Blair surely can’t still believe in the ‘special relationship’ after this: leaked documents that form part of the US submission to the G8 action plan demonstrate that Bush is cynically and deliberately undermining the efforts to tackle climate change (no surprise there then!)
· Removed all reference to the fact that climate change is a ‘serious threat to human health and to ecosystems’;
· Deleted any suggestion that global warming has already started;
· Expunged any suggestion that human activity was to blame for climate change.
What will it take for Blair to realise that Bush will not do anything to benefit anyone else but himself and his oil buddies?
Blair will have that place in history he yearns for – as a dupe, a patsy, and maybe the man responsible for turning the UK into an annex of the Bush empire.
On another note – the number of leaked documents these days is getting very interesting. I just hope that they don’t become commonplace in the reaction to them because there are so many.
if you are so inclined….
I wonder what in the world convinced Blair, or any of the others, that aligning themselves with Bush would result in benefits to themselves. Or their countries, whatever. Nothing at all in his life or character would seem to give them that assurance.
Blair deserves all the ‘sad sap’ stuff any history book says about him.
On the memos… I encountered a right winger today (friend of mine, lol) who is latching on desperately to some new right wing idiocy that the memos are copies! and not originals! And that the newspapers burned the originals so now no one knows what they said. Or some such nonsense.
I keep telling him that listening to (and believing) rant radio blather will make him stupid. I think that warning is now too late.