Check out BOPNews cool new feature. A rundown of the weekend at the big liberal blogs. It’s a nice tool for those who do all their blogging during the workweek.
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
Recent Posts
- Day 14: Louisiana Senator Approvingly Compares Trump to Stalin
- Day 13: Elon Musk Flexes His Muscles
- Day 12: While Elon Musk Takes Over, We Podcast With Driftglass and Blue Gal
- Day 11: Harm of Fascist Regime’s Foreign Aid Freeze Comes Into View
- Day 10: The Fascist Regime Blames a Plane Crash on Nonwhite People
It is ironic that the article they highlight
Pro-Whaling Countries May Dominate Meeting
by SusanHu was virtually ignored except for 4 or 5 people.
Come on people, pay attention, the whales need your support.
A snippet from Bernie Sanders blogging at the TalkingPointsMemo Café’s Table for One.
I posted a dairy at Dkos very early this morning and tried to cross post here. It didn’t work. Can someone tell me the easiest way to copy it and post it over here? It is a story about my wingnut Bro-in-Law. Thanks to anyone who can help me out…
What did you do?
I highlighted it and tried to drag it into a doc and then send it to another account I have and then tried to open BooTrib and it didn’t work. Although it was about 2am pst and I was so tired. Before I get involved in trying to do it again..I am just wondering if there is an easier way. My computer skills suck…I couldn’t post a link or Picture if my life depended on it.
Open 2 browser windows: one with your dKos diary and another with a Booman ‘new diary entry’. Highlight the text from dKos, choose edit> copy (above), then choose edit> paste to put it in your new diary entry. Et voila!
helping with the cross posting info…it worked and was so much easier than what I spent 20 minutes trying to do at 2 am this morning….If I can do it, anyone can. Soon I will learn about links and pic posting. See you at the Bolton debate.
Hey Chamonix1…I’m like you and finally learned how to link from diane. She had a computer help diary up several months ago with lots of helpful information in it for computer illiterates. Might be a good idea for someone to do another computer help diary when all info like that is in one place and a place for us to ask more computer questions.
My new diary: WH: Recess Appointment of Bolton Not Ruled Out.
C-SPAN has just announced that a motion to limit debate on Bolton will be held at 6 pm ET today I will put up a live diary before that time to follow the procedure.
I am so happy to hear you will be live blogging the Bolton debate. You know how much I loved the past ones you did. Can’t wait…Chamonix trying to clear his sked to hang with Catnip and the Bolton Nightmare.
I should take up a collection for a laptop so I can live blog pain free laying down. 🙂
Cool feature on BOP. Congrats Boo, Susan and pastordan!
There seems to be a lot of Bushco saber rattling on Iran lately. A diary here at Booman highlights that Porter Goss is trumpeting that he now knows where Bin Laden is. Plus Bush himself was trashing the elections in Iran recently. What’s up? Anything? Or am I just being paranoid?
You’re not being paranoid at all. The increasing noise about Iran is almost deafening.
Well, it is getting towards the end of June, and wasn’t June the month that Scott Ritter originally predicted the US would invade Iran? Yes, it was Scott Ritter who said that. This link is a article/opinion he’s written saying basically that we are already in Iran and I find it truly scary. He was right about so much that just reading what he’s saying bushco is doing in Iran now is giving me the willy’s.
I get tired of hearing the phrase in my head everyday saying ‘insane megalomanics’…the public won’t know what a articulate, intelligent president is supposed to sound like after bush’s 8 long years in office.
And so much of the Iran thing is a replay of what they did to-successfully-trump up a case for war in Iraq. I think that’s what scares me even more. We are in a race against time to get the American people to wake up and ACT before it’s too late, and now it’s starting to look like it may already be too late to avoid another phony, illegal war.
Wow. I didn’t know that Scott Ritter was a former arms inspector. This is scary. My only hope is that with so many people now on to how they operate, they won’t go through with it.
I keep wondering just how exactly they can go through with it?…not having the troops or the money unless they are just going to nuke the whole country which at one time I would have said was unthinkable but now anythings possible with these war mongers.
The world has always been worried that some crazy dictator would have his finger on a nuclear button and push it and it seems we just might end up being the country with that crazy person…or our very own bushco junta.
and you want to show your support for public education, there will be a rally tomorrow in Lansing at Noon. Registration will start at that time at the Lansing Center, Exhibit Hall A, right in downtown.
Check out this site for more info.
I am sorry if that is not a direct link – I haven’t figured out how to do that yet.
easy way:
type in these brackets […] without the spaces inside each end.
ex. [ link ]
html way – remove spaces inside the brackets and before and after the a’s:
< a href=””> link< /a >
Both will look like this:
You mean like this?
Has an op/ed in Official Wire:
UK Officer Goes Public on Fake Intelligence, link from America’s Edition:
Bolton Nomination – First, Sen. McCain said "by the end of the week Sen. Durbin will apologize." Second, Sen. McCain didn’t attend the Bolton vote. Third, he is really running for Presidency.
What is he up to now? Sen. McCain Brokers a Deal Between Sen. Durbin & Sen Frist?
It has some truth in it.