No attacks have occurred in the United States since September 11, 2001.
Osama bin Laden arguably helped the President’s reelection campaign.
Most of us were convinced that Al Qaeda was in favor of a Bush victory.
They have us where they want us. Taking out Saddam was a double gift to Al Qaeda. Not only did we take out an avowedly secular enemy of the Wahhabis, we also placed all of our best troops in an illegal, immoral and untenable position. The Iraqi Resistance has the right to try kill the forces of the invaders. We too would reserve this right. But it goes beyond this. It is as if Moslems had invaded a European country or attempted to subdue a European people in their empire demanding independence .
When Greece began her bid to break free of the Ottoman Empire, volunteers from across Christendom arrived to help fight off the `Turk.’ Lord Byron (the poet) would have been labeled a `foreign fighter’ and shipped off to Gitmo. The mythology we are providing to OBL’s fantasy future nation would be worth 200 billion if we were making friends. Instead, we are training our enemies with the lives of our best.
Al Qaeda is growing up and thinking strategically. What better than to have the Americans demonstrate their impotence in Afghanistan and Iraq and their perfidy at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo. Cross-hairs grow on the backs of every American around the world, without Al Qaeda having to lift a finger.
The best, absolutely priceless part of all this for the terrorist masterminds who determine success depending on how many people died that day, is that they get to train their forces for free with live ammunition, against the best troops in the field today. They will take virtually unlimited casualties in order to keep the training grounds open and since we cannot police the borders…
The wingnuts figure that it is better to kill terrorists in Iraq rather than in the States. The terrorists figure that it is better to learn how to kill the best and most fearsome Americans in Iraq for free while establishing new links and creating a groundswell of support among their target demographic: Muslims and Arabs and especially and especially young Muslim Arabs, of whom there are many and they do not have much else to do.
Even if things begin to go south for Al Qaeda in Iraq, they will have gained priceless knowledge. They now know how to shape charges in order to slice through an armored vehicle. They have probably figured out how we jam their signals and are learning how to circumvent. They certainly know and have demonstrated to the world that our military and our intelligence agencies are not the infallible, invincible gods that we had half-convinced the world they were.
It is sad when myths are shattered. It took a long time and a lot of effort to achieve what one idiot destroyed in half a term.
My prediction: Al Qaeda will strike again inside the US when they next need to lower American intelligence. (note the lack of capitalization) This event will again be seized upon by the government to grant greater powers to itself. This is also in Al Qaeda’s interest.
To summarize: The Islamic fundies are really happy to be fighting a proxy war with the Christian fundies in Iraq, which is swell for them but shit for the rest of us because it weakens the best and strengthens the worst.
Crossposted among and between dKos, BooTrib and EuroTrib.
this is a logical and most respectable way of demonistrating that we lost before we started the war in Iraq. This has been of my premice all along, however, when one talks straight and has ideas different than the nomenclature of the day, one is made to look foolish.
You have made many points here that need to be looked at by everyone. Thanks
very much.
Over on EuroTrib, Jerome said this: “bringing terrorists to Iraq to “fight on our own terms away from home” is like making a hospital really dirty and unhygienic to attract germs away from other hospitals and fight them there “on our own terms”… ” to which I replied: “Superbugs. All you end up doing is producing antibiotic resistant strains. If at the same time you also pour in all your best doctors and nurses and drugs and money into this really dirty hospital, while leaving the rest unattended, are you not inviting an epidemic?”
It is always worth standing things on their head, especially these days of ‘up is down’ and ‘black is white’ even at the risk of sounding foolish.
This is just a perfect capture of things, I think. Or maybe almost perfect. Of course, I might think so though because this is pretty much actually what I’ve thought since the Afghanistan invasion (which I was not in favor of).
It seems that instead of thinking strategically, or thinking ahead or even thinking at all that we’re just sort of flailing about, and very much making things worse. And the people who crow that “as least the training camps in Afghanistan are gone” seem incapable of understanding that they are no longer needed. Plenty of on-the-job training is being provided.
Thanks for putting it all together.
it will be interesting in time, history that is, to find out where the “fly-paper” was manufactured ; )
Mar. 16 (2003): Pope John Paul II implores President Saddam to avoid giving the West a reason to attack and warns that the conflict could trigger an explosion of terrorism. [Iraq Chronology]
Apparently he saw this coming. What infidelpig said. Carry the plan to it’s logical conclusion, and the U.S. becomes a police state.
Sometimes that is exactly what I think the plan is. There are way too many parallels with 1984, not to mention the 1930s in a particular central European country.
Excellent diary!
This goes in my arsenal for comeback arguments when I face my wingnut relatives at our family reunion this summer.
thank you.