From the diaries at dKos: Why Impeachment Talk is a Waste of Time
Let’s not talk about impeachment…it only makes us look like weak whiners, and it’s not going to happen anyway…
We can’t afford to talk about choice…we need to elect Democrats…
All those who protest the war in Iraq or the treatment of detainees are traitors to America and don’t support the troops…
I’ve always thought that discussion of any topic is healthy, even when the topic is totally impractical or unpopular at a particular moment.
It’s easy to just shrug your shoulders and keep your mouth shut…after all, mustn’t rock the boat. But if we don’t talk about these issues, they just die. If we keep them alive, even to poke holes in them, the ideas become stronger.
Or maybe I’m off base, and should just keep my own mouth shut…or maybe I just need more sleep…
Although I was tempted to choose the 3rd option, cuz more sleep sounds good ;).
I didn’t read that diary, so I don’t know what all they are saying, but it’s never seemed to me that not talking about something does much good. And it really doesn’t matter what we say about what… it’s going to get attacked by the right wing (with the media usually joining in). As long as the facts (or at least the speculation leading to the facts) are on our side, it just doesn’t make any sense to try and appease the right wing by not speaking about it, because there is no appeasing of them. I think one just has to accept that part from the get go and proceed accordingly.
Conyer’s hearing was immediately trashed by Millbank and others, but still the impeachment word got out there in the consciousness of the public… just a little bit. And each little thing builds on that.
It’s taken years, but because of the anti-war people refusing to just fall in line and praise the war, no matter how badly it was going, others are also coming along to the realization that we are in a bad way. I imagine that Condi’s new description of the Iraq debacle as a generational commitment may also cause some consternation among the formerly rah rah crowd.
Not speaking out, plays into the reichwing’s modis operandi, which is that America is the only true freedom loving country that will eliminate it’s own citizens rights to expand freedom around the world. Otherwise known as Dictatorial Doctrine. The reichwing has a plan and that plan does not inclued the 49.5% of the population that currently despises the current Fascist regime and its blatant human rights abuses and outright killing of enemy combatants captured. That the vast majority of those serving in the US military are honorable citizens of the US, forced to be a part of this illegal and immoral war is a disgrace to the very essence of what I have always envisioned what America has stood for, in my 50+ years.
That America has many warts is without doubt, that America and its people have over the 2 centuries that our Republic has been in existence, has learned from her mistakes, slowly but we have learned. I believe that the current Regime of Fascists want only one thing, the total elimination of any who will stand up and deny them this Dictatorial Doctrine.
It will not happen, Democrats don’t have enough power in Congress or Senate.
Who would want Cheney to be officially president anyway.
I advocate the use of the word to embarass and insult Bush, the lying war monger.
I am not a fan of “shut up you’re making us look bad” school of blogging.
Bush, and by association the Republican party platform, needs to be impeached in the mind of the public. That is the main priority in all this DSM stuff. Whether or not it happens as a congressional act is not as important as finally letting the public understand the lying, cheating, hurting depths these neocons will sink to in order to retain power.
So for that reason, I think we should keep talking impeachment as loudly and frequently as possible.
Bush Lied, People Died.
There is some momentum building around that meme, it would be a mistake to nip it in the bud now for the sake of persuading a few people to our side who might be offended. If they are that offended by the simple assertion of truth, they are way past “converting” anyway.
How about truth as a family value? How about saying no to torture? We’ve got alot of ammo, and some of the uncomfortably-close-to-repub democrats know it, and they are squirming. I would at this point really question the motives of those urging us to just forget about it. Why now, when we are starting to gain ground?
A response to the “you’re not supporting our troops” accusation that is gaining popularity is just to point out that you can support the troops without supporting the war or the administration who created it.
I’m not in favor of just “moving on” to future issues. We need to look at recent past events in order to expose these folks for the liars they are. If we just move on and forget election fraud issues, 911 issues, DSM issues, then they will just continue to get away with it, and it could very well be Madame President Rice in 2008.