Any Booman people planning on attending this EVENT?
Impeachment at White House doorstep
Friday, June 17, 2005
Join the tens of thousands on September 24 Who Will Call for Impeachment – Gather at the White House at 12 noon
Impeachment at
White House doorstep
Join the tens of thousands on September 24
Who Will Call for Impeachment
Gather at the White House at 12 noon
Impeach Bush Link
If anyone from New Hampshire is planning on going I sure would like to share the ride and costs. Please email me if you want to attend this rally.
Well Rosie…you beat me to the punch. I was going to post this yesterday but never had the chance. I am on the Left coast so I cannot share a ride but the plan for me right now is to fly out there. I have a sister that lives across the Potomic and I can stay there. I do believe thaey are planning sister Marches in LA and SFO. It is time to take this to the gates of hell which are currently located at the White House. Rage, rage, rage against the Fascists!!!!
Hope they don’t have another million cells at Gitmo and the other franchises in the Gulag system. Or they might be able to round us all up.
….and about damn time! I will be there. I need to see a million people in DC at least once more in my life!
Sorry I don’t live in NH, so I can’t help from a practical standpoint, but I suggest getting in touch with your local chapter of DFA. I’m sure that if you can make it to Concord, Portsmouth or Manchester there will be buses going, and they’re as likely as anyone to know who’s organizing them.
I look forward to seeing you there!
I’ll definitely check with NH DFA. But was hoping to hook up with a Kos or Boo person.
Guess we’re more Talk the Talk than Walk the Walk people…
I know what you mean – and I’d love to meet you – really!
I’m in NYC, with lots of Kos and Boo folk, and we get together f2f sometimes, but even here I doubt somehow that we’ll be chartering a Kosbus (Boobus?). I’m not into driving to these things – I’m not going there to deal with parking and finding my car afterwards amongst a million others, right? So if no charters seem to be happening, I’ll probly take the train or the Greyhound.
Guess that makes four of us? I am perplexed. Maybe its just early or maybe its just Saturday orr maybe its just everyone is gradening or painting or having coffee at the cafe? Yep, guess we really are serious about taking back our country. End of snark/rant