”
Ah, Beit Eddin, one of the prettiest villages in Lebanon, the palace of the Emir Bashir the Second, site now of one of the country’s finest music festivals – run by Jumblatt’s glamorous wife Nora. But Beit Eddin was different in the 1980s. “The guys are always told that they are going to die, that there’s no point in suffering – because they are going to be killed when they’ve talked,” my Druze friend told me. “There’s a center. They don’t survive. There are people there who just press them until they talk. They put things into a man’s anus until he screams. Boiling eggs, that sort of thing. They kill them in the end. It’s only a few days and it’s all over. I don’t really like that sort of thing. I really don’t. But what can I do?”
It’s a good question again now. What can we do? What can we do when an American president dispatches “suspects” to third countries where they will be stripped, wired up, electrocuted, ripped open and tortured until they wish they had never been born? What can we do with a prime minister – ours – who believes that information from torture victims may be of use to us and may be collected by us? How can we clean our hands when we know that men are being subject to “rendition” through our own airports? Doesn’t a policeman have the right to go aboard these CIA contract jets that touch down in Britain and take a look at the victim inside and – if he believes the man may be tortured – take him off the plane?
What do we do indeed. What can we do when assholes at Powerline, on Faux, in the Congress, on the airwaves, infecting millions, are justifying and grotesquely embracing torture as the new black? The hip thing to wear. The patriotic stance?
The backlash has begun of course… can we withstand it and breakthrough with the truth… have so many truly become so desensitized that torture can even be spoken of as a matter of degrees…
Now, a little fact-checking suggests that the Tralee anti-war group got the details right. And planes have also gone in the other direction – to Uzbekistan and Egypt and other countries where Geneva Conventions – already disregarded by the lads and lassies in charge of Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib – are used as lavatory paper. In Uzbekistan, they boil “suspects” in fat. They take out their nails. In Egypt, they whip prisoners and sometimes sodomize them. In one Egyptian prison complex a local human rights group found that guards forced prisoners to rape each other. But no friendly Garda walks up to find out who’s aboard at Shannon. The Irish government will not investigate these sinister flights. Outside, Irish eyes may be smiling. But they won’t be allowed a peek into these revolting aircraft.
And as we all know – and Saddam’s torture boys were also experts at this – prisoners’ families can be brought to prisons to be beaten, raped and sodomized if the inmate still refuses to talk. With all this are we now complicit. As long as we send men off to this physical hell, we have the electrodes in our hands; we are the torturers. As long as our government accepts information drained out of these emasculated creatures, it is we who are pulling out the fingernails; it is we who are holding the whips.
Mind you, our American friends are already, it seems, dab hands at smearing prisoners with excrement and beating them and – given the evidence I’ve heard from a prisoner who was at Bagram in Afghanistan – sticking brooms up men’s anuses, and, of course, just killing them. Thirty prisoners have now died in US custody. I don’t believe in the few bad apples line. It’s happened on far too great a scale. And how do we excuse all this filth? How do we excuse ourselves for this immorality? Why, we say Saddam was worse than us.
Saddam had women raped; he shot them down into mass graves. He was much worse. But if Saddam’s wickedness has to be the tuning fork against which all our own iniquities are judged, what does that say about us? If Saddam’s regime is to be the moral compass to define our actions, how bad – how iniquitous – does that allow us to be?
Saddam tortured and executed women in Abu Ghraib. We only sexually abused prisoners and killed a few of them and murdered some suspects at Bagram and subjected them to inhuman treatment in Guantanamo and sent others off to be boiled and fried and killed off by our “friends” without the embarrassment of being present. Saddam was much worse. And thus it became inevitable that the symbol of Saddam’s shame – Abu Ghraib – subsequently became the symbol of our shame too.
How shameful that Durbin is under attack for logically stating the obvious… We shouldn’t even be in the same league as Saddam, or Stalin, or Hitler… let alone discussing how much worse they were than us as if that makes it okay.
Keep the pressure on the MSM and applaud those who report the news fairly and frequently… those who recognize the importance of this to democracy.
Torture of any form is wrong. And those who do it or sanction it are guilty of a crime.
Cross-posted at Daily Kos
Horrible. I have felt shame since these atrocities first came to light and have choked on my own shame when trying to explaine why I feel so strongly. Speechless. I will memorize Robert Fisk’s question now, and use it when I can: “But if Saddam’s wickedness has to be the tuning fork against which all our own iniquities are judged, what does that say about us? If Saddam’s regime is to be the moral compass to define our actions, how bad – how iniquitous – does that allow us to be?”
Rule of law? No understanding exhibited by dubya, his administration cronies, nor the enablers who make up our incompetent and lazy media.
Dubya dances with torture and rendition
nothing left to be said..except shameful
Very true and yet we don’t care and we don’t do anything.
is what amazes me. I cannot understand it, comprehend it in my mind that torture is so acceptable. Not just with the kool aid drinkers either. This diary is a prime example…5 comments? Each day I get a little more irritated with even our side. That Durbin felt it necessary to apologize is unfathomable. Since when is telling the truth a marker for having to apologize. I am so disgusted with the lack of knowledge and laziness in this country and our so called liberal media. The administration programmed “us” with fear after 9/11 so now anything goes? Disgusting. It is not just shame on the Bushwackos but shame on anyone that doesn’t demand these atrocities to human rights cease IMMEDIATELY!!!! End of morning rant.
One of the downsides to the Scoop system is that it doesn’t measure how many people have actually read a diary.
What can one say after reading this that they haven’t already said so many times? It really leaves one speechless.
My country is investigating the rendition of Maher Arar by the US to Syria where he was tortured, but no matter how deeply they are allowed to pry, we will never know the full story. “National security concerns” and all of that crap.
These victims will never know true justice and remember: these are only the victims we actually know about. How many others have simply been disappeared?
We must never stop exposing what has happened and what is happening.
I agree with you Catnip, I read these diaries and many times make no comments. Others have said what I would say or I have said it so many times before. I feel it is not necessary to comment if one cannot add something.
Assuming that the diary is not read or appreciated without comments, is in my view incorrect.
About the whole torture issue I was surprised to find a great many “liberals” saying a little is ok, on other blogs yesterday.
I guess that’s what people thought during the Inquisition. Problem is, who can say what just a little is and when just a little is allowed, just a little more, and then more and then more is added to the pile and end result is AbuGrahib, Gitmo, and all the other places where torture is allowed to exist.
Bottom line is power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
And I get so angry I can’t write.
But I still don’t know what to do, right now. If I was a lawyer, I would sue. If I was an inmate, I would go on a hunger strike. If I was in congress, I would shout from the floor against torture.
But as a citizen of this country, all I can do is say, to anyone who will listen, torture is wrong.
is the definitive verb to describe the acts perpetuated in the name of the people of the US. That any member of our government would countenance this egregious and illegal behavior toward other human beings, clearly demonstrates that they are little more than war criminals themselves.
That our government ridicules Amnesty International for placing it on their list of human rights violations, merely shows the people of the US, how little value they ( Bushco and Adminstration ) place upon the rights of human beings. My question now is this. How soon before this regime, decides that those of us with the courage to stand up and denounce these blatant violations of human rights will begin to feel the heat of repression in our country? The reichwing, led by one of my own Senators, Roberts (KS), has continuously pushed for greater reach and outright fascist laws to be included in Patriot ACT II.
Our only recourse is to work harder and faster, get more progressives in local legislatures, city and county government and defeat as many of the reichwingers up for election next year as possible. I have become a local pariah in my community, very republican, as I keep pushing to their consciousness that GW and his regime are violating the very premise of our constitution with their support of torture as a means of gaining information.
I have also found others who are questioning the policies of this administration, both on the left and right in my own little community and they are talking to others who are also talking to others. It is like watching a pebble roll down a mountain. I can only hope that the avalanche will bury this corrupt and fascist regime so deep that it can never raise its ugly head again.
It seems to me that Fisk is essentially saying what Ward Churchill wrote in his essay on 9/11 that caused such an uproar (three years after it was written). This is the danger and the question we must all pose to ourselves. ARE WE DOING ENOUGH? Because until we stop this from happening we are complicit. It might not seem so to the vast majority of Americans, but I shudder to think what lies ahead if this rampant lawlessness by the Bush administration continues unabated.
I am so horrified by torture that it’s all but paralysing. I send more money to all the right places, but it isn’t enough. I write emails and letters, but it isn’t enough. I disturb my friends and irritate everybody else with agonizing over the things being done in my name, but it isn’t enough. Nothing will ever be enough until it stops. I cannot bear to be complicit in this, but I don’t know what to do.
After the election there was an “I’m sorry” website from Americans to the rest of the world. Does anybody know how to do something similar: “MY TAX DOLLARS PAY FOR TORTURE; I’M SORRY” ?
Not just to be sorry, you understand, but to get on the record how MANY of us vehemently denounce our government’s policy.
I cannot bear to be complicit in this, but I don’t know what to do.
Just keep talking about it. One person at a time. That’s what it takes.
I do, and will keep it up.
At least nobody argues with me for long. I have the “advantage” of knowing about torture first hand. Anybody tries that detached, hypothetical bullshit with me, and I ask when they were last tortured. That brings the discussion down to earth pretty damn fast.