| Good morning everyone!!!Come on in, sit down and enjoy some refreshments. Today serving Kona Coffee and pastries. |
How do you like the logo, designed by Shirlstars. We have several logo entires and if you want to submit a design, please email me. We are going to rotate the logo designs for the cafe.
Froggy bottom cafe, a place to meet your friends for a little chat anytime you wish. Or just to talk about what you have been doing, what you care about, your family, anything you feel like sharing with us.
A good place to hand out 4’s.
*Welcome Wagon Now Parked Here*
I have my newspaper, my coffe, my pastries and I’m sitting here all alone, please join me for a cuppa and a chat.
How’s everyone doing today???
Me I’m happy that the DSM’s were covered on Fox cable news, without a Republican rebuttal, in some cases.
Can’t wait to see what this week will bring in DC…
how ya’ doing?
Love the logo!
coooooooofffffffffffffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, I need coffee. . .
Hi, sorry about that frog in your ear…
Ahhh, that’s great coffee!!! Thanks Zan! Any bagels and cream cheese hanging around?
Buy everyone a round on me and keep the change, Zan.
look at what BooMan’s started…<grin>

Great logo – Shirlstar – but methinks you only brought enough money for you and Zan (oh never mind, I thought we were at Starbucks)
Good day to all (better late than never!)
We’ve moved over into the Lounge for the evening. Feel free to pop in.
Thanks Zander, but I’m calling it a night. And on that note – Good night, my dear!
great logo!!!!
great logo!!!!!
Good Morning Diane! The frog logo is cute!
Kona coffee…yummy…
I’m perusing some of the diaries I missed over the weekend while I was a way from the computer. Smiling reading about RWCM finally carrying DSM info…
See you in a bit after some coffee to get the brain synapses firing…
Umm – Kona….
I’ve been thinking about Catnip all morning. I knew there was flooding in her area, but just hadn’t paid enough attention. Now I’m watching TV, and have seen how bad it is….it’s crazy over there.
Does anyone know if her home is in danger?
Where is she?
She’s here. I’ve been watching all morning, and feel like an idiot for being so oblivious for the past week. There were evacuations over the weekend, and today the mayor is threatening to shut off the water supply in some areas if people don’t cooperate with a mandatory water restrictions. It seems ridiculous in a flood, but the entire supply is compromised…. it’s ugly.
I haven’t heard a thing about it either until just now. Is Catnip ok? Anyone heard anything from here lately?
I just found her in another diary – she’s here.
Someone should, email Catnip and find out what is going on with her. Has she been on the site today, anyone know?
She posted a diary yesterday, and mentioned the rain and the flooding – and … yep, she on right now and posting. Phew. Anyone want to drag her over here to tell us all about it?
grabbed this screen shot off of the news…
Hi Zander, what do you mean,umm Kona, don’t you like the coffee we are serving today..
I was going to serve generic instant coffee, but decided to make it a little fancier and you say umm, instead of yum..What’s the deal…Kona is my favorite coffee and it does bring up memories of Hawaii in it’s flavor.
Where does Catnip live, I know Canada, but we don’t often get reports of Canadian Weather problems here.
Guess I meant hmmm or yum – I love Kona. Please, please no Folgers crystals, anything but that…
See the post above – I’ve linked to local news in Catnip’s area.
Hi guys! Yes, I’m okay. No flooding in my place, thankfully. I just posted a response to zander in my diary. I really appreciate all of your concern!! hugs
Thank you for letting us know. I keep hearing ‘unheard of’, ‘historic’, ‘very critical’, etc. I’m glad you’re OK.
So this is where you’re all hangin’!
Kona coffee seems great, though my personal preference is coffee from the Kaffa province in Ethiopia (‘birthplace’ of coffee).
Are you aware of the Ethiopian coffee ceremony?
Coffee ceremonies are offered in the lounges of most hotels, but nothing can rival the intimacy of participating in such an event in a private home.
Diane, I’ll try to sum up some thoughts on your African initiative & e-mail you tonight.
All set for making the best coffee (Buna/Bonna):
(Grabs purse and keys.) Wait—where are you?
As an aside, I brew Caribou’s French Roast and also Kenya AA. What do you all like?
Hi Diane — ummm, was I too late? Love the logo, by the way.
Just join in this goes on all day. Zander will be by shortly to take your order, she has a hot photo shop kitchen that she is aching to use. I imagine nearly everything can come out of that kitchen so place your order!!!
Hi babaloo, which always makes me think of Desi and Lucy.
It’s just…… I thought I was supposed to host Mondays (sob!). Probably for the best since I have to work this afternoon — every court reporter’s nightmare: three depositions of Iranians (“Well, we had Farsi translators lined up, but the witnesses seem to understand English ‘pretty good.'”)
Maybe I should just kill myself now.
Sorry Bobaloo, I knew I missed someone on the invitations from the group team site yahoo site, so I will quick send you one and would you like to do Wed. I am down for that, so I would be happy to change.
I just realized you do not list email, so email me and I will send you the invite.
Please don’t cry, we will make it up to you.
Question, and a hi! to everyone. Is there a way for the diary above to have text next to the pic.
Anyone have logo designs to submit, please email them to me.
Yep. I’ll post a template tonight when I get home (as a reply to this message & a file at yahoo)
Actually, I’m not sure I’ll get home at a reasonable hour. So here goes:
<TD>Paste your Image Link Here</TD>
<TD>Paste your Text Here (It can be as long as you want)</TD>
katie, i left you a “thank-you” late last night in the sunday thread about the DIV info you posted. not sure if you got it but THANKS!
This is correct:
<TD>Paste your Image Link Here</TD>
<TD>Paste your Text Here (It can be as long as you want)</TD>
I just used the earlier code and it worked fine. But I will use the new code the next time, thanks for making it so simple and easy to understand..
It may be buggy on some computers, if you get complaints, just add
</TR> in front of the </TABLE>
(that closes the row)
It looks good!
I’ll take a venti Kona and a cherry-cheese danish please.
Do you have a New York Times available?
You came to the cafe!!!!I’m so excited!!!!!
How do you like it here?
Over to the side you will see an array of world newspapers, for bloggies there are lap top connections,and your order is coming right up.
Say Booman, I was quite thrilled at the news coverage on cable TV over the weekend. Many, including Fox told the whole DSM story…
I am waiting for this thing to blow up more in England, and then flow across the sea in a tsunami of rage to spill right over into Congress and get that man out of office along with his whole bunch, en masse.
with the place. The logo is really cool too.
Where shall we open flagship internet Froggy Bottom (internet) Cafe?
whendoes the gift shop open? I want a t-shirt and a mug with that fabulous logo on it.
How about a t shirt that says on the front “I Boo do You? and on the back have the logo really big and our web address underneath.
Oh! So do I!!
who has like 90 kids and 12 jobs, is setting up the gift shop. We’ve got the art work done, and are making up some coffee mugs soon. That’s what y’all voted for.
T-shirts will follow.
Cherry-cheese danish and a New York Times.

Have a good morning, sir.
Whenever I see your comments,
you are truly an on the spot waitress,
we shall have to talk about your photo shop addiction in the later hours tonight. LOL
I’m just easily entertained. ๐
and easily entertained means never bored and always interested, yes? :::smile::::
Here’s a tip:
I’ve been slaving away in here for days – I’ve served grilled cheese sandwiches, wine spritzers, margaritas, ice cream and some incredibly difficult to find foreign beer. You sir, are the very first person to tip me – merci – it is much appreciated. <oh, I laughed…>
Great logo! I don’t think I could do anything better.
Now, about the kona. Where’s the electric kettle for us tea drinkers?
Usually I only post my own photos, but this is a picture my neighbor took of his own cat:
I don’t know about you but to me this is so redolent of “I got my tax cut,” that I had to share it. Those Republicans, they not only ate the birds but they drank the water, too.
to mention the tea bar to the side filled with all manner of exotic teas. I am sure in a few minutes the waitress Zander will be here to fill your order and show you the tea bar, right Zander?
Great pic above, love your description.
Tea? ooohhh got any Oolong? ๐
also pu-er. I’m a tea geek. In fact I’m getting tea bushes!
Damn you are good! ๐
That pic is absolutely priceless! ๐
And, I’m a tea drinker too.
Afternoon All! Yeah I know, I am late!
Just thought I would drop in and let everyone here know that I finally got that computer up and running, so I will be able to post a bit more often now. Yay!!
I love that logo Diane…
That’s so exciting! Your husband just couldn’t take it anymore, huh?
Heh, no he couldn’t. He promised me one 3 or 4 years ago…so I kinda crawled up his butt about this past month or so. ๐
That’s so funny. I’ll add that to the ‘positive consequence of the pie wars’ column.
Very busy morning for me so just dropping in for a quick cup of kona…love choc. macademia nut myself. that is all I drank when I lived on Kauai.
Any news of the Bolton floor vote today?
I drank Kona too when I lived on Oahu, but I don’t think they had all those flavors then. Can you can live in Hawaii and not drink Kona? Don’t think so…<smile>. Smell of the islands in it and whenever I get a whiff of Kona, takes me right back, to that beautiful,enchanting island.
Had my very first cup in 1965, at the Ilaki Hotel, Waikiki.
When did you have your first cup. Funny I would even remember that, like an important event in my life, my first cup of Kona, but in away it was because it symbolized the majic of Hawaii to me.
June 1st, 1994. I love the smell of it. I used to grind the beans so it would be frshe everyday.
Speaking of Kauai, Koke’e State Park is a geologic and botanical treasure, a joy to hike, and ought to be a national park.
Oh that’s for sure. Also the Kaulalau Trail is one hell of an 11 mile rugged hike on the Napali Coast!
Good Morning everyone
That is such a cute logo. Unfortunally I am not in the least bit gifted in drawing. My children are but they get it from their father.
OK, it was so hot this weekend in the 90’s here and suppose to be like this all week. So I guess we live in the AC until September. I’m trying to catch up on all the weekend news. That’s what happens to a person when she doesn’t turn on the TV all weekend.
Where is here? with the weather.. In Socal it’s 76 but it’s only 11:30 Am.
I have had to start the ac as well, bummer because I like the door open and being able to feel the outside when I am blogging.
Here is Colorado Springs, CO and it’s even warmer today. I sure hate being cooped up all day in the AC because I love being outside, but I’m a very pale woman with many freckles and sun and heat are not my firends so I have to be careful
Where did the morning go?? Love the logo, love zander’s photos, happy catnip’s dry, love the pootie pic. I’m sitting here smiling as I type.
Speaking of pooties, when Cloud the Long-Haired Beauty sits on my lap to be petted, she always faces me,”lying” upright against my chest, looking into my eyes. That’s so she can reach up with a paw and gently tap my cheek if I dare to stop petting.
Me: Pet
Her: Purr
Me: Stop for a second
Her: Pat my cheek
Me: Pet
Her: Purr
I live to please.
Same soft little pats to the cheek. It works! I’ll do whatever he wants (melt).
Isn’t it just the sweetest?
Can I place my order now? LOL
Oh Zander you have a pic for everything…I just love it!!!
good morning! coffee for everybody! on me!
I also want to thank you all. Last night, way late, on the earlier Sunday Froggie bottom thread (you know, while i was sweeping up after everyone left), I was reading what I felt was an important diary by chriscol that appeared to have slipped below the waves. I popped into the bottom and asked those with time to read to please read, and recommend if they agreed with me. Well, I see today the diary is on the recommended list and discussion is occuring. THANKS! The piece that made the recommended list is part 3 of a series on making effective arguments. Any of you that know me know for sure that I need help with that. Once again, ::::smiling mischeiviously::: if you have the time check out the series. Verbal Self-Defense
Hey y’all. Can’t talk today – just stopped by to say hello and maybe get a danish to go. Busy workin’ so I can go home early. I seem to be sucessfully fighting off the stress-related illness (including the canker sores – they’re on the run, baby!) but it’s taking all of my energy and I feel like I’ve been beaten with something large, blunt and heavy.
I will try to stop by tomorrow for some quality time. Have a good Monday, everyone!
No time for coffee this morning–I was off to an 8:15 awards gathering for my 5th grader.
There are about 120 kids in his class; five classrooms of students. They will go K-8 together as we only have one school in our district (different buildings, but same group all the way through).
I got an email from his teacher last week saying that he was going to receive an award that he didn’t know about.
The big awards went first–All Around Students (nominated and approved by all 5 teachers for academics and citizenship). Then the Leadership awards. After that the National Geographic geography bee winners. My oldest son was one of two from his class. I was very pleased.
Then the last award. The entire school participates in Continental Math, taking 5 quizzes of 6 questions over the course of the year for a total of 30 questions. There was a tie for 2nd place, with each student getting 19/30 correct. The teacher then said that they had a student that got the highest score they’d ever seen: 25/30. Who was it? My son. I was beaming. What a kid.
A round of lattes for everyone! I’m sending that boy to CalTech!
Wow! Kvelling in Kansas for Maine Math Mavens!
That’s pretty dam cool and I’m feeling the beams from here.
Although the way education’s going downhill out here, CalTech might be the last place to send your son… ๐
Hoping things might start looking up in 2007 if we can get a real governor instead of a B-list actor…
B list my ass, that man could not act if his freaking ass life depended on it. Arhhhhhhhhhhhhhnold is a waste of breath and makes me grateful I left California when I did, though I have to say I moved from the kettle to the fire, in moving to Kansas, lmao.
… sorry folks, I must tear myself away. <take the money and run>. You see, I have very pressing RL business to take care of. <in Vegas>. I thank all of you for your patronage this morning. <and the cash>. I’ll be back later this evening. <unless I win big, and move to Monaco>.
Well I made it for an afternoon hello to all and will continue on with coffee cup in hand.(I could have easily used the sig coffee ink instead of chocolate..but the most divine combo is of course mocha). And I’ll take my Kona with a Kolache if you don’t mind.(yummy polish pastrie)
I think that logo looks very cool but look forward to other artists ideas also.
I’ll be back later to see what everyone’s been up to and relax a bit from all the more serious diaries.
dam that’s making me want to get busy and make kolaches but it is an all day project for my sister and I. Between raising the yeast dough and making a double or triple batch to make it worthwhile…the recipe I have for this by the way is my grandmothers and is almost a hundred years old.
Thanks so much for the pix, zander..this might make me get more motivated to have a baking day and get these done.
In the odd coincidence file… I’ve dated a couple of Polish guys in my life. Moms are never happy to discover that I’m completely incompetent and a total hazard in a kitchen – but for some reason Polish moms take it the hardest… then they learn that I’m a vegetarian to boot… oh lord – the holidays that I’ve lived through….
late to the cafe but in time enough to ask for prayers, candles, good wishes etc to be pointed in the general direction of the Pacific NW where my hubbie will be going for a critical job interview in about an hour. Actual interview is at 3 pm Pacific time.
I’m sittin’ here knitting socks (commercial cadet blue toes and heels, handspun ragg-style feet and legs–one ply white merino, one ply merino/tencel in various shades of blue from almost purple to almost green). I need to some tea (oooooolong…) and maybe a madeleine, but IRL I’ll settle for some water and maybe kimchi in chicken broth…
Many many best wishes! In the meantime, I’ll trade you a cup of tea for some comfy new socks. =)
Sending out good vibes and let us know what happens.
oops, I got the day wrong and asked for crossed fingers last Friday (I think). Anything good happen then, lol?
Seriously beaming good wishes in about an hour!
I don’t do cute. Walt Disney has a lot to answer for in ruining good design by anthropomorphism.
Here in Scandinavia (home of good design he he) you can be shot for offending the rules of aesthetics. We don’t allow neon signs everywhere. We hate urban commercial sprawl. We plain dislike ugliness.
So what is good design? Well, the Shakers knew intuitively that Form follows Function. Designed form is an expression of the practical. It tells you what the thing, building, machine etc is for.
Nothing wrong with decoration. I am a great fan of all things Japanese. But even Japanese decoration is a reference to the beauty of form – especially organic form.
But to fully earn my coming troll ratings I must say that the new logo is for kids. Perhaps we feel more secure in childishness? Perhaps we celebrate the innocent fantasies of childhood?
But give me Zander’s clean graphic images any day. That cream-cheesed bagel pic would, for me, be a much more appealing logo. It is simple and it is memorable.
Right, now you can throw me the zeroes ๐
I had a wonderful opinion of Scandinavian design until I spent two weeks in Trollhatten, Sweden. Based on my experience there, I’d be worried that any such design would be gray, dreary, and shut down at 6:00 p.m. ๐
They make cars in Trollhatten (Troll’s Hat!) I think they must be ashamed ๐
Yes. I was there doing some work for them. I thought it was very telling that almost no one that worked there actually had a car (let alone a Saab).
Other thing is the troll’s hat (a big rock for those who haven’t had the pleasure) for which the town was named is under water because they flood the river for the barges.
1and 2. Just for you Sven…
Zander, I bow to your brilliant combination of the graphic with the anthropomorphic.
Now I’m going to lounge about in an amphibious sort of manner…
<head bowed> Thank you.
I’m working on a frog-in-martini-glass… anthropomorphic? slightly, but I’ll have you know that all frogs depicted in my images are real tree frogs… though, I should add that no frogs were harmed in the photoshopping of these pictures.
anthropomorphic is the transference of human characteristics to other non-human things.
‘vehicles will be toad’
I have nothing against frogs, and they may indeed be sentient, but cute they are not.
I have a new slogan:
A Place for Pondering
Ah Sven – you know a couple a couple of days ago, I felt the same way. Then I started collecting images of red-eyed tree frogs, and as much as I hate to admit it… they… well, damn it – they are cute! But it was only after finding this picture that I realized it doesn’t take much creative projection to imagine them as inquisitive, quirky creatures.
A Place for Pondering – I like that a lot. Do you mind if I steal it?
but that really is a cute frog picture. ๐
no.no, that is a hybrid mouse designed by Alessi.
steal away – ‘property is theft’
Good one!
You don’t happen to know where I could find a clear molded acrylic coffee table, do you? I’ve had it in mind for a while, after I saw some amazing acrylic stuff in Amsterdam. I’ve searched in vain for a long time, and recently accepted that I should just find and import one – at least it’s light-weight… it can’t cost that much, right?
I will have to ask the Nabobs of Kitsch. We have two of them in our office. They like to style themselves as graphic designers. They worship at temples such as Kitsch Kitchen in Amsterdam.
You could also design one yourself and have it made by your local custom car shop – they know all about moulding resin.
Those are great! I can’t wait to see the martini glass version!
right now it looks like this. I’ve just started… it’s only a rough draft.
You know those t-shirts where they have a tree frog that looks like he’s hanging out of the pocket? That would be sort of cool for the martini glass, wouldn’t it?
And I’m wondering if you can tint the liquid around him, to be say, maybe cosmo pink, or Hypnotiq blue?
And can the same frog be adapted to different styles of glasses (margarita, anyone?), and can he wear a sombrero
I’ll stop now….I’m getting a little carried away!
We are going to rotate logo’s ok, so somedays you will have Zanders and on my day to host, who knows, new designs are coming in. I like shirls tho as well as Zanders. Sven do you really think we would give you 0’s>>>>>
Diane, of course I didn’t ๐
I was just dipping a little webbed foot into the pond and flicking some water around in a teasing sort of way…
I’m sorry to be so rude. I’m just like a kid with finger-paint though – “wanna’ see my picture? wanna’? wanna’? here’s my picture!”
Aaahhh, ya, it’s sad, I know….
And as soon as I get my crayons back in their box, I’ll. . . . .why, I’ll. . . . .call you a really bad name . . . .like. . . .meany
Meanwhile, I am LMAO. . .
My coloring book skills are no match for you Photoshop Freaks!. . . .so get off your duffs and create some great stuff!! (it works every time)
Any news of the vote yet? I am busy in cubicle land today.
a live thread diary. Don’t forget to recommend!
thank you buddy! Hope all is well with you!
it was a long weekend…trying to get into the groove here at work. I’ve been trying to write my immigration diary for days now but keep having A.D.D. attacks. yeesh! How are you?
and thanks for asking. I am enjoying very early walks on the beach almost everyday. It is something I really needed to do for myself. Life is good…don’t forget it. Yeah, but it sure would be so much better if we could get these a**holes out of office. Well, another small victory today on Bolton. That’s something anyway.
A little late in the day for coffee…make mine an iced chai tea latte and a fruit cup…
The spouse is out running errands. I’ve been racking my brain what to do for his birthday tomorrow (49); his main gift is going to be an iPod Shuffle with a bunch of his favorite songs, but I won’t have the money for it till late next week at the earliest. Then I had a brainstorm (or brain scattered shower in my case) — a mix CD with some of the songs I’ll be putting on the Shuffle! So I’m adding a few dozen more tunes to iTunes (John Williams’ Swing, Swing, Swing for me, Rhino’s History of Funk for him), then can work on the CD tonight when he thinks I’m on the Internet.
Damn, modern technology totally rocks…
Have a great day, everyone!
Hi, to you, try winmx for song sharing….downloads, you can find any song you can think of..
Your order of tea and fruit cup will be here shortly..
Thanks anyway…actually the vast majority of my tunes are ripped from my own CDs; I’ve bought a few from iTunes, and got about 25 freebees when Pepsi had their big iTunes giveaway (the spouse loves diet Pepsi in the afternoons…).
How about you do a late day froggy bottom today, whenever you wish and use what ever logo’s you desire. Ok, will that make you happy???
I really tried to restrain myself – honest. Like I said upthread, it’s like bringing home a painting from kindergarten… ‘wanna’ see? wanna’? wanna’ see my picture?’
I didn’t mean to be obnoxious, really. But I’d be happy to host a lounge tonight, if it’s needed…. I haven’t done that yet, and it could be fun.. though I might have to hand off to bayprairie later – night owl that she is…
well im always sweeping up… might as well do cafe and lounge.. heehee… got some good drinks?
i think i’d like a tito’s on the rocks with a lime twist
Turn you im on please, and do go ahead and do next version, you don’t have to be present for it to go on. Just start it, k…
I can’t wait to see how many graphics you can put into one diary…
The Lounge is up…. everyone come on over…
Sorry to be contrary in nature, but I just can’t see the president going down (well, in his presidency, that is ;-). Too much control over congress, Senate, the media and the judicial system. But one can never give up hope. . .
Not to be overly redundant, but if only Paul Wellstone was around to demand integrity of his fellow Senate members. . .sigh. . .
God bless Conyers, Dean, Byrd, Waters et al. And screw Biden. (With all due respect toward anyone who happens to respect that man for whatever reason)
You are a contrarian, to be sure. Bush and the whole shebang are going down, along with Blair and his shebang, want to bet me on that one???
How are you tonight and is this just the first of your many good nights, above, lol..