What do you think of our new artwork for the coffee mugs, t-shirts, etc.?
About The Author
Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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I always thought of the Booman Tribune icon as being a happy, free frog, not a miserable, oppressed amphibian wearing handcuffs. It’s disturbing to see the poor froggy bound like this.
I demand his immediate release and return to his pond of origin, so he can rejoin his wife froggy and tadpoles.
Yeah, but, from the FAQ:
In fact, our motto is “We Won’t Rest Until They’re Frog-Marched Out” So, even if the amphibian is a criminal, you must learn to love the frog.
Bull Frogs are an invasive species here eating up all the native frogs and even birds. Noisy, ugly and bloated they think they are taking over.
Remind you of anyone?
Booman, I think froggy has taken on a different meaning now, he has come to represent us (boo tribbers) and we don’t like to see <us> in handcuffs.
If you have to keep him cuffed, there should be some likeness to Bush or (on his shirt the name Bush, perhaps).
We are having an identity crisis here, I fear, <sigh>
Or a commander in chief logo on his jacket…..
We can use the froggy bottom logo on other stuff Diane…
maybe we should pray for the Frog. Maybe he will be like Tex Colson and found a prison ministry.
at least put an elephant on his tie so we can feel better about his handcuffs? :^)
Why the change from the original watercolor-ey, magic marker-y artwork, anyway? I’m rather fond of the frog up in the left corner, and this new version just isn’t the same…
the yellow outlined version is the better of the 2.
Yes, Free The Frog! (Or at least don’t mistreat him while in custody.)
Frog-marched out–
Shouldn’t the cops be the frogs?
I’ll gladly represent, for free, any frog (member of the order Salientia) before any criminal court anywhere, any time.
Come to think of it, I’d defend Bush, Cheney or member of their administration for free. I’d love the opportunity, hopefully soon.
Your defense of Sextus Roscius in 81 BC was brilliant. But I guess you hear that a lot?
the hand-wringing and headaches that come from practicing law in Rome at the fall of the Republic. Come to think of it, the more things change, the more they stay… the… same.
I like the gold trim best. Five color sketch is probably more expensive tho right? Can’t wait for those coffee mugs!
I like the gold trim frog also…
But can we get a republican elephant logo on the jacket? Maybe talk to Jesus General and use the yellow one? 😀
‘Darwin’ – aye there’s the rub. Froggie should never have been named after Charles D.; it clashes with his official status as a symbol of Karl R. & co.
The Frog March Tribune 🙂
on hemp t-shirts with water based inks. The medium is the message.
Didn’t Homer have a story on a war between frogs and mice?
From the first link I came across. Kind of fitting…
Brekekekex, ko-ax, ko-ax,
Brekekekex, ko-ax, ko-ax!
We children of the fountain and the lake
Let us wake
Our full choir-shout, as the flutes are ringing out,
Our symphony of clear-voiced song…
Brekekekex, ko-ax, ko-ax,
Brekekekex, ko-ax, ko-ax!
Ah, no! ah, no!
Loud and louder our chant must flow.
Sing if ever ye sang of yore,
When in sunny and glorious days
Through the rushes and marsh-flags springing
On we swept, in the joy of singing
Myriad-diving roundelays…
Brekekekex, ko-ax, ko-ax,
Brekekekex, ko-ax, ko-ax!
You know, that is exactly what frogs in Greece sound like to this very day.
Found a slightly more authoritative translation in a Google cache:
though I am not sure I don’t prefer the former.
My daughter once put together an international list of onomatopoeias for the cat’s meow. I think the Chinese cat struck me the most. What does an American frog sound like? Perhaps we could put together frog chants over at Eurotrib in all languages.
(Any cat’s meows would be appreciated too- I’ll pass them on.)
There are lots of onomotapoetic transcriptions of frog-talk, but the one I like best is his description of his house:
“Knee-deep! Knee-deep! Better-go-round!”
although a simple “Brawwwwwwwwwwwp!” works too.
now I declare
I’ve got a bump upon my rump
If you’re heading in the direction of keeping the same type of logo as currently on the site. . .it seems the logo would need a tagline to explain the picture. (Considering the confusion even among site members)
I’d also encourage you to NOT use the logo with the green tie – because. . . it seems to be part of the frog’s. . .um. . .anatomy (and quite enviable at that! ;-).
Coming out of his shirt collar?!?
Never can tell with frogs, lol!
But yes. . .’twood be “quite enviable” if the frog’s, um. . . appendage flowed up and out of his shirt collar, doncha think?
Yes, I’m ashamed with my vulgarity. ’tis definitely time to call it a night. (Even though I wrote my original remark this morning 😉
Good night!
I’m OK with either design as long as it includes some identifier as a Republican on the frog (little elephants on the jacket or tie would be good). Also include the slogan about not resting until they’re frog-marched out, and the website address.
We also need a design with a positive frog theme, as others have mentioned, since the frog has evolved into our totem animal. Also with the website address and a different, positive slogan. Perhaps something like “Booman Tribune – the frog pond for progressives.”
Are you considering coffee cups that could be left in prominent office locations? 🙂
(BTW, my current office coffee cup has my sig line on it; I got it at Walden Pond while on vacation.)
even though this site is committed to the Democratic Party, not every corrupt politician is a registered Republican. Take Traficant for example.
But I agree that we should have a positive message as well, and I like your suggestion.
Remember the multi-eyed fish produced by Burns’ nuclear waste? Maybe a many eyed frog with a motto of
“usquequaque vigilo”
Sound like something a frog would say.
Reminds me of the three-eyed tycoon with the nuclear-symbol tie on one of the current site ads!
Love it Boo and the colors are great. Ever thought of putting bush’s face on frogie body? Where is dood abides when ya need him. Go for it at any rate. I LOVE it! Placing order now…one t shirt, one coffee mug.
But how?
The store is not yet open, it seems.
It’s called preleasing in my business(apartment manager)…lol!
they’ve done to our frog, Ma 😉
I like the original one best, but of the other two, I like the one on the left. Except it looks a little like it’s being electrocuted.
I agree with the post up above as well, that we need a positive frog too, cuz he’s our totem animal! We can still positively frog march criminal politicians into jail ;). Or at least out of office.
I’ll go with the gold outlined frog…you could always put ‘bushco’ on the tie to make the distinction for this whole administration being frog marched out. I wouldn’t mind drinking out of a cup with a handcuffed bush so to speak.
The idea of the positive(not that bushco being frog marched isn’t positive) frog mascot taking on it’s own life is good and could be a Ms.Frog.
I like both just as they are. I think they need only a tag line. Even though I like all the colors of the one on the left, I think it’s actually easier to visually understand the image in the one on the right, so in terms of messaging, he’s more effective.
I am having a hard time mistaking the green tie as a part of the frog’s anatomy, since it originates in his neck area. On the other hand, the image might be even more effective by reserving green for the frog’s body and maybe just the buttons.
and come to think of it, he looks kinda like a Common Pleas judge here in Philly.
Only nicer.
Bood, you are DA MAN!
They need to establish a Pulitzer prize for photoediting just for you!
Okay, I’m developing a photoshop crush on you, Dood.
But please don’t get creeped out – the crush is from afar, while I continue to latch onto Man Eegee’s leg for emotional support. Hard as he may try to kick me away. (I was going to say “shake me off”, but there were too many visual implications with that remark.)
Your logo gets my vote, hands down – waaaay cool! (But a mug with Betty Rubble Hair would also be an award winner)
I’m jealous…
Puppy loooove . . .
The only source of jealousy in the Eegee household should be with Puppy Eegee. He proved to be some damn good company during your visit to your parents last weekend. When I was feelin’ down? – just went to visit my baby for some unconditional puppy lovin’ :^) (And just for the record – he wasn’t lookin’ at his Daddy in that picture – he was thinkin’ about me. . .his most favoritist e-pal in the world. But I have to admit – a couple times there he said, “HEY, whatcha been doing with Daddy’s leg? That’s my turf, Lady!”)
of a watchdog, he’s a big baby; but I love him. And for the record, he doesn’t like my leg, he’s more of an underarm nuzzler. 😛
That’s cool to know, considering I’ve grown a bit territorial about your leg :^). Good Lord, I hope we never run into each other – I’ll be turning shades of burgundy as soon as we cross paths!
My Buddy has her own little quirks. She snuggles up in my arms, taking on the pose of a newborn baby, wrapping her paws tightly around my wrist and licking my hand for hours on end, purring away as though she’s nursing. And when she comes to bed, she insists on licking my husband’s hand while she falls asleep – but if I’m not petting her at the same time, she leans over and gently taps me on my face until I finally give in, reach over and pet her while she gives my husband “great hand” until she falls asleep.
(And as far as being a watch cat – HA! – any unusual noises and she bolts to the farthest corners of the house, hiding until mommy and/or daddy have taken care of the scary monster!) Brave Kitty, Brave Kitty!
Still not mine, though. (I wonder if I am allowed to shamelessly promote more than one at a time?)
Anyway, this one: Making The Press Rethink DSM has an excellent (I think) break down on some of the things with blogs and the media and ways forward and all that. It’s an interesting conversation to have, not only because blogs are settling more into what they are going to be, but also there is a lot more that they can be.
Anyway, read the diary, if stuff like that interests you.
::goes off to spend her newfound wealth::
This story broke on the 19th in Tokyo and was immediately picked up in Italy today. It all started in Circeo, a sea resort an hour south of Rome. Anthony Weller, son of the Pulitzer prize winner, Georges Weller, found thousands of carbon copies of news dispatches in his father’s old apartment.
Georges Weller was the first reporter in Nagasaki after the Bomb. His scoop, consisting of four articles, was intercepted by the military and censored, allegedly on orders by MacArthur.
The articles describe for the first time the symptoms caused by lethal radiation exposure.
Reminds me of Disease Y or Z experienced by Afghans after the US Mil bombing campaign there… That story wasn’t really censored though. Just nobody gave a shit.
I like the full-colour version, but I must say that image is quite sexist. There are definitely some women I’d like to see frog-marched out of DC.
(kidding, KIDDING…kidding, that is, about the sexist remark…there are definitely some women I’d like to see frog-marched out of DC though)
I LOVE the frogs! Great artwork … i hope the artist gets lots of compliments.
We’re back from Seattle where there was breaking news. We heard sirens everywhere, and an ambulance whizzed by. We turned on KOMO AM 1000 and learned the police had shot a man with a grenade.
An hour later, we checked the news again, and learned that the man “is currently deceased.”
I just checked the Seattle PI, which notes:
“Seattle police officers today shot and killed a man armed with a hand grenade and a living will in the lobby of the federal courthouse at Seventh Avenue and Stewart Street.”
(Seriously: I can sympathize with the police shooting him because they had no way of knowing that the grenade wasn’t a theat.
It was suicide by cop.)
I knew a woman who was sure that if she robbed a bank and stood outside brandishing a sub-machine gun then the cops would kill her. They didn’t. Instead she ended up doing 10 years in the psycho ward at a federal prison hospital. By the time I met her, she readily admitted that it was the stupidest suicide attempt ever. That was all pre-9/11. Nowadays, it apparently works.
And I must say that I have a problem with the handcuffs. Frogs are a very powerful archetypal symbol. They symbolize the transformative powers of human beings. (The frog has arms and legs like a human, but is more primeval.) Granted I was not here when the frog was launched so I don’t understand the context and history. But even so, my reaction is: Let our froggy go free!
but first he must pay for his numerous crimes.
A [frog] can be free even within prison walls. Freedom is something spiritual. Whoever has once had it, can never lose it. There are some [frogs] who are never free outside a prison.
– Unknown
Welcome! We’re so glad you’re here.
The allusion is to a comment by Joseph Wilson, that he’d love to see Karl Rove, et al being frogmarched out of the White House in handcuffs over the outing of his wife as a CIA agent.
The End of the Century, about The Ramones. Highlights included their triumphant first gigs in the UK, with Joe Strummer recalling the “classic punk moment” when some of the Clash and Sex Pistols climbed up through a back window backstage to hang out with Joey & the lads. And how Sid Vicious wanted to meet them but was worried the Ramones would beat him up.
And i’d blessedly forgotten all about Dee Dee’s foray into rap – a must see anyway!
…Amphibian Liberation Brigade, I’m here to present you with a summons for an appearance at the high court for cruelty to frogs. Not only is that arms cuffed high up behind the back destructive to froggy bones, the wardrobe is humiliating and an affront to animalkind. What could you have been thinking?
he is going to receive an oven baked orange glazed fly pot pie, with a side of rice pilaf and two fruits.
Honestly, his detention will be like a long weekend at Club Med.
He was all down with the glazed meat, until it tasted just like chicken. His cell mates whispered what meat it really was, but with the warm pita, he was prepared to believe it was in fact chicken.
Damn…any chance of putting a plate of chicken and biscuits on the side?
I love the new drawing…clean, crisp, and will look great on my new coffee mug.
First of all, on the issue of “froggy bones”, we will present expert testimony that will prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this frog is double-jointed and that his family history includes several well-known frog circus contortionists. Thus, that allegation is unsubstantiated.
Secondly, as to the issue of the clothing, as you know it is illegal for frogs in DC to appear in public unclothed (or nekkid, as they say). It is also an FCC violation. Therefore, while the defendant may not have subjected Monsieur Darwin to a Queer Eye for the Straight Frog makeover, I’m sure you’d agree that his wardrobe selection is suitable for the current climate in the DC area. Furthermore, for the sake of public decency, it would be an affront to all animals to have a frog marched in DC with his naughty bits exposed. BT does not condone that type of torture.
And besides that, Duncan Hunter will be preparing his meal for him once he is incarcerated.
Al Quaeda terrorist sleeper cells, you say?
Arab men taking flying lessons?
Animal Rights extremists.
The agency has about 150 open cases of arson, bombings and other violent crimes associated with militant environmental and animal rights activists protesting the experimental use of animals in medical research, he said.
Lewis made the comments Monday in an address to some of the 18,000 biotechnology executives gathered here at the four-day Biotechnology Industry Organization’s annual convention.
Some of the same groups associated with the wave of violent attacks on biotechnology companies said they planned demonstrations outside the convention center Tuesday.
I don’t recall an increased terror alert level ever being raised over animal rights extremists…maybe I missed the news those days…
And here I thought it was the Unitarian Jihad!
Seriously, though, I expect environmentalists to be high on the list if people start “disappearing.”
These two new frogs are just too graphic. I like the scribbled-out-with-a-felt-pen feel of the original. Plus where did the floating eyebrows go? They gave the froggie a kind of bewildered look. I identify with it.
Paul wasn’t the frog. I’m the frog.
Coo coo kaa choo.
because I have a lot of love for the original frog. He was created in my living room among friends, as we imbibed many drinks and discussed the many ways that we’d like to see BushCo. arrested, tried, and convicted.
But I have to cut down the colors to make mugs and shirts. The original has way too many colors and shades.
I prefer the frog on the left but I would like the frog on the right more if the tie was red.
This whole thread is hilarious! We have an identity crisis with the frog logo!
I like either one Booman. Good luck on resolving the marching the frog out of office with the mascot mentality.
(I’ll def buy a mug either way)..
I think the blue contrasts better than the grey.
Send an e-mail to Charlie Rose with questions you’d like him to ask of John Burns, the NYT reporter who covers Iraq.
Burns is on the show tonight.