Update [2005-6-20 16:7:20 by catnip]:: The cloture vote failed by a count of 54 ayes to 38 nays. 60 ayes were needed. The options now are to continue debating Bolton’s nomination in the senate or to have Bush make a recess appointment. Time is running out for the senate, so a recess appointment looks likely. There will definitely be a strong backlash against the administration if that action is taken.

Join us as we watch and listen to the senate debate the nomination of John Bolton as US ambassador to the UN, followed by a cloture vote at 6 pm ET.

You can watch it online now at C-SPAN 2.

The cloture motion requires 60 votes to succeed.

The roll call vote can be found here.

Please do not post any pics because they slow down the load time. Thank you.
It’s important to note that today’s vote really is about how much power the WH has over the senate since the administration has refused to release information crucial to the senate decision making process in this case. Therefore, a vote against cloture does not necessarily equal a vote against Bolton’s nomination.

Democrats Behaving Badly (voted in favour of cloture):

Nelson (NE)

Final Count:

Ayes – 54
Nays – 38