This is short and sour:  Under the provisions of the U.S. drafted, U.N. approved, never mentioned, totally-ignored-in-the-shuffle Security Council Resolution 1546, the Iraqis have control over their own destiny.

The media, blogosphere, pundits, writers, and even Professor Cole seem blind to the “enabling statute” returning control to the Iraqi people.

:::more below:::
I would advise anyone who believes what they read in the scattershot world of today’s information exchange to take note of the resolution.  One story, issue, place, and cast & crew every five minutes does not get to the heart of the law/treaty underlying the near-invisible rise of the Iraqi people.

Rathern than extensively quote, I’ll simply ask that you read the resolution:

United Nations Security Council Resolution #1546:  The Situation in Iraq and Kuwait [NOTE:  .pdf document].

It is neither short, nor simple, but it is clear.  After you’ve read the document, tell me again why all media in this country have failed to grasp the concept:  Iraq now belongs to the Iraqi people.