Sorry, not a Goodbye Cruel World Front-Page Post.

It’s a quote from Rep. John Hostettler (R-IN), in a floor debate today, dKos diarist Tirge Caps reports.

A press release from the National Jewish Democratic Council gives the basic details:

Washington, DC: During a debate today surrounding an amendment by Rep. David Obey (D-WI) to fully examine allegations of proselytizing and religious intolerance at the United States Air Force Academy, six-term Republican Rep. John Hostettler (IN) rose to assert that “Democrats can’t help denigrating and demonizing Christians.” [Rush transcript.] Rep. Obey, the ranking Democrat on the House Appropriations Committee, interrupted Hostettler’s deeply disturbing remarks and demanded that they be formally retracted; Hostettler ultimately agreed to retract one sentence from his diatribe.

Earlier in his remarks, Hostettler discussed the drive by Democrats to erase every “vestige” of Christianity from America; he also prefaced his remarks by noting that “The long war on Christianity today continues on the floor of the House of Representatives.” During a meeting of the House Armed Services Committee on May 18th, while debating a similar amendment by Rep. Steve Israel (D-NY), Hostettler referred to “the mythical wall separation (sic) between church and state that’s been erected by the courts.”

You know, this won’t be today’s biggest story, not with the cloture motion on John Bolton’s confirmation being shot down.

But what the hey. Show some outrage.

Or show some denigration and demonization. It’s all good.