I missed almost all of yesterday’s cafe, so I’m delighted to get to drop in bright ‘n’ early today. Yum, cheese Danish! What kind of coffee is that?
Speaking of which, is anybody here a Peet’s Coffee fan, like me? I read that they’re going to open, like, 90 new stores, and even in states other than California. Sigh. I bet it’ll be a cold day in Maui before they give us one in Kansas.
A couple of my NorCal friends tell me that BlueBottle Coffee is even better than Peet’s, but that’s impossible, so how can I believe them?
I spent an hour messing with formatting your list. And I couldn’t make my fancy ideas work. First I put in-line styles into a span element. With each item in your list having a different color, it looked cool.
But, spans aren’t allowed HTML. Then I tried attaching styles to P elements, but that isn’t an option on Ps.
Finally I got it to work with a combination of TABLE & DIV elements. But it looked bad & time was flying!
So, I just scribbled off a couple of signs. I’m hoping to get something better ready for next Saturday.
Good job with this diary. Wait till you see the logo shirlstars did for this cafe,,,,,I invited her to join the ‘crew’ and will have her post it on our group site, I tried and can’t. It is so good I want to save it for the grand opening….
Hi, so nice to wake up and have this nice place to go to to see our friends, isn’t it.
the weather is just beautiful here in Socal, sunny for a change, after a month of June Gloom.
WE should be having a nice gardening diary today too, from Sybil, I think….
Hi Kansas and Katiebird…
(Re. putting a link on site) I think we need to do a diary on that with a vote or something, on a regular FBC diary (the new initial we have to rem.), maybe I will do that on MOnday, since I think I will be doing the diary that day..
I wish I could learn how to do the fancy letters and colors a lot of you do in your diaries. Someone should do a diary on that(how to)…I just recently mastered block quote and pic. posting….and each step has a big learning curve to me. Code, I just hate it!!!!But must learn!!!!!
WE still need emoiticons!!!
Yes do put up on yahoo site, and do a diary also. Way back there was one and I still have it bookmarked, but it got so complicated I just couldn’t understand anything after awhile…
Katiebird, this would be great. You explain things really well and clearly. . .like how easy you made it for a couple of us to learn to makes boxes the other day.
I’ll be pillaging your code-snippet for the “May the 4’s be with you” div tomorrow morning. Perhaps we should put on Yahoo a file containing a collection of these little snippets, sort of like a template. I’d add some myself, but my HTML skills are still stuck in 1996. “Whaddya mean, the blink tag has been deprecated?”
Is this famous logo we’ve been hearing about to be rolled out on Monday, then?
Yesterday, I finished a fun book “Hubble Bubble” by Christina Jones. She writes the kind of light fiction that I really enjoy. “Hubble Bubble” is about a 55 year old woman who is laid off (made redundant) from her bank job after 31 years. At first she’s pretty scared about her future.
But she discovers a book of herbal-magic recipes left by her grandmother, and this leads to the start of a second career. The book combines humor and fond descriptions of her small-town neighbors and family with mild social commentary.
Christina Jones is a British author and most of her books aren’t published in the US.
And today I’m starting “Flora’s Lot” by another British writer (her books are published here).
Morning everyone. Still trying to pry open eyes with lots of coffee. Speaking of which here is a link for coffee lovers and people interested in supporting business run by women. Short background on Cafe Feminina is that this is a business started by women in Peru who do everything from growing, processing and selling this coffee. It is fair trade business and coffee is also organically grown. It is described as medium body with hint of bakers chocolate. The site also donates 25cents back to women for every pound sold to put back into the business. I can’t afford to order any of the coffee but if anyone does happen to let me know if it is as good as it sounds.http://www.groundsforchange.com/shop/product.php?pid=79&loc=RED5
I have a political question to ask everybody in regard to coffee. In the KC area we have a lot of independent coffee shops but the truth is that I don’t like any of them–the atmosphere or their coffee–as well as I like the Starbucks near me.
My impression of S’bucks these days is that it is a very good employer and also, because people insisted, it has become one of the good guys in terms of the environment and in how it does business with small farmers.
But I want to know the truth about it. If I’m misinformed about that. . .or there are other things I should consider before I buy my next pound of Sumatra there, I want to know.
First, my margins are all messed up. Anyone else? The comments in this diary are actually going underneath the ads on the ride hand side making it impossible to read.
Three young members of my family work at Starbucks and they treat their employees very well. There is profit sharing and health insurance even for part-time. Women are promoted quickly. Coffee is good. That does it for me.
What browser are you using, my page looks fine on Opera Browser.
Starbucks, I don’t drink much coffee as it really bothers me physically, even decafe…But I love Starbucks icecream, my all time fav…esp. Coffee Almond Fudge, so delicious. I have at lease 20 pounds on my body directly attributable to that ice cream.
That happens to me sometimes on Firefox, even after the 1.0.4 upgrade — try hitting “reload”.
Since the spouse and I will be out tonight seeing Margaret Cho (yay!), we’re taking it relatively easy; I slept in till about 11am, had lunch, and finally kicked the spouse off the computer so he could get some work done around here. Oh, and I got the videos/DVDs organized a little better and dusted everything so at least I accomplished something so far today! </self-righteous>
I actually think I’ll be glad to have the spouse back at work Wednesday…I’ll get more shit done…
(Oh, and I’m catching up on back Al Frankens from Sundance Channel that have been sitting on my DVR for over a week…)
Mornin’ all…
Believe it or not, no coffee in hand…even after a long morning. Ran out at home, delved into computer before heading out for sustenance. (Heck, even finally got around to quit being a lurker reader and getting my account set up…thought that was pretty good, without coffee!) Must…get…coffee.
But, I know Star*ucks is actually a good Blue employer, is good to their employees, and all that…but I am so thoroughly fed up with the invasion! Supermarkets, corners, EVERYwhere (I am in SF area, afterall!).
I believe in supporting the local folks…and am lucky enough to have a good one nearby that I like a lot. Unfortunately, a PEETS is moving in on the corner of the next block…uh, oh…I REally like PEETS…what’s a girl to do? Might have to alternate, or buy beans for home from one and the coffee on the run from the other…decisions, decisions…
I just hopped in here before heading out the door to get… you guessed it – coffee, and noticed a name I didn’t recognize… welcome.
I know how you feel about ‘bucks. I’m in Vancouver, and at last count had at least 6 within a 3 block radius of my home. I prefer to make my own anyway (in a Starbuck’s espresso machine, admittedly) – and buy free-trade, organic, shade-grown, locally roasted, etc, etc, beans.
You just had to mention Peet’s though, didn’t you? I have family in CA – Peet’s fans, and I love their coffee…
OK, all this talking about it, I’m dying here… must run.. I’m glad you signed in and put your lurking days behind you. I’ll see you later, when I’m .. um… awake.
What a nice Saturday morning here in NC. We’re getting a break from the humidity. My sons cleaned out the gutters this morning (ten billion maple seedlings setting root there) and my sister and her kids are flying in and then we’re spending the next week at the beach.
k well here we go. one cup of coffee down, and another on the taxiway. and now? one coolness-self audit by itunes, I’ll do it “philly style” (LOUD!) heehee.
k.. here we go.. let me make the playlist (Crossing my fingers, sayin’ my little prayer.. Itunes? Please don’t fail me now!
random sample from 1312 songs, 8.39 gigs, 6.3 days. 1. Paint the Town BeigeRobert Earle Keen – A Bigger Piece of Sky 2. Wrap Your Arms Around MeK.C. & The Sunshine Band – The best of…
:::renee <—burning crimson with shame:::: 3. Wharf RatGrateful Dead – DAT from Betty board – June 10, 1973, RFK Stadium, Washington, DC 4. Motherless ChildrenMance Lipscomb – Texas Songster
:::ha! back up again!:::: 5. JingoSantana – Abraxas 6. VowGarbage – Garbage 7. True Love is Hard to FindToots and the Maytals (W/Bonnie Raitt) – True Love 8. Live Another DayStevie Ray Vaughn – In The Beginning 9. S. O. L. BluesLouis Armstrong and his Hot Seven – Hot Fives & Sevens vol. 2
::::YEAH!:::: 10. La ContestaciónLos Lonely Boys – Los Lonely Boys
whew! that one was close. now time to crank it up! any one else wanna play?
I just found a Muppets version of Wild Thing!
It starts with Kermit doing an unplugged ukulele solo, then animal jumps in…. oh lord, where do I find these things?
Cool mix! Too bad I can’t play along with this game, but I just want to say I specifically approve of 2.4,5,8, and 10 (not that into Crystal Method; and I don’t recognise the others).
Also awesome that you buy free trade organic coffee. When we had our shop open (sigh) we sold Zapatista coffee, kind of the ultimate left wing free trade organic beans. For myself, I love the smell of good coffee (and the taste, if I can have lots of cream and sugar (or sucanat), but it doesn’t agree with me: I get all jittery and anxious. I do drink green tea, though, which doesn’t seem to have the same effect–I get alert, but more in a mellow way if that makes sense.
Okay, gotta go and be a good dad now and fix some dinner…I’ll see you guys tonight after the munchkins are in bed. π
We’ve been out driving up and down county roads in Bedford looking for “For Sale by Owner” signs. Saw so much fallow pasture land, it made my husband angry. I mean, miles and miles of grassland and nary a cow, horse or hog to be found. Just what are these people doing owning land they don’t use? Working at Walmart, I suppose.
Anyway, we saw a really pretty, nearly level, overgrown pasture surrounded by trees on 2 sides and with a creek on one side. We couldn’t tell which house it belonged to but noted the location. So, on Monday I’m going to the county courthouse to find the plat and see who owns it. Heck, since they aren’t using it, maybe they’ll sell it to us.
I got a part-time job being an craft instructor at the local Michael’s and start work next Saturday. It’s a pretty good deal: only $7/hr for demos but get 90% of gross from workshops, i.e., 10 participants at $20 each = $180 for 2 hours work. If I can promote enough interest, I could have two or three workshops a week.
The application process at Michael’s was extremely strange. I had to fill in little circles on a form, selecting from 1-Totally Disagree to 10-Totally Agree on 90 statements. One of the statements was: “Joe goes out to lunch with a friend and smokes a marijuana cigarette; it’s okay that he returns to work a little stoned.” I laughed out loud, couldn’t help myself. One of the instructors was in the room and smirked, “It’s the one about Joe, isn’t it? I laughed at that one, too.”
When I turned in the form, I told the Classroom Coordinator that, from the questions asked, I gathered that Michael’s has serious problems with absentism without explanation, employee theft and being stoned on the job. She admitted that was so. There must have been 30 statements out of 90 related to marijuana and not one single question about alcohol or being drunk; I thought that was really odd. The implication is that if Joe had a couple of beers at lunch that really would be okay.
could the animals have been elsewhere? I know around here on the weekends you won’t see many horses in the pastures because they’re all out on the trails being ridden or being used for riding lessons.
That’s a good thought but we could recognize the horse farms from their wooden fences — there were a couple of big ones. One even had a grand entrance with a tree-lined drive up to a huge stable by a monstrous mansion.
But, that doesn’t explain all the pastures with rusted barbed wire fencing and foot high grass… cows don’t take Saturdays off. Maybe, just maybe, some of these fields are part of farms so vast that the cows were somewhere that couldn’t be seen from the road and just hadn’t been rotated to that section yet. Still, we saw lots of houses with 5-10 acre pastures next to them where scrubs were growing — a clear sign that they weren’t being grazed.
I hold to my impression that there’s a lot of land not being used. I think the owners became convinced they couldn’t make a living farming, got jobs in town and don’t have any energy left to spend on their old homestead.
Lost. Trying to find myself! Needed to do some work on PC updates, just like Andy, doesn’t always run smoothly. Lose more features of PC than I thought to install. Apparently latest Win patches for XP offers loss of LPT1 location, so I couldn’t print anymore.
Just ahead of wedding festivities coming week. But the weather is beautiful in the Netherlands, warm and sunny. Too bad I’m glued to the PC problems. Just for the hack of it, I did updates for my son’s pc to be able to work with all his modern options like memory stick, scanner, Photo Shop etc. Feel submerged by incompatible warnings and best to contact dealer suggestions near end of new hardware installation.
My son’s pc is running on Win98, so have to keep updates as simple as possible, but can’t connect to Internet yet to make easy accessible updates possible.
Just checking this morning at BooTrib & eTrib, found both down a bit once again. So I reckon Andy used all of my mojo again, hard to reach TU status if this continues. “I wanna read those nasty hidden comments!”
enjoy and pax for now
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!
Well I have missed you on these pages, but I haven’t been posting a lot either. Are you going to be onsite for awhile..Feel like having a discussion….on my diary that you missted yesterday…
Please don’t talk computers, mine might hear you and get ideas….No probs. lately, all is running smoothly. But I gotta get more rams soon. And a new hard drive and bigger moniter, and a dig camera, and,……….my wish list…Flat screen moniter by the way…
Diane – it’s a weekend, and no one told me!!! My neighborhood is packed – elbow to elbow out there. Which makes me wonder….. why exactly am I here again?
YOu just realized it was the weekend, lol. I found Oui over on Euro trib and we are the only folks up at this time of night or day, the day people are not here anymore.
Why are youhere, and where is Mr. Slacker….It’s only 1:30 Am here…
Hey, thanks for the link. I went looking for the place a few minutes ago, but saw no sign. I guess it’s like one of those clubs that is so hip, and so underground, that there’s no sign at the door. <g>
You mean you don’t have it bookmarked……on hot list…wait till you see the looks of our cafe Monday…it will be so cool or hot depending on POV…
So Slacker what can we argue with you about tonight, Zander and I…we are bored.
Okay, want a hot topic for debate? Here’s a toughie, just happens to come off the page of my college textbook that I’ve been reading all night (test tomorrow).
Apparently, 12 percent of the entire Medicare budget is spent on patients in the last thirty days of their lives. “For some critics, the treatment of aged patients with advanced medical technologies is a misallocation of resources; as they see it, much of the money spent on expensive care would be better applied to the elimination of poverty among the elderly.”
The same section talks about the huge expense, for Medicare, of kidney dialysis, and notes that the British Health Service won’t pay for this treatment for patients over 55. It points out that “In 1983, the cost of one liver transplant and a year of postoperative care exceeded, by $34,000, the total budget of an inner-city health clinic that had provided 29,000 office visits to poor people in the area.” And the high cost of keeping preemies alive, relative to the lower cost of providing prenatal care for the poor, is also dealt with.
Discuss. π
(Of course, by the time I finish slurping this screwdriver, I may be reduced to “awww…you guyzzz…you are so speshul, y’know that?” LOL)
Production just around the corner near Zoeterwoude, near Leiden. Too bad I only have Hoegaarden -Grand Cru- and Palm Speciále, legacy of the monks in Belgium.
Anyone in the neighborhood of the Hague – you’re invited! I’m still enjoying excellent coverage of Worl Cup Soccer -20 years in the Netherlands.
Latest News and last sixteen nations:
Columbia, Spain, Ukraine, the Netherlands — Argentine, Brazil, Chili, China, Germany, Japan, Morocco, Nigeria, Syria, Turkey, USA
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!
Yeah, I feel like a bit of a dork, not going out myself. But I don’t have your panoply of entertainment offerings. When I go out, I like to see live music. We have a fair bit of that during the school year and even a kewl website to keep track of it (www.kvrocks.com) but as it’s a college town, the summer is kinda dead.
Still, I think I’m going to go grab a screwdriver (a real one) so that I didn’t completely miss partying this weekend. And it’s not drinking alone as long as you guys are here…right? π
I missed almost all of yesterday’s cafe, so I’m delighted to get to drop in bright ‘n’ early today. Yum, cheese Danish! What kind of coffee is that?
Speaking of which, is anybody here a Peet’s Coffee fan, like me? I read that they’re going to open, like, 90 new stores, and even in states other than California. Sigh. I bet it’ll be a cold day in Maui before they give us one in Kansas.
A couple of my NorCal friends tell me that BlueBottle Coffee is even better than Peet’s, but that’s impossible, so how can I believe them?
I’ll see if I can special order the Peet’s. But, for today it’s from Aldi. (typed with an evil laugh — but it’s actually pretty good)
Peet’s Coffee
I spent an hour messing with formatting your list. And I couldn’t make my fancy ideas work. First I put in-line styles into a span element. With each item in your list having a different color, it looked cool.
But, spans aren’t allowed HTML. Then I tried attaching styles to P elements, but that isn’t an option on Ps.
Finally I got it to work with a combination of TABLE & DIV elements. But it looked bad & time was flying!
So, I just scribbled off a couple of signs. I’m hoping to get something better ready for next Saturday.
Good job with this diary. Wait till you see the logo shirlstars did for this cafe,,,,,I invited her to join the ‘crew’ and will have her post it on our group site, I tried and can’t. It is so good I want to save it for the grand opening….
Hi, so nice to wake up and have this nice place to go to to see our friends, isn’t it.
the weather is just beautiful here in Socal, sunny for a change, after a month of June Gloom.
WE should be having a nice gardening diary today too, from Sybil, I think….
Hi Kansas and Katiebird…
Hi, Diane. Can’t wait to see the logo. And Katiebird, I think your signs look great. (I laughed at the Peets’ link!)
So Diane, do you think we’ll get to put a button up top?
(Re. putting a link on site) I think we need to do a diary on that with a vote or something, on a regular FBC diary (the new initial we have to rem.), maybe I will do that on MOnday, since I think I will be doing the diary that day..
I wish I could learn how to do the fancy letters and colors a lot of you do in your diaries. Someone should do a diary on that(how to)…I just recently mastered block quote and pic. posting….and each step has a big learning curve to me. Code, I just hate it!!!!But must learn!!!!!
WE still need emoiticons!!!
Diane, I’ll put tutorial files up at Yahoo if you like.
ah yes. but wouldn’t a diary be nice too? maybe then i could read it too!
I just meant that whatever is in the diary could be archived permanently some place.
I don’t think I’ve had enough coffee yet….
YES! Coffee for all!!!!!
Yes do put up on yahoo site, and do a diary also. Way back there was one and I still have it bookmarked, but it got so complicated I just couldn’t understand anything after awhile…
Katiebird, this would be great. You explain things really well and clearly. . .like how easy you made it for a couple of us to learn to makes boxes the other day.
I’ll be pillaging your code-snippet for the “May the 4’s be with you”
tomorrow morning. Perhaps we should put on Yahoo a file containing a collection of these little snippets, sort of like a template. I’d add some myself, but my HTML skills are still stuck in 1996. “Whaddya mean, theblink
tag has been deprecated?”Is this famous logo we’ve been hearing about to be rolled out on Monday, then?
I had no idea, but thank god that blink is gone….
<div style=”border: thick groove #FF8A84; margin-left: 20%; width: 40%; padding: 2px 2px 2px 2px; text-align: center; vertical-align: middle;”>Just Copy an paste this!</div>
Here is a closer look at the style options used above:
Yesterday, I finished a fun book “Hubble Bubble” by Christina Jones. She writes the kind of light fiction that I really enjoy. “Hubble Bubble” is about a 55 year old woman who is laid off (made redundant) from her bank job after 31 years. At first she’s pretty scared about her future.
But she discovers a book of herbal-magic recipes left by her grandmother, and this leads to the start of a second career. The book combines humor and fond descriptions of her small-town neighbors and family with mild social commentary.
Christina Jones is a British author and most of her books aren’t published in the US.
And today I’m starting “Flora’s Lot” by another British writer (her books are published here).
Morning everyone. Still trying to pry open eyes with lots of coffee. Speaking of which here is a link for coffee lovers and people interested in supporting business run by women. Short background on Cafe Feminina is that this is a business started by women in Peru who do everything from growing, processing and selling this coffee. It is fair trade business and coffee is also organically grown. It is described as medium body with hint of bakers chocolate. The site also donates 25cents back to women for every pound sold to put back into the business. I can’t afford to order any of the coffee but if anyone does happen to let me know if it is as good as it sounds.http://www.groundsforchange.com/shop/product.php?pid=79&loc=RED5
That’s very cool.
I have a political question to ask everybody in regard to coffee. In the KC area we have a lot of independent coffee shops but the truth is that I don’t like any of them–the atmosphere or their coffee–as well as I like the Starbucks near me.
My impression of S’bucks these days is that it is a very good employer and also, because people insisted, it has become one of the good guys in terms of the environment and in how it does business with small farmers.
But I want to know the truth about it. If I’m misinformed about that. . .or there are other things I should consider before I buy my next pound of Sumatra there, I want to know.
What do you guys know that maybe I don’t?
First, my margins are all messed up. Anyone else? The comments in this diary are actually going underneath the ads on the ride hand side making it impossible to read.
Three young members of my family work at Starbucks and they treat their employees very well. There is profit sharing and health insurance even for part-time. Women are promoted quickly. Coffee is good. That does it for me.
Very glad to hear that. Thanks. It confirms a conversation I had a few months ago with one of the kids at my Starbucks.
What browser are you using, my page looks fine on Opera Browser.
Starbucks, I don’t drink much coffee as it really bothers me physically, even decafe…But I love Starbucks icecream, my all time fav…esp. Coffee Almond Fudge, so delicious. I have at lease 20 pounds on my body directly attributable to that ice cream.
I’m having same problem here.
And let us know if you still have the problem (Oh, and what browser do you have?)
Fixed, thanks..explorer.
That happens to me sometimes on Firefox, even after the 1.0.4 upgrade — try hitting “reload”.
Since the spouse and I will be out tonight seeing Margaret Cho (yay!), we’re taking it relatively easy; I slept in till about 11am, had lunch, and finally kicked the spouse off the computer so he could get some work done around here. Oh, and I got the videos/DVDs organized a little better and dusted everything so at least I accomplished something so far today! </self-righteous>
I actually think I’ll be glad to have the spouse back at work Wednesday…I’ll get more shit done…
(Oh, and I’m catching up on back Al Frankens from Sundance Channel that have been sitting on my DVR for over a week…)
http://www.buyblue.org/rankedlist.php Starbucks is on the buyblue list as 100% blue. Good list to check periodically.
Mornin’ all…
Believe it or not, no coffee in hand…even after a long morning. Ran out at home, delved into computer before heading out for sustenance. (Heck, even finally got around to quit being a lurker reader and getting my account set up…thought that was pretty good, without coffee!) Must…get…coffee.
But, I know Star*ucks is actually a good Blue employer, is good to their employees, and all that…but I am so thoroughly fed up with the invasion! Supermarkets, corners, EVERYwhere (I am in SF area, afterall!).
I believe in supporting the local folks…and am lucky enough to have a good one nearby that I like a lot. Unfortunately, a PEETS is moving in on the corner of the next block…uh, oh…I REally like PEETS…what’s a girl to do? Might have to alternate, or buy beans for home from one and the coffee on the run from the other…decisions, decisions…
but first…must. get. coffee.
the spouse and I are avid Starbucks devotees; we do patronize a couple of local establishments, but I’m totally hooked on Starbucks’ iced chai lattes…
I just hopped in here before heading out the door to get… you guessed it – coffee, and noticed a name I didn’t recognize… welcome.
I know how you feel about ‘bucks. I’m in Vancouver, and at last count had at least 6 within a 3 block radius of my home. I prefer to make my own anyway (in a Starbuck’s espresso machine, admittedly) – and buy free-trade, organic, shade-grown, locally roasted, etc, etc, beans.
You just had to mention Peet’s though, didn’t you? I have family in CA – Peet’s fans, and I love their coffee…
OK, all this talking about it, I’m dying here… must run.. I’m glad you signed in and put your lurking days behind you. I’ll see you later, when I’m .. um… awake.
Good morning all! Hey, all these different coffee’s sound GREAT!
Can i have one of each please? Hot, black, sTrRoNg and free-flowin!!
In the infamous words of Charelton Heston, ‘you’ll have to pry my coffee cup from my cold, dead hands’.
yeah! take my life, no problemo! but get those hands off my cup!
Whatever you did, thanks.
What a nice Saturday morning here in NC. We’re getting a break from the humidity. My sons cleaned out the gutters this morning (ten billion maple seedlings setting root there) and my sister and her kids are flying in and then we’re spending the next week at the beach.
Her kids have never seen the ocean!
k well here we go. one cup of coffee down, and another on the taxiway. and now? one coolness-self audit by itunes, I’ll do it “philly style” (LOUD!) heehee.
k.. here we go.. let me make the playlist (Crossing my fingers, sayin’ my little prayer.. Itunes? Please don’t fail me now!
random sample from 1312 songs, 8.39 gigs, 6.3 days.
1. Paint the Town Beige Robert Earle Keen – A Bigger Piece of Sky
2. Wrap Your Arms Around Me K.C. & The Sunshine Band – The best of…
:::renee <—burning crimson with shame::::
3. Wharf Rat Grateful Dead – DAT from Betty board – June 10, 1973, RFK Stadium, Washington, DC
4. Motherless Children Mance Lipscomb – Texas Songster
:::ha! back up again!::::
5. Jingo Santana – Abraxas
6. Vow Garbage – Garbage
7. True Love is Hard to Find Toots and the Maytals (W/Bonnie Raitt) – True Love
8. Live Another Day Stevie Ray Vaughn – In The Beginning
9. S. O. L. Blues Louis Armstrong and his Hot Seven – Hot Fives & Sevens vol. 2
10. La Contestación Los Lonely Boys – Los Lonely Boys
whew! that one was close. now time to crank it up! any one else wanna play?
Only 529 songs so far on the new computer, but here we go…no groaning allowed at my collection:
Just a bit eclectic here…I still want to get some Emerson, Lake & Palmer and maybe a bit of Led Zeppelin…
I had to mess with it a little to find the setting and set it for 10, so this isn’t truly my first random… but…
Honestly – this doesn’t do justice to the strangeness of my tunes collection…
I just found a Muppets version of Wild Thing!
It starts with Kermit doing an unplugged ukulele solo, then animal jumps in…. oh lord, where do I find these things?
ha. you go girl!
Cool mix! Too bad I can’t play along with this game, but I just want to say I specifically approve of 2.4,5,8, and 10 (not that into Crystal Method; and I don’t recognise the others).
Also awesome that you buy free trade organic coffee. When we had our shop open (sigh) we sold Zapatista coffee, kind of the ultimate left wing free trade organic beans. For myself, I love the smell of good coffee (and the taste, if I can have lots of cream and sugar (or sucanat), but it doesn’t agree with me: I get all jittery and anxious. I do drink green tea, though, which doesn’t seem to have the same effect–I get alert, but more in a mellow way if that makes sense.
Okay, gotta go and be a good dad now and fix some dinner…I’ll see you guys tonight after the munchkins are in bed. π
Support Hugo Chavez: Fill up your car at CITGO!
I am gonna be a diary whore and invite you to check this out.
Oops was busy this morning, so I’ll wish everyone a good afternoon. Enjoy your day & weekend.
We’ve been out driving up and down county roads in Bedford looking for “For Sale by Owner” signs. Saw so much fallow pasture land, it made my husband angry. I mean, miles and miles of grassland and nary a cow, horse or hog to be found. Just what are these people doing owning land they don’t use? Working at Walmart, I suppose.
Anyway, we saw a really pretty, nearly level, overgrown pasture surrounded by trees on 2 sides and with a creek on one side. We couldn’t tell which house it belonged to but noted the location. So, on Monday I’m going to the county courthouse to find the plat and see who owns it. Heck, since they aren’t using it, maybe they’ll sell it to us.
I got a part-time job being an craft instructor at the local Michael’s and start work next Saturday. It’s a pretty good deal: only $7/hr for demos but get 90% of gross from workshops, i.e., 10 participants at $20 each = $180 for 2 hours work. If I can promote enough interest, I could have two or three workshops a week.
The application process at Michael’s was extremely strange. I had to fill in little circles on a form, selecting from 1-Totally Disagree to 10-Totally Agree on 90 statements. One of the statements was: “Joe goes out to lunch with a friend and smokes a marijuana cigarette; it’s okay that he returns to work a little stoned.” I laughed out loud, couldn’t help myself. One of the instructors was in the room and smirked, “It’s the one about Joe, isn’t it? I laughed at that one, too.”
When I turned in the form, I told the Classroom Coordinator that, from the questions asked, I gathered that Michael’s has serious problems with absentism without explanation, employee theft and being stoned on the job. She admitted that was so. There must have been 30 statements out of 90 related to marijuana and not one single question about alcohol or being drunk; I thought that was really odd. The implication is that if Joe had a couple of beers at lunch that really would be okay.
could the animals have been elsewhere? I know around here on the weekends you won’t see many horses in the pastures because they’re all out on the trails being ridden or being used for riding lessons.
Just a thought…
That’s a good thought but we could recognize the horse farms from their wooden fences — there were a couple of big ones. One even had a grand entrance with a tree-lined drive up to a huge stable by a monstrous mansion.
But, that doesn’t explain all the pastures with rusted barbed wire fencing and foot high grass… cows don’t take Saturdays off. Maybe, just maybe, some of these fields are part of farms so vast that the cows were somewhere that couldn’t be seen from the road and just hadn’t been rotated to that section yet. Still, we saw lots of houses with 5-10 acre pastures next to them where scrubs were growing — a clear sign that they weren’t being grazed.
I hold to my impression that there’s a lot of land not being used. I think the owners became convinced they couldn’t make a living farming, got jobs in town and don’t have any energy left to spend on their old homestead.
You sure the cows don’t take Saturday off? Hmmm…I guess things ARE different in California.
This place is pretty empty tonight, what, is everyone out having a good time tonight???
My Internet connection just came back!
How are you doing?
Hi Katie Bird, how ya doing, anyone else still online…
I have been looking for you, where have you been…
Lost. Trying to find myself! Needed to do some work on PC updates, just like Andy, doesn’t always run smoothly. Lose more features of PC than I thought to install. Apparently latest Win patches for XP offers loss of LPT1 location, so I couldn’t print anymore.
Just ahead of wedding festivities coming week. But the weather is beautiful in the Netherlands, warm and sunny. Too bad I’m glued to the PC problems. Just for the hack of it, I did updates for my son’s pc to be able to work with all his modern options like memory stick, scanner, Photo Shop etc. Feel submerged by incompatible warnings and best to contact dealer suggestions near end of new hardware installation.
My son’s pc is running on Win98, so have to keep updates as simple as possible, but can’t connect to Internet yet to make easy accessible updates possible.
Just checking this morning at BooTrib & eTrib, found both down a bit once again. So I reckon Andy used all of my mojo again, hard to reach TU status if this continues. “I wanna read those nasty hidden comments!”
enjoy and pax for now
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!
Well I have missed you on these pages, but I haven’t been posting a lot either. Are you going to be onsite for awhile..Feel like having a discussion….on my diary that you missted yesterday…
Please don’t talk computers, mine might hear you and get ideas….No probs. lately, all is running smoothly. But I gotta get more rams soon. And a new hard drive and bigger moniter, and a dig camera, and,……….my wish list…Flat screen moniter by the way…
Off and running today – lengthy To Do list.
Enjoy the night! See you at breakfast.
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!
Diane – it’s a weekend, and no one told me!!! My neighborhood is packed – elbow to elbow out there. Which makes me wonder….. why exactly am I here again?
YOu just realized it was the weekend, lol. I found Oui over on Euro trib and we are the only folks up at this time of night or day, the day people are not here anymore.
Why are youhere, and where is Mr. Slacker….It’s only 1:30 Am here…
I’ve just invited slacker – he might show… now, what is the theme or topic of the evening?
Hey, thanks for the link. I went looking for the place a few minutes ago, but saw no sign. I guess it’s like one of those clubs that is so hip, and so underground, that there’s no sign at the door. <g>
You mean you don’t have it bookmarked……on hot list…wait till you see the looks of our cafe Monday…it will be so cool or hot depending on POV…
So Slacker what can we argue with you about tonight, Zander and I…we are bored.
Ah, so that’s what the hotlist is for.
Okay, want a hot topic for debate? Here’s a toughie, just happens to come off the page of my college textbook that I’ve been reading all night (test tomorrow).
Apparently, 12 percent of the entire Medicare budget is spent on patients in the last thirty days of their lives. “For some critics, the treatment of aged patients with advanced medical technologies is a misallocation of resources; as they see it, much of the money spent on expensive care would be better applied to the elimination of poverty among the elderly.”
The same section talks about the huge expense, for Medicare, of kidney dialysis, and notes that the British Health Service won’t pay for this treatment for patients over 55. It points out that “In 1983, the cost of one liver transplant and a year of postoperative care exceeded, by $34,000, the total budget of an inner-city health clinic that had provided 29,000 office visits to poor people in the area.” And the high cost of keeping preemies alive, relative to the lower cost of providing prenatal care for the poor, is also dealt with.
Discuss. π
(Of course, by the time I finish slurping this screwdriver, I may be reduced to “awww…you guyzzz…you are so speshul, y’know that?” LOL)
Cool! Heineken.
Production just around the corner near Zoeterwoude, near Leiden. Too bad I only have Hoegaarden -Grand Cru- and Palm Speciále, legacy of the monks in Belgium.
Anyone in the neighborhood of the Hague – you’re invited! I’m still enjoying excellent coverage of Worl Cup Soccer -20 years in the Netherlands.
Latest News and last sixteen nations:
Columbia, Spain, Ukraine, the Netherlands — Argentine, Brazil, Chili, China, Germany, Japan, Morocco, Nigeria, Syria, Turkey, USA
USA WELCOME: Make Yourself Known @BooMan Tribune and add some cheers!
Yeah, I feel like a bit of a dork, not going out myself. But I don’t have your panoply of entertainment offerings. When I go out, I like to see live music. We have a fair bit of that during the school year and even a kewl website to keep track of it (www.kvrocks.com) but as it’s a college town, the summer is kinda dead.
Still, I think I’m going to go grab a screwdriver (a real one) so that I didn’t completely miss partying this weekend. And it’s not drinking alone as long as you guys are here…right? π
We’ve moved over here
Please come along…