Good morning all!  It’s a beautiful day in VA, blue skies and low heat/humidity.  Sure beats the 90+ degree weather and high humidity of the last week.  Now if we would only get a good soaking rain for a day so that I don’t have to go and water…

For your viewing pleasure, a preview of more after the flip:

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Something to think about before going into the flip zone:  who or what inspires you to garden?  Whether you container garden or have acres of land, why do you get your hands dirty and do potentially back breaking work?

Let me tell you about Pat.  She was my neighbor growing up.  I was friends with her daughter and Pat ultimately became a surrogate mother to me.  She was so different than anyone in our neighborhood.  And for me, who felt “different”, she was my safe harbor.

Pat was a complete and utter liberal in every sense of the word.  She read Mother Jones and protested the Vietnam War, she hated Reagan and Bush 1.  She molded me into a Democrat (I grew up with Republican parents), although I was a bit more conservative than she.

Anyway, Pat gardened.  She had a small veggie garden in her back yard and rented a community plot from our town.  She “let” us weed and pick veggies and she’d talk to us.  She taught us how to compost.  They were idyllic days of youth that I miss now.  

Pat passed away in 2000 before anyone of us was ready for her to go.  She had melanoma and it had spread everywhere.  When she died, it felt like I had lost my own mother.

A couple of years before Pat passed away, I had applied for a community garden spot in Arlington Cty, VA, but the waitlist was long.  So I forgot about having applied.

My birthday in April of 2000 I really was missing Pat.  This would be the first birthday she wouldn’t be around for.  And I really wanted to garden.  It was a physical need.  On my birthday, I got a call from the community garden master telling me a plot had opened and did I want it?  Hell yes!!  And I knew then that Pat was still around and that she had remembered my birthday.

She inspires me to garden, to carry on her legacy to be a small steward of the land.  Who/what inspires you?

And as promised, more pictures:

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Remember to post your own pictures!  No garden or container is too small!!