Froggy Bottom Cafe
Where it all hangs out
With a large stock of caffeinated & non-caffeinated libations; light breakfast fare, freshly baked; pads and pencils on every table
Come on in!
Thesauri are in their regular spot next to the door
Please recommend.
May the 4’s be with you
The Cafe is open! Our special brew today is Barry’s Tea, for the “hibernophiles” out there. This morning’s diversion centers on the NYT Magazine crossword, “Hitting the Sauce.” I don’t think I want to attempt the “3-D Word Hunt” thingy.
So settle in, How’s your morning today? And if you give me the name of a “Sharp cheese” (6 letters, 37 Across) I’d really appreciate it.
To all the BT fathers out there! Hope they all have a great day with their families.
And to answer your question, my morning has been productive. Got up at 6:30 AM (damn cats won’t let me sleep in on the weekends), got my front “yard” watered (it’s been so dry lately) and got my veggie garden loaded with organic fungicide/pesticide (cucumber beetles are doing a number on my cucumbers/melons). Also hacked back my older lilac bush so that the new growth will have room.
Now I’m ready for a nap… π
How’s your day going so far? I have no clue what “sharp cheese” is. The only thing I could think of is cheddar, but it is too many letters.
Well I’m glad the site problems seem to have cleared up, at least for the time being. Also glad to hear that someone else is more productive that I on a Sunday morning! I’ve been chewing this pencap to bits over this word hunt (which I attempted after all). Have a tall cool one before your nap, if it’s not too early for that sort of thing.
My morning consisted of sleeping in and trying to get here. That’s all.
Now that I can get in, I’m going to do the dishes!
See Postel on this page. It’s at the bottom of the page.
Is this right?
Could be … depends on whatever the heck a “Cook’s drawer” is (5 letters). I’m afraid I’m not doing so well this week. I’ve had more success with the word hunt so far. Not ready to admit defeat just yet, however!
Thanks for the code snippets, by the way. I’ve just cracked open the HTML and CSS books by O’Reilly that have been gathering dust on my shelf these past months.
Hmmm. Cook’s drawer?
I’ve found that preview is my new best friend. I’m always trying something and forgetting to check whether style is an option for that tag (it isn’t an option on the p). And you can’t use span (which us a drag).
My next experiment is working with floating DIVs. There would be some real power if we can do that here.
This doesn’t look promising
But it’s all I could find….
Big mug of Guatemalan Dark, cloudless skies,and no plans except for a late pm BBQ with the kid and their little ones. It,s still a strange feeling to be Grandada…I’m to young for this…HA!
Waitin’ for Omir to show up w/ the Sunday Griot for us to share and wishing everyone a great day!
Do you happen to remember what “Griot” means?
Hi kansas!
Web definitions for Griot
A griot is a West African performer who perpetuates the oral traditions of a family, village, or leader by singing histories and tales. Griots typically perform alone, accompanying themselves on a stringed instrument, and are considered by many musicologists a critical African root of the solo acoustic blues that developed among African American communities during the early 20th century.
(from google)
Or (more correctly formatted):
Web definitions for Griot
A griot is a West African performer who perpetuates the oral traditions of a family, village, or leader by singing histories and tales. Griots typically perform alone, accompanying themselves on a stringed instrument, and are considered by many musicologists a critical African root of the solo acoustic blues that developed among African American communities during the early 20th century.
Thank you, kbird! I never would have guessed it’s a “person” instead of a thing.
I thought it was going to be something from Harry Potter!
thanks so much for your DIV post. ive used it three times already! THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU
thanks so much for your DIV post. ive used it three times already! THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU
A griot, as others have said, is a wandering storyteller who preserves the culture and memories of his people.
A while back I decided the left needed a griot. There were stories that weren’t being told that we needed to hear, about peace and faith and justice and community and all the other things that we on the left hold dear.
And since other people weren’t telling them online, I appointed myself Storyteller to Daily Kos, and then to here. And since some of those stories hadn’t even been written yet, I decided to write some of them myself.
Thus was born the Sunday Griot series, which is being collected on my blog, Omir the Storyteller.
Thanks for the shout out, dada!
I am sooo in the mood for a huge bfast. Eggs, bacon, (sharp)cheese grits,pancakes. I think I’ll earn it by attacking the shrubbery that thinks my house is its breakfast and is threatening to devour it.
Good morning and Happy Father’s Day to all!
Something peculiar is going on with the set up of this page.
The introductory writing in the diary section, along
with the comments themselves, are running off the
right hand side of the page, and are hidden
underneath the list of diaries and ads.
Try refresh or reload, it’s fine on my computer.
Thanks – much better!
Now it’s doing it on my computer!
But, going into this screen refreshed it. Everything is fine again!
Oh yeah – in response to your cheese question,
if your crossword puzzle aligns with the way in
which we write our grocery lists – the answer is
“orange”. Yup, orange cheese, which is what I put
on the list when I want hubby to pick up cheddar.
(Not to be confused with “white” cheese, which I
put on the list when I want mozzarella π
So what do you put on the list when you want him to pick up bleu cheese?
When I’m in need of anything “fancier” than some good ol’ basic deli cheddar or mozzarella, I either pick it up myself or get really, really explicit on the shopping list. (Since my husband likes certain types of “orange” or “white” cheese – he knows what to buy.)
On the other hand, if I’m not specific, Mr. Smart Alec thinks it’s damn funny to buy one of every possible variation of whatever I’ve requested. (“You needed a tomato? Well you didn’t specify the type, so here ya go, sweetie” – as he hands over a bag brimming over with every imaginable type of tomato known to man.) Black olives? He’ll come home with small, medium, large, pitted, non-pitted, sliced – bottled and canned – in a variety of brands.
In light of that, his sense of humor can sometimes be quite expensive, but I gotta love him for making it an adventure to unpack the groceries when he comes home. And I’ve learned to be very, very specific when writing shopping lists. But I must say – his humor has often introduced us to some great stuff we otherwise wouldn’t have tried.
The math addict in me has finally found puzzles that challenge me without making me run screaming from the room. It’s called Su Doku. It’s a numbers puzzle that doesn’t require any math (other than the ability to count to 9).
I chanced upon it in the LA Times: Do Brits Love This Puzzle? Let Them Count the Ways. It’s all the craze in London. And at my house, too. My 10 year old and 7 year old love it as well.
Learn how to play here or Wiki for much more info.
I don’t like to play online/interactive because I like to make notes (both of the previous “how tos” will explain the kind of notes used for more difficult puzzles). There are many available and the Wiki has a list. For printable puzzles (much better over latte and scones) try: here or here or here (some of which can be played interactively as well).
Join me in my new addiction π
Oh, that looks like something I could handle! I need to find some of those to print out.
Happy Fathers Day EVERYONE!
You too dad. I miss you so much! You were the best father ever!!!!
One cup of coffee to go please! I’m late and gotta run!
Quick check in while the coffee brews. Heading out to my Church of Sail in a few moments. Racing in dinghys and then free open house rides to the public. Sun is shining after a few days of cloudy and wet. Gonna be a typical summer, windy day in the Bay, I think.
: )
There’s nothing finer than a good sail on a beautiful day. I’d try to do more sailing myself if I were closer to the Bay (the Chesapeake in my case). C’mon back later to, er, splice the main brace!
It sounds like a wonderful day.
I’m planning a trip out there in October (it’s a gamble to buy plane tickets too early, with all the potential family emergencies).
We like a little hotel in Richmond near the Cliff House, Ocean Beach (my 2nd favorite beach) and not too far from Golden Gate Park.
Have a fun, I’ll be envying you.
Good morning all and Happy Father’s Day to al the Dads. Just back from an hour and a half walk on the beach. June gloom is gone and it is a glorious day in Del Mar. Promised my son I would make him Shrimp Salad for his Daddy Day dinner. When he was a kid I would make a big bowl and would come home from work in anticipation of leftovers and all that would be left was the pasta/veggie part. He would pick all the shrimp out. He is thirty five now and guess what? He STILL picks the shrimp out unless his daughter beats him to it…lol! You all have a most pleasant Sunday. See you for coffee in the A M.
By the way…Fiday will be our first Monthly birthday celebration for all you June Birthday people. Bring your hats and horns.
I make this Greek shrimp with feta cheese and tomatoes, and guess what? I have to fend my boys off of all the shrimp, or else all I get is tomatoes and feta!
Can’t wait to tell my son that he’s not the only one…teehee!
would be my 6-letter sharp cheese if you don’t have it yet…
DING DING DING! TYVM! Tip o’ the pen to ya!
Nah, not gonna work after all. Whatever it is, it ends in “-NO”.
Mellow morning at the Scribe household; got back late from seeing Margaret Cho (capsule review: abso-fucking-lutely brilliant!), so taking it relatively easy. I’ve been much more productive than the spouse so far this morning: showered and dressed, made the bed, had breakfast, put away laundry, AND loaded the basket to get another load going. </pat on back>
Later on, will head over to the in-laws to drop off card and Dad’s Day gift (we’ll probably be joining them for dinner tomorrow or Tuesday for the spouse’s birthday), then possibly Fresh Choice for dinner (could use a good soup and salad!).
My favorite puzzles, BTW, are Cryptoquizzes; you have a list of terms in a particular category, but they’re in a secret code, and you have to figure out the code by figuring out what the terms in the list are. It’s easier than it sounds, believe me. I grew up on crosswords and other word games with my mom (miss ya)…
I think that would work…it IS a sharp cheese…
it fits with ‘slaking’ and ‘hideho’.
No but Romani would work. It also can’t hurt to hint that a nearby clue needs you to know the name of a sauce that’s made with mayonnaise and garlic.
My apologies, Cali Scribe, your answer woks better than mine. Booman reminds me that Cab Calloway didn’t just sing “hidehi”.
Happy Father’s Day to the dads here and to my late step-dad for raising me from the age of 7.
I was unable to access boo last night and have had a little trouble this morning — on Firefox, endless loading time — but now I’ve made it and am very pleased to see my first ever diary was recommended. You like me! You really like me!
So I’ve been to Quaker meeting and had breakfast and now look forward to reading more of Mr. Norrell and Jonathan Strange while sitting under the air conditioner with cats around me.
Do tell us about it when you’ve read it.
I, well, I tried to read it and just couldn’t do it. Given that including grad school and a degree in English, I’ve never not been able to finish a book, I’m wondering what’s wrong with me.
Hello all,
c’mon over and take a look at today’s story, The Perfect Father’s Day Present. OK, so it’s not perfect, but it’s pretty darn good if I do say so myself.
Happy Father’s Day!
I see site is back up again, anyone lost anything….
any posts or diaries lost…
I’m well into Monday already
I guess I should go to bed π
This date 5 years ago, the Gooserocks woke up for the first time ex- red Ohioans and New True Blue Pugetoons.
We took this shot during our first carryout supper in a local park:
HELP! I need some help.
There is this great diarist doing some important stuff on how to win arguments. Shes not being promoted though. If you have a little time to spare today, I would love it if you would go read her diaries and see if you agree with me on how important a skill arguing effectively is. And if you do? Would you please recommend her most recent one? I feel She needs some exposure.
Verbal Self-Defense, chriscol
Anyone else watch that Spurs-Pistons barnburner? I was rooting for Detroit, but boy–it’s hard not to like Robert Horry. He hasn’t really had what would normally be considered a Hall of Fame career statwise, but for his performance in big games he deserves to go there IMO.